Star Wars Fanon

Dec'ora'nuruodo, core name Coran, was a female Chiss individual of the Chiss Ascendancy and the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force born on Csilla. Coran was member of the Chiss ruling family, Dec during the Chiss era. Coran was the owner of the Dec Aristocrat, given to her by the Dec family. Coran used the ship to pilot to the fields of Infinity to discover the remains of the Infinity Gun.


Recovering the Infinity Gun[]

Coran was member of the team sent to recover the superweapon constructed by Treuten Teradoc's order, the Infinity Gun. The Infinity Gun was a weapon constructed to be the ultimate dooms-day weapon, with the capability of melting the surface of a planet, and rendering it destroyed. Coran was among the first members to find the weapon, in an asteroid field of debris of destroyed starships. Coran piloted the ship through the asteroid field, to find the remains of the weapon and send the coordinates to Household Praetorian, which was still active.

Soon, multiple Wraith-class light frigates left hyperspace before the asteroid field. Coran spoke with admiral Cevar, another member of the Dec family and member of household Praetorian. After discussing, both parties decided for it to be safer not to retrieve the weapon from the debris, but rather construct it in the asteroid field, which would also work as a layer of cover.


  • Star Wars: The Infinite War (First appearance)