Darth Alecto was the chosen name of a female Mirialan Sith Lord who lived during the New Sith Wars. Feared throughout the galaxy for her skills as a warrior and assassin, she killed numerous Jedi and was both the nemesis and an occasional uneasy ally of the Jedi Knight Tirien Kal-Di.
The New Sith Empire recruited Alecto at the age of six. She trained alongside a number of potentials under the Sith Acolyte Huriah, but was best friends with Odelia Urham, a Human girl two years older. Odelia helped Alecto survive her early training, though they equaled out despite the age gap within two years. When Lord Warlese Oruval, Headmaster of the Korriban Sith academy, came to the class in 1,406 BBY and offered a single seat, Odelia, fearing Alecto would be chosen and Odelia would be left under Huriah's hellish tutelage, tried to kill Alecto in her sleep. Though heartbroken and terrified, Alecto turned the tables on Odelia and killed her. Oruval had been monitoring the situation and gave Alecto the spot at Korriban. That same night, prompted by Oruval and Ko Davad, she renounced her birth name and began going by "Alecto".
In her youth, though she was not the strongest or most ferocious warrior, Alecto was a quick fighter, and used her natural agility to her advantage. She also learned to outwit her enemies, manipulating them to her own ends. Occasionally forced to flee from stronger enemies, she developed considerable skill at Force stealth; by adulthood she could mask her presence entirely, even from powerful Force users. At Korriban, Alecto fought and won four duels in the Tuk'ata's Den, two of which ended in death. She had her first sexual experience with the Zeltron Laruc Sable, and maintained affection for him even when they both moved on.
By 1,391 BBY, Alecto and the Swokes Swokes Churka were serving as Sith Acolytes to the Trandoshan Sith Lord Zygro. While assisting Zygro's Candorian Plague operation on Thisspias, they were confronted by the Jedi Knight Suwo Tolp and his Padawan Tirien Kal-Di. In the ensuing duel, Zygro killed Tolp, but was himself killed by Kal-Di. Alecto desired revenge, but was persuaded to escape rather than fight in the face of Tirien's Force powers.
Proving Her Worth[]
Two years later, Alecto and Churka had come under the command of Pau'an Sith Lord Nerlus Zedum. After fellow Sith acolyte Garzen's agents failed to obtain the codes to the Republic defensive system at Gizer, Zedum dispatched Alecto to assassinate Senator Glavial Iltek during a speech on Taanab. Alecto contracted with mercenary groups to provide backup, but opened fire on Iltek herself during his speech. Tirien Kal-Di, who was present as Iltek's bodyguard, deflected the shots; Alecto led him into an ambush to slow him down, but ultimately opted to flee Taanab rather than face him directly, as a second Jedi was present.
Facing the threat of Zedum's wrath for her failure, Alecto volunteered to undertake a risky mission to Gizer Battlestation and assassinate Admiral Herqilius Arstyn, the foremost obstacle to the campaigns of Zedum's own master, Darth Saleej. Successfully infiltrating the battlestation through the use of mind tricks, she posed as a servant while scheming to get close to Arstyn. She learned that Arstyn was in negotiations with the Gray Jedi Karr Shadeez, and that the two planned to sign an accord.
Alecto's guise allowed her to reach the signing ceremony, and she secured the duty of serving the negotiating parties Gizer ale. As she poured Shadeez's drink, she spilled it; while the Jedi was distracted, Alecto drew her concealed lightsaber, cut off Shadeez's breath mask and part of his face, and struck down Arstyn as well. She had spotted Tirien in the crowd, and threw Shadeez's lightsaber at him; one of Shadeez's Knights, Jylo Naki, deflected the blade in midair, but it struck another Knight, Rhosa Xei, mortally wounding her and killing two others in the crowd.

Alecto dueling Tirien after assassinating Shadeez and Arstyn
Alecto dueled Jylo, quickly maiming him too badly to continue. Tirien's intervention prevented her from killing Jylo, and she dueled the Pantoran Knight throughout the concourse. The two were evenly matched, but when Tirien's Padawan, Narasi Rican, joined the duel, Alecto nearly killed her and Force pushed her over a ledge; Tirien elected to save Narasi rather than finish Alecto, and the Mirialan escaped from the battlestation.
