… he has always questioned his purpose as a Jedi, and even the meaning of the Force. I can't imagine him not questioning any fate that lay in store for him. And a special destiny is not always something joyous, or easy to bear. My father had a special destiny, and see where it took him.
—Luke Skywalker
Darth Caedus was a Sith Knight, and later Sith Lord during the Sith Crusade and the Caedus Wars. Born Jacen Solo, he was the eldest son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, the younger twin of Jaina and the brother of Anakin. Even before he and his sister were born, their uncle Luke Skywalker could sense their strong presence in the Force and the two shared an inseparable mental bond. Later in his life he became the Jedi Master to his cousin, Ben Skywalker and fathered a baby girl, Allana, with Tenel Ka.
Jacen's immaculate skill with the Force showed as an infant when he helped his uncle and his uncle's students defeat the spirit of Exar Kun. Jacen had always been an empathetic person, forming close bonds with Humans and animals alike. He eventually developed an affinity and sensitivity towards nature and the Living Force.
He started his formal Jedi training years later at his uncle's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. He excelled as one of the best students, getting into many adventures with his friends Lowbacca, Tenel Ka and his sister Jaina. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, he often did not see eye to eye with the Jedi view of the Force, despite being one of the more powerful Knights of the New Jedi Order. After being captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, he became associated with Vergere, who molded many of his ways of thinking.
Following his corruption and redemption during the Confederation-Galactic Alliance War of 40 ABY, Jacen was later seduced once again during the Sith Crusade, reclaiming the title of Darth Caedus and eventually becoming a member of the Sith Council. He was killed during the Massacre of the Sith Council, his neck crushed by a Sith droid.
By 198 ABY the Cult of Darth Caedus, which had been followers of his teachings during his lifetime, usurped control over the Verseng Empire and had entered into war with the Sith Order of Decreto; eventually being wiped out.
Early life[]
Sith Crusade[]
First year[]
During the Sith Crusade Jacen suddenly found himself in the heat of war. Having lost his sister early on in the war it quickly became apparent to the Jedi Order that Jacen was suffering from this conflict, and they attempted to keep him as far from the front for as long as possible. And so Jacen was stationed at Empress Teta and ordered to defend the trade routes. But then, only four days after his posting, the planet was rather unexpectedly attacked by the Sith Knight Darth Cannae.
Attempting to quickly end the war with the capture of Coruscant. Things did not quite go to plans for the Sith Lord and his forces were quickly repulsed by Solo's forces. Spurred on by their victory the Alliance's forces chased after the Sith fleet to the planet of Bilbringi. Once again Cannae's wforces were defeated by the Galactic Alliance, but Jacen was weary of entering Sith space and so ordered his forces to pursue the Sith no-more.
Jacen's victory over the Sith rose him to the rank of hero for the peoples of the Galactic Alliance. It had been many long months since the beginning of the war and Solo's was the first victory that the Alliance could enjoy. But his war was not yet over.
Second year[]
For the next few months two battle devastated the galaxy. The Ssi-ruuvi xenocide saw the near-utter decimation of the Ssi-ruuk race whilst the Trade Spine campaign devastated both the Galactic Alliance and Sith fleets.
It was decided by the Senate, and its head Cal Omas that it was time for the Galactic Alliance to "start fighting back" and the planet Belderone was chosen as the staging ground for this attack. Jacen Solo, as the only Jedi to win a battle for the Alliance was chosen to lead the assault. After a brief battle the planet fell, but not before the Sith commander on Belderone managed to escape. Jacen knew it would not be long before Darth Abeonis himself would arrive at Belderone and re-take the planet.
Jacen retreated to Ossus, homeworld of the New Jedi Order, at the behest of his uncle, Luke Skywalker, so that he may help defend the planet from an expected Sith attack. Days passed an still, no word of a Sith attack came, until the battle of the Cron Drift suddenly made the Jedi realise that a battle on Ossus was near.
Just hours after the Sith victory at Cron Drift a lone Sith vessel approached Ossus with offers of peace. Although the peace talks expectedly broke down and the battle began.
Battle of Ossus[]
Not long after the lone Sith vessel had vanished, the Academy on ossus received reports that the Ossus sensor array had been destroyed. All Jedi present knew that this was the definitive sign of an impending attack and Luke ordered the entire city to be evacuated, and the planets population brought to the Jedi Temple. The only trouble with this was that it left the city wide open to be occupied by Sith forces, something pointed out by both Jacen and his apprentice, the Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker.

Jacen is struck by a Sith Lord.
The battle quickly turned into a war of attrition, with many falling on both sides. Jacen made his name known to the Sith Knights by slaughtering many of their Order before being forced back into the central courtyard alongside Kyle Katarn. He continued to battle on but was eventual pulled back by Katarn when it became clear that the courtyard was lost.
A further two hours of battle eventual saw the Sith soften their assault so that their gains could be secured, and the first day of battle had ended.
Second day of battle[]
On the second day of the battle the Jedi suddenly found themselves being overrun by a new wave of Sith lead by Darth Micail. They quickly breached the Jedi defences and, before long, were at the far end of the main courtyard. Desperate to hold, Kyle ordered his non-force sensitive units to pull back and leave the "job" to the Jedi.
Over the next few hours the attacks slowed down in numbers and frequency until, finally, they stopped altogether. Suspicious, Kyle and Jacen left their postings to find the areas of the temple under Sith control empty. The Sith had fled because the Alliance relief fleet had arrived.
Third year[]
The slaughter at Ossus and the revelation by Luke to his fellow Jedi of Ducato's true intentions struck Jacen to the core. The fact that this war, and the death of his sister could have been avoided made Jacen fell a broken man. In just two years the galaxy had gone from being the most secure of its history, to the most war ridden in many years. On top of this the death of so many Jedi had seriously strained the Jedi's ranks and so many more planets fell in the few months to follow Ossus.
It was not four months before the Jedi on ossus received the gravest news; Cal omas had been assassinated on Ossus by a Sith agent. Despite the presence of the Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and the former wife of Jasca Ducato, Katae-muri. The death of such an important figure just furthered Jacen's deep disappointment. Granted, he never agreed with the former Chief-of-state's constant attempts to bring the Jedi to heel, but he still felt a sorrow for the man.
Sensing Jacen's worsening feelings, Luke stationed Jacen on Toong'l during Operation Strike back so that he could not give in to his anger and fear.
The Corruption of Jacen Solo[]
Although stationed on Toong'l; conflict, as always, found him once again in the form of Darth Adsec, the Commander of the Sith Fleet.
With Solo's flagship heavily damaged and its shields weakened, Darth Adsec took it upon himself to board the Jedi Master's vessel and remove the threat permanently. It wasn't long before Jacen and Darth Adsec were at each other's throat in a lightsaber duel.
Only moments passed and Jacen found himself succombing to his darkest emotions once again, much as he had during the Second Corellian Insurrection almost twenty-five years before. He begun to batter his opponent into submission just before being stunned by one of the Sith Lord's entourage.
With Solo in their hands, the Sith captured the vessel and turned the tide of the battle, forcing the enemy fleet to withdraw to Gand.
With Solo in their hands, the Sith had scored a major propganda victory against the Alliance. The peoples of the Alliance, and their Jedi commanders felt disheartened and lowly.