Star Wars Fanon

Darth Krig Storyline:[]

Krig Origins:[]

Darth Krig was a clone trooper for the 212th, by the name of Warics. When Warics was being made during the

Battle of Kamino, Jedi Knight Keth Tomb died defending the cloning bay, his blood spilled into a clone holding tank. The blood entered Warics genetic makeup, turning him into the first force sensitive clone.

Live During The Clone Wars:[]

During the Clone Wars, Warics joined the 212th under the leadership of Commander Cody and General Kenobi. For Warics he lived just like every other clone, he fought when he needed to and made a few friends. Warics main friend was a 212th trooper named Breezy, commander of 212th Airbourne. During the Civil War Of Clones, Breezy was shot down and killed, this angered Warics and with one yell he killed troopers of the 612th and 41st.

The Training of Warics:[]

After killing most troopers during the Battle of the Clones, Warics went into hiding on Nal Hutta, where he found an old sith from the old republic, his name was Darth Woa, Woa took him under his wing and trained him in the ways of the Dark Side, during his training Warics was allowed to leave Nal Hutta and finish missions for Woa, during one mission, Warics incountered Count Dooku, Count Dooku decided to train Warics, after his training was complete, Warics betryed both Dooku and Woa, hiding on his own in the Outer Rim.

The Slaves of Warics:[]

During his self-imposed exile in the Outer Rim, Warics landed on a planet named Tolung, there he found a temple, where Trandoshans, Mandalorians, and Shivtavanens lived in a peaceful harmony, when it was nighttime, Warics used the force to knock out the entire town, he then put shock collars on all of the townspeople, turning them into his army of slaves.

The Birth of Krig:[]

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Master Plo Koon along with 212th set out into the Outer Rim, to investigate what they thought was an encoded Separatist signal, from the planet Tolung, the troops and Jedi landed on the planet and found a temple, when they entered their weapons were disabled, by a strange device. They entered a throne room, where Warics was sitting down on the throne. Trandoshans, Mandalorians and Shistavanens, all wearing a strange collar, a shock collar. Warics sat up and stood, he told the Jedi and troopers to drop their weapons. instead, six troopers tried to blast Warics, their weapons exploded in their arms, they fell to the floor and two Trandoshans shot them, killing them. Kenobi apologized, Warics was confused, Kenobi stepped forward towards Warics and admitted that he knew that Warics was force sensitive and that he kept it from him. Warics fell to the floor, he was shocked, he looked up and said to his former general.

"It's Krig. Darth Krig."

Krig raised and held his hand up, the troopers started to choke, all of the troopers. Kenobi turned on his saber and threw it to him before the saber could explode. it exploded in Krigs face, the Jedi and troopers ran out of the temple and back to their ship, they escaped.

Death of Krig:[]

Years After the discovery of Krig, Obi-Wan was hiding on Tatooine from the Galactic Empire. Krig showed up infront of Kenobi's doorstep. Kenobi introduced himself as Ben Kenobi, Krig chuckled, he stated that he knew

Kenobi was lying and that he read Kenobi's mind, he then says the name, Luke Skywalker, Kenobi turns on his saber and attacked Krig, Krig struck back with strikes too powerful for Kenobi. Kenobi played dirty and tripped Krig. Kenobi stabbed him. Krig fell, Kenobi took off his helmet, Krig spoke and said his last words.

"I'm Sorry... My Anger... Clouded My... Sight."

Krig died and Kenobi closed his eyes.

Krig's Goals:[]

A New Order:[]

Krig strived to create a new order of Siths named the Order of the Lords, there were only 4 members and 2 members that Krig spent extra time training before the Empire hunted down the Order and killed all of his apprentices.

Ruler of All:[]

Krig wanted to prove that a simple clone could rule the galaxy, his great vision showed that he had taken everyone in the galaxy as slaves, unfortunately, his order collapsed and he died before it could happen.

Killer of the Jedi:[]

Krig wanted to prove that he was more than a clone, he wanted to kill the Jedi Order, but the Empire accomplished it before he did.