When she escaped, Alecto notified the Sith fleet of her success, and Darth Saleej's war fleet descended on Gizer. As the battle began, Zedum took her before Saleej. Impressed with her achievement, the Kaleesh Sith Lord anointed Alecto a Sith Lord in her own right and bestowed on her the title "Darth".
As one of Saleej's Sith Lords, Alecto fell in with the warlike Darth Vandak. Approximately a month after being anointed, Saleej sent Darth Alecto to Corsin to sabotage a HoloNet relay. Alecto and two dark side adepts dispatched to aid her were intercepted by Mali Darakhan and Aldayr Nikodon, but Alecto not only destroyed the relay, she also dueled and lightly wounded Darakhan before escaping.
Alecto participated in the latter stages of the Battle of Taanab. Shortly before the battle's end she killed a Jedi Padawan. On the final day of battle, Alecto and Vandak attempted to bring down Taanab's shield generators, but they were intercepted by a squad of Republic troops, and then Mali Darakhan. Vandak wounded Darakhan, but before the two Sith Lords could defeat him, they were ordered to retreat by Darth Hokhtan when Republic reinforcements arrived.
The Mercy of a Jedi[]
Over the following year, Alecto took on numerous missions on behalf of Darth Saleej; Tirien and Narasi pursued her, but apart from a close call on Commenor, she eluded them completely.
In 1,388 BBY, Alecto was dispatched to Toprawa to investigate work being done by Valin Aresh's men; the Council of Five believed Aresh had found an ancient superweapon left from the days of Exar Kun, and charged Alecto with obtaining it if possible. Although she successfully infiltrated the excavation site, she was discovered by one of Aresh's Dark Vanguard. Alecto believed she could have killed him given more time, but a second Vanguardian joined the fray and, outnumbered, Alecto was eventually stunned into submission.
Incarcerated underground for three days, Alecto tried to find a way to escape, but only managed to sense the presence of Gennic Forgey and the Vanguardians. On the third day, to their mutual shock, Aresh's men dropped Tirien Kal-Di into her cell. The two had a brief scuffle of Force powers but, both restrained, they concluded neither would prevail in a fight and settled into a snide ceasefire.
The following day, Aresh's soldiers came for them both, promising to take Tirien for experimentation while bringing Alecto before Eviar Seldec, Aresh's Sith apprentice. En route, though, Tirien attacked Alecto, using their scuffle as cover to warn her that Aresh's men were planning to execute her. Armed with the knowledge, she sensed the danger in time as her captors led her down into the deep caves, escaping and killing all three. She subsequently killed two guards and a Vanguardian who had sensed her burst of the dark side. Though free to escape and armed with the Vanguardian's lightsaber, Alecto went back to retrieve her own weapon, slaughter the guards in the cave's generator room, and sabotage the generator, throwing Aresh's forces into chaos and allowing Gennic Forgey and Narasi Rican to escape and rescue Tirien.
Over the following year, Alecto worked to strengthen her alliance with Darth Vandak, especially as mutual loathing developed between her and Targere; Alecto had persuaded Darth Saleej to give her a mission instead of Targere. Alecto succeeded in the mission, killing Jedi Master Yem Faltko in a duel, but Targere sought to undermine her thereafter.
In 1,387 BBY, Sith Overlord Vedya Gasald, a rival of Saleej's, planned an ambitious campaign to conquer a large portion of the Corellian Run and persuaded the Council of Five to command Darth Saleej to lend her warriors. Saleej sent Darths Hokhtan, Vandak, and Alecto, although Vandak brought along twelve assassins of his Brotherhood of Shadows as an insurance policy. Alecto observed the verbal fencing and jockeying for position between Hokhtan and Gasald's second-in-command, Halicon Karzded, as well as the tensions between the ostensibly unified Sith. She grew frustrated, both with being the juniormost Sith and with feeling exposed; though her status as an anointed Sith afforded her some degree of protection, it also meant that hurting her would hurt Darth Saleej all the worse.
Alecto fought repeatedly on Milagro, first to drive away the last of Zirist Lakalt's troops and then against the remnants of Milagro's army. She was assigned Zeff Rogu, a Ubese Sith Acolyte, ostensibly as an aid and battle companion, though she suspected he was also spying on her for Gasald. When Darth Vandak came to Alecto and Hokhtan with the severed head of one of his Anzati, blaming Gasald's Sith and promising retribution, Alecto feared he would get them all killed by injudicious attacks. Reasoning that the killers could just as easily be Lakalt's leftovers or even Jedi infiltrators, she convinced Vandak to hold off his attack until they were sure. Alecto convinced Hokhtan to prevail on Darth Vaszas, the commander of the occupation force, to threaten the growing Milagro Resistance with death-by-Anzat and subtly include mention of the Jedi, hoping to draw them out of hiding if they existed.

