Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The Dark Hero was the savior of the Sith Empire during the time of the Great Sith Civil War. In the Hero's first life, the Sith Lord lived during the Great Hyperspace War as an assassin named Darth Nectere, learning and studying the ways of the Dark Side at the Trayus Academy, along with her younger brother, Darth Exitium. Nectere was born on Nathema and had a family there, but due to Vitiate performing a ritual there, all life on the world was killed. When Exitium discovered the truth he told him on what happened. Nectere however decided to join with Vitiate and betrayed Exitium. Exitium was struck down and believed dead while Necetere continued serving as one of the Emperor's hands.

Thousands of years later, the Sith Emperor would clone her through Sith magic and sorcery, and use the new incarnation to defeat Darth Exitium once again. In the meantime, he would fall into the care of Scarlet, who lost her husband and son in the Kaas City riots. It wasn't until she turned seventeen did he fight in the war.

Shortly after turning nineteen, she and Scarlet was assigned to oversee production on a Kalakar Six research facility. The facility became sabotaged and almost everyone was killed. After escaping, she returned to Dromund Kass with Scarlet, and a few other companions. The day after coming back, she was assigned another mission to investigate the Dark Temple and locate a Sith holocron. When her mission was complete, the Emperor spoke to her personally to give her a larger mission, in which she would have to travel to four other worlds to locate the other holocrons. During this time she would regain memories of her previous life. After finding all five holocrons, she personally kills Darth Exitium, thus ending the war.

However, the victory couldn't be celebrated. The Dark Hero now knew who the Emperor really was and the danger he brought. She willingly allowed Exitium to blast her with red Force lighting to disrupt her own connection to the Force - thus, the Emperor's link. Now having lost almost everything, the Dark Hero continues to travel through the galaxy solo trying to figure out a way to stop the Emperor before he succeeds in his plot. After spending some time wondering, and resolving many major galactic-wide conflicts along the way, the Hero came up with a plan to fight the Emperor.

She and HK-47 reformed an alliance and the two traveled together once again to locate important ritual items. They also located the mask of Revan. When all the items were collected, the Hero returned to Dromund Kaas and brought them to a group of Sith who are loyal to her. Also, the Hero visited all of her old companions one last time before leaving to fight the Emperor on her own. The Dark Hero fights the Emperor in a long intense duel which leads to them both getting stuck down by each other. The Emperor, having lost his hoist body is forced to seek another while the Dark Hero's became one with the Force.


Skirmish at Kalakar Six[]

She was transported to a research facility on Kalakar Six along with Scarlet to help with the activities there. But shortly after arriving some Spies from the Rogue Sith were revealed to be there and started an outbreak that murdered everyone and even themselves on the base besides from the Hero, Scarlet and two droids, X1-26 and 1V-R6. Meanwhile, on the Kalakar Six guard ship, a distress message was sent out before everyone on board there was also murdered. Naiko and Darth Namla arrived with a small fleet to search out any survivors to kill while Byron and a small team arrived on the Ebon Hawk, now retooled as the Night Vulture, came to rescue survivors. Byron and the team first stopped at the guard ship but found no survivors. Then they made their way to the facility and found the Dark Hero, Scarlet, X1-26 and 1V-R6. Unfortunately, they also rain to Namla and her strike forces who slain all of Byron's team leaving only him. He escaped along with the others on board the Night Vulture just as the research facility collapses into the lava below. Byron, with 1V-R6 co-piloting, activates the Vultures stealth shields and sneaks past Naiko's navy. They all then entered hyperspace on route to Dromund Kaas.

Crisis on Dromund Kaas[]

Upon arriving, the Dark Hero and Scarlet meets with the Dark Council while Byron reported to Imperial Intelligence about the events that happened on Kalakar Six. After the meeting with the Council, the Dark Hero explored Kaas City with her companions, run into or hear several grim things along the way such as protesters getting killed by the Imperial troops, people who are out of work and/or starving to death, high prices on items and with lower sell item value, people disappearing and even some murders are going about. Due to this really dark time, many people spend most of their time at cantina's either getting drunk, playing pazaak, swoop racing or just about anything to take their minds off current events.

Eventually, the Dark Hero would be called to a mission taking place at the Dark Temple. As the Dark Hero explored the temple with her companions, they drew closer to the object they were looking for however their was a source of energy coming from it that made the companions unable to get closer, the Dark Hero pressed on solo. It is here she would locate one of Exitium's holocrons and receive a vision from her past life. After fighting against a Force phantom, she returned and reported this to the Dark Council. The Hero would then be called to have a private meeting with the Emperor himself. The Emperor expressed interest in the Hero's immunity to what ever power came from the holocron and sended her on a mission to locate the remaining four.

The Hero returned to the Vulture and a Dark Council Member Darth Thais and his two slaves: Sara and Thomas Brant has been recruited to join the Hero in her quest. The Hero's next stop was at Ziost.

