I condemn the Sith for what they have become, I will restore and create a new empire, one that will prevail for centuries to come.
—Darth Subdren
Darth Subdren, formerly known as Malen Marek, was a Human male and the Sith apprentice of Darth Nurad. He left the Sith Empire in 122 ABY to form the Sith Network Alliance, to take down both the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance. Like his master he was considered one of the most powerful sith in galactic history. Subdren was a former Jedi padawan but struck out at an early age to pursue his own goals, it is unknown what happened before he became a sith apprentice but it is known that he met his master on Taris. He began training under his master until 122 ABY, when he decided to pursue his own goals. He disappeared from the known galaxy for a while, amassing an army and fleet to destroy his former master and the New Republic. He however created the Confederacy of the Tingel Arm instead, sharing power with the New Republic until he disappeared form the known galaxy again. Subdren would return over two decades later, returning with an extragalactic army he conquered the new republic and remained it the Subdreinian Empire, and ruled as the Imperator. He eventually to purge the intergalactic race that helped him rise to power.
Early life[]
Not much is revealed about Subdrens past except that he was drafted into the New Jedi Order at a very young age. As a Jedi he showed great talents with the Force, able to levitate things with the Force at a very young age. Thus amazed the other Jedi who stepped up his training giving him advanced classes as a padawan, as a result, Subdren became obsessed with power, eventually leaving the Jedi Order.
Apprentice of Darth Nurad[]
He became the sith apprentice of Darth Nurad, training under him for many years becoming an enforcer to his rule, however two years before his master's death, Subdren predicted it. He left his masters side, departing to the far reaches of the galaxy to create a new empire.
He returned two years later with a massive army and armored with him. He began to rage war on his former masters empire and the New Republic. However he withdrew his attacks after conquering the Tingel Arm and other regions thus establishing the Confederacy of the Tingel Arm. he departed to places unknown leaving select leaders in charge.
Subdren left a powerful stain on the galaxy when he created the Confederacy of the Tingel Arm. He created the third most powerful galactic body in the galaxy. He was also none for raging war on the galaxy three years, turning the tables on the new republic. He was one of the most powerful sith lords in galactic history, although he rarely used his sith powers and was more of a diplomatic and commander.