Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

Brenge Solnon is simply put, a very talented man.
—Luke Skywalker

Darth Cronox was a male born at 50 BBY and under the name Brenge Solnon. He was born on the planet of Corellia, and obviously had the stereotypical arrogance. This arrogance was well-supported by his abilities, however. He had a rather high midi-chlorian count of 14,500. Which granted him high potential. He was discovered on the planet by Qui-Gon Jinn, and was trained with a variety of masters. His central master was Count Dooku. He became a Jedi Knight in 33 BBY. He was skilled in various Force abilities, and was an extremely prestigious lightsaber duelist.

His master left the Order a year after his knighthood, which briefly crippled him. But he soon began to do solo missions for the Order and was very successful.

When the Clone Wars began, he stuck to his pacifist side and did not lead any armies. He instead participated in other missions for the Jedi Council, many of which included hunting Dark Jedi, or striking at targets alone. He was made a Jedi Master in 20 BBY. And was on was on a mission in Corellia when Order 66 was initiated.

He eventually confronted the Emperor, but was surrounded by Vader and many guards. He sensed great power in the two Sith, and also sensed that Vader was Anakin Skywalker, which was unbeknown to him previously as he had not been present at the purge. He instead offered his services to Palpatine, who accepted, though Vader was skeptical. Though he was not an Imperial, he was sent on various missions and forced to practice using the dark side, which he had learned much of during some of his missions with the Jedi. Palpatine was impressed with his abilities and made him one of his top agents.

Eventually, after the forming of the Rebellion and the victory at Yavin, he betrayed the Emperor. In doing this, he destroyed a space station, stole a Star Destroyer with the help of Rebel Prisoners, and became a top agent for the Rebellion.

When the New Jedi Order was formed, he did not join, but kept in contact with Luke Skywalker, with whom he became friends. They exchanged secrets and Skywalker would send some particularly skilled trainees his way. Possibly the most prestigious was his first full apprentice, Efil Sennol. He also would train Notanoj Khan, Ramk Lermill, Gevilos Eslonn, Limache Lesonn, and one that turned to the dark side: Maichel Nhak.

He participated in the Yhuzzan Vong War, the Swarm War, and aided the Jedi during the Second Galactic Civil War:Second Civil-War. Throughout all of these times he stayed alone, doing his own missions, but still staying in contact with the Jedi. He was frequently offered a position on the council, but always turned it down.



Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan were sent on a mission to Corellia to halt a rising criminal organization that had began to secretly murder some and apparently plotted to assassinate Corellia's leaders. During their infiltration of the gang, Obi-Wan came across a young boy who was able to use the force to push a man to the ground. Obi-Wan inspected the man and found that he was a criminal. Obi-Wan took the boy to Qui-Gon who confirmed the boy's potential. He left his parents and traveled to Coruscant.

The Jedi Temple[]

Great power I sense in you, and knowledge. Dangerous combination this can be.

He was immediately given special training by Yoda as a youngling as he was discovered to already have a high ability. He was made an apprentice to Count Dooku at age eight. Count Dooku taught him both the Dark and Light Sides of the Force. The light to use, the dark to know what he would be up against. He was skilled in multiple areas of the Force, but excelled in lightsaber combat. By the end of his apprenticeship, he could stand for a good deal of time against his master in saber combat. He specialized in form II like his master. But was also skilled in all the others. Including form VII, which Mace Windu privately taught him.

He participated in the mission to Galidraan with his master. As well as various other difficult missions that they were able to handle as determined by the council.

He easily passed the trials and became a Jedi Knight much to the delight of the council. He achieved this in 33 BBY. He was sent on various missions that were rather dangerous.

Throughout his time at the temple, both during apprenticeship and knighthood, he had a handful of romantic involvements with various female Jedi. Along with being very strong in the Force, he was extremely intelligent. Along with this, he was somewhat handsome. He cared little for romance until his apprenticeship was nearly over. But he had a brief secret romance with Barriss Offee. This was ended after Brenge's knighthood. Later, before her relationship with Kit Fisto, he had a serious relationship with Aayla Secura. He had numerous other minor romances, but none proved serious. By the time of the Clone Wars, he believed that he would remain alone.

