Star Wars Fanon


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The title of this article is a nickname or callsign.

This article is about a subject that lacks an official name, and is known only by its nickname or callsign.

Welcome Dooku, I'm glad that you could join us in time to complete your training.

Darth Galepius

Darth Galepius was a name used by the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis around fifty years before the Clone Wars. Under this guise he gathered together many Dark Jedi into one group, the Disciples of Bane, so that they could be destroyed as to pave the way for him and his apprentice, the true lords of the Sith.


You Destru are not worthy of the title Dark Lord of the Sith. I will leave you now to die, just like all the other usurpers before you.
—Darth Galepius to Darth Destru shortly before the latter's death

As Galepius, Plagueis brought various Sith factions together into what would become known as the Disciples of Bane. As one of the three Sith Lords in the Triad of Darkness that ran the Disciples for the first few years, Plagueis manipulated the other Sith lords to his advantage. Finally, he orchestrated the deaths of Darth Destru and Darth Baden to allow him to become head of the Disciples. He then began building an army to challenge that of the Republic's.

However, these plans were discovered by the Senate, probably by Plagueis himself, and two Jedi, Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn were sent to arrest him and his minions. He sent his fleet against them and they were captured and taken to his secret base in Wild Space. There he and his two chief apprentices Sisidou, his apprentice Darth Sidious, and Verona tortured the Jedi.

Mera Dan was upset by this violence and left his post as commander of the army and space forces. Plagueis sent assassins to kill him and make sure he didn't tell anyone of his plans. This would be his downfall as Dan survived the attempt on his life and rallied a force against his forces.

His plans were further endangered when Dooku and his apprentice escaped, having killed Verona, and joined Dan's forces. Returning to his headquarters on Eriadu, Plagueis planned his next move as violence erupted in the sector.

But the Jedi and their allies moved first, attacking and breaking into his fortress in the Battle of Eriadu. The two armies clashed in one massive battle and soon he found himself to be the only one left standing, except Dooku.

The two of them dueled, Plagueis taunted the Jedi Master on his failings, hoping that his anger would undo him. However, he only caused Dooku to grow stronger and he was driven back towards the edge of a cliff. Desperately he fought, trying to keep Dooku back, but Dooku kept coming and in one final sweep, he drove the Sith Lord over the edge and into the pit.

However, Plagueis survived and made his way back to Coruscant to meet his apprentice Sidious and inform him that everything was going as planned.
