Star Wars Fanon

The Daruvvians were a near-human species from the Inner Rim planet Daruvvia. They bore a strong resemblance to the Etti of Etti IV.

Biology and appearance[]

The Daruvvians were thin, lanky, light blue-skinned humanoids with black hair and brown eyes. They stand 1.8 meters in height.

Society and culture[]

Daruvvians could work for any affiliation and occupation, and could speak in their own native language. They could speak Basic. They were also the makers of the Daruvvian champagne, a type of alcoholic beverage from their homeworld. They were one of the 5 million sentient species (alien races) known to the Empire in the galaxy.


The Daruvvians evolved on Daruvvia, a temperate planet located in the Daruvvia system within the Hapes Cluster of the Inner Rim. Their homeworld was explored sometime between 20,000 BBY and 15,000 BBY, during the Great Manifest Peroid and settlement of Trailing Sectors. It fell into the area of space known as The Slice. They shared their home cluster with the Hapans and many other species. It became a part of Republic Space during the Clone Wars. In 25 ABY, their homeworld's population was up to 10 million, the same year the Yuuzhan Vong invaded their home galaxy. Their homeworld became a part of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire in 137 ABY.