The excavation of Chandrila[]

In 30 BBY, Brenge was assigned a mission to oversee an excavation of a Jedi Tomb on Chandrila. When he arrived, it was discovered that the tomb was said to hold many holocrons. Count Dooku, now acting as Darth Tyrannus, sent mercenaries and some dark side adepts as well as one mysterious dark Jedi to steal the uncovered holocrons. After they scientists and Brenge discovered the holocrons, the strike was made. Brenge defended himself well but could not stop them. He was able to save a few of the scientists and escaped the tomb. But the villains still had the holocrons. He organized a strike team of Chandrillan and Republic officials and struck back and this time won. At the end, Brenge came to face the Dark Jedi. He was able to defeat the stranger with his knowledge of lightsaber combat. At the end the Dark Jedi revealed themselves to be a female named Anihya Dowker. She was rather beautiful and also intelligent. After a brief talk, Brenge let her escape, commanding that she would not return to her master.

The dark siders on Alderaan[]

In 28 BBY Brenge was sent on a mission to Alderaan with a group of Jedi to answer a call about a dark-force-user. When they arrived, the ten Jedi discovered that the town that had reported the Dark Jedi was overrun with an evil Force aura. With further investigation, it became apparent that the town had been taken over by Sith. They returned to Senator Bail Organa, and told him of the invasion. He gave them a small militia of Alderaanian volunteers, and wished them the best of luck.

Brenge led the group into the town, only to see that many users of the dark side were only soldiers similar to the ones used by Darth Malak. However, the were still imbued with the Force. Brenge slew many of the dark-side soldiers easily, but eventually made way to a capitol building under construction for the arrogant Sith. Brenge and four other Jedi went into the building and fought various dark Jedi. One Jedi was slain as there were many Dark-Siders. One of the significant Jedi with him was Aayla Secura.

They finally came to the chief Sith's room, and discovered that this was truly one that held the skill of a Sith. The mysterious Sith proved to be an excellent duelist and quickly slew two of the Jedi, and disarmed Secura. Brenge stood his ground, however, and dueled the skilled Sith. He was able to hold his ground, but could not get an advantage. Finally, the other five Jedi burst into the room, and the Sith fled.

Unknown to Brenge, this was his former master, Count Dooku, now under the Dark Side's influence.

The cult on Corellia[]

Possibly the strangest mission Brenge ever partook in was the Perfect Beings cult incident, which was formed out of the remains of the Bando Gora cult. In 24 BBY, many reports of kidnappings came into the CorSec office on Corellia, with the victim returning in a bizarre mindless state. Other reports claimed that the victims did not return, but were only occasionally seen at a site where a crime was reported soon after. CorSec officials heard rumors of a bizarre cult that was said to have caused these crimes. But they had no proof. They sent out a plea to the Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council was similarly surprised by the reports. But nonetheless, they sent Brenge, one of the most promising knights. Brenge arrived on Corellia and received an update from CorSec, which had had many more reports of the kidnappings and of this strange cult. Brenge entered a cantina and began to ask around for any leads, but his inquiries were overheard by members of the cult spying on the Jedi. They attacked him, but Brenge was able to hold his own. He began to be overwhelmed by the many cultists, but then another patron of the cantina jumped up and ignited a lightsaber. The cloaked stranger fought alongside Brenge as they finished off the remaining attackers. After the fight, the stranger revealed themselves to be Anihya Dowker.

She informed him that she had been observing the cult while she was on Corellia. She admitted that though there had been tensions between them, she would help him, as she knew the cult had to be stopped. She informed Brenge that the cult had been apparently corrupted by some power bestowed upon them by some temple where they based themselves. The kidnappings had been done as they believed that their power was fueled by the sacrificing other life-forms to their power source. A few they kept to gain a military force. They believed that they were superior to other life with their power, but it actually warped them. Brenge agreed to stop them with her help, and she led them to their temple.

While Brenge attempted stealth, he confronted various guards in a bizarre state. They fought until death, and attempted to use any means necessary to win. But the two force-users were able to defeat them easily. During their infiltrating of the base, they discovered that they fought very well together, each one foreseeing the others movements and moving to support the other. Though both noticed, neither spoke of it.

Eventually, after defeating many of the cult members, they arrived at the leader of the organization. He expressed his surprise that they made it past his men, and offered them the power of the temple. And commented on how he was pleased that Dowker had returned. However, instead of inquiring Anihya of his statement's meaning, he expressed interest in knowing the secret power, much to Dowker's horror. The leader told him to feel for the power flowing through the temple. Brenge began to do this, while Anihya pleaded for him to stop. Suddenly, he fell onto the floor and began to move uncontrollably. But after a minute, he became normal again, stood up, and used the force to hurl the cult leader into the wall. The surprised leader got up and attampted to use his power to retaliate, but nothing happened. Brenge stated that he had found the power, saw that it was not true energy, but merely a warped and twisted energy. Though it was power, he easily was able to cleanse himself from the corrupted power and vanquish it from his body, as it would be from the galaxy. Angrily, the leader attempted to attack Brenge with a vibroblade. But before Anihya could make a move to defend him, Brenge disarmed the man with a single stroke. The leader, knowing he had no chance, summoned his two Gen-Dai battle droids to fight the Jedi as he fled. Brenge dueled the two droids as Dowker pursued the man. Though the droids were skilled assassins, Brenge made quick work of them. And Dowker slew the man as he tried to call upon her mercy as a Jedi, to which she responded that she was no Jedi.

