Darth Q'Antiqas was a Sith Lord in service to Darth Proditor during the Successors War. A Nautolan, following the subjugation of his homeworld, Glee Anslem, by Darth Abeonis's forces after the Sith Crusade Q'Antiqas became a learner.
Rakatan War of Independence[]
Being apprenticed to Darth Cannae, it quickly became apparent that Q'Antiqas was much more "gutsy" than his Sith Master when; during the Rakatan War of Independence he lead a successful counter-attack which decimated almost two-thirds of the Rakatan army.
Despite eventually losing the war, the Sith did not punish Q'Antiqas because the failure was not his, but Cannae's.
Successors War[]
During the Successors War Darth Q'Antiqas, now a fully fledged Sith Knight, allied himself with Darth Proditor in order to secure his domain in the Unknown Regions.
Supplied with a Decreto-class Super Star Destroyer by Darth Proditor Q'Antiqas immediately begun to recruit people from all walks of life into his armada. Luckily his positioning was close to the headquarters of Decreton Shipyards and so he could increase his armada's size immensely, very quickly.
By the year 126 ABY Q'Antiqas' armada was the largest of those loyal to Proditor, save the Dark Lord's own. Weary of this, Proditor ordered Q'Antiqas to Nar Shaddaa; far away from his native domain; to protect the planet from Darth Krayt's forces. Reluctantly he agreed and left for Nar Shaddaa.
Having arrived on the planet he quickly noticed that it was in no state to defend against an attack (having suffered fatally during the Sith Crusade). Q'Antiqas knew that Proditor had selected Nar Shaddaa as his death-bed.
In 127 ABY the Mission to Nar Shaddaa took place. With the three greatest threats to Proditor's rule on Nar Shaddaa Q'Antiqas saw an opportunity. He approached the Sith, Darth Krayt with an offer. He would supply Krayt with the information he required, on the condition that Q'Antiqas, Nar Shaddaa, his domain and his armada could join with Krayt. At first Krayt was suspicious, but on the advice of his second-in-command, Darth Nihl, he agreed.
Following the war he was granted a seat on the Sith Council.