Alecto confronts Tirien Kal-Di and Narasi Rican
No other Sith truly believed Jedi were present, and even Alecto had doubts, so she was pleasantly surprised to be proven entirely right when a Jedi strike team assaulted the government center. Opening herself to the Force as bait, Alecto drew Tirien and Narasi into a fight with herself and Zeff. She dueled Tirien, the two trading quips and barbs, though Alecto was disconcerted and briefly frightened when Tirien mentioned how she had saved him on Toprawa, taking it as a veiled threat to undermine her with the Sith. They fought on until Aldayr Nikodon arrived, seeking Tirien's help for Mali Darakhan against Vandak. Alecto refused to let them go, hoping to delay Tirien and let Vandak kill Darakhan, but Tirien amplified his attacks, now actively seeking to kill her. Alecto sensed one of them would die within seconds when Tirien instead cut a pipe, showering her with caustic spray and igniting the stream into a flamethrower to force her back.
Tirien and Narasi escaped, but Alecto took a maintenance turbolift around, arriving in the legislative assembly room in time to rescue a kneecapped Darth Hokhtan from a fire raging in the room. She briefly locked eyes with Tirien, who along with Mali had barely survived dueling Vandak, but did not attempt to engage him further.
Into the Abattoir[]
Alecto was the only one of Darth Saleej's Sith to escape Milagro mostly unscatched; Darth Hokhtan was crippled by the blow to his knee, and Darakhan and Kal-Di had cut off Darth Vandak's Anzat proboscises, rendering him unable to feed on soup. The Brotherhood had abandoned him—Alecto passed Azeroth Seji on her way into the burning assembly room—and the two deprivations drove Vandak insane. He deserted Saleej's Sith council, carving a bloody path through the galaxy with no apparent course and leaving Alecto deprived of a valuable ally. The Council of Five reassigned Zeff to Alecto, but she suspected he was spying on her for Gasald.
Over the following months, Targere and his allies slowly pushed Alecto to the periphery of influence as the council planned the assassination of Supreme Chancellor Phnyong and struggled to reign in Vandak. Alecto deferred to Hokhtan when he counseled her not to pursue Vandak herself, admitting the Anzat was too much for her. As the council tried to plan the assassination without the projected assistance of Vandak's Brotherhood of Shadows, Alecto volunteered to journey to Anzat to reaffirm the Brotherhood's loyalty. Saleej blessed the mission, and Alecto and Zeff made the trip.
Once they found the Temple of Shadows, the two Sith met with the assembled Brotherhood, but found them mostly united in Vandak's deposition as leader. Azeroth, now in command, toyed with allying the Brotherhood to other Sith leaders, but Alecto got the majority of the Brotherhood to accept her challenge—if she could equal Vandak's feat of surviving all seven levels of the Abattoir, she would assume his station as the Brotherhood's master.
In the following weeks, Alecto struggled to survive as she descended into Anzat's foggy lowlands. She was "assisted" by the Anzat Rassan Darvash, allegedly left in the Abattoir to die by the Brotherhood, but Rassan eventually betrayed her. Alecto survived numerous injuries as she made her way through the Abattoir, but finally reached the dark side nexus at its heart and was found worthy. When she emerged in the Temple of Shadows, Azeroth attempted to kill her, but she turned the tables on him, blinding and maiming him before releasing him into the Abattoir to die. Armed with the loyalty of the Brotherhood, Alecto returned to Saleej to complete preparations for the assassination mission.
Assassinations on Anaxes[]
After Targere arranged a meeting with Eviar Seldec, Alecto accompanied him; charged with providing security, she took several of her new brethren, including Nevya Khiyali, whom she had promoted to second-in-command after disposing of Azeroth. The two convinced Seldec to join the Dark Vanguard with Saleej's forces to kill Chancellor Phnyong, but Alecto and Targere verbally sparred on their way out; Alecto's waning star was waxing again, and she felt Targere was seeking new ways to undermine her.
