Star Wars Fanon

"Through the darkness, our enemies had believed we had fallen but now we shall emerge into the galaxy, stronger than ever. The Sith Empire, the One Sith, the Jedi and all within our path will fall to our might. Today, the New Empire built by our founder Darth Malgus is reborn!" - Darth Archnon

Darth Archnon was a Sith Lord and descendant of the New Empire created by Darth Malgus in 3,641 BBY originally believed to be from the New Imperial Guardsmen which gave him credibility of being loyal to the end until the end. But secretly, he was the descendant of Darth Artron making him not only the heir to the New Empire but its sole ruler after its reformation.


Darth Archnon



After the defeat of the New Empire, the remnants fled to the Unknown Regions while several other factions left with a prominent Sith Lord known as Darth Artron on a journey to the sparsely populated Companion Esk to rebuild. Unbeknownst to the those that resided within the Unknown Regions that he had left his seed with a female New Imperial Guardsmen that brought about the birth of his child who led the remnants together. After nearly two hundred years of peace, they were attacked by ancient Rakatan Archipelago which started protracted campaigns between the two remnant factions. Even though costly both sides gained a mutual respect for each other but never far enough to form an alliance, after several thousands of years of fighting Darth Archnon's mother was kidnapped by the Rakata.

She was tortured for nearly a year until they decided that her usefulness was over, as the Rakata were about to kill her the woman tapped into her baby's power killing them all instead and getting enough time to escape back to her home.

Early life[]

Like most citizens of the Remnants, life was rough for the young Archnon after his mother's return and his subsequent birth. With the constant war, he was born in poverty in the ghettos with there being barely enough food for them to survive within five years his mother died leaving him on his own. Archnon was attacked by a group of wild beasts that were intent on devouring him that was until his force abilities revealed themselves instantly taking control of them and they protected him. At the age of seven, a prominent family adopted him after sensing his force sensitivity and began his training even though his new siblings did not take a liking to him his new mother and father loved him as his own.

Over time, Archnon became a Sith Lord with his power increasing beyond what was normal for the remnants until his power was on that scale of the legendary Dread Masters. During the border schisms, he infiltrated the Rakatan Archipelago and killed off their leaders letting the New Empire remnants to invade and after thousands of years conquered the dreaded Rakata making them the first slave race to their restoration. After two decades of life, Archnon left the remnants and headed into the greater galaxy to forge a new home for his people taking on a new persona to keep his original identity a secret over time he became the adopted brother of a prominent Sith Grand Master known as Salkarian. Over time, the new territory was formed with contact from the Remnants found in Companion Esk joining together with them spreading their territory gaining numerous slave races including the fearsome Esk-kha warriors along with territory and starships. With this, Archnon became the first emperor of the restored New Empire before finding a wife among the Mandalorians known as Akiza Venn who was discovered to be force sensitive and took her on as his first apprentice until she rose to the rank of Sith Knight. Slowly, love grew between them and they settled down to raise a family together.

Personality and traits[]

Despite being a Sith, Archnon was not cruel or violent until he needed to be mostly dealt with manipulation or speaking mere truth to achieve his ends. The Sith Lord was very protective of his family, especially his wife and children, to the point that he would kill anyone that harmed them even having the Rakata and Esh-kha two races that literally hated each other to defend them as their personal guard. He was known to be sliver tongued speaker and be a skilled diplomat or politician despite his own thoughts of not being good at it. Being humble, kind and at times wiser beyond his years but also aware of current situations he was able to keep the New Empire from entering into conflicts that would make it in danger of being destroyed after its restoration.

Powers and abilities[]

As a child, Archnon had a strong and unique relationship with the force with his abilities manifesting themselves at the age of five. With his newfound powers, the young force sensitive was able to drain the life out of twelve armed Rakata and befriend two Guardbeasts that turned on their masters. As the child grew, so did his abilities with the force being able to strip both the sanity and force power of a Sith Warrior at the age of twelve almost mirroring the abilities of the original Sith Emperor who had with his father over 5,000 years ago. But unlike the Sith Emperor, this was regarded with fear after it had been learned that he had destroyed his own homeworld making the young sith acolyte become shunned by the others and almost didn’t receive a master because of it.

Once he had gained a master, Archnon’s power increased greatly with him gaining the knowledge of Sith magic and alchemy along with several normal level powers such as Force Lightning and Force Fear. But over time even these abilities became more powerful making him seem to go down the direct path of Lord Vitiate which scared the instructors to the point of attempting to kill him. Archnon with the use of his lightsaber combat skills and force powers was able to destroy them all despite having been praised as experienced Sith Knights and Warriors. This event caused Archnon to hide from the greater bulk of his homeworld’s population but not for the reasons they believed it was due to him being capable of feeding upon their fear and anguish. It wasn’t until he had turned eighteen that his true power emerged when facing down a Sith Master that had attempted to kill him, within a burst of intense dark side energy he felt something that even further beyond that of his normal powers. He stripped the Sith of his courage leaving him nothing but fear and panic that drove the Sith insane until the mind finally snapped in two.

Suddenly new abilities were at his command, those that were similar to the ancient dread masters such as projection (which he used to take on the form of Dread Master Raptus), teleportation and even increasing his own strength when needed.

His abilities also included Immense dark side presence, Force Death Field, Sith Sorcery, Qazoi Kyrantuska, Waves of darkness, Odojinya, Summon fear, Static Barrier, Force Walk, Force blast, Sutta Chwituskak (Bolt of Hatred), Dark Side Healing, Deadly Sight, Dark Side Tendrils, Force Lightning (Aqua colored), Force Absorb, Force Barrier, Force Push, Force Throw, Force Storm (lightning) and Force Storm (wormhole)
