Star Wars Fanon


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You still have much to learn my young apprentice but when you have learned all you can, you will be the greatest Sith Lord in the history of the galaxy.
—Darth Plagueis

Darth Sisidou was the name used by Darth Sidious when he was chief apprentice to Darth Galepius, his master Darth Plagueis, who had become head of the Disciples of Bane. When the Disciples were wiped out by Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn, he fled the scene and escaped, having aided in the destruction of the cult under his master's orders.


I come from Lord Galepius with these instructions, kill the Jedi.
—Darth Sisidou

Sidious, under the name of Sisidou, was Plagueis's most powerful servant. However, he remained hidden on Coruscant until after the Third Battle of Korriban and the overthrow of his master's rivals before joining the Disciples. Although barely out of childhood, he went with Plagueis and tortured Dooku and Qui-Gon, who had been sent to destroy them. He was stationed in his master's fortress on Eriadu but escaped from the Jedi during the Battle of Eriadu after killing pirate Mera Dan, who had betrayed the Disciples and fought against them. He would late meet up with Plagueis on Coruscant and was informed that their plans were going perfectly.
