Star Wars Fanon
This article, Darth Cigamarus, was created by ElectricSupernova.
Old Republic era

Darth Cigamarus was a Dathomirian Sith Lord who ruled and conquered many parts of the galaxy during the age of the Old Republic. Cigamarus' Sith Empire was unlike any other, and left a mental scar of much of the galaxy's population. Cigamarus ruled with the Anzati Sith apprentice Darth Vinrok, fueling terror for the galaxy.

Cigamarus' physical characteristics sparked fear in those he conquered. Cigamarus could smash a stone wall with a bare fist. The Sith Lord's signature power was force crush, a devastating dark side power that would compress the internal organs of an enemy.




The dismal Midnight Kingdom, birthplace of Cigamarus

Cigamarus was coincidentally born Cigamarus. The Dathomirian was born from parents Dosra and Qetoka. Born fully as Prince Cigamarus, he was the son of the Dathomirian King Dosra. Dosra ruled over the Midnight Kingdom, a kingdom of Zabraks intended to keep peace on Dathomir.

Born into the House of Dosra, Cigamarus was crowned with a very important title. Cigamarus would be next heir to the throne after the passing of his father. However, Dosra claimed that he still had much longer to live.

Early Childhood[]

Cigamarus was taught the ideologies of peace under the religion of his house. He and his family attended the church nearly daily. The Dathomirian god Glacius was worshipped by the entire Midnight Kingdom. Midnight Kingdom religion was known as Glacism. Nonbelievers of the religion were banished from the kingdom.

Cigamarus was an avid worshipper of Glacism. He went further than most worshippers and prayed more than demanded. Glacism was a very moderate religion. However, Cigamarus insisted that religion should be given full devotion. The Glacists did not protest to Cigamarus' movements but warned him to avoid disrespect. Cigamarus insisted that further worship was actually a sign of deeper respect. Cigamarus actually inspired several followers.

At the mere age of nine, Cigamarus had befriended another Zabrak. This friend was named Gothakk. Gothakk was actually from a neighboring house, but shared several interests with Cigamarus. The two became friends during a ceremony held by the two houses. Both Cigamarus and Gothakk had started discussing and the discussion escalated to friendship. Cigamarus and Gothakk spent their years side by side. Although long distance, their relationship was unbreakable.

Teenage Years[]

Religious Conflict[]

As a teenager, Cigamarus founded Superglacism. Several recruits joined this new religion. Although some Glacists strongly condemned Cigamarus' philosophies, many Glacists actually went on to join Cigamarus' new faith. Superglacists argued that Cigamarus' ideologies were smoother and more substantial than their previous religion.

Although still youthful, Cigamarus was given the title of Holy Father. The community of Superglacists was composed primarily of Zabraks older than Cigamarus, but the community still strongly supported Cigamarus. Cigamarus created several new religious holidays and traditions, which were supported by the community.

Gothakk also had a major role in Superglacism. Cigamarus appointed Gothakk as a bishop. At this time, Gothakk was the only bishop in the church. Cigamarus appointed older Zabraks to have a voice in the church. After several new members had joined the church, the support for Superglacism skyrocketed. Normal Glacists were growing low in numbers as Cigamarus' new religion began to increase.

Unfortunately, the remaining Glacist priests began to grow paranoid. Some of their own priests had converted to Cigamarus' ideologies. One particular priest had threatened Cigamarus himself. This priest had high political power in the Midnight Kingdom, and could manipulate certain religious laws. Cigamarus responded with a request for his father. Dosra was the ruler of the Midnight Kingdom, and had power over the priests. Cigamarus requested his father to remove the priest, Kudor, from power. Unfortunately, Dosra deneid his son's request.

Kudor began to take advantage of Dosra. The king was still on the side of normal Glacism. Kudor convinced that his son had plagued the Midnight Kingdom with a forbidden ideology. Kudor and Dosra had been supporters of the centuries-old religion for decades and were not willing to replace it. The Glacism clergy began to regroup and augment in power. The clergy was prepared to take full action against Cigamarus and his followers.

Dosra soon realized that Glacism had lost more than 80% of its former supporters to Cigamarus. Dosra intended to use political power and kingdom rule against his son to rebuild Glacism. However, Kudor insisted on a more violent approach. Dosra threatened inquisition on Kudor. With no alternative, the clergy requested a hearing with Cigamarus. Cigamarus immediately agreed to this request.

