Star Wars Fanon

Darth Deus was the Dark Lord of the Sith and eldest son of Galactic Emperor Palpatine. While he always considered himself a master of politics and military command, his main focus was on reviving the Sith Empire, a Sith organization that would act on behalf of the Empire when encountering the Force. He was originally named Noah Skywalker and had a Force born disguise to hide his true loyalty.


Physical Appearance[]

As Noah Skywalker he preferred a white jacket over the Jedi robes as well as skin-tight clothing, this included high heeled boots and a "force mask" to hide his dark side heritage by giving him blue eyes and brown/crimson hair.

Later, when Dark Deus took to the field on the side of the Separatists, he appeared to be armored in a remade black Sith trooper armor and his face was a constant secret.

After a battle on the bridge of Death's Hand, Grievous' flagship, he was unmasked as Noah Skywalker whom the Jedi Council announce a dark side user whom then came under the protection of the Supreme Chancellor. Deus then reverted to his true form, with shining black hair and crimson eyes turned through the use of dark side energy, he began wearing his cloths as he liked.


Deus seemed cheerful compared to other dark side users however that was only a front, he was cold and calculating, willing to kill off or undermine even the most useful ally.

Most of his political personality was born from the fact that he plans to recreate the Senate as a "Parliament" where he would act as a voice for the Emperor as the Empire's Prime Minister.

Previous to becoming Prime Minister, he had shortly before gained the title of Sith Emperor while his lover, Darth Diabolus, became Grand Master of the Sith on Coruscant, long before that he became supreme commander of the Grand Army of the Republic and later the Empire.

Known Ranks[]

  • Supreme Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic
  • Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces
  • Brainchild of the Shadow Stormtroopers and Novatroopers.
  • Imperial Prime Minister
  • Sith Emperor
  • Sith'ari (Sith Overlord, ultimate Sith being, technically "God" of the Dark side and its orders)
  • Galactic Emperor


Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Father/Master)

Darth Diabolus (Lover)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Younger Twin Brother)

Darth Raven (Half-Sister)

Darth Revel (Half-Brother)

Ben Skywalker/Darth Saarai (Great Nephew/Son-In-Law)

Darth Caelestis (Son)



Childhood and Pre-Adult Years[]

Deus was born Noah Skywalker, son of Palpatine of Naboo and Shimi Skywalker, elder twin brother to Anakin Skywalker whom was revealed to be the Force's "Chosen One" while Deus was born as a counter measure as the second Sith'ari.

Due to the fact that they were twins, their bond stopped their respected Force elements from destroying each other while the present Sith'ari was given the destiny to decide the fate of the Chosen One, Deus' love for his brother therefore allowed him to decide a fate where the force was brought into balance through a Unity of Light and Dark.

Deus' first instance of anger came about when his brother and mother was lost during an expedition into the Outer Rim, Palpatine then began to train his Son in the arts of the Darkside where Deus helped his father kill his own Master and undermine the rules of the Rule of Two, Deus then announced that he desired for a return of the Sith Empire as was his right as a Sith'ari.

Deus by his teens went off to the Jedi and was trained by Vergere in the ways of the Jedi, Deus due to his link with his twin, then went on to become the first balanced Force User of Light and Dark.

Clone Wars[]

19BBY - 1BBY[]

Deus willingly joined the Imperial Academy in late 19 BBY to observe some more of the Empire's newest recruits, there he became friends with Mitth'raw'nuruodo (aka "Thrawn") and Tyber Zann whom he became friends with, though he and Thrawn past the Academy with flying colors he instead unfortunately had to see Tyber Zann kicked out of the academy due to his "special" ideas.

Darkness Series[]

Legacy of Darkness[]

Deus reveals to all that his family was descended from the first Sith: Darth Sith, the very creature whom invented the Dark Side which expanded across the Galaxy, essentially its the diluted blood of that Sith that makes his family so powerful in the Force which especially includes the Dark Side of the Force.

Deus uses his tactical skills to attack the Rebels, using the superior technology in his Sovereign-Class Super Star Destroyer: the Obedience, to easily defeat the Rebellion time and again across the known Galaxy.

Deus makes a final stand to recruit his son at Polis Massa, where he reveals the use of a Thought Bomb to defeat the large Rebel Garrison on the Asteroid Base, sending all Force Sensitive beings on the base including himself into the Force Web where he explains what the "Universe of the Force" is.

Deus reveals that only extremely strong Force wielders can control the power of the Force Web let alone survive in it without their body being returned to the Force and their souls being transferred over to the afterlife, Deus indicates that those whom stay here however for definite amount of times will be torn apart in pain before being sent on to the Afterlife, those immune would be driven insane before the pain got to them.

