Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Darth Suffar was a male Zabrak Sith Lord during the Cold War and leader of the Iridonian alliance


In perfect condition, no better slave will you find."
Then why so cheap?"
Cuz my masters end up dead.

—Slaver trying to sell Suffar

Early life[]

Suffar was born in a small town in Iridonia, his father was a staunch Sith supporter named Alvos'ikvin. His mother was named Alana'oquin. His childhood had a lot of turmoil after the Imperial invasion after his father was given a seat of power and him and his mother sold into slavery. He served as a slave for many years, but often was between masters since all of his masters mysteriously fell ill.

Sith training[]

Eventually he was found Force-sensitive and sent to Korriban. Here he faced incredible difficulty at the hands of his xenophobic overseer and dangerous fellow acolytes. He effortlessly passed all trials (attributed to his midi-chlorian count of 14,762, exceptionally high) and was discovered by the inquisitor, Darth Enchanus a female Twi'lek obsessed with the darkest of secrets. He trained with her for only a short time however. He was unnaturally skilled with force lightning and learned quickly. He killed her while on a "routine" mission on which she was climbing a ladder and was electrocuted to death.


In the years of the cold war Darth Suffar was an asset to the empire and was responsible for many victories for the empire, such as the battle of Balmora and the eternity vault. He also participated in the sacking of Coruscant and assassinated many Jedi knights. It was during these days he met his Togruta lover and apprentice, Azhava. He had been sent to assassinate her master, but rather than do it himself he seduced—and was seduced by—apprentice, Azhava, who killed the Jedi for him and became his apprentice.

Dark Lord of Iridonia[]

In 3,656, Darth Suffar returned to Iridonia and called a meeting with the oppressive Sith lord Darth Butus. As soon as Brutus arrived Darth Suffar instantly killed him and proclaimed himself Dark lord of Iridonia, and Azhava his consort. The people were overjoyed that their leader was finally Zabrak, not Human. After he took control he worked tirelessly to undo the wrongs of previous lords and unite the Zabrak as a people.

Second apprentice[]

After proclaiming Azhava a Dark Lord he, took on another apprentice, Magnuhs, a fellow Zabrak who showed incredible power and rage. It was he who famously destroyed Hammer Station alongside Suffar and also the Butcher of Alderaan though this was after his ascension to Darth Magnuhs.

Personality and traits[]

You're calmer than most Sith."
Well this is me happy.

—Azhava to Suffer.

Darth suffer was a very complex individual, He almost always appeared and acted calm even when seething with rage. He controlled his emotions totally, probably a psychological effect from the slavery. Though Suffar had much hatred, he also had a sarcastic side and compassion for fellow slaves or victimized people. The only person he ever had feelings for was Azhava, as everyone else in his life tried to kill or torture him. He had an aversion to running away or backing down, "I will never again submit" he famously said to his overseer shortly before killing him in a lightsaber duel.

Powers and abilities[]

Pleasure to finally meet my hunter."
Good, wouldn't want you to die disappointed.

—Suffar and a target.

Lightsaber skills[]

Darth Suffar was a master of Djem So, able to defeat hordes of enemies at once. He was trained in both a single and double bladed lightsaber combat and could decimate most opponents with either. He was the master of counterattacks, meaning most battles were over quickly. He also, unlike most Sith, rarely wore heavy armor and was faster than most opponents, always dodging strikes or shots if possible. Though he was an excellent duelist, he preferred to kill other lightsaber wielders with the force or without them noticing, but when fighting blaster users he loved redirecting their bolts and slashing them in half or otherwise rendering their blasters useless.

Force powers[]

Darth Suffar was considered one of the greatest users of force lightning in history, on par with Galen Marek, and could entirely disintegrate some foes and create storms with his mind. He also was a heavy user of force speed so he could outpace most foes during a fight, crushing them with just sheer speed. He seemed to have a unique ability to make those who displeased him fall ill, possibly by draining their life force. He could use animal friendship to great degrees as well or perhaps this was more of Sith mind domination, which he was also very powerful with.

Other abilities[]

Like many Zabrak Darth Suffar was proficient with handling and manipulating machines, and could easily disable droids with, or without the force. He was also a skilled diplomat and public speaker, which allowed him to maintain theIridonian alliance. Categpry:Males
