Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The time of reformation is at hand.
—Darth Avidus one week after the destruction of Malachor V.

Darth Avidus was a Sith Lord shortly after the Destruction of Malachor V. While serving in the Second Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War and the Sith Civil War, Avidus commanded numerous battalions against the Jedi Order and his own Sith brethren. He was in command of an Interdictor-class Cruiser when he learned that Malachor V was destroyed. Hoping to learn whether Darth Traya and Darth Sion had survived the destruction, Avidus ordered the crew of the vessel to set a course to Malachor V. When they arrived a few days later, he knew instinctively that they had perished, and because he knew Darth Nihilus had been killed over Telos IV he began laying out plans to usurp the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.

Behind the scenes[]

Darth Avidus was based on the original character Darth Sin from TheStarWarsRP.Com. Author Brandon Rhea intended to use many of the same story elements that Darth Sin took part in during the first role-playing timeline of the website. While that is still the plan, role-playing veteran and former Global Moderator on TheStarWarsRP.Com Laurent Bestine, who created and role-played Darth Sin, requested that the name be changed to something less cheesy. With Bestine’s approval, the name was changed to Avidus which roughly translates to “greedy” in Latin. Another word for greedy is gluttony, which is one of the seven deadly sins, so the name is still reflective of sinfulness.


  • Chronicles of the Great War: Aftermath (First appearance)