Heart of Darkness[]

Operation Storm[]

Darth Deus has become the Head of Operation Storm, an objective to counter the Rebellion or even stand-alone Rogues in the Perlemian Trade Route and to that end the Sectors near the Route, Deus therefore added this Operation to the list of other missions he was entitled with including the Commanding of the entire Imperial Hordes.

Operation Storm however has another objective all together including the crushing of Rebel controlled Worlds in its Outer Rim Boundary and the protection of the Vengeance-Class Super Star Destroyer Shipyard/Dock at the Roche asteroid field, a major Imperial Base in the Mid Rim which was allowed as it brought increassed trading to the Verpine whom had built a nation there whom would be allowed to go about their business without aggression as long as Imperial Laws were maintained.

Deus later revealed that the Rebel Listening Post on Daltarra in the Inner Rim along the Trade Route, had been not only reinhabited by Rebel Forces but also turned into a combination of a Listening Post and a large scale Rebel Base to raid Imperial supplies, Deus believed that the Base had vital information on the Rebel Command.

Parjir Sith'ari Series[]

Deus' return[]

Darth Deus returns from his pacification of Wild Space upon hearing that the Jedi had returned, had included themselves in the demise of his Father and Twin, also attempted in returning the Universed to a flawed Republic. Deus returned to the Deep Core world of Byss where he announces the Neo-Galactic Empire while controlling the Imperial Remnant from a distance, not fully understanding the threat on the horrizon causes the Jedi to know not about the rise in Sith numbers leaving a powerful blind spot, which Deus intends to make use of.

Empire Reborn series[]

Star Wars Episode 7 Series[]

Powers and Abilities[]

Lightsaber training[]

Deus was first brought up to fight in Form VII Juyo when trained by his father, Palpatine, whom later expanded his learning in the use of Form I: Shii-Cho and Form II: Makashi, it was discovered through this training that Deus had an interesting effect that allowed him to advance quickly (Eidetic Memory) while learning the different methods of Lightsaber combat.

By the Clone Wars, Noah and his alter ego (Deus) had mastered almost every form skill and was coming to a unique learning of the Form VII's alternate Form: Vaapad, even so it seems that Deus was defeated by Anakin Skywalker's use of the unorthodox with a power that Deus hadn't expected from him, it is later revealed that Deus and Anakin were in a battlemeld with each other and all Anakin knew was that "Noah had been fighting a hard enemy" during his conflict with Deus until his shock at Deus' unmasking.

By the rise of the Galactic Empire, Deus invented his own Forms:

  • Form A: Axis - The "Way of the Sphere"
  • Form B: Balis - The "Way of the Krayt Dragon"
  • Form C: Combi - The "Way of the Swarm"

Force Powers[]

Core Force Powers[]


The most basic Force techniques, requiring mastery over self. Control was the first basic abilities to be learned by a Jedi.

  • Force speed
  • Force Cloak
  • Force Concealment (Also known as Force Stealth)
Force Sense[]
  • Force Seeing
  • Farseeing
  • Force Empathy
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Force Jump/Leap
  • Force Pull/Push

Universal Force Powers[]

  • Art of the Small
  • Aing-Tii fighting-sight
  • Battle Meditation
  • Breath Control
  • Comprehend Speech
  • Dopplegänger
  • Force Bellow
  • Force Body
  • Force Comprehension
  • Force Confusion
  • Force Deflection (without a lightsaber)
  • Force Listening
  • Force Flash
  • Force Illusion
  • Force Meld
  • Force Suppression
  • Force Throw
  • Force barrier
  • Force Vision
  • Force Weapon
  • Force Whisper
  • Precognition
  • Psychometry
  • Sever Force
  • Shatterpoint
  • Tapas

Lightside Force Powers[]

  • Alter Environment
  • Animal Friendship (hinted that Noah/Deus naturally radiates this ability)
  • Battlemind
  • Battle Precognition
  • Combustion
  • Crucitorn
  • Droid Disable
  • Electric Judgment (Jedi allowed Force Lightening, used as Noah)
  • Force Blinding
  • Force Enlightenment
  • Force Healing
  • Force Light
  • Force Orb
  • Force Projection
  • Force Protection
  • Force Defend
  • Force Absorb
  • Protection Bubble
  • Force Resuscitation
  • Force Stun
  • Force Stasis (advanced version of Force Stun)
  • Force Stasis Field (the most advanced version of Force Stun)
  • Force Valor
  • Hibernation Trance
  • Levitation (Not restricted to Jedi usage)
  • Malacia
  • Morichro
  • Plant Surge
  • Ray
  • Revitalize

Darkside Force Powers[]

Sith Alchemy Creations[]