Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Dax Olesa was a Human male born on Charmath, a small planet in the Farrfin sector, close to the Galactic Core. He fought as a skirmisher, attacking key locations in the Separatist systems during the Clone Wars with a few close friends. At the end of the Clone Wars, Dax joined the Imperial Army.

He left the Imperial Army shortly after the dissolution of the Senate. While Dax accepted the new Empire, he did not believe that the Senate's breakdown and removal was acceptable.

He joined the Rebellion, and attacked an Imperial stronghold on Naboo. He was marked as a traitor and was sentenced to death. As a member of the Rebel Alliance, he quickly rose through the ranks, which culminated in his promotion to the rank of captain. He earned a positive reputation throughout the galaxy as a skilled pilot. He left the Alliance shortly after the end of the Galactic Civil War. He lived in his Charmath home for many more years, undaunted by the goings on of the galaxy. He died in 53 ABY in a medical facility on Coruscant, twenty-five years after the Battle of Wayland, after being poisoned by members of the Imperial Remnant.


Early life[]

If you make one more joke about your eye, Dax, I'm going to knock out the other one.
—Unknown friend to Dax Olesa


Not much was known about the early life of Dax Olesa. He was born on Charmath in 42 BBY to parents who never had time for him. He was born without a right eye so his parents had a cybernetic one implanted for him. Despite his lack of parental attention, he still had an inexplicable love for them. He was, however, not alone growing up, his parents hired several sitters, and caretakers for him.

Dax's parents were killed on a trip to Naboo in 32 BBY, due to the Trade Federation Blockade. Their deaths angered him so much that he swore to avenge them, and destroy the Trade Federation.

Clone Wars[]

When Dax was fifteen, he inherited his parents’ assets, including their YT-2400 light freighter, their house, their money, and their weapons. The caretaker of the household was responsible for the assets until Dax was mature enough to receive them. He invited his friends to come live in the house with him. His friends, many of whom were orphans as well, agreed. After they had lived there for about a week, Dax told them of his promise to avenge his parents' deaths. His friends agreed to help him, and they set up a secret training facility in the house's hangar.

Three of his twenty-two friends, who had black market connections, went off to buy supplies and weapons. Using Dax's parents' money, they returned with several units of Bacta, a E-11 blaster rifle for each member of the group, and several DC-17 hand blasters. They also brought many training programs and systems. The friends split themselves into four groups and trained for hours each day. Some members of the group got themselves jobs to help fund their organization. They were able to buy three more midsized starfighters, and upgrades for their weapons and training systems. Most of these items were paid for in cash so there would be little care about where the money was coming from.

One of their earlier strikes was focused on the Hypori droid factory in 21 BBY. They destroyed several droids, but the focus of their attack was not on the battle droids themselves, but rather; their programming. this was because a large number of the members of the group had hot-wiring and programming experience. They hacked into the factory's mainframe and changed the programming of the droids from battle droids to serving droids, creating a very comical spectacle for the republic, when hundreds of droids came out of the factory, and 'presented' their weapons to the Republic Troops. This set the Separatists back significantly, and led to the Confederate loss in the Battle of Muunilinst. This strike only succeeded because of the small number of the group, if they had attempted to infiltrate the factory with a larger number they may not have succeeded.

The Republic kept this quiet because they did not want to seem indebted to a group of teenagers. They kept this away from the media, and made sure that they were not indicted by any local law enforcement groups. The Republic wished to be pleasantly surprised by another impossible victory.

In 20 BBY, when the Clone Wars ended, the group disbanded. It is unknown what happened to the others after that. They were never given any historically documented credit for their part in the war, but each of them had a section added to their files in the Galactic Records. Dax kept contact with few of them.

Rise of the Empire and leaving the Imperial Army[]

Palpatine rise of the empire

Palpatine announces the Rise of the Empire

The Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire!

Dax joined the Imperial Army five years before the Battle of Yavin, and took part in many battles that helped the Empire in gaining control over many worlds. Despite the aid he gave the Empire, he still had his doubts about it, and had constant correspondence with his friends about these doubts. The Jedi had been saviors and heroes of the Republic for millennia. He often debated with his Clone Wars friends about why the Jedi did revolt, and why they did it at the end of the Clone Wars, when they had thousands of years to stage a coup. Although he never had any contact with a Jedi, he still could not purge those questions from his mind.

