The nations of these Confederate States of Earth, each state acting in her free and independent manner, invoking the justice and providence of Almighty God, have elected to secede from the Union of Earth States, on the grounds of said government no longer having the best interests of the peoples of Earth at heart, it is the belief of the Confederate people that withdrawing from a nation detrimental to the rights and liberties of the people it is supposed to fairly govern is the only way we can preserve our freedom, self-determination and rights, we, the free and independent people of these Confederate States, therefore affirm our independence and our own governance.
—The first paragraph of the Declaration of Confederate Independence
The Declaration of Confederate Independence was the declaration of independence made by the Confederate States of Earth, a nation which quickly allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in which she proclaimed her independence from the Union of Earth States, the union of nations that the Confederate States of Earth formerly owed her allegiance to, on the grounds that the Union of Earth States was corrupt and no longer fit to govern the peoples of Earth.
The declaration was written by the Alliance of Ten, the heads of state of the 10 seceded nations, the declaration was considered the founding document of the Confederacy.
The original document, along with the original copy of the Constitution of the Confederate States of Earth, was displayed in a glass case within the Confederate Parliament building in Zarkan City until 18 BBY, when both it and the Constitution were hidden in a bunker, Elizabeth Zarkan considered restoring them to their original places following the establishment of the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania, but decided against it. She restored them following the rebirth of the Confederacy during the Great Restoration in 4 ABY.
The nations of these Confederate States of Earth, each state acting in her free and independent manner, invoking the justice and providence of Almighty God, have elected to secede from the Union of Earth States, on the grounds of said government no longer having the best interests of the peoples of Earth at heart, it is the belief of the Confederate people that withdrawing from a nation detrimental to the rights and liberties of the people it is supposed to fairly govern is the only way we can preserve our freedom, self-determination and rights, we, the free and independent people of these Confederate States, therefore affirm our independence and our own governance.
The people of these free and independent Nation States that have forged this Confederate alliance of liberated states do not take this act of secession without serious thought and intention, the people truly and fully understand the cause for which they have elected us to serve upon their behalf. It is of the true and honest belief of our noble and well-mannered people that this separation is the only option for our nations to restore the true freedom and governance for which has been lost to us these past few years.
Therefore, the people of these Confederate States of Earth do announce that the compact that these now self-determined states made to that of the Government of the Union of Earth States reneged, and the alliance produced by the compact referenced prior, dissolved. This action has been undertaken out of necessity for the preservation of the liberty, happiness and fairness of the states no longer united with the aforementioned Union.
The Union of Earth States, which is presently under command of a Centralist who openly disregards the compacts made by the Government of the Union, has forced the Senate of the Union, against said Senate's will, to undermine the nations who seek to determine their own futures, often, through illegal and unconstitutional acts including forceful persuasion, bribery, terror of the civil population, threats of violence against the body politic, and has taken the absolute extreme of waging war upon these nations without the consent of the Senate of the Union of Earth States, the Democratic Republic of Leasath being of the most recent example. As a result of these hostile and illegal acts, we feel that the Union no longer represents the freedom of this planet, as it once did, we therefore feel constrained by the aforementioned acts to declare this secession.
The Government of the Union of Earth States has knowingly, and openly, invaded with hostile intent the territory of the states which have elected to pursue a policy of independence and self-determination, and has made subjects of the people of these states therein, we, being of the original members of this Union, in a time when said Union stood for true peace and freedom, cannot withstand these wanton violations of the constitution, and the compacts agreed by these nations to that of the Government of the Union.
In addition to these acts of imperialist aggression undertaken by President Williams, the aforementioned premier has placed upon the states that make up the Union taxation and tariffs far beyond reason, and without justification, he increased these taxations once more without the consent of the Senate upon this endeavour, and has forced the citizenry of the Union, who did not wish for his wars, to fund his campaign of violent conflict against the self-governing nations of the world formerly member states of the Union.
Said taxes had been most unfairly and oppressively placed upon the member states of the Traditionalist Faction, and the Western States Confederation succeeding, until said Confederacy was forcibly removed from the Senate of the Union. These states cannot abide by such taxation, the taxations have been declared unconstitutional and, therefore, illegal, by not only the states which had led the Union for more than half a century, but also by constitutionalists within said Union, we therefore declare an Ordnance of Nullification, and henceforth proclaim our unwillingness to comply with any and all taxations, and the imposition of tariffs upon our goods.
The Union Senate under President Williams had also forced the suspension of senators of the Western States Confederacy from their duties and service within the aforementioned Senate, the expulsion of fifty-nine Senators, the senators of the original Union member states, is a most despicable act, and one most reviled within the states now desiring secession. The expulsion was undertaken in a fit of rage by President Williams in regards to our rejection of his desired conflict with the forces of freedom under command of the new Head of State of the nation of Leasath, Supreme General Diego Navarro, we made, upon our own decision, a resolution to provide support and assistance to Supreme General Navarro, in order to provide for his freedom fighters a victory in their most desperate hour.
Upon the wanton violations of the State and Government of the Union of Earth States made upon the peaceful and noble citizens of God's Earth, the nation states now declaring that their binds to the Federalist Union be permanently dissolved made their free and conscious decision that the Union be no longer a party worthy of membership. These Confederate States do declare their strong desire and intent to defend justice, freedom, and peace for not only themselves, but for all nations of the Earth.
Upon this day, the Twenty-Seventh Day of New Year in the First Year of Confederate Independence, the Twenty-Seventh Day of January of the Sixtieth Year of Union, within the Calendar operated by the Union of Earth States, we, the heads of state of the nations of these Confederate States of Earth, announce our independent nation, one truly self-governing, independent, and free.
ADASH MORIDANI, Governor-in-Chief of the United Provinces of Adin and Morin
ELIZABETH IV, Queen of the Kingdom of Princeland
SAMUEL BARON, President of the Republic of Selandia
TUFAR TENGI, President of the Toman Republic
JASHA ROGANI, Lord of Erastan
ERIC XI, King of the Kingdom of Westland
JORGUN II, King of Norland
HENRY P. KENTON, Chief Governor of the Sothland Repubic
FREDERICK EOFOR, Chief Minister of the Confederation of the Drelan River