Darth Judicar was a Force-sensitive Human Male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. A Dark Lord of the Sith of the Order founded by Darth Bane, he brought about the fruition of their thousand-year plan to destroy the Jedi Order and finally establish Sith dominance over the galaxy.
Powers and abilities[]
Trained to perfection from a young age by Darth Plagueis, Darth Judicar was considered to be one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the history of the Sith. A voracious learner, Judicar quickly and easily grasped every skill and discipline his Master taught him, supplementing his learning with a vast collection of Sith holocrons and manuscripts such as scrolls, tomes, and texts which had been inherited from Plagueis. He would ultimately prove his mastery of the dark side by overpowering and slaying Plagueis in single combat during a titanic battle that permanently altered the wildlife, weather patterns, and landscape of the planet they dueled on.
Lightsaber skill[]
At the hands of his Master, Darth Judicar would inherit the rich tradition of lightsaber pedigree cultivated by the Sith Order since the days of Darth Bane. Judicar was a prodigious and deadly lightsaber duelist, wielding a curved-hilt lightsaber for the entirety of his life. Under Darth Plagueis' tutelage, he quickly became an advanced practitioner of Form II, honing his skills and perfecting every move and sequence until achieving absolute mastery of the form. Judicar mastered his saber form to such a degree that his Makashi rhythms became a matter of instinct while he lapsed into a trance-like state, allowing him to also concentrate on and incorporate Force techniques while battling with his enemies.
He exclusively employed Makashi in combat, believing devotion to multiple forms would never provide the same level of mastery as practicing a single style. Judicar utilized a fluid, one-handed style which was conservative and measured, never wasting unnecessary effort and designed to deal damage without suffering any in return, freeing up his other hand to unleash strong Force attacks in sync with his lightsaber strikes. Though he was ambidextrous and equally skilled with either hand, he favored wielding his lightsaber with his left hand, interfering with the usual right-handedness most lightsaber duelists were used to facing.
He fought just below his opponent’s level, drawing them in, using his extremely polished defense to redirect and deflect his opponent's blade with a minimal expenditure of energy rather than directly meeting it head on. The hypnotic and intricate parries would move just fast enough to subtly interfere with his opponent’s strikes, which Judicar was easily able to anticipate and predict, simply evading the rest with slight dodges and shifts of stance. His masterful blade work was just as effective against a group as it was against an individual opponent, being able to comfortably counter dozens of strikes per second, his movements flowing into each other with liquid precision. When Judicar’s blade slipped through their defenses, he would simply alter the angle of his parries to unleash a lightning-fast flurry of vicious thrusts, never utilizing anything less than a killing blow.
Eschewing open flourishes and bold, kinetic movements in favor of more simple and efficient maneuvers, Judicar did not tire easily and his swordplay demonstrated extraordinary precision and speed, being able to rapidly fend off and dispatch multiple duelists at a time with a minimal expenditure of energy. Avoiding at all costs what he viewed as needless and wasteful acrobatics, he relied on superior footwork, reach, leverage, and tactical know-how to outmaneuver his opponents, basing himself on balance, back-and-forth charges, and sudden retreats. His footwork was so refined he could quickly back multiple opponents into unfavorable positions, isolating them from help and allowing him to engage and overwhelm his foes one at a time.
Force mastery[]
As Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Judicar was the strongest dark side user of his time, and one of the most powerful in the entire history of the Sith Order. He perfected his natural talents for the Sith arts and commanded a variety of esoteric and unnatural powers, becoming one of the greatest practitioners of Sith alchemy and sorcery in galactic history. Mastering all the powers his predecessors wielded and rediscovering some even his Master considered lost, Judicar's abilities were so potent and extensive that overpowering him in direct combat at full power required a large amount of Force-sensitives who each possessed an incredibly strong potential in the Force, with only Darth Plagueis, Yoda, and Mace Windu having demonstrated the ability to engage him in a protracted one-on-one battle. Judicar was so powerful in the dark side he was able to cloud the Jedi's vision, making it exceedingly difficult for them to predict future events, allowing him to bide his time and plot his rise to power while the Jedi were unable to sense him.
As a fully trained Sith, Darth Judicar could conjure lightning, and would often use it as a means of torture and execution. During his battle against Darth Plagueis, these blasts were capable of killing the Sithspawn Plagueis had created in a single hit, to his Master's astonishment and despite Plagueis being arguably the most learned and proficient Sith alchemist to have ever lived. He was also able to absorb energy from a variety of sources, from Force-based attacks to power cells, and then channeling it into Force energy for his own use. Using this ability, Judicar was able to block lightsaber blades and blaster bolts with his bare hands without injury, then capitalize on the opening his opponent's shock provided to attack during the distraction.
His Force presence was incredibly elusive, allowing him to slip out of the memories of those he encountered moments after departing. This could affect strong-minded individuals as well as entire groups of sentient beings; however, Jedi were able to resist this power if they possessed sufficient mental discipline and awareness. Judicar was also able to determine who retained their memory of him and who did not, as it was not an automatic occurrence, and could manipulate the memories of his targets to effectively erase his existence. He was also able to conceal himself entirely in the Force using a person's doubt, making him invisible to sense, though a particularly observant Force sensitive would be able to locate him during these periods through the emptiness in the Force the technique generated. Judicar was also capable of hiding his dark nature from the Jedi High Council, even when in the same room as its members, and eventually reached the point where it became second nature. He could similarly project false emotions to further cover his presence, and only partially reveal his feelings to others, controlling what they sensed and empathized with.
