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You want to know why I fell to the dark side? I fell to the dark side because it promised me power, but you and your kind heart will never join me.
—Darth Vulture to clone trooper Jedi named Warrior during the battle of Manaan (clone wars)
Darth Vulture was a 25,000 year old battle droid who was created in 25,000 BBY. He was made by an anonymous Jedi using a technique to make droids Force-sensitive. Shortly after his creation, his master taught him how to be invincible through the Force. His master had a son named Wendell.
Vulture's master was killed thirteen years after his son was born by a Sith Lord named Katu Kata. He later killed Katu Kata, after Katu said that one day he would be the longest-living Sith lord. He later became a Jedi again after meeting a clone trooper Jedi.
After he killed Katu Kata, he took on his son, a Gand named Tuk'kata kata as a Sith apprentice. He later caused Darth Sion to supposedly die, and taught Sion to be invincible. Reign of sith
He reigned as a true sith lord from 24,987 BBY to 20,000 BBY. In 20,000 BBY foresaw his retirement he quit being the dark lord.his apprentice wanted to become a jedi to be with his beloved (Meetra Surik).Dear people,I want you to share you ideas about vulture,add to this article