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Darth Nihl was a Nagai male Sith Lord serving in Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire during the Sith–Imperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War.
Second Imperial Civil War (130 ABY - 138 ABY)[]
Warlord of Nagi[]
A male Nagai, Darth Nihl was born on Nagi. Becoming a fearsome warlord of his homeworld, he used his latent Force abilities to lead bands of marauders in raids all across the world. Darth Krayt, who was rebuilding the Sith Order, discovered this and offered the warlord a place within One Sith. Nihl agreed and went through a training to become Dark Lord of the Sith. After Nihl had experienced the Embrace of Pain for the first time, his anger and pain drove him into slaying an entire village. Darth Krayt was amused and made him as one of his top enforcers of his Galactic Empire. Darth Nihl served Krayt as his Fist to the Empire and was promoted to the position of Hand by Darth Krayt.
First Triumvirate War (140 ABY - 160 ABY)[]
Rebuilding the Empire[]
I cannot rule the Empire forever, but we will succeed in defeating the Jedi once more. Havok, I'm instructing you to construct a tomb for myself when my time ends as Emperor. I will soon pass my title to another, but that will not happen yet. We will fulfill Krayt's legacy and find answers on how to rebuild an Empire that would be invincible for me and the future Emperors that will rule the galaxy forever."
"I will make sure that is arranged my Emperor.
—Darth Nihl and Darth Havok
After hiding the fleet, Darth Nihl and Darth Havok remained hidden on Korriban, continuing their plan to eliminate the Jedi, and avenge Darth Krayt. While remaining in Krayt's tomb, Nihl created his own holocron, containing the entries how he engineered the fall of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire and the birth of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. After passing his knowledge in the holocron, Nihl instructed Havok to construct a tomb for himself once his time ends and would one day pass his title to another.
Duel on Saleucami[]
The Sith… they… they will survive. They… will always survive. My legacy… will always… be part of their… survival.
—Darth Nihl's last words
After the Empire's collapse, Nihl retreated to Saluecami while the surviving Sith remained hidden, hoping to have their revenge in the future. As Bantha followed his trace and decided to spare his life, Nihl began their final confrontation.
As Nihl stood in the clearing, Bantha hopped off of his speeder and ignited his violet bladed lightsaber and engaged the Sith Lord. Nihl used the force to send several lightning bolts but Bantha avoided his strikes and sent them back at Nihl. Bantha told Nihl he did not want to hurt him and implored him to stand down, despite being told he would be spared if he stood down. Nihl ignored Skywalker's plea and hurled him into a lake. Nihl jumped into the lake after Skywalker, but wasn't a good swimmer due to him not living on an oceanic homeworld. He quickly started to drown, but Bantha saved Nihl's life and brought his body onshore.
Nihl recovered, but he continued to engage Skywalker once more. Skywalker told him that he'd lost and pleaded him to surrender, but Nihl didn't care; all he wanted was to eliminate Skywalker once and for all, and put an end to the bloodline. When Bantha saw a vision of his father killing Krayt, he closed his eyes when Nihl was about to deliver the final blow. Like his father, Bantha then immediately summoned his lightsaber and in a flash, leaped around and pierced his lightsaber into Nihl's torso, fatally injuring him. As the dying Sith Lord laid on the ground and asked the young Jedi to end him, Skywalker refused, and said that avenging someone would just make things difficult as a Jedi. Nihl was outraged, but he was close to dying, and explained that the Sith will always survive, and died.