The hearing was held at the Midnight Kingdom's sanctuary. All members of the Midnight Kingdom were bound under an oath. The oath granted control of the religious branch to political power. Dosra saw this as an opportunity to rebuild Glacism. Kudor and Dosra joined forces with the Glacist clergy and all remaining Glacists. Cigamarus and all of his bishops attended the hearing to stand the ground of their newly found religion.

At the hearing, Cigamarus, the bishops and the clergy were seated to discuss a solution. The religious law would determine the fate of Glacism. The clergy began to justify their stance. Superglacism was a radical religion that did not follow the teachings of Glacius properly. All Superglacists must reconvert back. Otherwise, they would be banished. Cigamarus and his supporters were ready to respond.

The Superglacists responded with a strong argument. Superglacism took worship to the maximum point. In other words, Superglacism was an "upgrade" of Glacism. Superglacism was the "offspring" of Glacism. The time for Glacism to cease and give way to a brand new ideology. Superglacism followed ALL teachings of Glacius, while Glacism only followed some teachings.

Most of the clergy were actually convinced by this argument. Dosra and most of the clergy joined Cigamarus. Cigamarus' new religion was practically indestructible. Kudor was one of the only clergy members that did not convert. In response, Kudor decided to exile himself from the Midnight Kingdom. Kudor declared all the Superglacists as traitors, and that Glacius would unleash his wrath upon them one day. With last words, Kudor and the remaining clergy fled.

Cigamarus appointed his father as the new Holy Father. Cigamarus would not serve his father as the Holy Son. Superglacism was now the official religion of the Midnight Kingdom. A official celebration was held, and Cigamarus and his father were given special religious necklaces believed to be bestowed by Glacius himself.

Dawn Kingdom[]

Midnight Kingdom was neighbored by another kingdom, known as the Dawn Kingdom. The Dawn Kingdom worshipped Norsius, the supposed brother of Glacius. Many Glacists had viewed Norcism as a rival religion. However, peace was maintained between the two kingdoms. Dosra and the Dawn Kingdom ruler were at peace and allowed exchanges between their kingdoms. Dawn Kingdom was ruled Queen Nefari. Nefari was a highly suspicious character with questionable intentions.

Nefari's father was mysteriously poisoned four years earlier, and she rose to power. One large difference between the kingdoms was that Nefari had eight "disciples." These disciples were all male Zabraks of tremendous strength who swore to defend Nefari with their lives.

One day, Cigamarus decided to visit the Dawn Kingdom. Many of the Superglacists discouraged Cigamarus from visiting Dawn Kingdom. Even Dosra himself condemned his son's desire. Cigamarus claimed that he could care for himself. Given Nefari's reputation, Dosra asked Cigamarus if he was sure of his decision.

When Cigamarus was certain of his decision he was escorted outside his kingdom's territory. Now, he was to navigate himself to the Dawn Kingdom far away. The gloomy landscape of Dathomir was Cigamarus' home for several days. He survived on the supplies he was given. Oddly, Cigamarus enjoyed his journey. Cigamarus enjoyed the peace.



Dawn Kingdom

Cigamarus arrived five days after his departure. Dawn Kingdom did not seem much different to him than his home. When he arrived, Cigamarus approached the front gate where two guards stood. To his surprise, one guard stated that Nefari was expecting him.

Cigamarus complied and was immediately taken to Nefari. During his escort, Cigamarus attracted stares and glares from the Dawn Kingdom residents. His father told him that Dawn Kingdom residents were not fond of outsiders. It was a surprise little conflict existed between the kingdoms.

Cigamarus was immediately escorted to Nefari's palace. Inside the throne room, all of her disciples surrounded her. Cigamarus walked up to the queen, and began bombarding her with questions. Nefari was reluctant to answer the questions there in the throne room. She commanded two disciples to transport them to the dining hall. The dining hall was vastly decorated. Foods from across the galaxy were scattered across the table.

Nefari began her explanation. Dawn Kingdom had an emissary which acted as the link between the two kingdoms. The emissary was classified information, and very little knew about him. After further questioning, Nefari revealed her true colors. In fact, she was hoping to see Cigamarus in person.

Nefari was in fact force-sensitive. Nefari was actually classified as a force adept. She was no beginner to the mysteries of the force, and possessed knowledge even some Jedi Masters did not know. Ever since Cigamarus' birth, Nefari had sensed a disturbance in the Force on Dathomir. She sensed something on Dathomir was exceptionally strong in the Force, and she intended to find its source.

As Cigamarus approached Dawn Kingdom, Nefari sensed that the "source" was coming closer. Then they met. As the queen revealed his nature, Cigamarus was unsure how to respond. He had heard tales of the Force when he young. He assumed the tales were superstition. He told Nefari about these tales. Nefari responded by lifting objects in the room using only her mind. Cigamarus was extremely shocked by this.