Disguising herself with dyed hair, contacts, and synthskin to cover her distinctive tattoos, Alecto set about the next phase of her plan: ingratiating herself to notorious playboy and political consultant Jorss Arlaf-Kaabin, who would be attending the graduation ball at the Republic Navy War College on Anaxes along with the Chancellor. Alecto used her wit and sensuality, along with judiciously-applied mind tricks, to drag out Arlaf-Kaabin's interest in her, and their "relationship" lasted long enough for her to earn an invitation to the ball. She gave Nevya responsibility for overseeing the Brotherhood's interaction with the Dark Vanguard and inserting as her own backup team.
Kai Latra gave Alecto a Sith poison, along with two antidotes, though he warned her that one was spiked with an auxiliary toxin that would deprive the victim of the Force. At the ball, Alecto carefully used the Force to daze the service droid, then spiked the wine with poison. She was compelled to drink some herself, though she shared her glass with Arlaf-Kaabin to ensure he died. She was pleased to see the Chancellor drinking, but before she could coax others to drink, Tirien Kal-Di recognized her laugh and caught her up in a waltz to take her away from others. Alecto was unable to escape him, but gave him pause by suggesting some drastic consequence to publicly unmasking her; he took her outside onto a balcony instead.
The poison took effect, but Alecto injected herself with the cure. When Tirien started to feel the poison's effects, Alecto gave him the spiked "cure", but refused to allow her Anzati to feed on him, instead escaping with Nevya and Zarrke.
The Missing Sith[]
Alecto soon realized, however, that the cure she had taken was the one which depowered its victim. Suspecting her Anzati would not remain loyal if they understood her to be powerless, Alecto left them on Brentaal with orders to return to Anzat. Alecto herself made her way to Bogg 14, a moon so riddled with crime she thought she could disappear. There she used every trick she could think of, even visiting nearby Kohlma, but could not restore her connection to the Force. She alternated between rage and depression, thinking her stupidity had cost her everything at the moment of her triumph.
Unexpected Help[]

Alecto comes face-to-face with Tirien
One night, Alecto's hallway motion sensor went off, and Tirien Kal-Di burst through the door. The two fought to a standoff, but each realized the other was without the Force. Alecto was horrified and outraged at the realization that she had not made a mistake—Kai Latra had simply betrayed her, spiking both cures. Unable to return to her fellow Sith or her Anzati, she had no choice but to accept Tirien's offer of a temporary alliance.
The two clashed on their way to Vjun, Kai Latra's world, but saved one another's lives repeatedly while infiltrating Kai Latra's Palace of Happiness. Against her every instinct, Alecto came to understand they worked well together, though she found Tirien naive and his Jedi morals hopelessly idealistic. They tracked down Kai Latra, but were forced to flee when Ugor, a mutant Ugnaught, attacked them. Alecto accepted Tirien's plan to split up, allowing him to fight Kai Latra while she dealt with Ugor. By the time she dealt the Ugnaught a mortal blow, Tirien had captured Kai Latra.
The two forced Kai Latra to give them the cure, but there was only enough for one. Before they could come to blows for it, Tirien fled to rescue Narasi and Aldayr Nikodon from Kai Latra's Acolytes, and Alecto drank the cure. Her connection to the Force was restored just as a strike team of Anzati, led by Nevya Khiyali and seeking their absent master, entered the room. Alecto decided to spare Kai Latra's life in exchange for his service as a spy against Targere, who had persuaded him to spike both cures in the first place. She did, however, allow her Anzati to kill Kai Latra's minions to chastise him.
Alecto returned to Darth Saleej, claiming her long absence was due to the need to avoid the Republic's agents, and she was hailed as a hero on the Sith side. Her greater standing earned her a place in Darth Saleej's meeting with Erinyes, a member of the Furies, who had come to demand action against Darth Vandak, who was about to return to Sith territory after slaughtering his way through a dozen Republic systems. Rather than risk their own people fighting Vandak or accept Erinyes's intercession (and so admit Saleej's own impotence against Vandak), Alecto proposed revealing Vandak's impending arrival at Gyndine to the Jedi and letting them deal with it. After eight Jedi confronted and killed Vandak, Saleej pledged to provide Alecto new Sith Acolytes and dark side adepts, cementing her status as a council Sith Lord. However, Erinyes threw her into uncertainty by conveying an offer from Ko Davad: a place among the Furies.
