You went around imitating the Emperor, didn't you?"
"Hush. That's not the point of my communique.
—An Imperial officer to Darth Mortimus
Darth Mortimus, formerly known as Spa'ky or Sparky, was a male human who was raised on board a Star Destroyer with the ideals of the Galactic Empire. He possessed some Force sensitivity and was enrolled in the Jedi Academy, but ultimately fled due to the corrupted beliefs taught to him in his youth. He desired to learn the teachings of the Sith and began to study a holocron that was given to him as a gift when he was young. In a bizarre twist of fate, the holocron short-circuited, somehow transferring all the knowledge contained within it to Spa'ky's brain. Taking the name "Darth Mortimus," he fell prey to maniacal delusions and set out to test the extent of his newfound power.
Early life[]
Spa'ky was a human male, born into the ranks of the Empire. His father was a high-ranking officer who taught his son the ideals and practices of the Empire. Spa'ky was raised on a Star Destroyer, accompanying his father on several missions and learning what it meant to be a member of the Imperial Navy. He witnessed the subjugation of entire civilizations, developing a hatred for several alien species. His brain was filled to the brim with the humanocentric ideologies that were handed down to him by even the Emperor himself. Spa'ky loved the Empire as much as he loved his father.
Spa'ky accompanied his father to the Death Star due to threats from a "small band of Rebel fighters." Since he knew nothing else aside from what he was taught, he wondered why those "crazy people want to take down the glorious Empire." In a small room, Spa'ky watched the futile battle with bewilderment until his father hustled him off to the nearest escape pod. Providing no explanation as to why, his father secured Spa'ky in the pod and ejected it. Moments later, at a reasonably safe distance, Spa'ky realized in utter horror what was transpiring. The Death Star exploded, the force practically vaporizing the immense space station, and leaving Spa'ky an orphan of war.
The pod was picked up by a fleeing Star Destroyer, the officers on board deciding Spa'ky's fate. Due to his father's position of power, Spa'ky was sent to live in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. There, the young lad met the "Wise Emperor" who further molded Spa'ky's mind with Imperial propaganda. Anger flared in Spa'ky's veins, to the delight of the Emperor. He had the boy right where he wanted him, taking the first step on a winding path to the Dark Side. Spa'ky was presented with a "strange pyramid" and told that it should not be used "until the time comes." Spa'ky obeyed, keeping the object hidden in a secret place.
Another battle erupted over the moon of Endor. Spa'ky followed along via HoloNet transmissions from within the safety of the Imperial Palace, hearing that the Emperor was sent to oversee the construction of a new battlestation and finally put an end to the "insignificant Rebellion." Listening intently, Spa'ky hoped that his father's killers would finally be brought to justice. His hopes were dashed as once again, the Death Star was obliterated, taking the Emperor with it. Over the years, Spa'ky grew more an more disenchanted with the constant upheavals, looking for something to take his mind off of it. He was trained as a pilot by his friend, a Muun named Cyrus, learning to fly an awkwardly-designed corvette called the Turtleneck. It was then that he discovered a latent sensitivity to the Force. Seeing as how the Empire was dissolved into virtually nothing, Spa'ky decided to pursue Force training and enrolled in the reinstated Jedi Academy. His reason for joining the New Jedi Order was not to become a Jedi; Spa'ky wanted to learn the ways of the Sith so he could "be just like Sidious."

Sparky idolizing Sidious.
Due to the ideal and beliefs on which he was raised, Spa'ky was unable to differentiate between Jedi and Sith, seeing them as one in the same. His days at the Academy were rocky, many of other younglings and padawans perceived Spa'ky to be rather weird. It did not help his sour reputation one bit that he would go around imitating the Emperor. Realizing that he was an outcast in a place where what he desired to learn was forbidden, Spa'ky grew frustrated and left the Academy. In 27 ABY, Spa'ky took command of the Turtleneck and fled Coruscant.
Descent into madness[]
On board The Turtleneck, Spa'ky grew restless and began to rummage through the ship's storage compartments. In one, he came across something that was long forgotten; a "strange pyramid." Realizing that the object was the same thing that was given to him by the Emperor years back, Spa'ky analyzed it, finding it to be a holocron. More specifically, it was the holocron of Darth Bane. Spa'ky's eyes grew wide with amazement. He finally had the means to become the very thing those foolish Jedi did not want him to be, a Sith. Having fled before he could be taught how to properly use such a valuable tool, Spa'ky grasped the holocron tight with both hands. The holocron shorted, sending violent currents of raw power surging through the young man, warping his mind and body, accelerating his age by several years within the span of a few moments.
Spa'ky awoke after a time, feeling the power and knowledge of the holocron grow within him. The intense shock disfigured his face, eradicating any trace of the young Imperial idealist, leaving behind a monstrous visage, twisted and evil. Deciding that his former self was dead, Spa'ky took the name "Darth Mortimus." Bent and corrupted, he reveled in his newfound powers and abilities until alerted by a strange noise. Mortimus investigated the sound, finding a stowaway in the form of a naive, young Kubaz named Drac M'm'ry. Mortimus demanded that the alien explain himself and was told how Drac idolized him when they attended the Academy. Drac yearned to become a Sith the same as Spa'ky did and was studying Dark Side techniques behind the backs of their Jedi minders. He lacked discipline and skill, however. Mortimus agreed to take the Kubaz on as an apprentice. His twisted mind conjured up visions of him leading other Dark Side adepts in a quest to create a New Sith Order. The future looked ripe with opportunities for Mortimus, his Force abilities would be perfect in reinstating the Empire.
His mind set and destiny decided, Mortimus set a course for the swampy backwater world of Trinta, where he and his new apprentice would train, taking the first crucial steps to achieving his goals.
Personality and traits[]
Spa'ky was a naive young boy, having grown up knowing only the ideals of the Empire. His social skills were underdeveloped, which led him to become an outcast among his peers at the Jedi Academy. After his transformation to Darth Mortimus, his beliefs were magnified to almost fanatical levels. He was filled with anger and frustration, his mind focused on only his goals and disillusioned teachings. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and Mortimus was no exception. He lacked practice and discipline, having no real control over the abilities he gained. He was unpredictable and violent like an out-of-control speeder with a stuck accelerator.
Behind the scenes[]
Darth Mortimus was created by Darth Sparky of the Rockman Perfect Memories forum. Permission was given to the author to elaborate on the character's biography for the purpose of this article.
- CJ008: Only a Sith Deals an Absolute (First appearance)
- Breakfast in Bedlam (Indirect mention only)