Nefari revealed to the prince he possessed similar abilities. If he were to be trained properly, his powers would manifest themselves. Cigamarus was intrigued by Nefari's information, and he asked what he must do. Nefari offered to train Cigamarus. Unfortunately, the training must be kept secret, and it would take years. Cigamarus slowly agreed to her terms. At this point, his ambition was at a high. It was very rare for a Dathomirian prince to possess low self-esteem.


Six days after his arrival, Cigamarus returned to Midnight Kingdom. He was welcomed by his anxious and eager family and friends. To their surprise, Cigamarus returned unharmed. In fact, he seemed more delightful than ever. His performances greatly improved, as did his interactions with his peers.

Gothakk, especially, noticed the major changes in his friend's behavior. Cigamarus and Gothakk, often visited each other. So, Gothakk was one to often witness the changes in behavior. To him, Cigamarus was more than a friend now. Cigamarus now seemed like a star that wouldn't stop shining. Cigamarus began revealing his darkest secrets to Gothakk. Gothakk began asking Cigamarus' parents about his behavior. However, Qetoka and Dosra were just as clueless as him. Gothakk began to worry for his friend, fearing that Nefari was responsible for his friend's abnormality.

Upon their next visit, Gothakk confronted Cigamarus. Gothakk demanded to know what happened at Cigamarus' visit. Cigamarus revealed that he met Nefari, but nothing else. Gothakk continued attempting to pry. Cigamarus only revealed he visited the queen. Cigamarus also revealed that Dawn Kingdom residents were not so welcoming. He did not reveal anything else. Gothakk pondered Cigamarus' statements. In the end, he decided not to worry about his best friend. He concluded Cigamarus' rising happiness was having a positive effect.

Battle Circle[]

Like the Mandalorians, Midnight Kingdom had a battle circle. Certain Dathomirians could participate to gain status. Because Glacius was believed to be a legendary warrior, battle was valued. However, Midnight Kingdom only hosted ceremonial battles. Certain Dathomirians could receive ceremonial tattoos through victory in battle. These tattoos were highly valued by Cigamarus' peers.

Cigamarus was encouraged by his friends to enter the battle circle, especially by Gothakk. With his self-esteem at unusual levels, he found no reason not to join. Cigamarus was eligible to fight. He met the physical requirements required to enter. Without hesitation, the Dathomirian prince entered the battle circle. Little did he know, there was a challenge that he was not in any way prepared to face.

Cigamarus’ first enemies were no match for him. Victory came to Cigamarus with ease, and he did little damage to his opponents. As the matches progressed, Cigamarus was matched with Dathomirians of his strength and build. However, he was able to defeat them, but not as easily. Due to regulations, Cigamarus did little harm to his opponents. However, Cigamarus was unable to defeat all of the competitors in one day. After his victories, Cigamarus was embellished with tattoos. Gothakk applauded his triumph.

Young Adulthood[]



Cigamarus, Prince of Midnight

In 2541 BBY, Cigamarus was twenty years old. He would now transition from a mere prince to a fledged adult. A ceremony was held for Cigamarus and he was officially declared the Son of Midnight. Cigamarus was given ceremonial armor. He would now be given much more power and respect now that he was officially an adult. In addition to his tattoos won through battle, Cigamarus was also given ceremonial armor.

Cigamarus' influence over the kingdom began to increase. He began to help structure the law of Midnight Kingdom. Many actually preferred Cigamarus' new laws over is father's. Dathomirian merchants felt that Dosra's laws created an unstable economy. Meanwhile, Cigamarus worked to ensure that the status of merchants was secure. New trade was introduced, and the markets began to flourish more than before.

Following the blossoming of market, Midnight Kingdom began to undergo drastic changes. The current members of the clergy were replaced. Religious gatherings became more frequent. Overall, Midnight Kingdom was just beginning a period of success and harmony. The population grew exponentially, but contributed to the success.

Story of Glacius[]

Dosra admired the success his son created. His faith in Cigamarus soared. He was now beginning preparations for Cigamarus' upcoming rule, even though Dosra was still considerably young. Dosra harbored stories that Cigamarus was not aware of. At this point, he felt it necessary for the prince to know these stories.

The real tales of Glacius were kept secret. All of the Midnight Kingdom knew the general story, which was that Glacius was a legendary warrior and fought for a good cause. Which, was actually true. However, few Dathomirians knew the details behind of Glacius' journey. Only Qetoka, Dosra and the clergy were aware of Glacius' true origins. Dosra found his son, and decided to tell him the story.

