The Defender was a Guardian-class Space Station that protected Shipyard Sector 804. It was the capital, control center, administrating space station, headquarters, and trading center of the shipyard. It Defended Shipyard sector 804 from the time it was constructed to the time it was dissolved by a giant nebula. It was built by the Republic, taken by the Empire in Order 66, taken over by the New Republic, and later, honorably retired for a great service. In the Clone Wars, it served as major Station for Starfighter construction, technical vehicle and structure upgrades, and strategic battle planning for the Republic and later the the Empire. The New Republic mainly used it for defence, though and didn't apply its full potential. At the Battle of Kuat, it put up a good fight against enemy Consortium Fleets and destroyed close to 70% of the Republic enemy. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Yuuzhan Vong Fleet finally gave the Space Station a worthy opponent, yet several hundreds of Yuuzhan Battleships were terminated in battle.