Brenge discovered that the cult was planning an assassination attempt on the prime minister of the Corellian worlds, to be carried out whenever called upon. Brenge suspected that in the case of their leader's death, the assassins would carry out their duty. He called CorSec officials and alerted them of the danger, and then set to eliminating the mysterious power. Brenge was able to drive the power away, and CorSec easily stopped the confused villains deprived of their power source.

No one was sure what the strange power was. Luke Skywalker theorized that it could have been similar to the anti-force of Waru. Perhaps Waru was the manifestation of that power after it was driven away by Brenge.

After the incident, Anihya confessed that she had gone searching for any teaching of the Force she could find after being rejected from the Sith after her defeat at Chandrila. She defended herself by stating that she was instantly repelled by the cult's true nature. Brenge assured her that he understood, and said that he was impressed with her command of the Force without much training, and her ability to distinguish good from bad after leaving the Sith. She doubted the latter ability as it was obvious that the cult's intentions were obviously twisted. Nonetheless, Brenge promised to take her back fro training at the Jedi Temple at his request.

A Jedi Master[]

First Years as a Master[]

After the dangerous mission on Corellia, the Jedi Council appointed him to be a Jedi Master at his return. His first request as a master was to suggest Anihya Dowker for a Jedi position. The council deliberated over this for some time, and because of her age, declined, for the time being. They explained that they believed that it still would be hard for her to put her dark path behind her, as she had aged and knew little other than the darkness which had surrounded her. They did note that she did have a strong Force-Sensitivity. They agreed to let her travel with Brenge, hoping that he would influence her enough for her to overcome her past. Brenge was disappointed, as was she, but secretly both were pleased to travel with each other again.

Apparently, the Council did not notice the growing passion between the two, that had formed on their shared mission on Corellia, though both remained silent about it.

Over the next year Brenge went on a few missions for the Jedi Order, few exciting, which disappointed the talented individual. Most time was spent in diplomacy with Republic planets threatening to secede, or setting tensions between planets who disagreed on some foolish matter. Brenge was fortunately adept with patience, and quite a persuasive person. Though he disliked the missions, he was very successful.

During this year, Mace Windu approached Brenge with the opportunity to learn the lightsaber art of Vapaad. Brenge accepted and eventually mastered it with Windu's one-on-one training. This led him to become one of if not the most respected lightsaber duelists in the galaxy. Matched only by his mentors Windu and Dooku, Cin Drallig, and Yoda. He frequently sparred with the three other Jedi who provided a challenge. The outcomes of these matches were not released.

In between their missions together, Brenge tutored Anihya on controlling the darkness which she had been earlier surrounded by. He also taught her further in the art of the lightsaber, and the use of the Force. He did this in order to increase her chances at becoming a Jedi, though this only increased the passion between the two.

There was one other mission during the year which proved to be crucial in the duo's fate. One which brought Brenge face-to-face with his former master after he had been consumed by the dark side.

Master and Apprentice[]

As Brenge ran diplomatic missions attempting to persuade different planets or coalitions threatening to secede otherwise. When the Senator Garm Bel Iblis threatened to pull the Corellian system out of the Republic because of the Military Creation Act, Brenge and Anihya were sent to convince him otherwise. When they arrived in the system, they a Trade Federation warship above the planet. Brenge continued to his scheduled talk with the senator, and was pleased to see the lack of any involvement of the federation with Bel Iblis. However, when Brenge and Anihya met with the senator, they were told that the Diktat of the Corellian system was being persuaded to ally Corellia with the Separatist movements. And while Bel Iblis explained that he disagreed with the Military Act, he also would not sit and allow Corellia to be brought into the war by the greater evil. He requested that Brenge attempt to convince the diktat otherwise, as the diktat would ultimately make the final choice in alliances. Brenge agreed, but asked who the Separatist negotiator that was having success was. Bel Iblis solemnly replied that it was the long unheard of Count Dooku.