Being an avid user of Force techniques that manipulated the mind, Judicar could exert his Force presence upon the weak-minded and sway subjects to do his bidding without their realizing it, from ignore his presence to losing consciousness. He was able to prey on his target's doubts and create or distort truths with great effect, skewing logic and temporarily convincing even himself he was speaking the truth. Coupled with powerful but subtle use of the Force to back these lies, Judicar could persuade others that he spoke reason, his duplicity undetected. On a more extreme level he could directly implant thoughts into another's mind, making it seem as if they had come up with an idea themselves, alter or erase the memories of entire groups, induce a bloodlust of frenzied madness and deranged mania in otherwise calm individuals, and drive people insane by showing them visions of their greatest fears over and over.
He could even take complete control of a target's mind and literally reshape them in his own image, dominating their wills and convincing them to attack their allies or even commit suicide if he had the whim, compelling even powerful Force-users to obey him. He was just as talented at reading minds, being able to delve into the minds of others to decipher their thoughts with great precision, and could pry information even from actively resisting consciousnesses.
While being skilled at altering both living and dead cells to create a plethora of nightmarish bioweapons for various purposes and directing them according to his will, Judicar was also able to use Sith alchemy to construct potent poisons, elixirs, and maladies of varying effects which could target select genetic templates, allowing him to afflict anyone from single families to entire species with devastating pathogens. These substances were highly resistant to antidotes and cures, and if a defense were found Judicar could simply mutate their makeup to render it much less effective, if not entirely useless. Highly literate in the use of Sith runes, Judicar would place them around structures or in valuable locations to create powerful barriers which invoked a sense of dread and fear within any who came near, driving away all but the most determined of individuals.
Apart from Plagueis, Darth Judicar was the only other Force user known to be capable of directly manipulating midi-chlorians. Through direct mental contact with the organelles, Judicar was capable of using this power to regenerate damaged or aged portions of the body, up to and including regrowing lost limbs and organs and even reversing the aging process. Judicar could exert such influence over the midi-chlorians, he command them to almost instantly treat what would normally be severe mortal wounds, healing himself and others from even death itself. His control over this ability was so refined he could use this power as a potent form of torture, slowly killing his victim with their own midi-chlorians by inciting aggression in them, then using those same organelles to continuously revive and heal them only to start the process over again until he was satisfied. With his command of the midi-chlorians, Judicar was able to halt his aging process completely, keeping his body in a state of perpetual youth. He was also able to permanently strip a being's ability to touch the Force and likewise restore it if he felt so inclined. Also capable of enhancing the Force sensitivity of others, Judicar would frequently make use of this in combination with various dark elixirs and potions on several promising young children to permanently increase their Force potential in the hopes of finding a suitable apprentice from among them.
After slaying his master and taking the mantle "Dark Lord of the Sith" Judicar gained powerful precognitive powers that would only grow stronger over the course of his life and draw him deeper into the dark side. First appearing in the form of frequent dreams or during his meditations, he eventually gained a constant, vague awareness of how immediate events even great distances away would unfold. The Sith Lord could intuit all the possibilities stemming from a given situation and prepare for unexpected changes, seeing the outcome of various possible actions at will. Over the years he refined this gift until he was capable of seeing through his enemies' tactics and strategies, instinctively knowing how an enemy would act, how to counter those actions, and in turn how those counters would be responded to. Further aiding him was the ability to see shatterpoints, which allowed Judicar to see weak points in opponents, organizations, events in both the short- and long-term, and even everyday life. This power allowed him to destroy otherwise unbreakable objects with a minimal amount of physical exertion by channeling the Force into the places of the object that bound it together. In relation to events, a single action could cause events to transpire completely differently than they might otherwise have, allowing Judicar to easily bring to pass results and futures that suited his designs and ensure everything proceeded exactly as envisioned. Using these potent abilities in conjunction, Judicar was able to control the direction and outcome of a galaxy-wide war, and his apprentice believed he could make the future come to pass simply by predicting it.
Given his early role as both Senator and Dark Lord of the Sith, Judicar's clothing was carefully chosen in such a way as to be suitable to both without the need to switch back and forth or arouse suspicion as to a certain article of clothing in his possession. He chose to forgo the elaborate and luxurious robes common in the Senate and his Order in favor of a much more practical and comfortable — some would say militaristic — style, though his clothes were still made out of the finest materials. Without patterns, adornments, or accessories, his minimalist attire reflected his simple but refined taste, and also gave the appearance of a man without many physical wants.
He was usually seen in extremely expensive, custom-tailored clothing from Vjun, the tunics and trousers always being in matching shades of black or gray. He also wore polished, lace-less black shoes made of rare rancor leather which reached just below mid-shin. When acting as Dark Lord of the Sith, Judicar would adorn a large, flowing black cloak to cover his form. More expensive to purchase than the rest of his wardrobe combined, it had a large hood and long sleeves that reached to just below the wrists, serving to hide his physical features to prevent visual identification.
Judicar wielded a curved lightsaber which was built to the highest standards, emphasizing precision and quality. Composed of chromium with an electrum pommel and blade emitter shroud, which gave it an attractive mirror-like shine, its physical properties were further enhanced and refined via Sith alchemy, allowing it to survive even a direct strike from a lightsaber. The lightsaber's synth-crystal produced the traditional blood-red blade of all Sith lightsabers.
As an apprentice, Darth Judicar's personal transport was a heavily modified star courier, a gift from his master. Though it was unarmed, the ship featured several experimental technologies, most notably the cloaking device, and was stealthy enough for him to slip through Coruscant's defenses unnoticed on numerous occasions.