Star Wars Fanon

And the Wizard that was the Old Battle-scarred Knight shall leave his brethren behind. He shall seek to to restore balance to a universe marred by folly and gluttony and to oppose the veil of darkness. But in time he shall grow prouder and more impatient and he shall desire power to order all the worlds to his will, trusting that it shall be to the benefit of all their denizens. Little by little he shall fall away from his quest, forgetting the good in pursuit of the power to effect it. Researching occult arts, practices and lore forbidden by his former Order, at first seeking a means to defeat the growing darkness, the Knight shall find a trail to the Dark Lord himself. Doubtlessly at first he shall seek out this fell warlock to vanquish him. But when he shall come to face him, the Knight shall instead hearken to his honeyed words and be ensnared. And so he shall fall under the domination of the Dark Lord and no longer shall he oppose the darkness, but he shall believe it to be that power needed to bring order once and for all. He shall become the Dark Lord's servant, greatest of all the minions he had had until then, though in truth he shall be but the Dark Lord's puppet, acting out his will. Many he shall sacrifice and betray and many he shall gather for the service of his new master. But even as he would do his new master's bidding, the Wizard shall seek to one day take up the Dark Lord's crown for himself. And the Dark Lord shall let him dream that the servant could become the master, for he shall have need of the fallen Knight for long. The Dark Lord shall laugh at his servant's outward flattery, but also at the plots he thinks concealed, secure in his knowledge and power. And the Wizard, this fallen Knight, shall strike time and time again against those he had once called 'family', and he would bring victory within an inch of his dark master's grasp. But he shall not live to rule this new age of darkness, nor even sit at his lord's left-hand. For he shall have outlived his use, his time of service.
——Fragment of an old Jedi text pertaining to The Prophecy of the Chosen One

Darth Tyranus, born as Dooku, was both the first Wizard and the Old Battle-scarred Knight prophesied in ancient Jedi lore. According to these teachings, he would be a valiant knight fated to betray his brethren, being ensnared by the Dark Lord and becoming his servant. He would help his new master plunge the universe into an age of darkness, only to be himself betrayed and cast aside.

He was a Sith Lord - one of the mightiest of Darth Bane's lineage - who proved himself instrumental to the completion of the Grand Plan: commanded by his new master, Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus ensured the creation of the clone army that would wipe out the Jedi Order and rallied the Separatist Alliance to weaken the Republic during the Clone Wars, thus paving the way for the Sith Empire's rebirth. As the visible leader of the Separatist forces, Tyranus was Sidious' original right-hand who acted out his will and was promised a place at his side as joint ruler of the galaxy; but even as he did his new master's bidding, he plotted to eventually supplant him as Emperor. However, the "Count of Serenno" never came close to achieving his goal, being discarded in favor of one more younger and more powerful.


Insurances on Geonosis[]

Tyranus: “General Tann, the time has come. Soon the war will begin. Lord Sidious has foreseen a great battle on Geonosis. As I speak I am en route to that very planet: the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guilds and the others are finally open to an arrangement with our Alliance. They have provided aid to us in the past, but their stable support is needed if we are to have any chance of toppling the Republic. Should the Republic interfere, I want you to be prepared to secure the swift departure of our allies and myself from the surface. We must ensure that everything my Master has set in motion does not unhinge. I expect you not to fail, General
Tann: “But of course, my Lord. I will not fail
―Darth Tyranus and Sev'rance Tann

En route to Geonosis to secure the support of the Banking Clan, the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guilds and the others, Darth Tyranus contacted Sev'rance Tann: the Clone Wars were about to begin and his new master, Darth Sidious, had foreseen that a battle would soon take place on Geonosis; the megacorporations' continued backing was vital to both the Separatist Alliance's victory over the Republic and the other plans of the Dark Lord of the Sith. Tann's orders were to cover the escape of Tyranus and the corporate leaders he was meeting, with the Sith Lord making it clear that failure was unacceptable.

Evading capture by Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and with Sev'rance Tann providing a suitable distraction, Tyranus ultimately fled Geonosis in his Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop and headed to Coruscant: he had both important news and a gift from Poggle the Lesser - namely the plans for the planet-killing battle station known as the "Death Star" - to deliver to his master.

A visit to Duro[]

Keggle: “Count Dooku. To what do we owe the "pleasure" of you inviting yourself to our planet? Perhaps your Lordship hasn't paid much attention to the Separatist Senate's orientation. Your representatives should have explained that Duro is aligned with the Republic.
Tyranus: “ The Separatist Alliance is well aware of Duro's choice to stay with the Republic - we have no intention of questioning Duro's self-determination. Still, I come here to warn you... and to offer you a chance. Your people still cling to a corrupt Republic that has ignored your interests and pleas for decades. The Republic cannot be fixed. It is time to start over. Your world has so far been spared from the chaos and bloodshed of this unfortunate war. But for how long? The Republic's forces are moving deeper into the Outer Rim, leaving its heart vulnerable. I have no desire to infringe on your territories, Chief Keggle, but my military advisors don't see it that way. This small garrison cannot withstand the droid armies. Without your cooperation there is not much I can do. But if Duro were to join our Alliance, then our Senate could hear your plea for clemency and grant it. Now, since I've worn out my welcome just by landing here, I shall leave. I expect your answer soon, Keggle. But remember: a friendship with Dooku is not lightly thrown aside. One ill turn deserves another.
―Darth Tyranus and Hoolidan Keggle

As his enforcer Grievous prepared Operation: Durge's Lance, Darth Tyranus paid a visit to Duro in his Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop and was "greeted" on the landing platform by Hoolidan Keggle, Chief Representative Officer of the High House of Duro. Reprimanded for inviting himself to the planet, Tyranus claimed to have arrived to warn and to give Keggle's people a chance: to leave the Republic and join the Separatist Alliance. The Sith Lord pointed out that the Republic had neglected Duro for decades, especially now during the Clone Wars by granting it only a small garrison to defend itself against potential Separatist attacks. Expecting an answer soon enough, Tyranus then left, but not before threatening Keggle not to lightly refuse his "friendship".

After Keggle told him that the High House of Duro was unwilling to defect to the Separatist Alliance, Tyranus ordered Grievous to launch an attack on the planet. Following the great and bloody victory in the Battle of Duro, the Sith Lord had the shadowfeeds relay footage of the war-torn battlefield to boost the morale of the Separatist forces and spread fear and doubt among neighboring Republic worlds. Darth Tyranus then contacted Darth Sidious, assuring his dark master that the ongoing campaign would equalize the Separatist and Republic victories and ensure that the Clone Wars would rage on for as long as the Grand Plan of the Sith Order required it.
