Darth Chronos was a Zabrak male Sith Lord who was once a Jedi Master serving the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars under name of Konus. At the age of 5 he was taken to the Jedi temple on Coruscant and was trained by Yoda as a youngling until the age of 12 when he became the Padawan of Chiss Jedi Knight Zoch Genn. In 23 BBY Konus finished his Jedi training and was given the rank of Jedi Knight, he then took human Lilith Pawn as his Padawan. In 19 BBY while on the planet Saraguay, Konus and Lilith Pawn were attacked by their troopers. While Konus managed to fight off the troopers Lilith was killed causing Konus to become enraged and begin his fall to the dark side. Konus traveled throughout space until he discovered Dromund Kaas in 17 BBY. Konus explored the planet for several weeks until he discovered a temple in which he met the spirit of Darth Nox who began training Konus in the ways of the dark side. Nox trained Konus for many years so that Konus could have his revenge on Darth Sidious and Darth Vader who he had discovered were responsible for the death of the Jedi. In 4 ABY Konus learned from Nox that both Vader and Sidious had died and Konus became massively enraged and used the force to destroy the temple, Konus decided to use other means of getting revenge. Over the course of many years Konus would attempt to use Sith magic to travel back in time. During this time Konus had taken in a Bothan named Darphon as his apprentice. In 51 ABY Konus had accomplished his goal and traveled back to the year 30 BBY and gave himself the name Darth Chronos. Darth Chronos traveled to Coruscant in an attempt to kill Anakin Skywalker but he was interrupted by Obi-Wan Kenobi who fought off Darth Chronos but was killed in the process.