Though theories had been spawned over the years on Dooku's new allegiance, Brenge had always been in denial. Now that there was clear evidence that his former master was on the opposite side as he, he was quite devastated. He wondered if the rumors concerning Dooku's possible turn to the Dark Side were now also true. Anihya attempted to console him as they flew to the Diktat's building to fulfill Iblis' request in hopes that he would side with them, but it did little to help Brenge.

When they arrived, to no surprise to either of the two, Dooku was talking with the Diktat. Dooku seemed quite calm at the sight of his former apprentice, almost if he was predicting Brenge's arrival, while Brenge's feelings were still unsure and was timid. The Diktat allowed both sides to present their points, and he would decide based on their arguments. While the Separatists had less solid points and in any normal state Brenge would have been able to easily persuade the Diktat to his side, his emotions were too conflicted for him to concentrate. The debate ended in a stalemate.

Brenge finally came to the decision to confront Dooku, which he did alone after the debate. He followed Dooku back to his personal ship before addressing him. Dooku calmly acknowledged and greeted his former apprentice. Brenge asked various questions about his leaving of the order and what he had been doing. Throughout the questions Dooku calmly answered the flustered Jedi truthfully until the question arose about the Dark Side. Dooku became solemn suddenly and begin telling Brenge of the power of the Dark Side. It was obvious to Brenge that his former master had become a Sith as he tried to convince Brenge to join him. He began to explain the benefits he could bring to the galaxy.

With this knowledge of his master now known, Brenge's emotions settled and he realized that he had allowed Dooku the advantage in their duel of words. Now able to concentrate he retaliated on Dooku's claims on the Republic to be misled and his intentions destined to be corrupted by the Dark Side. Enraged and realizing that his former apprentice would not easily be turned, Dooku drew his lightsaber, ignited the Sith tradition of Master versus Apprentice. The two skilled swordsmen engaged each other in a spectacular duel. Brenge amazed Dooku with his skill in all the forms of combat. Dooku attempted to use his newfound Dark Side powers, but the Jedi Master proved to be strong in the Force as well. The victor of the match was again unclear as both duelists were near equal in skill. Dooku called for reinforcements that were stationed nearby. But fortunately, Anihya had tracked Brenge to Dooku's landing pad and arrived with an airspeeder. Brenge escaped with her as Dooku realized that he had just revealed himself to the Jedi.

Brenge prepared to go into the Diktat's office with his now clear conscience, and argue to a better point. However, radical loyalists to the republic assassinated the Diktat overnight. By the next day, his successor moved in. This Dikatat was pro-republic and therefore did not side with the Separatists. And Dooku fled the planet thinking Brenge would summon more Jedi. Bel Iblis decided to stick with the Republic. But before Brenge left, Bel Iblis talked with him about war. Brenge realized that the galaxy was spiraling towards war, and that his true self was anti-war. He left the planet planning to do anything he could to avert the impending war.

Second Year as A Master[]

Brenge returned to the Jedi Temple after the diplomacy on Corellia. Instead of reporting to the Jedi Council, he told the fate of Dooku to his former master, Yoda. Yoda was not overly surprised by the news, but still disturbed by it. He did not mention it to the other members of the Council. Brenge spoke to none of it aside from Anihya and Yoda.

Yoda and the council were impressed with his negotiations with the commonly stubborn Bel Iblis. They now acknowledged his request and tested Anihya for possible training. Unknown to the Council, Anihya had been receiving consistent training in the Force and the use of a lightsaber during her travels with him. This made it easy to pass the apprentice level tests and impress the council. Yoda suspected training from Brenge, as did others on the council, but at Yoda's word it was not brought up.

However, the council now felt the obvious passion between the two Force-users and partners. They allowed Anihya to be trained, but turned down Brenge's request to train her. Instead she was placed under the guidance of a master named Fornoj Lik. Yoda secretly gave another mission to Brenge regarding Dooku. He was assigned to monitor his movements and find out anything he could about the rumored Separatist movement.

Brenge scoured the galaxy for Dooku, knowing that where he was, the Separatists would most likely follow. He was given a new Jedi Starfighter by the Jedi Council so he may travel around the galaxy quickly. He also received an R2 unit for help and companionship. However, Brenge soon realized that he missed the company of Anihya. He also soon found traces of Dooku, and began to discover the origins of the Separatists. However, at this time, Obi-wan Kenobi also had started investigating. And within weeks of Brenge's discovery of the operations on Geonosis, the famous battle that took place there began.
