Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraTri-Sith Order eraReborn Rule of Two era

How dare you make a mockery of the Sith! You are but a shadow of a real Sith, pretender -- Your "Rule of Two" will destroy itself. You have no purpose in the Sith!"
Lord Revan, as Dark Master of the Sith, I am now the ultimate leader of the Sith."
You are no Sith. You still have competition from the true leader—the Dark Lord of the Sith!...

—Gatekeeper of Darth Revan's Holocron and Darth Kerdax

Darth Kerdax was the second Dark Master of the Sith who restarted the Rule of Two in his own way.


Early life[]

Kerdax was born into a Kiffar family on Korriban and was later taken by Darth Recors as his apprentice.

Rebelling against Vornskr[]

Darth Recors started to believe that Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vornskr was destroying the One Sith. Kerdax joined his master in a rebellion against the Dark Lord.

A year later an other faction of Sith Inquisitors turned against both sides.

The war lasted for almost five years. The three Dark Lords decided that they should unite to preserve what each of them wanted to keep because they believed that if they didn't all they had fought for would be destroyed.

The Tri-Sith Order[]

The leaders created the Tri-Sith Order so that the Sith would be preserved.

Regent to the Dark Master[]

When the leaders of the order chose their regents Darth Recors the Dark Master of the Sith chose Kerdax to be his. Darth Vornskr (who maintained the title of Dark Lord of the Sith) chose his apprentice Darth Wyyrlok to be his regent.

As regent Kerdax was given power over all other Sith that observed the Dark Master as their ruler, only Recors could contradict him. Kerdax was also placed on the small Sith Council that was arranged so that the three parts of the order could decide what could be done that they all could get along (to a point).

The Tri-Sith War[]

Twenty-eight years after the formation of the Tri-Sith Order there was a serious quarrel between the members of the council and the followers of the Dark Master started to be killed off but no one knew by whom. The order lost one of its original leaders, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and was reorganized eighteen years after the fragmentation.

Darth Wyyrlok took her master's place and became the Dark Lady of the Sith. Seventeen years after that Darth Kerdax killed Darth Recors and took his place as Dark Master of the Sith.

After Kerdax took over several Sith Inquisitor Lords came to power and were killed until one finally came to power around 397 ABY. Then conflict between the leaders of the order started to grow. By 402 ABY there was a civil war between all three sides of the Tri-Sith Order.

Recreating the Rule of Two[]

The war ended in 510 ABY leaving only Kerdax, his apprentice Darth Zirax, Darth Wyyrlok and her apprentice Darth DaNox left to carry on the tradition of the Sith. Though Kerdax and Zirax did not know that Wyyrlok and her apprentice had survived.

Kerdax decided that he should create a new form of the Rule of Two and that he would go to the Sith Holocrons that the Sith'ari Darth Bane had gone to as well as Bane's holocron. He travelled to the temple of the ancient Sith where all known, found, holocrons were kept. What Kerdax had apparently forgotten was that three of those Sith Lords (including Bane) had ridiculed Darth Krayt and called him an imposter. He opened the Holocrons of Darth Bane, Darth Revan, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Andeddu. Kerdax asked the ancient Sith for guidance in starting his new Rule of Two. Darth Bane was accepting of it but Darth Revan and Darth Andeddu ridiculed him for making a mockery of the Sith by replacing the title of Dark Lord with Dark Master. Revan also said that the Dark Master still had competition from the "real Sith," witch Kerdax did not understand. Nihilus laughed at the idea of the Sith becoming a more humble order than it was meant to be, and Bane also rejected the idea but reluctantly agreed to help Kerdax. With the little help he got from Bane's holocron Kerdax created his new form of the Rule of Two.

Fight With the Dark Lady and Death[]

Over the next seven years Kerdax worked to form his new order into a traditional form where there is one Sith to embody the power of the Dark Side and another to crave it.

Kerdax eventually discoverred that what Darth Revan had said was true. There were still two more Sith: Darth Wyyrlok and Darth DaNox. The battle that arose between the Sith coverred nearly the entire planet of Korriban. Kerdax was eventually weakend enough that Wyyrlok was able to kill him quickly but Kerdax had learned how to transfer his essence into another being from Darth Bane's holocron. A battle of wills beagan between the two Sith Masters then Wyyrlok overpowered Kerdax and he was no more. A small bit of Kerdax remained but the last Dark Master of the Sith was gone.


Darth Kerdax is portrayed by Johnny Depp
