Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
I am everywhere. In your streets, your homes, your dreams.
—Darth Chameleon to Jaina Solo

Darth Chameleon was a Shi'ido Sith Lord that joined the Legion Lords.


Early life[]


Raya Shale was a Shi'ido that lived on the planet of Lao-mon. Eventually Raya felt that the Shi'ido seclusion on Lao-mon was pointless and wanted to leave the planet.

Running away[]

She eventually stole a ship and flew to Naboo in the form of a human. Raya tried to find honest work, but had to turn to prostitution to survive.


One night she was hired by a powerful shipper named Walter Fesh, and he was drunk. He went to harsh and began to hurt Raya. In her stress Raya used a strange power that came from her making him choke himself to death. She got scared and ran away.

The Legion War[]

Darth Legion[]

After Darth Legion was resurrected by Luke Skywalker he began to gather a group of Sith Lords that he dubbed the Legion Lords. Eventually he sensed the great power inside of Raya and found her in hiding on Naboo. Darth Legion and Darth Bushidok found her and offered her to join the Legion Lords. Raya is at first scared but was eventually persuaded to join. Darth Legion told her that Darth Bushidok would be her trainer. Darth Bushidok dubbed her Darth Chameleon. She became the seventh member of the Legion Lords.


Darth Bushidok trained Darth Chameleon very hard and she excelled quickly, and they started a personal relationship.

Battle of Coruscant[]

Like the other Legion Lords she fought in the battle of Corocaunt. She fought greatly alongside Darth Bushidok, but like the others retreated when they were ordered to.

Battle for Raxus Prime[]

Darth Legion sent Darth Chameleon on a special mission to Raxus Prime with Darth Daemon. On the way there Darth Daemon made advances on Darth Chameleon, but she turned them down.

She fought at the battle for Raxus Prime and with Darth Daemon battled Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. After capturing Luke she took Luke's shape and left Raxus Prime with the Republic having called a full retreat in Luke's form, leaving the real Luke at the mercy of the merciless Darth Daemon.


Darth Chameleon spied on what was going on in the republic as Luke Skywalker. She gave vital information to Darth Legion helping the Legion Army win several battles, baffling the Jedi and other Republic military leaders.

Darth Chameleon not only spied in the form of Luke Skywalker, but spied as a new young Jedi named Cal Baines. As Cal, Darth Chameleon learned about the next generation of Jedi, and tried to subtly influence them to side with Darth Legion.

Strange love[]

Not knowing who Cal really was, Jaina Solo fell in love with Cal. Darth Chameleon played the part, but enjoyed hanging out with Jaina. Darth Chameleon began to go through a strange identity crisis, and didn't know who or what she wanted to be anymore since she has generated a strong friendship with Jaina.

The Order[]

Eventually Darth Chameleon was contacted by Darth Bushidok to terminate Jaina since she was the powerful niece of Luke Skywalker. Darth Chameleon was reluctant to comply.


In her Cal form Darth Chameleon got to Jaina and was about to silence her when Jaina pushed her away with the force, drew out her lightsaber, and ignited it. Darth Chameleon then took out her blue lightsaber she used as Cal and the two dueled. Eventually Jaina slashed Darth Chameleon's lightsaber, and Darth Chameleon then took out a red one. The duel continued for a really long time with Darth Chameleon pulling out another lightsaber from herself every time one would be lost or destroyed. The duel lasted for a long time until Jaina hacked Darth Chameleon with her lightsaber several times and Darth Chameleon fell to the ground dying. Jaina approached Darth Chameleon and Darth Chameleon reverted to her real form saying that she wanted Jaina to see her as her real self once before she died. Upon seeing who Cal really was Jaina began to heavily cry over the shock as Darth Chameleon died at her feet.
