Star Wars Fanon
Era-sith empireOld Republic era

I have a vision of what this galaxy should be like and I will destroy anyone who will try and stop me.
—Darth Tomus.

Tomar Kuen was a Human male Jedi Knight who fell from the light and became an infamous Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Tomus.


Early life (3,000 BBY–2,980 BBY)[]

The exact details of Tomus’ early life cannot be ascertained. Though there were some that claimed he had been born beyond the Outer Rim Territories, the exact details of his parentage and homeworld remained a mystery. Regardless of his unknown origin, he was eventually deemed suitable at an early age for instruction in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order

Strengthen an Empire (2,976 BBY–2,972 BBY)[]

Imperial War (2,969 BBY–2,955 BBY)[]

At last I return and now the Jedi will pay!.
—Darth Tomus.

Galactic rule (2,955 BBY–2,944 BBY)[]

Grand Moff Killian: “The Galaxy belongs to the Empire now, it’s hard to believe that in such a short amount of time the Emperor amassed such a force to conquer the Republic.
Sith Lord: “Yes it’s strange.
―Grand Moff Killian, talking to a Sith Lord about the Empire.

Final years (2,944 BBY—)[]

Death and legacy[]

Even in death I still protect my Empire. You are my descendant and the threat I foresaw many, many years ago is still out there and the Empire needs to be strong.
—Darth Tomus' Force Ghost to Tomun Keen.

At some point prior to 2,800 BBY Tomus passed away. When he died his spirit was introduced to past Sith Lords. Tomus body was buried on Korriban in a special made tomb build to his specifications. A decade after his death the tomb became the focus of Dark Side energies and eventually became a Force Nexus. Tomus teachings were honored and the next generation of Sith where taught his unique views on the Force.

Personality and traits[]

He was kind hearted man the best example of a Jedi in my opinion and the best hope for this galaxy.
—Keria Una reflecting on Tom.

Physical appearance[]

Tomus was an unprepossessing man, with fair skin, brown hair and green eyes. Tomus described his own features as "unremarkable" and "average". During the His exile Tomus took to wearing his hair long which he tied back. At some point before or after his fall to the Dark Side, Tomus had grown a beard, which he wore throughout the Remnant Sith Civil War, and after. This beard eventually became a trademark part of his appearance.

Powers and abilities[]

His potential is unlimited..he may surpass me soon enough we must prepare for that moment!
Darth Wraith to his Secret Apprentice.

Tomus was the most powerful Jedi of his time, and proved his mettle during difficult and challenging scenarios. He defeated several powerful and dangerous adversaries in single combat, including Yusan, Oteg, Keria, Darth Nord, Darth Ban-she, Darth Malgas, and Darth Nyriss III. Tomus was also very charismatic and could easily inspire others to join his cause. He played a pivotal role in reshaping galactic events with his exploits. When Tomus walked the path of darkness, he managed to corrupt several notable individuals on his way including Vex, Tosen and Vane.

Lightsaber training[]

His skill with a lightsaber puts the best Jedi Master to shame.
—Darth Vedas about Tomus's skills.

Tomus was a skilled swordsman. While dueling his opponents, Tomus performed acrobatic maneuvers to increase his effectiveness. Tomus also used his advanced precognition abilities to anticipate the dueling moves of his opponents in advance with high accuracy to effectively counter them, and outsmart his opponents. When he fell to the Dark Side he became more agressive in his attacks they were the same moves but backed by agression.

Tomus wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber during his days a Jedi. During his exile he wielded a cyan-bladed lightsaber. Upon falling to the dark side of the Force and becoming a Sith Lord, he would change his lightsaber color to crimson. During his duel with Darth Ban-she he duel wielded lightsabers showing incredible skill.

Force abilities[]

When I looked upon him it was like staring at the heart of the Force...
—Darth Vedas.

Tomus was very strong in the Force—the most gifted of his time—and eventually, by all accounts, managed to gain exceptional command of the Force. Many of his peers were impressed by his talents and skills, while the Master secretly feared that he would change the Jedi Order. Another powerful Jedi, Vex, particularly noted that Tomus's command of the Force was greater than that of anyone else she had ever met even the Grand Master Obi-Kai Starwalker.

Tomus could use the Force to augment his physical strength, speed, and perform various acrobatic feats. Tomus had incredible Force sense abilities. With focus, he could sense the presence of another Force-user across the span of the entire Galaxy he could also sense Jedi who try to hide there presence. He could also use the Force to assist him under challenging situations which involved precise judgements. During his time on Dantooine, Tomus performed Floating Meditation inconjunction with Telekinesis. Tomus was adept at using the Force to directly heal his wounds without seeking medication attention. Tomus also possessed the ability to resist the effects of poisons and drugs.

Tomus was proficient in the application of Telekinesis being able to move heavy objects simultaneously with mere gestures. He could also hurl heavy objects as missiles towards his targets. In addition, he could Push, Grip, Choke and Crush his targets with the Force. Tomus could also use the Force to create a whirlwind of Force energy to overwhelm his opponents.Furthermore, Tomus was adept in the use of Saber Throw technique and used this ability to cut down multiple opponents simultaneously from a distance.

Tomus also had the rare ability to perceive shatterpoints and used the ability in many ways from lightsaber and force combat to politics.

Tomus was proficient in the application of Force lightning, and also in the use of defensive techniques to counter it,. Tomus had a unique colour of Force lightning which was red and more powerful than normal Force lightning. Tomus could use his bare hands to absorb and deflect very powerful Force lightning attacks. Very few Force-users in galactic history have demonstrated this ability.

Tomus possessed the capabilities to influence the physical and mental condition of his opponents. He was capable of using mind tricks on his opponents, and force his will on them. Tomus could also steal knowledge from his opponents, and particularly used this ability to probe the mind of Lord Vars during his first encounter with him.In addition, Tomus could afflict his targets, and replenish his energies by feeding on them. He was particularly immune to the effects of fear. Furthermore, Tomus could psychologically manipulate his opponents to use them as tools for his plans.

During his apprenticeship under Darth Wraith he learnt many ancient Sith technques and mastered them extremly fast, Darth Wraith was impressed at this but also fearful. Tomus was gifted with Farsight abilities, and commonly experienced Force visions, which guided him in his quests. He could also sense danger in advance.

Behind the scenes[]

Darth Tomus current picture is temporary and will be replaced sometime in the future.
