This article, Darth Syrinn, was created by HarmonyGrex. |
Darth Syrinn, born Shiren Dizkar, was a Force-sensitive human female Dark Lord of the Sith who lived centuries prior to the fall of the Galactic Republic. A prominent Sith alchemist and sorceress, Syrinn was a member of the lineage of the Rule of Two started by Darth Bane in 1,000 BBY, and her apprentice continued the line when they killed her in 689 BBY. Her remains were interred in a cave on Yavin 4, alongside her Sith holocron, which would be discovered years later.
Born amongst the crystal forests of Christophsis in 769 BBY, from an early age Dizkar had a fascination with alchemy and science after seeing kyber crystals being purified in her homeworld's capital city Chaleydonia. This interest led her to work as a medicinal researcher for the Republic Medical Service for several decades, testing the properties of newly-discovered bacteria on far-flung worlds. It was while doing this work that she came to the attention of the Kel Dor Sith Lord Darth Flurin, who was seeking out an artifact on the same planet, after inadvertently creating a Force-imbued potion in 709 BBY. He subsequently took her on as a Sith apprentice in spite of her relatively advanced age, allowing her to access many secrets of the dark side of the Force. She soon began to use the Force to mask her visible age and appear much younger to those who saw her. Eventually, in the tradition of the Rule of Two, Syrinn killed her master using her Sith alchemy and took the mantle of Sith Master for herself in 702 BBY.
Syrinn later took a Chiss male under her wing as her own apprentice, christening him Darth Mowbris, but soon began to worry that he was not following the tenets of the Sith as she had under her own master and began planning to replace him; at the same time she was investigating the possibility of achieving eternal life and, after discovering an ancient Twi'lek shamanic essence transfer blood ritual in 689 BBY, attempted to shift her mind and spirit into the body of the Nautolan Jedi Knight Nakaya Riso. However her apprentice cut the ritual short by attacking her, forcing her to enter the Nautolan's body unprepared, and was almost killed by Mowbris before she surrendered. She explained that she had finally realized that Mowbris was a true Sith after all and was happy to be supplanted by him as long as he dealt with her remains appropriately, to which he agreed. Both her human and Nautolan bodies were buried on Yavin IV, after she visited the planet earlier in 689 BBY and discovering a tribe of ancient Massassi warriors from the era of Exar Kun, managing to hold them in stasis with her Force abilities even after her death. Her apprentice also installed a boulder suspended by a rope to be used as a trap in her tomb, to ward off potential grave robbers, and her holocron to instruct any future Force wielders who stumbled across her tomb.
In 3 ABY, members of the Imperial Army - namely, Delof Terallo and Zekk Ryen - discovered her cavernous tomb and chose to explore it, accidentally awakening the dormant Massassi residing within it. After Sergeant Ryen was killed by them in a blood sacrifice, Lieutenant Terallo and his astromech droid, R5-C3, retreated further into the temple and used the trap installed all those years ago to hold off the ancient predators. Darth Syrinn then appeared to the man, commending his wisdom and proposing that she could train him in the ways of the dark side using the knowledge of the holocron, which she served as gatekeeper for. Instead, however, Terallo refused and called in the Imperial Reclamation Service, who took her holocron for safekeeping. Despite this, her remains were not uncovered and remained deeper within a sealed-off part of the tomb and when Terallo woke up, having been healed by Syrinn, she whispered that she knew he would return one day despite rejecting her offer.
Behind the Scenes[]
Darth Syrinn was created by HarmonyGrex for his first Star Wars fan fiction short story, Ancient Artifice. She returned as a disembodied ghostly voice in its sequel Survival and made her debut appearance in the flesh in Dark Sirens which explored the events surrounding her death.
- Dark Sirens
- Ancient Artifice (First appearance) (Appears as a ghost or spirit)
- Survival (Appears as a ghost or spirit)