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Darth Verona was a Dathomir Nightsister who served under Darth Galepius in his Disciples of Bane. She was a skilled warrior but was killed in the Battle of the Xeros Asteroids by both Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn whom she had been torturing for almost two years.
The disciple[]
Verona was a very powerful witch on Dathomir and reigned over much of the planet with an iron will. But around about sixty years before the clone wars her planet was invaded by the Disciples of Bane, led by Galepius. Utterly defeated, Verona offered Galepius her life but he spared her and she joined the ranks of his Disciples.
A harsh taskmaster, she kept Galepius's Eriduian ground forces in check. This was until the Republic discovered what the Disciples were up to and sent Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon to defeat them. When they were captured, she went with Galepius and his chief apprentice Sisidou to their base in the Xeros Asteroids where the Jedi were being held.
For almost two years, Verona and her fellow Sith tortured the two Jedi both mentally and physically. Towards the end of this period, Galepius and Sisidou left to lead the war effort, allowing Verona to continue the torture herself. She went further then she ever had before, pushing the two Jedi to the brink of death.
It was only when the pirate Mera Dan arrived with his fleet to assault her base that brought an end to this. As Verona directed her small fleet against the pirates, she found herself outnumbered and outgunned. As she fled to the hanger, she was confronted by Dooku and Qui-Gon who had escaped their cells. She used her whip to keep the Jedi at bay as she tried to fight her way through to freedom.
Refusing Qui-Gon's offer of amnesty, she fought to the end, only being brought down when Qui-Gon severed her whip arm. Even before she realized what had happened, Dooku stabbed her through the stomach from behind and she fell badly injured to the ground and the Jedi left her for dead.
However, she survived and took on an apprentice, Arula Dru, who went on many missions for her. Verona and her apprentice later helped the fallen Jedi Gangru Morpir to battle Jedi Master Nin over the Second Glove of XoXaan, that she was also after. She was defeated by Nin, but she watched as Jedi Deva Padj killed Nin before being defeated by Morpir. Verona then used her whip to take out Morpir and she retrieved both gloves and left with her apprentice, who she had sent to collect the glove first.
She and Dru would later attack the Sith training vessel Might of the Sith with the aid of Verona's other apprentice Sha'ala Doneeta in an effort to wipe out any threats to their new Sith order. However, Verona's old enemy Gangru Morpir succeeded in defeating her and badly wounding Arula, who fled, but Verona attempted to use the gloves to destroy him but she was stabbed from behind by Jedi Arthas Mentallis, who had infiltrated the ship with a team of Jedi. However, before she could be arrested, she used the Gloves to vanish before the eyes of Morpir and the others.
She transported herself to Ossus, where she placed fallen Jedi Deva Padj under her control, and used him to take control of Arthas Mentallis, who she ordered to destroy the Might of the Sith, giving her ally Arlan Darlak the nerve to come out of the Maw, where he had been hiding for over a year, and attack. She then headed to the Maw and persuaded Darlak to attack, just as Arthas destroyed the Sith ship once and for all. A battle erupted and Verona used her powers to give Darlak's fleet the advantage but Morpir and Dark Acolyte Sabyrne Fen boarded the ship and confronted her and her apprentice. While Fen killed Arula, Morpir battled her, causing her to lose control of the fleet and give the advantage to Grevious. With her last effort, she conjured a force storm strong enough to wipe them all out but Morpir severed one of her arms, causing the storm to go out of control. Verona was then killed by Morpir, but the wave of force energy that erupted when she died and the storm she had created wiped out Darlak's fleet, bringing an end to all her plans.