When the Senate was dissolved in 0 BBY, Dax's attention was immediately drawn to it. He spoke to his commanding officer, and had himself transferred to Naboo. As soon as he got to the outpost on Naboo, he began to put a plan into action. He used his training and experience from the Clone Wars to get accepted into a demolitions course and eventually get positioned as a Demolitions Officer. He used this position to activate his plan and stationed as many guards as he could to "protect" a box of explosives, which he had timed to explode when the shifts were changing. His attack killed almost a hundred stormtroopers, many officers, and injured many more. He was marked as a traitor and sentenced to death. As he was escaping a human officer blocked his path, Dax pulled out a blast as quickly as he could and aimed a shot at the gun hand of his opponent, the officer keeled over in pain while Dax shot several other limbs, mostly unnecessarily before leaving him alive, but mangled on the walkway.

Dax escaped from Naboo before they could recuperate enough to search for him. He fled to his homeworld of Charmath, and was overjoyed to see his house and training facilities still intact. He spent a week there before authorities on Charmath were informed about him. He escaped to Yavin IV purely on instinct, and was taken by the Rebel Alliance, who thought he was a member of the Empire.

Battle of Yavin[]

After a thorough background check on Dax, the rebels found his Clone Wars record and his death sentence from the Empire. Dax had never made any attempt to hide his history. The Alliance copied the information, and purged his history from the Galactic Records. He was accepted into the Rebellion shortly after an assessment of his skills. The Rebels, who were impressed with his skill, gave him the rank of lieutenant, and set a small platoon of troops under his command.

When the Battle of Yavin began, he was part of a team of fighter pilots in non-registered ships, making it harder for the Empire to discern rebels from refugees. Throughout the battle, Dax showcased his piloting skills. He fought side by side with Luke Skywalker, destroyed many automated weapons on the surface of the Death Star, and helped to keep many of his companions alive. He was one of the few pilots to survive the battle and see the destruction of the Death Star.

Restuss destroyed

The ruins of the Restuss hangar shortly after the battle

Dax was widely considered, by his peers, to be an accomplished soldier by the time the battle of Restuss took place. The Imperial Moff ordered a civilian evacuation of the city of Restuss, and the battle began. When more and more Rebels were wounded, they set up a med-facility in the city. As the city was being destroyed and the Rebels were escaping, the medical facility also began its evacuation procedure. They had an escape plan and were keeping to it. As they were exiting the facility, the door was blown away and they were trapped by several hundred kilos of rubble. There was an alternate route, but it was underground and extremely treacherous.

Dax noticed their plight even as his fighter rose up and entered the outer atmosphere. He canceled his course and flew down to the facility. He called in and made sure everyone was on one side of the building, he then proceeded to blast a hole in the opposite wall. He grounded his vessel a few feet from the facility to cover the escaping personnel and patients. Dax led them to the hangar, which was just barely still standing, and escorted them out of the system.

When the battle was over he was given high honor, and promoted to captain. During his time in the Alliance he made friends with many of the famous rebels including Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antillies, and Col Serra

Battle of Hoth[]

I don't think a dead womp rat could have flown that thing worse than you did!
—Dax Olesa's superior officer

When the Battle of Hoth began, Dax was instructed to pilot a snowspeeder. Despite the fact that he was not part of the original squadron, his superiors felt that his performances over the last few battles earned him the right and privilege. However, the controls of the speeder were unfamiliar to him, and Dax was used to flying in space. The gravity on Hoth affected his judgment at the controls, and, because of this, he had a hard time just taking off. He switched the gears on the speeder and it began to rise, but Dax expected it to rise faster, and fly differently, because of this he skidded on the floor with the bottom of the speeder. The grinding noise alerted him to his height problem, so he pulled up, but he pulled up a little too quickly and grazed the ceiling of the hangar as he was flying out. Quickly a superior officer noticed his predicament and ordered him to return to the hangar.

