De Bella Sicc'oraxiana, "The Sicc'oraxian Wars" in Galactic Basic Standard, was a book written by Morsian writer and historian Severus Ovi'dius about the three Morsian wars with the Sicc'orax Republic and its successor the People's Democratic Republic of Sicc'oraxia. Severus lived during the time of the First Morsian Republic, then known as just the Morsian Republic, and wrote his book some time after the conclusion of the Third Morsian-Sicc'orax War. His book acted as a historical account of the three major wars with the Sicc'orax.
The book was both a first-hand and third-hand account of the wars, as Severus lived through the third war but not the first or second, resulting in him using other accounts and retellings of the prior wars to fulfil his account. Also due to him not being alive for the first two wars, the chapters for these were shorter and less fleshed out, with a far more Morsian-centric view of the wars.
As it compiled all of the wars with the Sicc'orax, the book must have been written at some point after 16,070 BBY, when the Sicc'orax were finally defeated.