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Rebellion era

The Defense on Trigalis was the name given by Imperial Intelligence to a commando operation on Trigalis in 0 BBY. The Alliance to Restore the Republic called their side of the intrigue Operation Black Sun Ally whereas the locals alternately referred to the four-sided affair as the Rise of Fechuxonggo or the Fall of Quorbe or even that day Vuul got killed by a stray blaster bolt.


While Rebel Group MT50 struggled to maintain its moral after failing at its first mission, Fechuxonggo Thraloftish, the sister of a deceased Pliper Rebel named Xorgzimmur Thraloftish, began a bid for power in the Black Sun of New Coronet. Her enemy in the matter was a Fiskerite named Quorbe Ploukst who retained a dangerous T'surr bounty hunter. Hoping to gain an edge, she contacted Soflas Pulviir and offered him a large amount of weapons, supplies, and credits in exchange for his assistance. As commander of Rebel Group MT50, he knew he needed to do something to bolster his troops but, having just lost Xorgzimmur on a raid on Kraa Butha, he was terrified that Fechuxonggo would kill him. Because he had worked with both siblings as a pirate before the Rebellion, he decided that he the risk was worth taking.

With two of his soldiers and a protocol droid, he left for Trigalis. Meanwhile, ISB officer Ruth Sundoraid took note of the unrest on the planet and ordered a team of Imperial commandos to defend an objective that was being observed by opportunistic individuals.

The operations[]

When Pulviir arrived he informed Fechuxonggo of the loss of her brother. She accepted the news and persuaded him and his team to help her attack Quorbe's forces. At the same time the Imperial commando team had fortified a derelict building with their objective. Highly trained warriors had the building surrounded and were attempting to capture the objective. Outnumbered and outgunned, the commandos continually held their enemy at bay. As the two factions within the Black Sun clashed in the streets, the Rebels were captured trying to infiltrate Quorbe's. A hulking Qminmeroth destroyed their protocol droid but they were soon rescued by a Woostoid who took them back to Fechuxonggo.

As the fighting between the mysterious warriors and the Imperials grew worse, Fechuxonggo sent the three rebels to find out what was happening. they managed to sneak past the perimeter and see that the warriors were fighting Imperial commandos. Although they managed to slip away without the warriors taking note, they were intercepted in an alley by Quorbe's T'surr bounty hunter who tried to capture them. They fought back and killed him.

Fechuxonggo then baited Quorbe into attacking the Imperials through her Noorian spy. The mysterious warriors were emboldened and when Quorbe arrived on the scene one of them told him that he would be rewarded for his help with the death of his enemy. However, Fechuxonggo had managed to organize her thugs to launch a surprise attack and break the siege. In an organized retreat, the mysterious warriors left Quorbe's forces to fight both Fechuxonggo and the commandos alone. But before they completely left the scene, one of them paused to kill Quorbe. Quorbe's forces were scattered almost immediately afterward.


We would just like to say that we the citizens of New Coronet are always ready and willing to defend the Empire. Should separatism arise we will strike it down and any soldier of the Empire, from the highest of generals to the lowliest of cooks, is more than welcome on our world.
—Fechuxonggo Thraloftish to an Imperial clone commando after the Defense on Trigalis[src]

With Quorbe dead and his ranks decimated and the mysterious warriors having disappeared, the victorious Fechuxonggo, as the new Black Sun Chief of New Coronet, easily made sure the Imperial commandos were well accommodated and no one went near their building without her personally being there until they left with their objective. Afterward, she gave Pulviir the supplies and credits she had promised and the Rebels safely left the planet. As he was leaving, Pulviir encountered Olto Yensk'lti, who he recognized as a former member of the Black Hole Gang, who was looting the dead and persuaded him to join the Rebel Alliance. Fechuxonggo proceeded to hunt down and murder Captain Beshmen Kluskoff, the Imperial officer in charge of the stormtrooper company that killed her brother.
