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Project Cruentus

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We come, we take, we conquer. YALALALALLALALALALA!
— The DTM's motto

Death's Tongue was a Rodian militia that formed in 24,299 BBY. The militia later fought in the Cruentusian War. Although it started off as little more than a small clan of bounty hunters, it eventually evolved into a formidable coalition of mercenaries, guerrilla fighters, willing recruits and conscripts, and styled itself as a militant force of freedom fighters dedicating to beating the 'imperialist oppressors'--namely, the Necasian Military and the Srav Federation.


In its early days as bounty hunter clan, the DTM had no real culture to speak. However, as it evolved into a more formidable force, it took on a fanatical mindset, claiming to be a freedom force dedicating to ridding the galaxy of 'imperialist' oppressors. Many beings throughout the galaxy who had been affected adversely by the larger faction's warring were attracted by this message, and would sign up. The DTM would often spread propaganda in impoverished and backward planets to gain manpower, and would occasionally provide stolen food and aid which it stole. Such was the fanaticism of said recruits that some became willing to sacrifice their lives for the cause the DTM claimed to be fighting for, forming the DTM's suicide bomber groups. However, the DTM was not adverse to destroying civilians or innocents that got in its way, and it had no qualms against weapons testing and general violence against primitive species, and DTM militants were encouraged to kill anyone even vaguely affiliated with its enemies, including civilians.



DtM soldier

A typical DTM Rodian soldier.

The DTM's army was initially consistent of Rodians, mercenaries and few other alien species, although, in later stages of the war the rank-and-file DTM soldiers became consistent of various militants from varying backgrounds, although elite soldiers were predominantly Rodian. The commander of the DTM was the Rodian Sabsa Junn, co-leader was Quia Xoan who was a Zabrak, Krennel Kaan whose species was presumed human or near human, and the Rodian Reloiux Dqwer. The DTM had up to 18,000 militant troops since the Battle of Carrivar. The DTM trained soldiers on the planet of Gus Talon, a planet of vast plains. If a DTM soldier talked back to a person that had higher authority, they would kill them. The same penalty went if a soldier rejected the food they are given, taking too long to get into uniform and friendly fire. The official uniform of a DTM militant is a simple shirt with a cheap built proof vest, although troops often wore makeshift camouflage vests of their own making.

The DTM leader, Sabsa Junn, created an elite team of 10 DTM soldiers, and he called it the Death's Knock Assassins.



A DTM militant equipped with a DR12 rocket launcher

The DTM's explosive weapons were very destructive, although their other armament was often cheap and shoddy. Standard-issue equipment for DTM soldiers was some grenades, assault rifles and a hand gun, although militants often equipped themselves with any weapons they could obtain. DR12 rocket launchers with varying explosives were also very popular amongst militants. DTM propaganda, mostly made by Dqwuer, convinced many beings to become suicide bombers for the DTM. They would blew themselves up with very powerful explosives that could stretch up to 40 meters.

The DTM also made liberal use of dirty and germ weapons, mostly using the eborax virus, which were for the most part designed by Krennel Kaan. This would culminate in the Eborax bomb, a strategic weapon capable of infecting an entire area with deadly eborax clouds.





An early DTM recruitment poster

Men, BLAST EM'!!!!
—Gan Gan when he takes part in the street fight

The Death's Tongue was founded in 24,300 BBY on the planet Tarnaska, by a gang of Rodians. The Rodians were bounty hunters from a club called Heasr's Pub. The gang members started off coming once a week to talk about important issues and bounty's of wanted people. The group started off with twenty people, the leader at that time was a Rodian named "Gan Gan" whom was trained by the Echanti. He was the smallest of the group. The third meeting of the gang was their most memorable day. They planned to apply for membership in the largest club of bounty hunters called Rodia Knights. They walked in and were immediately shot at.

The gang drew their weapons and fired at their attackers, taking only twenty shots to kill them. The gang slowly walked up to a man dressed in a green suit and asked if they could join the gang. The man laughed and made a bet with the gang; if they took him and his bodyguards out in a melee-only combat, then they could not only join but own the club as well. The gang accepted. The two gangs entered the street out side the club as most gang fights usually do in Tarnaska. They fought, and the DTM won. The members of the Rodia Knights were shocked but pledged allegiance to the DTM. The militia owned the planet of Tarnaska by killing all of the members of the planets monarchy.

Before the Cruentusian War[]

It's just like a game Dejarik, you don't use what you got and they become bored and restless. And when there comes a time of need for the pawns, they have already taken your stuff and held a gun to your head.
Sabsa Junn talking to his leader

The first two months of formation was considered difficult by Gan Gan. He had to create a system of hierarchy and rules for the members to abide by. Various members were workless as Gan Gan was planning the faction’s first battle. At the time, the Tarnaskan Crisis was occurring. Many small gangs were fighting for supremacy, eventually leading the DTM to participate in the first battle of Tarnaska.

Behind the scenes[]

The DTM has its own theme.