Search for the Sith holocron's[]

The Dark Hero traveled to seven different worlds looking for Sith Holocron's. The first of which was Ziost, followed by Ashas Ree, Khar Delba, Begeren, Bosthirda, Athiss, and finally Korriban and at each Holocron had to fight off against a Force phantom. During the adventure, the Hero came across various of threats such as Tomb Raiders, the Republic and the Jedi, and more Rogue Sith but did recruit two more useful allies, Valmar and HK-47. She also build stronger relationships with the companions.

While exploring Athiss, the Hero is captured by Namla and taken on board the Depressor. Fortunately, her companions arrive to rescue her and the Hero escapes.

After finding the last of the Holocrons, the Dark Hero is knocked unconscious is sees a vision of Darth Exitium who tells her to remember. Suddenly everything starts to make sense, the Force phantoms the Hero has been fighting at each holocron as been some person that they knew in their previous life. The memories of the Hero's first life all comes back to her and uses her Force bond to locate Exitium. The stage was set for the final steps of the journey.

Prelude to the end[]

Darth Exitium sends out his forces to Dromund Kaas to attack. Meanwhile, the Emperor senses a disturbance in the Force and prepares his army. Scourge sends out a message ordering the Dark Hero and her companions to return. They do so and the Dark Hero leaves to go confront Exitium. The Hero says goodbye to the companions and takes off.

The final battle and end of the war[]

As the Second Battle of Dromund Kaas waged on, the Dark Hero went to Nathema, homeworld to her previous life and Exitium. The Dark Hero confronted Exitium within the thrown room of the abandoned Sith Palace after fighting his way through the Sithspawn. It is here she finally meets her old friend again after thousands of years and the two engage in a lightsaber duel. The Dark Hero defeats Exitium and before dying Exitium warns her of the Emperor's true nature and his plans for the galaxy.

Light side ending: The Dark Hero now knowing of what the Emperor is and her mental link with him, allows Exitium to blast her with red Force lighting to disconnect the link and disappears into the Unknown. Meanwhile, all of the Hero's companions thinks she's dead and get together for a memorial.

Neutral side ending: The Dark Hero now knowing of what the Emperor is takes Exitium's place and continues the Civil War. The Hero knows there will be harsh consequences for continuing the war but is determined to ultimately save the galaxy and everyone else from his madness.

Dark side ending: The Dark Hero now knowing of what the Emperor is re-takes his position as a Dark Council Member and head of the Sphere of Mysteries. The Sith pretends to help the Emperor in his plans to destroy the galaxy but in reality she is going to find a way to kill him and take his place as Emperor for herself.

Life after the Sith[]

Regardless of what the Dark Hero's fate was by the end of the war, the Hero knew of the dangers the Emperor presented and went into self-imposed exile, in attempt to get away and come up with a plan on what to do next. For the next two months, she traveled alone in a battered Night Vulture and without any connection to the Force. Eventually, the Dark Hero was captured by Shadow Jedi and taken into one of their prisons, located above Coruscant. She escaped and met a fellow self-exile named Naresha and the two quickly started to develop a friendship. And it is with her, the Dark Hero is given an opportunity to re-establish a connection to the Force. However, the two ultimately had to break apart and continue on their separate ways after stopping a group of fallen Jedi on Dashaad.

The Dark Hero would eventually get caught up in a dangerous war between different criminal organizations; the Exchange, Czerka Arms, and the Hutt Cartel, with the possibility of them ending up in a truce, with a victor, or with all factions defeated.

After dealing with the war of the criminal underworld, the Dark Hero next became involved in a struggle against an army of HK-51 assassin droid units and the Republic itself, which at this point in time has become much more corrupted and brutal. As with the previous conflict, the Dark Hero can end this in a truce, one of them being victorious, or both are defeated.

Final days[]

In the Dark Hero's final days, she continued to travel the galaxy with HK-47 as they traveled the galaxy to locate key items for a reincarnation ritual. The two also found Revan's mask after confronting the Dread Masters' apprentice. The two return back to Kaas City, which has been mostly rebuilt since the last battle of the civil war, and the two secretly make their way to a group of Sith. The Hero handed them the Mask. Before leaving, the Dark Hero revisits all of her old companion's such as Scarlet and Byron one last time and leaves alone to fight the Emperor. The Duel ends with both of them being struck down.

Behind the scenes[]

The Dark Hero is the main custom character for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Fall of the Empire and it's expansions. As such the character's real name, appearance, gender, class, alignment and other stats are up to the player's liking.

As the game progresses players will either learn Lightsaber forms or Force forms. If the player is a Sith Warrior or Sith Agent, Scarlet will teach the player Lightsaber forms on the Night Vulture every level up. If playing as a Sith Inquisitor, players will instead learn Force forms from Darth Thais also on the Night Vulture every level up.

Darth Thais's slaves, Sara and Thomas, are characters the players can romance; Sara for males and Thomas for females. The influence system from The Sith Lords also makes a return though done a bit differently. High Influence will make companions like the player more and gain stat bonuses during combat. However, low Influence will make companions hate the player and eventually betray them. The only companions who won't attack or leave regardless low influence are: Scarlet, Byron, X1-Z6, 1V-R6, and HK-47.

When players reach level 15 they can upgrade to a prestige class. There are six prestige classes overall and two are available for each class.

