Star Wars Fanon

 Darth Randian was a Human male Sith Lord of the Sith Empire. Born as Caius Randian and often referred as Cai, he was raised by his Jedi parents. At the age of 5, Caius started his path of the Jedi and was trained in a Jedi Academy. 2 years later, Caius's father died during a mission but only his padawan, Oberon Mendurio survived. Oberon became the master of Caius and trained him. One day, Caius attacked his own master from a "vision". Shocked of his action, Caius ran away to the streets of Coruscant where he bumped into a hooded figure. The hooded figure helped the young Caius escape from the city and revealed himself as Verin, a Sith Lord. Verin managed to manipulate Caius to join the Sith and embrace the Dark Side. As time passes, Caius changed completely.  Jackalex13 (Talk) 10:27, January 13, 2013 (UTC)Jackalex13


Early life []

Caius is a smart child. If he keeps this up, he will become a Knight once he is 18.
—Caius's father

Caius was a Force-Sensitive Human Male born in the year 3,456 BBY on the planet Naboo. Caius was raised by his father, Qin-Ru Randian, a Jedi Knight and Alia Randian, Caius's mother and also a Jedi Knight. Qin-Ru was secretly married to Alia. When Caius was 5, he becames an older sibling of his baby brother, Darius. Believing was ready, Qin-Ru brought Caius to Coruscant where he was trained to be a Jedi. 2 years later, Qin-Ru was killed during a mission but his padawan, Oberon survived. Oberon then told the family about Qin-Ru's death which effected everyone and informed the Jedi Council. The Council agreed to have Oberon as the master of Caius despite Oberon being 23 years old at the time. One day, Caius was looking at the view of the city and Oberon could tell that Caius is still mourning. When Caius was comforted by Oberon, Caius see's a vision when Oberon touched him. It was a memory. Caius only caught a glimpse of the memory which showed a hallway being destroyed and Qin-Ru trapped by a falling debris. Oberon was running as Qin-Ru screamed. The memory stopped. Caius force-pulled Oberon's lightsaber and immediately striked down his master. Shocked of his action, Caius ran away from the academy he was trained in. While on the run, Caius bumped into a hooded figure. The hooded figure looked at the young Caius and helped him escape from the city. When Caius escaped Coruscant, the hooded figure revealed himself as Darth Verin, a Sith Lord. Verin managed to manipulate Caius to embrace the Dark Side and join the Sith. 

Joining the Sith []

This is the code of the Sith: "Peace is a lie. There is passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."
—Verin telling young Caius the Code of the Sith

Caius became a Sith not long after his escape from Coruscant. He started down his path as a Sith Acolyte. His training however was not a very pleasant one. He suffered brutal, cruel and relentless training. He would think in his head and say: "Learn or die". Everyday, he has to train with a sparring bot (also with other acolytes) and has to learn quickly. Despite the training and cruel instructors, Verin showed a softer side towards Caius by meditating with him if he had some spare time and defending Caius if he was blamed for various reasons. 3 weeks later, Caius met Morai, a young acolyte who is a year younger than him. The two became friends and spended most of their time together. Unaware, Morai harbored a crush to him. At 14 years of age, Caius completed his trials. The overseer gave Caius a very simple but somewhat challenging task. The final task was to create his own lightsaber but once he reaches the cave, he must meditate while bare chested. Obeying the order, Caius went to the caves of Ilum with the parts he needed to create his first lightsaber. Caius spent hours meditating and attempting to create his lightsaber though he found it difficult to focus due to the coldness. Finally, Caius created his own lightsaber and completed the challenge to do it while bare chested. After completing his trials, Caius became the Sith Apprentice of Verin.

Life as a Sith []

—Randian after his defeat from Oberon

4 years later, Caius reached the rank of Sith Lord and renamed himself as "Darth Randian". On that year, Verin was killed by Oberon who became a Master Jedi. Randian, angered of his master's death attacked Oberon in a furious rage. Despite the brutal fight, Oberon managed to defeat Randian in the duel and decided to spare his life because he wouldn't bring himself to kill his old master's son. Angered, Randian swore revenge after his defeat and trained for many days, in order to outmatch Oberon. 5 years later, Oberon chose his first padawan who was revealed to be Darius, much to Randian's surprise when he was informed by his personal spy. Randian decided that in order to defeat Oberon, he must have a Sith apprentice. When Randian heard about new acolytes arriving, he was looking forward to choose one. When the acolytes came, Randian looked at one that gained his attention. Randian knelt down and asked for the young boy's name to which he replies: "Garrius Viza". Randian sensed that Garrius is Force-Sensitive and that he seemed "worthy". Randian took Garrius as his Sith Apprentice. Unlike Sith training which were miserable and brutal, Randian trained Garrius in a strict yet helpful way. At 25 years of age on Dromund Kaas, Randian met Morai for the first time in years. He was glad to see her but Morai did not bother to greet him. The reunion was cut short when a group of Jedi Knights appear. 

