Star Wars Fanon

I know the power of the Dark Side. I am the fire of hate. All the Universe bows before me. I pledge myself to the Darkness. For I have found true life, In the death of the light."
"Anyone else in there? Or are you talking to yourself?

—Redack D'Zor and Zentran

Darth Silentium (Unknown Birth name, eventually Redack D'Zor) was born on an unknown world three days before his family moved to the planet Wayland, to live under the rule of the Wayland Empire. At the age of ten he was told of his parents deaths and taught to hate the Jedi for they caused their deaths, a lie that he would later uncover.

One year after Redack had moved to Wayland the Emperor of the Wayland Empire was killed, this event sent the villages on the planet Wayland into chaos. Crime became a problem as villagers stole from each other and often murdered each other in order to stay alive. It was then that fate happened upon him and he began training under a Sith known as Rogue Sith.

With his training complete he eventually became the new Emperor of the Wayland Empire and restored order to Wayland. However, not all went his way as his precious Empire was destroyed and he was presumed dead. In secret he took over the Killik Nests that had survived the Swarm War and built a new Dark Nest. This eventually lead to another failure, however he preserved his work by providing an ally control over the nests and left in search of greater knowledge and power.

When he returned, he had gathered a knowledge of technology and of the Force that surpassed most. With this new knowledge he began construction of a new Imperium, with one purpose- to rule the galaxy and bring Sith dominance to the galaxy again.


Early life[]

I see darkness in this ones future, offer his family a place on Wayland.
—Emperor of the Wayland Empire

Redack was born on an unknown world (Assumed to be Zolan) and then at the age of three days his family moved to the planet Wayland where they were promised safety by its Emperor. The Emperor had planned to take Redack on as his apprentice, however he was murdered one year after Redack had arrived. At around the same time Redack's parents went missing, Redack was too young to understand but in later years did ask where his parents were.


Your Mother was ordered to kill your father by the Jedi Council, and she could not refuse... The battle that followed cost them both their lives.
—Redack's Grandfather

By the age of six Redack had been taught anger and hate, he had never experienced joy or happiness. He was being raised by his Grandfather to become a weapon that would carve into the Jedi and destroy them one by one. With every day that passed his skills with weapons and his knowledge about them increased, all to the satisfaction of his Grandfather who wanted to witness the destruction of the Jedi Order.

At the age of ten it was planned that Redack would partake in a test to prove he was worthy of fighting the Jedi. His grandfather prepared for this by first informing Redack of how his parents died. Just prior to the beginning of the test however, Redack encountered a Sith Knight known as Rouge Sith. Being unaware of his Grandfather's plan, Redack agreed to become the Sith's apprentice and left Wayland considering it his way to get revenge, even though he didn't completely understand it at the time.

Return, a Sith Knight[]

A new age dawns upon us, Wayland shall rise from the shadows of the galaxy!
—Redack D'Zor

Ten years later Redack returned to the planet Wayland, only to find it in the same state it had been in when he left. When he visited his old home, the small village he had grown up in, he found nothing but ruins. It was then that he took it upon himself to take control of the Wayland Empire, he started by assassinating all powerful members. His next step was to gather a force and storm the Imperial Palace constructed by the previous Emperor. There he declared himself Emperor of the Wayland Empire. He then brought war to the galaxy as he conquered planets across the galaxy and expanding the Wayland Empire. He met little resistance from the Jedi forces that existed.
