Star Wars Fanon

Delta, clone designation CSC-04, was a clone pilot and a member of Team Catastrophe.


Delta was created on Kamino as a part of a side project, along with Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Unlike most of his brothers, he was created from the genes of an unknown human, instead of Jango Fett. He received standard combat training, but much more pilot training. He is the only member of Team Catastrophe that actually made it to the battle of Geonosis, as his pilot training was finished at the time. Like the other members of Team Catastrophe, however, he was made without Order 66 being programmed in his brain.


Delta is cold and methodical, almost like a machine. He is extremely silent, and only speaks when needed. He also has high respect for the Jedi order.


Delta participated in a lot of important battles along his squad during the Clone Wars, but his actions during the Empire's reign are unknown.

Missions he participated in:[]


  • "Negative. The target is too fast."
  • "Do not mistake me for a machine. I am a Clone."
  • "It is an honor to work with a Jedi. I will do my uttermost maximum in this mission."