The next few years, Garrius was often picked on by another apprentice, Scorpis who was trained in the ways of the Sith by Overseer Voldis. Randian then asked permission to challenge Voldis to a duel which was then accepted. Hours later, Voldis came and started bragging about he can easily defeat Randian. As soon as they start fighting, Voldis start striking and slashing but Randian swiftly dodged each attack. He started taunting him and describes Voldis as a complete joke. This drove Voldis over the edge and tried to attack him but Randian easily stabbed Voldis in the abdomen. Scorpis became angered of his master's death and attempted to slay Randian but Garrius came to his master's aid by electrocuting Scorpis first and executed him by decapitation. Randian was impressed by his apprentice's skills and suggested if they can spar at any time. Garrius accepted the offer. 

Personality and traits[]

You're a fool and a weakling to the Empire, Voldis. I don't seem to understand why your master even bothered to take you in.
—Randian coldly insulting Voldis.

Darth Randian was a cold, stoic and sarcastic individual. Unlike most Siths who are brutal and evil, Randian does not have those kind of traits other than his brutal fighting skills. Randian is also confident where he believes his skills and powers are not a match to his fellow allies but at times, he can be rather overconfident. Randian had no tolerance for failure and whenever he fails to complete, he would spend his spare time to try and finish it off. 

Despite this trait, Randian kept a softer side and had a close relationship with the people he cares about such as his apprentice, Garrius and his wife, Morai. Even though he was estranged from his family, he (secretly) showed care of them and on the day he killed Oberon, he delibrately allowed Darius to flee. This act was very rare for Randian. When Randian defected from the Sith, he was forced to kill his own apprentice when Garrius confronted him. Learning about Garrius and his friendship with Pythis, Randian became saddened to learn that Garrius became the secret weapon of Pythis and how he changed to a loyal apprentice into a brutal monster.

When Randian was a child, he met Morai, another young Sith acolyte. The two became close friends and spend most of their time together whenever there was a chance. Caius was however, unaware that Morai harbored a crush towards him until he found out when they were young adults. He originally did not want to have a relationship with her and wanted to stay friends but this refusal broke Morai's heart and resulted her being estranged and cold towards him. The two friends did not see each other again until Randian was 25 years old. He aided Morai when she was fighting two Jedi Knights. In this act, Morai and Randian shared their first kiss together. 

Randian was a loyal servant to the Sith and slew many Jedi in the Sith's name. Randian remained loyal to the Sith until he was 55 years old. Randian kill Darth Pythis, a Dark Lord of the Sith when he tried to make him kill Darius, Randian's Jedi younger brother. After his defection, Randian became a wise and compassionate person. Even with his crimes paid, his time with the Sith continued to haunt him. Randian no longer believed in violence and avoided it always. He enjoyed teaching younglings about the ways of the Jedi and would tell them stories about the old heroes of the Republic. 

Relationships with other people[]

Darth Verin 

Randian maintained a close relationship with his master, Verin. He was very loyal towards him and would obey his master's orders without a question, even if it is fighting a powerful enemy. When Oberon killed Verin, Randian flew into a fit of rage, hatred and anger in an attempt to kill Oberon. Randian fought quickly and used brutal strikes in an attempt to kill Oberon but proved to be no match for the old man since he was an experience fighter. After the failed mission, Randian personally carried his master onto his personal ship and gave him a proper Sith burial. Randian used Verin's lightsaber after he lost his original lightsaber during his deadly duel with Oberon. 

Garrius Viza []

When Randian first met young Garrius, he was interested in the young boy's potential of being a Force-User and apprentice. Randian took the young Mandalorian and trained him in the arts of the Sith. Through series of missions together, the master and the apprentice grew closer, eventually becoming a father-son relationship. Although no longer master and apprentice no more by the time Garrius became a Sith Lord, Randian and Garrius remained a formidable pair and they still do missions together. By the time Randian is in his late 40's and 50's, their friendship became broken. Garrius acted rebellious towards him and often mocks his skills. Accompanying this, Garrius grew brutal where he murdered his master's contact, believing him to be no use. Randian became angered of Garrius's trait and states that he is not the Garrius he once knew. While in the heated argument, Darth Pythis came and scolded both the Sith Lords. After Randian's defection, Garrius confronted his old master and challenged him to a duel. Randian refused to do so because he will not hurt anyone whom he considers family but Garrius arrogantly claims he is not family and he does not need one. After the duel, Randian became saddened to kill his own apprentice.


Randian knew Morai at a young age when they were Sith acolytes. For a long time, the two were best friends and they enjoyed spending time with each other when they had a chance. Randian was however, unaware that Morai harbored a crush towards him. Randian never found out until they were young adults. Unfortunately, Randian did not want to have a relationship with her and preferred to be friends but this choice made Morai becoming estranged and cold towards Randian. For the next couple of years, they did not spoke to each other nor paid any visits but when Randian was 25 years old, he met Morai on Dromund Kaas. 
