Darth Fear, born Ravin Thron, was a self-appointed Sith Lord that operated after Luke Skywalker began his attempts to rebuild the Jedi Order. He was the 2nd child in his four children family. His father was an a Jedi already in exile because of his beliefs and was now in hiding because of the Great Jedi Purge. His mom and dad were killed when Semo the Hutt's forces came to Saleucami to find those to become slaves. Around the same time, a group called the Jedi Remnant came to Saleucami to look for people with a high midi-chlorian count. They found his brother and younger sister, but couldn't find him in time.
He later fled using the dark side of the Force after his twin sister was killed. He eventually was found by Luke Skywalker and began training with many padawans such as former sith assassin in training, Somoht. He eventually joined the reborn Palpatine as a Dark side operative and Imperial commander. He received grievous injuries during that time and eventually fled into wild space after Palpatine's final death. He eventually came across Sith teaches and began refining his skills and beliefs. After anointing himself Darth Fear, he went on to challenge the Jedi and attempt galactic domination. He was eventually struck down near the end of the One Sith War.
Personality and traits[]
Why do we serve a Republic, a galaxy who treats us as a sad religion who they can blame all their problems on, and then call upon us when ever the galaxy needs saving! How about we stop serving those who can not appreciate what we have done and serve ourselves for once!
—Ravin to Luke Skywalker
Ravin had severe disagreements with Luke Skywalker on seeing the Republic, which his saw as not even appreciating the Jedi's efforts the keep the peace. This led him to believe the Jedi should build an empire to replace the New Republic. This eventually led to his defection to Palpatine and the Dark side.
Rule by a singular powerful figure is the natural state of affairs and as such is the one most suitable towards galactic rule. I intend to build a legacy that surpasses all great empires.
—Darth Fear, Lord of the Sith
As a Sith, Fear did what ever was necessary to gain as much power as possible. He was initially a firm believer in the old ways of the Sith, believing the rule of two was too few in numbers. However, he later admired Darth Bane for creating a Sith Order he called "a system of prolonged revenge". However, Fear concluded the rule of two was only Bane's vision and that it was inevitable that his successors wouldn't uphold it, saying that "No true Dark Lord will die for a vision that's not his own."
Fear also saw value in the rule of one, but ultimately concluded it would destroy its most capable members and promote mediocrity, thus causing it to collapse on itself. In order to devise a system of Sith organization that would promote the strong, including strong leadership, without collapsing in on itself, Fear concluded that a dynastic monarchy should be established, with the head of the monarchy using essence transfer to maintain himself while establishing a line of "succession". Fear thought that, in time, the stability of the monarchy would be established and could then accomplish the task of establishing an extra-galactic empire. Of course, Fear did not wish anyone to accomplish this task but himself, seeing himself as the Sith'ari destined to destroy and rebuild the Sith.
Fear saw the power plays of his day has a test for who would become the Galaxy's ruler. Fear naturally saw himself as this ruler and strived to make sure that no one seized total control of the Galaxy except him. However, Fear diverged from other Sith, as Fear did not consider the necessity for leadership to be strength in the force, but rather strength of will. Part of this came from his acknowledgement of Luke Skywalker's immense power in the force, once remarking that "Skywalker proves that one requires more than power in the force to become a galactic emperor." Thus, all modes of deception and cunning we're seen as acceptable to Fear and as such he saw no philosophical problem with technically weaker Sith striking down stronger ones, even if he conceded practical problems.
He believed that those who hated non-human were trying to cover up their fear that the alien may be stronger or smarter than them. In fact, Fear mainly saw humans as socially successful and concluded that, despite being a human himself, that humans were not the most desirable species for rulership. Despite this, Fear saw the Pius Dea Era, an era famous for its xenophobic attitudes towards nonhumans, as "one of the few time periods in galactic history so remarkable that the Jedi felt the need to destroy it."
Unlike his brother and sister, Ravin/Fear was fascinated by politics. This started when Ravin began to wonder about the purpose of slavery.
Powers and abilities[]
Lightsaber combat[]
Force Powers[]
Like his siblings, Fear was very powerful in the Force. He most commonly used Lightning and Telekinesis, however around 48 ABY to 49 ABY, Fear was able to manipulate oxygen and heat and combine it with the Dark side (as a fuel source) to create fire. He later discovered how to use essence transfer, though he had some idea about it since his time under Palpatine's command.