The Story[]

Glacius was a Dathomirian warrior who occupied Dathomir prior to Cigamarus' birth. At this time, there was only one kingdom, simply known as "The Kingdom." The Kingdom was ruled by a king by the name of Grunox. Grunox had two sons, Glacius and Norsius. Oddly, their mother had died during Norsius' birth. Glacius was the eldest of the two sons and was considered to be the wisest during their early childhood. As young children, the two young Dathomirians were inquisitive, daring and dash individuals whose lust for adventure could not be matched.

Both boys ventured together to the more untamed regions of Dathomir where malicious wild creatures stalked. Usually, Glacius and Norsius ventured outside the Kingdom without Grunox's consent. Both boys were often punished, but cleverly escaped their father's methods. Soon enough, Grunox was accustomed to his sons' expeditions. In time, he encouraged his sons to journey into the wild. Grunox was once an avid explorer himself, but since had abandoned the tradition.

One particular journey, however, was different from the rest. One crimson morning, both brothers once again traveled together to their usual site of exploration. This time, the determined boys both agreed on the day's objective: to journey into the most dangerous and unexplored region of Dathomir. Grunox strongly advised his sons not to proceed, fearing their safety was at stake. Both boys recklessly ignored their father's warning and began their conquest.

To Glacius' and Norsius' surprise, the first portion of their quest was mild. They hunted wild beasts and cut their way through forests. With each step, the boys' confidence and curiosity expanded. Norsius dismembered the corpses of the hunted beasts and kept their limbs as souvenirs. Glacius was mortified at his brethren's gruesome actions. To him, dismemberment was unholy and a violation of The Kingdom's sacred code. Norsius countered his brother's claims, stating the fact that he himself had contributed to the beasts' deaths. Glacius, unable to argue any further was forced to tolerate his brother's grisly tradition.


The Crimson Expanse

At one point in their journey, the sons of Grunox proposed naming the site of their expedition. After all, where was the purpose behind leaving an unexplored location unnamed? After a short debate, the boys officially dubbed their expedition site the Crimson Expanse. The further the sons trekked into the Expanse, the dangers became larger and more malicious. Beasts were no longer the only threat. Carnivorous plants slowed their progress, granting them open gashes and bloody wounds. Through their teamwork and impenetrable bond, the sons of Grunox defeated the massive beasts and horrendous plants.

Yet, at this point in their grand crusade, the fearless Dathomirans were yet to reach the heart of their journey. The truth about the Expanse was yet to be revealed. In fact, the Expanse wasn't as unexplored as the boys believed. At the very core of the Expanse lay an ancient fort untouched for decades. The moment the boys entered the very core of the Expanse, they immediately transformed into something else.

Once the boys started venturing into the core of the Expanse, they were immediately stricken with suspicion and fear. While the rest of the Expanse had harbored life-threatening dangers, the core was devoid of life besides various species of harmless plants. To contribute to their fear, the core was enclosed in a thick layer of steel-grey smog. Navigation difficulties hindered their progress, and Norsius even suggested that they cease their journey and head home. Glacius convinced his brother otherwise, stating that it was too late to turn back. The Dathomirians had no other choice than to continue into the eerie nucleus of the Crimson Expanse.

After a seemingly eternal two hours of fog-slicing and endurance, Norsius and Glacius reached the essence of the Crimson Expanse. There, the coal-black fort stood before them. The size and complexity of the structure baffled them. Norsius and Glacius carefully examined the fort before entering. Once they were certain that no traps lurked around the exterior, they carefully entered the intriguing structure. To their surprise, the entrance was only a wide gap. There was no door or barrier to prevent unwanted outsiders from infiltrating.

While the structure looked promising, the foolish brothers entered and their fates were changed forever. For the moment upon entering, an unknown sensation overloaded their senses. They began to cower on the sturdy stone ground, struggling to numb the sensation. Yet, it persisted and Glacius and Norsius had no choice but to give in. Once they did, the boys realized that they could adapt, and even tolerate the sensation. As they ventured further into the structure, they began to feel ripples and currents throughout their bodies. In addition, they sensed that they were somehow connected to some sort of web, as if a third eye had opened. Not only could they see, hear, feel, and touch — they could also perceive everything around them at once. The slightest disturbance echoed through their minds.

The brothers ventured into the very core of the fort and made a groundbreaking discovery. At the very center lay an ancient statue of what appeared to be a legendary Dathomirian – and an obelisk containing a manuscript. Eager, the brothers seized the manuscript. It was written in a very ancient form of their own language.