Saleej made good on his promise, bestowing ten Acolytes and adepts on Alecto, who finally established her headquarters on Lisal. Alecto continued to rely primarily on her Anzati, but tried to forge teamwork among her new recruits. She also protected Megaera from extradition by two Sith Acolytes representing Megaera's former master, Lady Naathree Basrasht, risking a feud with Basrasht but earning Megaera's loyalty.
Gained and Lost[]
Over the following months, Alecto fashioned her disciples into something resembling a functional team. She conceded to allowing Nevya to try the Abattoir for a higher rank, and was rewarded when Nevya emerged having completed the sixth level—she now outranked everyone save Alecto herself.
When Darth Hokhtan handed down a kill order against Satir and Galera Solo at the Commenori Economic Roundtable, Alecto prepared her disciples, but planned to go in person to ensure success. However, her plans were thrown into disarray when Rhutizh'chal'safan arrived on Lisal, warning her that Basrasht was aware of the Commenor operation and planned to strike Lisal in Alecto's absence, retaking Megaera and killing the other adepts. As Alecto stewed, Rhutizh also warned her that her isolation on Lisal and Anzat was weakening instead of strengthening her, and urged her to make more contacts in the military and intelligence.
In order to check Basrasht, Alecto decided to stay on Commenor, sending Nevya to command the Commenor mission in her place, along with Zeff, Shrizzzqadl, and Dolre Thyle. Her plans for Lisal went off almost without a hitch—Basrasht's disciples were taken by surprise by Alecto's Sith and Anzati, though Rewz was killed by Caiacan Duliys. Alecto prevented Basrasht from killing Megaera, and when Megaera claimed to have read an intent to kill Alecto in Basrasht's mind, Alecto used that pretext of justification for self-defense and killed Basrasht, too.
Darth Hokhtan accepted the excuse of self-defense, but Alecto found her victory a hollow one: though the Solos had been killed, Jedi Master Nawsa Arodion had been present on Commenor and had killed Nevya. The loss of her second in command—the only being Alecto fully trusted—enraged Alecto even as the loss stung her. On Anzat, she reluctantly named Katrijan Naveskatsi her new second, but after performing last rites for Nevya, she set the Brotherhood to its new mission: gathering information and intelligence for a vendetta against Arodion.
Shakelli and the Kaivalts[]

Alecto sparring Darth Shakelli
To broaden her perspectives and build the contacts Rhutizh encouraged, Alecto volunteered to serve in some of Darth Shakelli's campaigns, enduring his ego and flirtation. She fought in the Battle of Surcaris along with Nillan Deys'lro and Zurgharjhen, though she left Varriben behind on the Daring Deed to gather intelligence. When the Council of Five tasked her to avenge Vedya Gasald's defeat at Allanteen on the Kaivalt family, Darth Hokhtan commanded her to take Shakelli with her so he could learn something from her, too.
Alecto reluctantly complied, though she despised Caiphus Syde and disliked having him aboard the Scourge. Alecto, Shakelli, Caiphus, Nale Dokuj, Shrizzzqadl, and Megaera took part in a mission to Pelagon, with support from Voshkis and Keshthel. After infiltrating Inimă Eserzennae, Alecto dueled and defeated Vinton Kaivalt, while Shakelli overcame Miklato Kaivalt. She interrogated the Kaivalts for information and condoned their executions, but drew the line when Caiphus planned to rape Raina Kaivalt's thirteen-year-old Padawan, Renata Cul'Caritas; when he refused her command to stop, Alecto cut out his left eye in punishment.
Shakelli and Alecto were at odds over the conflict, though Darth Hokhtan rewarded each for the successful mission. Alecto seized the opportunity to ask the reward she really wanted—permission to execute her revenge against Arodion—and Darth Hokhtan agreed.
The Brotherhood completed its initial assessment of Nawsa Arodion and concluded she was a Jedi of uncommon ability and power. Believing she could not match such an enemy head-to-head, Alecto returned to the Korriban Academy, taking Crile Craetor, Dolre, Zurgharjhen, and Dekkia Laytrok with her. Darth Hokhtan interceded with Warlese Oruval, now Sith Overlord of Sith training, on her behalf, and Oruval commanded Nattero Chonin, the Academy headmaster, to accommodate her. He did so, though he pressed her into service to teach some of her skills to his own students in return. She also renewed her relationship with Laruc, now an instructor himself.
