Star Wars Fanon

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Old Republic eraLegacy era

You were weak, Sidious. You had the galaxy in the palm of your hands, and you lost it in the blink of an eye. Your tenderfooted mistakes will not be repeated.
—Darth Cronus at Sidious's grave

Darth Cronus was amongst the more powerful Sith of the old Sith Empire, becoming one of the Sith slain by the Emperor and having his spirit sealed within the ancient temple ruins of Dromund Kass. He was later freed by a young slave named Typhoeus by accident.


Early life[]

Cronus Oppress was born thousands of years ago in the ancient Sith Empire with a strong connection to the Force, stronger than any other in his time. As a boy, he had no one, not even parents, causing him to become strongly self-reliant. Raised on a harsh planet in a state of great economic distress, he became very well versed in the ways of the Force without the aid of a master in order to survive.

Eventually taking the surname Oppress, a name he derived from the Basic word "oppression", which he relished in by forcing over members of his kind to serve him forming his own cult. Upon joining the Sith Empire, he slaughtered all of his followers, sparing only his numerous children. By slaying his followers, his connection to the dark side of the Force only intensified, and he immediately became a high-ranking member of the Ancient Sith Empire.

Death and sealing[]

Years passed and Cronus's fame made him a target for many Sith, all meeting their end at his hands. In the end, the future Emperor of Sith took his life, sealing his spirit and remains in the ancient Temple of the Sith. It was here one thousand years later that a young Sith Pure Blood named Typhoeus would free his spirit and become his apprentice.

Personality and traits[]

Cronus was very demanding, showing no remorse for his crimes and not valueing opinions other than his own. Despite his arrogance and cold blooded nature, he was proven to be very cunning and lethal. He cared of his descendants Maul and Savage Oppress, as he had shown upon the reawakening of his apprentice Darth Typhoeus, when Darth Cronus ordered the deaths and extermination of any and all remnants of Darth Sidious's forces and empire.


As a spirit, Cronus no longer possessed a body. causing him to often appear as only a voice. He often had a vessel that would often rot away and die, not being able to contain his power. One of the things he coveted above all else was a body so that he could live again once more.
