Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

The Siths undoing has always been their knack of being arrogant, overconfident, obnoxious and altogether unpleasant. As you can see, I am not a normal Sith lord.
—Darth Perkute

Darth Perkute, formerly known as Michaldraw Strav , was the Sith Viceroy and second-in-command of the Dark Order of Sith.Perkute was initially a slaveboy in the notorious Danskin Mines before being rescued by Darth Numa. Darth Numa saved him because of Perkute's amazing third eye which coud physically see the Force. He was born in 10 BBY on a desert planet in the Unknown Worlds region. His origins are not very clear but Darth Numa stated that he was a Mawv, a race of Jedi-killing warmongers who were believed to have been extinct. From what Perkute remembered, he killed his own parents when he was a year old using the Force. Due to this he was sold by his other relatives to the Danskin Mines and he spent most of his childhood there. He was twelve years old when Darth Numa discovered him and saved him. Because of this, he has undying loyalty to Darth Numa, a quality uncommon to Sith lords. After receiving Numa's training, Numa and him undertook the Massacre of Morc, the two killed all of the inhabitants of the planet Morc and naming it the site of a new Sith order called the Dark Order of the Sith. He and Numa recruited and trained thousands of Sith lords , planning to eventually topple the New Republic and take revenge on the Jedi. He was chosen to be the leader of the group of Sith lords that were chosen to reveal themselves to Emperor Cinsort of the Imperial Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Black War, he led the Shadow Troopers, a group of Siths and elite members of the Imperial Black Army. Perkute was also known as the Jedi Hunter because of the countless Jedis he killed, including Cilliana Torin. He was eventually killed by Aidan Torin, Cilliana's older brother. His death marked the beginning of the downfall of the New Sith Empire and the end of the Galactic Apocalyptic War. He was remembered to have been one of the most effective Sith lords in history and it is said that if his loyalty had not been so strong, he would have led the Dark Order of the Sith.


Early life

Anger? I do not believe in the power of anger or even of love, for that matter. How I have become so powerful is by turning my back on emotion. If I feel emotion, I eliminate its source. When I was in the mines, I kept myself from going insane by killing those around me. Fifty murders by the age of 12...
—Darth Perkute

Michaldraw Strav was born in 10 BBY on an unknown desert planet in a refugee camp of Mawvians. His father was a three-hundred year old Mawv who had taken part in countless battles as a general in the Mawv Warlords Union, which ravaged the galaxy during the Old Republic. His mother was abused by her husband and was regularly beaten infront of her son. It was during one of those beatings that Strav's anger, even at the age of one, caused him unknowingly use the Force to kill both his parents. When one of Strav's uncles entered their camp and saw the two dead bodies laying infront of the infant, he immediately notified the rest of the camp. The camp decided that Strav was a demon and decided to get rid of him by selling him to merchants from the notorious Danskin Mine. It was there where Strav grew up among other slave childs who were sometimes even forced to eat raw meat and drink blood; this eventually became such a habit that Strav ate raw meat even when he left the mines. When he turned four, he began to work in the dangerous mines. He eventaully became feared by even the authorities when many slaves and guards who worked in his station began to be found murdered and sometimes half eaten.

Meeting Darth Numa

Strav: What are you? Numa: I am your savior, your teacher and your master. Strav: Nobody is my master! Numa: We'll see...
—Darth Perkute

Strav met Numa at the age of 12. Numa had allowed himself to beceom a slave on the Danskin Mines to get close to and kill Yovan Dem, the Administrator of the Mine. Not knowing Numa was a Sith, Strav planned to kill him just as he had countless other new slaves. Strav followed Numa into the mines and launched his attack but , of course, Numa countered easily and knocked him out. Numa then dragged the unconcious Strav deep into the caves.he was 13 he was the only Youngling in his class who hadn't got picked by a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Master. TO everyones surprise however Abbadon got picked as a Padawan to the reckless, determined, rule breaking Jedi Knight Anar Velron who claimed to have seen his master die by a group of Sith and claimed to have also been tortured by them personally. They had many missions together all of them a success but when Velron found out about Abbadon's disease/species unlike the rest of the Jedi, who were avoiding him and shooting him scared looks, and the Council who wanted to exterminate him or send him to a strict Jedi Academy, he decided to try and fix it. Abbadon admired him for trying but got angry at the other Jedi and one day, Abbadon turned up in the lunch area having devoured a bully who mocked him and made fun of him. After three more attacks, Velron started trying to force Abbadon to behave and calm himself but this made him angry and he yelled at his master that he had thought Velron would understand, try to live with him but Velron started to retort but Abbadon stormed away.

Training and Travels with Darth Numa

The Massacre of Morc

Establishment of the Dark Order of the Sith

A New Ruler



Personality and traits

Behind the scenes

HOAScholar (Talk) 22:11, October 30, 2012 (UTC)