Alecto found less support from Zaad Roes, the Academy librarian, but ultimately eluded Zaad's mental interference. She found reference to a datacron from the Sith assassin Nymoros, and took Zurgharjhen and Dekkia into the shyrack cave to find out more. She was annoyed to discover that Dolre had accepted a challenge to a Tuk'ata's Den duel in her absence, but managed the circumstances to her benefit; when Laruc called a staff meeting, Alecto used Zaad's absence from the library to seduce Freyr Sai'Rusan, Zaad's Acolyte, and find out where Nymoros's datacron had gone.
Dolre won his duel against Noth Kinn, but his right arm was severed in the process. Noth's informal master, Lord Sheerlin Isoka, attempted to kill Dolre, but Alecto intervened to protect her student, and ultimately challenged Isoka to a duel. Each struck the other, but Alecto's blow was fatal. As she prepared to depart the Academy, Alecto and Laruc admitted that they had each manipulated the other to their own ends, but parted on good terms.
The Plot[]
Alecto sent her disciples back to Lisal in the Scourge, but stowed away on a freighter herself; Freyr had revealed that Rhutizh had the datacron. Ship-hopping to Columex, she identified the general location of Imperial Intelligence, and recruited the Ryn sisters Fermata and Vilya to help her infiltrate the building.
She broke into Rhutizh's office and convinced him to give her the datacron in return for a promise to train his assassins. However, she was stunned to learn that, in her absence, her fellow council lords had accused her of conspiracy to assassinate Darth Hokhtan and authorized invasions of Lisal and Anzat. Rhutizh concluded that Hokhtan had been ambushed on Orleon, and furnished Alecto a ship to help rescue him.
Alecto arrived in time to intercede, dueling Raven Kaivalt until the Masked One and several Black Knights appeared to help. Wastin Quoi Force-pushed Raven into a river before Alecto could finish him, but Alecto took Hokhtan to Lisal, where he ended the occupation and allowed Alecto to take vengeance on those involved. Governor Monox Dacaliad had been tortured for loyalty to her, and Alecto responded not only by giving him medical care and offering his son Rayman her patronage, but by having his tormentors tortured to death themselves. She deduced that Targere was behind the plot as well as Chy Karibadi, who had fled Lisal; Darth Hokhtan did not act at once, lacking evidence, but Alecto resolved to press him until he cracked.
Rosyit and Rhyna had been killed on Lisal, though the Temple of Shadows had withstood siege without casualties, and Alecto interred their bones in the catacombs herself. Ko Davad met her at the Temple and demanded Nymoros's datacron, but Alecto talked him into letting her keep it, even though she also declined his invitation to join the Furies.
The Enemy of My Enemy[]
Some months after the invasion of Lisal, Rhutizh nominated Alecto to lead Operation Salvation, a mission to liberate Sith prisoners from Deep Storage Facility 214-Peth, but Darth Hokhtan declined. When the mission team was slain (and DSF 214-P was itself destroyed) by the Crusaders, the Council of Five chose Alecto to hunt down and assassinate Argus Z'dar. Dispatching her Anzati and disciples to find any leads, Alecto herself went to Kwenn Space Station with Ikkyn, Dekkia, Fruuna, and Megaera, but wound up trying to salvage Ryjo Trodd's bungled pursuit of Tirien and Narasi on Kwenn.
Alecto, the Anzati, and Megaera followed a lead to the Bogden system, where they went from moon to moon until Alecto was forced to return to Bogg 14. They successfully hunted down Qerriz, a defector from Z'dar's nuclear bomb suppliers, but too late; Qerriz had been slain by mercenaries. When Megaera was injured by a grenade, Alecto returned to the Scourge, only to encounter Tirien on the way; they avoided a duel only when Tirien reported that Z'dar was inbound. Alecto and her team evacuated Bogg 14, which Z'dar destroyed moments later.

Alecto and Tirien fighting Z'dar, D'Natragan, and C'niki
While Megaera convalesced on Lisal, Alecto finally received contact from Zeff, whom she had sent to infiltrate the Crusaders. After ordering Ikkyn to relay a message for her, she followed Zeff's report to Malachor, but was captured at Malachor Base. Jylo Naki tortured her, but before Voshkis could rescue her, Tirien arrived, dueled Jylo, and released Alecto. Tirien hesitated to kill the disarmed Jylo, but Alecto stabbed him through the throat. Realizing they were both present to kill Z'dar, Alecto and Tirien agreed to a one-day truce.
