Star Wars Fanon

A new order of Sith is the will of the Force.

Darth Krampusillion was a Sith... (expand and explain)


Darth Krampusillion was a male Zabarak born on Bespin. During Imperial occupation he began to respect the power of the Empire. He was then trained by Darth Sidious as an opponent to test Dath Vader. The two battled on Coruscant and Krampusillion was assumed dead. He survived as a mixture of flesh and droid. He stove to build a new Sith order and led 9 followers known as the council of 9. His order was called the order of the 10. Eventually his order was destroyed by the new Jedi order and the Knights of Ren.

Early life[]




Personality and traits[]

Powers and abilities[]

Behind the scenes[]

See also[]
