Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

(text of the quote)
—Darth Magani

Darth Magani was a human male born on Coruscant in 4087 BBY and was recruited into the Jedi Order.


Early life[]

Magani was born in 4087 on Coruscant and was born with an abnormally high midichlorian count. He became friends with Exar Kun.  Magani often had visions of the future a even foretold the return of the Sith and the battle of Malachor V.  After Exar Kun fell Magani joined him on his quest and eventually became a Sith Lord.


 Magani was a master of Form 7: Juyo and the Force Lightning and Force Persuasion.  He was very gifted with the Force and was a very powerful force user.  After Exar Kun's defeat Darth Magani fled to Korriban where he became the 3rd highest ranking Sith Lord.  When Revan took over as Dark Lord of the Sith Magani began aquanted with Darth Sion who taught him the Form 5: Shien of lightsaber fighting.  After Revans defeat and Malaks rise to power came to an end Magani studied under Darth Traya and joined the Sith Triumvirate.  Magani would often join Sion as he hunted down the few remaining Jedi.  After the Jedi Exile killed Darth Nihilius, Magani become the 2nd most powerful Sith Lord in the galaxy.  He returned to Korriban to collect as many Sith Artifacts as he could find.  When the Jedi exile killed Darth Sion and Darth Traya, Darth Magani became Dark Lord of the Sith of the Sith Triumvirate.  Magani collected several Sith Lords as well as a sizable fleet and fled to the True Sith Empire in the unknown regions.


Magani died of natural causes while aboard his personal flagship.  A tomb would be built for him on Scariff where his soul would remain.


Personality and traits[]

Magani was exceptionally gifted with the Force, before his death he had mastered Force Persuasion, Force Lightning and Force Crush. Darth Magani was very manipulative and cunning. Hence his name Magani.

Behind the scenes[]

See also[]