Hoth Dish Turret

Dax Olesa in a 1.4 FD P-Tower laser cannon

Dax did as he was bid. He then joined up with the troops of foot soldiers and marched along with them to the trenches. He took control of a 1.4 FD P-Tower laser cannon and shot several shots toward the approaching AT-ATs. The shots did nothing other than bounce off the armor of the huge vehicles. As the AT-ATs grew closer Dax's turret came in range for their guns. He took a hard blast head on sending him flying several feet in the air.

He woke up several hours later in the med-bay of a GR-75 medium transport one of those part of the Rebellion's escape fleet. The blast had scarred his face and torso, it had also caused his cybernetic eye to disintegrate, but not before sparking up and burning a large portion of his face. In addition to the external damage, there was internal damage as well. Dax spent several days recuperating.

End of the Galactic Civil War[]

Dax remained a captain for the rest of his military career with the Alliance. At the end of the war, when the New Republic was established, he was offered a position as a General in the New Republic Armed Forces, but he declined due to his age. He instead received a desk job on Coruscant in the Senate building. He later went back to live at his home on Charmath and lived most of his remaining years there. He took part in no more wars and grew to an old age, for a Human being.


Dax Olesa Museum

The Dax Olesa Museum on Charmath

In 53 ABY, he was poisoned by members of the Imperial Remnant who had been with him on Naboo, and still held grudges for injuries, and the deaths of their friends. He was 97 years old. He traveled to Coruscant and sought medical treatments. He was treated by many doctors, but no one was able to cure him. He died in the facility, while he was sleeping. It was clear, to his doctors, from physique and health record that, had he not been poisoned, he would have managed to live for several more years.

Dax had no known family other than his parents, but the New Republic had not forgotten his part in the war that led to its inception. A funeral was held for him at his own house on Charmath. Many former Rebels were present including, Thrak Gorshun, Aaron Gunnar, even Luke Skywalker came as an honor to Dax. His casket floated through the crowd on repulsor-lifts. His body was in his Rebel Uniform, and was adorned with all of his awards and medals. It is unknown if any of his friends from the Clone Wars were present at this funeral.

His house on Charmath was transformed into a museum honoring him and many other Rebels whose lives he had saved years earlier. The museum was funded by his friends from the Clone Wars, who had begun planning it together for him even before the Clone Wars ended. It was named after him as a tribute to his life, by the friends who funded it.

Personality and traits[]

Dax was always very fond of humor. His happy disposition always seemed put others in a good mood, and increased morale. He still made humorous remarks even on his death bed, such as describing his face as a womp rat with Quannot's Syndrome. There were many reasons he loved humor so much; the most prominent being was use as a defense mechanism. His parents never showed him love or attention, so he turned to humor.

Even as he made so many people smile, he also had a very hard time with showing compassion. Many times when he was fighting in the Clone Wars he would come across sentient Federation soldiers, and torture them, even as he killed them. He refused to believe that only some of the Federation was responsible for his parents' death. He believed each member of the Separatists were to be punished for what was done to him. Many were afraid of him for this reason, but they knew he would not hate them unless given reason to. Perhaps he was so unforgiving because he was afraid. He was afraid that he, like his parents, would die innocently.

Due to his success in so many battles, Dax was often overcome with arrogance, it affected his judgment and decreased his leadership abilities.

Talents and abilities[]

Dax was considered, by many of his commanding officers, to be a great pilot. He did maneuvers that many of his peers could not do. However, he was used to flying, and maneuvering, in anti-gravity; flying in an actual atmosphere was not one of his strong points. The training program he used on Charmath inflicted non-lethal wounds, similar to wounds inflicted by crashing a ship.

In addition to being considered a stellar pilot, he was also noted as a marksman by the Alliance. The training program he used on Charmath put him in the center of a virtual battle. The program made it seem as though his life depended on winning these battles, it inflicted real, but nonlethal, blaster wounds, and had very realistic enemies. However this skill only helped him when he was stationary, during the heat of a battle, when running was needed, he often received a few blaster wounds.

Both of these programs were custom made for the friends who set out to get them.

Behind the scenes[]

Dax Olesa was a Rebel soldier in the Star Wars Battlefront 2 game by Pandemic. The author of the article, Sw9889, wanted to write an article about a non-Jedi character that would have a large part in the major wars from the canon movies.

The character's name, Dax Olesa, was chosen because it was the first Rebel name the author became familiar with while playing Star Wars Battlefront 2.

