Star Wars Fanon
Unity era

Darth Forradar was a Sith Knight during the Unity era.


Early years[]

Born Fari Pénzember, to a family of travelling merchants during the Coruscanti plague. His father and elder brother were taken captive by the Black Guard early in his lifetime, leaving only Fari and his mother. The Coruscanti plague was a desperate time for the Pénzember family, as it was for millions of families across the planet, and they quickly found themselves in debt to the local Hutt crime lord.

Tadhana the Hutt was lenient at first, but when Forradar reached the age of ten he grew more aggressive. With the horrors of the Coruscanti plague behind them, the Pénzembers were in better financial positions, but they were still "poor" by galactic standards and couldn't afford to pay Tadhana back.

Tadhana, growing impatient, ordered Starost Pénzember to come to his abode and speak with him. Bringing her son along, Starost was arrested by Tadhana's guards, along with her son, and brought before Tadhana.

Tadhana demanded the money from her, but when she failed to produce had her killed. Fari, in a fit of rage struck out using the power of the Force and killed all present, including his mother.

Now, without a family or place to live, Fari was forced to live off the streets. He quickly got the nickname Forradar for his treacherous behaviour and his knack for survival.

Joining the army[]

Years passed, and by his fourteenth birthday Forradar, as he was now known, was in serious trouble with the authorities. On the run and without a friend on the world, Forradar fled to the local Sith military base in an attempt to sign up. He succeeded, and was shipped off world to begin his training. Forradar quickly proved his worth, joining the Sith Youths and rising through the ranks.

Within two years he had become the commander of his squadron and had received numerous awards for masterful displays of tactical knowledge and bravery during training, despite losing his left eye during his early training. Forradar refused a Prosthetic replacement because he believed that it would only falter.

It was then that Forradar was found by an unknown Sith Lord and taken as an apprentice, illegally. He trained for several years before his master was found out and executed by the Dark Lord, Darth Mahina, but Forradar was allowed to live, taking up residence inside the Sith academy on Korriban. He continued his training under numerous Masters, but none wanted to permanently train him.

One of the Sith[]

It wasn't until the year 200 ABY that Forradar achieved his life ambition, and became a Sith Knight; the first to achieve the rank without having a permanent Sith Master (not including his original).

A decade passed and Forradar continued to train himself, even going so far as to being granted control of the military forces that guarded the Academy itself. But he still failed to find himself a Sith Master from whom he could be promoted. By the year 210 ABY Forradar had become the greatest pupil at the academy, surpassing many of the Sith Masters.

In 214 ABY however, he was given a chance to finally become a Sith Master when the Dark Lord, Darth Mahina announced that her apprentice had passed the trials and become a Sith Lord. Forradar broke into Mahina's quarters and stated his deep wish to become her apprentice. Mahina revealed that she had long watched Forradar, seeing his potential and latent abilities in the Force. And that she would gladly take him on as her apprentice; but she needed him to do one thing before she would consider him as her next apprentice. He had to inform his only rival for the position; Darth Nihilus, of Mahina's interest. Forradar, rather annoyed, agreed and went to give Nihilus Mahina's message.

It was then that Forradar realized that he had been given a golden opportunity, and excuse, to remove the threat that Nihilus presented. Passing on Mahina's message, Forradar received a positive reply, but failed too pass it on; instead convincing two of his lackeys to assist him is slaying Nihilus so that he would be, by default, the only option for Mahina too choose.

Hours passed before Forradar would return, lackeys in tow. Nihilus knew instantly that it was an assassination attempt but humoured Forradar briefly. Accused of breaching the Rule of One by assisting his master in an attempted coup, Nihilus drew his lightsaber and struck Forradar down effortlessly. Forradar was dead before he even hit the floor, having never seen Nihilus strike him down.


Forradar's death was the catalyst needed for Wyyrlok to usurp the throne and take over the Decreton Empire. Wyyrlok had long expected a duel between Forradar and Nihilus, and refused to stand in the way, believing that Nihilus was destined to overcome Forradar with ease.

Personality and traits[]

Forradar had always followed in the footsteps of his father, being a man of strong will and character. Until his indoctrination into the Sith, he had always had a weakness for money and believed it the answer to all of life's problems.

He had often attempted to buy peoples friendship during his early years on Coruscant, but often got all of his money back once he had betrayed his associates. Losing nothing, and gaining everything.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Forradars life is an amalgamation of the lives of numerous characters from Path of Destruciton.
  • Forradar's family name, Pénzember comes from the Hungarian, Pénz ember, for "money man".
  • Forradar comes from the Swedish förrädare, meaning traitor.