Star Wars Fanon

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Darth Kalen was a Sith Lord during the Galactic Civil War. He felt that Darth Sidious was unsuitable to rule the Sith due to the fact that Sidious had not revealed to the public that he truly was a Sith. Therefore, Kalen planned to overthrow the Dark Lord using what he felt was a merciless Sith Empire. Using mainly leftovers from the Clone Wars for his army, he was not considered a true threat to the Galactic Empire. He would die at the hands of Darth Vader, on his flagship, the Ravager.


Early life[]

Little was known about Darth Kalen's early life. He was born on Nar Shaddaa in the Refugee sector but fled the planet following the death of his father at the hands of a gang.


See also Attack on the Tatooine garrison base

Kalen reappeared in 16 BBY when he attacked the Imperial garrison base on Tatooine. Wielding two E-11 blaster rifles at the same time he fought his way to the command centre, where he demmanded the location of Darth Vader from the commanding officer. The officer replied by saying thet he did not know the where Lord Vader was. Kalen then shot the officer before fleeing the base.



After fleeing the garrison base on Tatoine he landed on Korriban in search of Darth Vader. There he found an ancient holocron, which reaveald his true sith heritage, and instructions on how to build and wield a lightsaber. He than opended his body to the force in order to fully understand it. The effort nearly killed Kalen and he became servearly disfigured and wounded. Nevertheless his brief exposure to the force had givin him incredible knoledge of the force. Using his newfound talents he crafted himself a Lightsaber. Searching korriban for mor sith relics, he stumbled across the helmet and clothing of Darth Revan. He then took the name of Darth Kalen. Using his new gift with the force he rebuilt a crashed Nu-Class attack shuttle and named it the Reverence. He then rebuilt several IG-100 Magna guards to pilot his ship.


See also Mission to the Jedi temple

Darth Kalen orderd his two droids to fly him to the Jedi temple on Coruscant as he had something to do there. He did not reveal to his droids what that was but they took him there without question. Relishing the opportunity of testing his new Lightsaber he attacked the Stormtrooper`s on guard at the temple and killed them with ease. Darth Kalen sensed a great disturbence in the force and planed to hunt down and kill this possible threat. When he found the foce sensitive in the lower levels of the jedi temple he realised that it was just an infant. Taking the child as his aprentice they returned to the Reverance and returned to Korriban.

Return to Korriban[]

See also Duel on Korriban

On his return to Korriban Kalen realised that he was being followed by an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle. Kalen waited until the ship had landed then approached it, hoping it was Darth Vader who was sent to kill him. He was wrong however. It was a Shadow Guard that emerged from the ship. The two started to duel and Kalen gained the upper hand and impailed the Guard. After the duel he discovered the tomb of Sith lord Darth Plagueis. He excavated the tomb using the force and searched for sith holocrons. What he discoved was far better than he had anticipaated. He found a holocron, he learned how to create life.