They found Z'dar in the base's war room, along with C'niki Fereenil, D'Natragan, and Kinnaki Getroc. In the duel that followed, Tirien and Alecto forged a Force bond, connecting each with the other's mind, thoughts, and experiences, and enabling them to slay all their enemies. Both held to the truce as they fled the base; flush with victory and influenced by the lingering bond between them, Alecto kissed Tirien before fleeing in the Scourge. Darth Hokhtan felt she owed her success as much to luck as skill, but accepted the outcome of the mission; Alecto was vexed not only by that, but by the lingering effects of her bond with Tirien, which had not dissipated as quickly as it had been formed.
Only days after Malachor, Nafiri Reyzgon contacted Alecto, having finally sliced Nymoros's datacron. Alecto reviewed Nymoros's recordings on the Void technique, but quickly realized she lacked foundational skills needed for it. Over the following month and a half, she sought out opportunities to hone her hunting and tracking skills. She also exposed herself to danger to learn Force drain—first allowing herself to be shot, and, when that proved insufficient motivation, impaling herself with her own lightsaber—which left both Darth Hokhtan and Darth Shakelli concerned her monomania had begun to border on madness.
Alecto finally sought out the dead world of Katarr, where she and Zeff barely staved off attacks from Ikkyn and Voshkis, who had been driven mad by the world's utter absence of life; even with the Anzati contained, Alecto perceived the insatiable, ruinous hunger that had allowed Darth Nihilus to annihilate Katarr. The discovery caused her a moment of hesitation in her quest to learn the Void technique; she recognized the logical end point of its power and feared what it might do to her. Nonetheless, when Clezik Sattada reported an opening to target Senator Jendaya Rose, and through her Arodion, Alecto took the opportunity.
Katrijan and Zeff successfully kidnapped Rose on Denon, and Alecto used her as bait to lure Arodion into a trap. Focused on the chance to avenge Nevya, Alecto was briefly wrongfooted when Arodion revealed she had suffered over Galera Solo's death as much or more, but chose not to pursue vengeance so as not to sully Galera's memory. Alecto and Arodion dueled nonetheless, and Alecto successfully used the Void technique to give herself a slight edge and prevail. However, she had cobbled together the technique rather than mastering its fundamental nature, and in trying to draw on Arodion with the same mindset that had forged her bond with Tirien, she allowed Arodion to perceive her emotions. Alecto killed Arodion by cutting her throat, but when she returned to Anzat to celebrate, she was deeply troubled that even victory and revenge had not eased the pain of losing Nevya.
Disturbed by a new sense of vulnerability flowing from connection to others, Alecto closed herself off from her disciples, treating them coldly when she interacted with them at all. While she was still grappling with her dilemma, Onestiki warned her that the Furies had found and killed Karibadi, and were coming for Targere. Targere, forewarned, eluded them, and Darth Hokhtan dispatched her after him—preferably to capture him, but definitely not to let him escape.
Using her nascent Force Track skills, Alecto pursued Targere to Uyter, and thence to Onderon. She was forced to land outside Iziz due to the Demon's Kiss, but successfully infiltrated the city with two sniper droids, keeping the third and a QD-11 battle sphere in reserve. After an unsuccessful day of pursuing leads, Alecto broke into the home of Tranir Corlisc, securing military and civilian comm frequencies in exchange for a future favor. She followed such a tip to a burning warehouse, where she found two dead Jedi and realized Targere was trying to defect.
Continuing her pursuit across the city, Alecto found the dead body of Kuira Suerves, but her snipers spotted Targere. Calling for the QD-11, she forced Targere into a crossfire position, but just as she took up a sniping post herself, she was startled to see Tirien and Narasi were Targere's escorts. Hesitating to kill Tirien, she instead reflected a shot off the QD-11 and killed Targere with the rebound. She used a grenade round to destroy Targere's body, but the Jedi escaped.
Darth Hokhtan was not thrilled, but pronounced her performance satisfactory; Alecto was annoyed, but much more troubled by her own moment of hesitation.
Force Bond[]
Part of Alecto wanted to kill Tirien, while another felt oddly attached to the lingering bond between them. She ultimately baited Tirien into a meeting at the Comfort Pods in the city of Farport on Terminus. They met over dinner, alternating among arguments, snide gibes, and moments of emotional and psychological vulnerability; Alecto demanded that Tirien sever the Force bond between them, and was not pleased when he was unsure if it was even possible. Their quarreling became an argument, but after Alecto kissed him in a moment of wild passion, he responded and the two had sex.
Alecto realized the gravity of her action—she would face an immediate death sentence if she was discovered—but refused to try to kill Tirien, and sensed the bond between them had strengthened. Nonetheless, she left Terminus with an odd sense of lightness; having a secret from the entire galaxy restored her sense of control over herself and her destiny.
Over the following year, Alecto and Tirien rendezvoused on far-flung planets, continuing their illicit liaisons despite his moral quandaries and the considerable danger to them both. Though Alecto tried to keep their involvement surface-level, and repeatedly resisted Tirien's desire to learn her birth name, she did confide some of her hopes and ambitions regarding her disciples. Though passionate, their relationship was also volatile, as their competing affiliations and diametrically opposed sides of the Force clashed.
In mid-1,383 BBY, Tirien called Alecto to Pusat Station. Expecting another casual dalliance, she instead found Tirien had come with news of a Black Sun cortosis mining and distribution operation. Alecto agreed to somehow handle the threat on the Imperial side, but she and Tirien argued again before they parted.
Powers and Abilities[]
Darth Alecto had pronounced skill at Force stealth, having honed the ability from early childhood. She was sufficiently skillful that she could come within arm's reach of the Jedi Master Karr Shadeez without his knowledge; even the Jedi Consulars Tirien Kal-Di and Rhosa Xei could only sense a disturbance in the Force, more a warning from the future than actual awareness of her presence. She could also conjure Force lightning. She learned a variation of the Void technique in less than two months, though she approached it from an unconventional perspective which left her emotionally vulnerable to her enemy.
Alecto was a sufficiently skillful duelist to defeat the Jedi Knight Jylo Naki and the Sith Acolyte Zurgharjhen without difficulty, and she was able to separately duel Tirien Kal-Di and Mali Darakhan (whom many Jedi considered among the most skillful Knights with blades) to a draw; by 1,384 BBY, Argus Z'dar (who had trained with Sil Kadych, the Jedi Order's undisputed Juyo master) considered Alecto an expert in the discipline and an extraordinary fighter. She was able to defeat a Vanguardian with only the Force and a rock. She demonstrated sufficient survival skills to pass through the Abattoir, living off the land for weeks. She was able to avoid detection on Bogg 14 even without the Force for a month, and infiltrate both Anaxes Citadel and Kai Latra's castle.
Appearance and Personality[]
Alecto had green skin and dark red hair. She stood 1.68 meters tall, and carried a lightsaber with a red blade. She had three geometric tattoos of arrowheads around her left eye; after Anzat, she added a symmetrical coil down her right cheek, and after Anaxes (and regaining her Force powers) a series of drops from her lower lip down her chin and neck.
Alecto had a tendency to taunt her enemies in battle, and often laughed while dueling. She displayed no hesitation about killing, both in battle and in cold-blooded murder. On Toprawa, she betrayed at least a hint of either honor or duty, as she allowed Narasi and Gennic Forgey to escape confinement, knowing they would probably assist Tirien to escape as well, after Tirien's forewarning saved her life. When Tirien questioned her about it, however, she mockingly told him it was "just good policy", encouraging others to save her life in the future. When they viewed slaves being brutalized in Kai Latra's fortress, Alecto pressed on and prevented Tirien from intervening, but Tirien believed she showed hints of unease about the situation. Alecto also refused to kill Fermata and Vilya on Columex, even though they had realized she was a Sith and might have blown her cover, as she considered such an act dishonorable.
Alecto earned genuine loyalty from many of her servants in the Brotherhood of Shadows, foremost of them Nevya Khiyali and Ikkyn, and she was loyal to them in turn, at least compared to Darth Vandak and Azeroth Seji. Nevya's death in particular was a genuine and painful loss for her, though she responded not only with grief, but with a blood feud. She tried to impart the same values of loyalty to her Sith subordinates, hoping to make them into a team that would fight the Jedi rather than each other. Some, like Megaera, were just as loyal to her as any of the Anzati.
As time went on, Alecto had an increasingly complicated relationship with Tirien Kal-Di. Each tried to kill the other on multiple occasions, but Alecto also showed herself willing to trust him in extreme circumstances; she was both intrigued and perturbed at how effective they were as a team. The Force bond between them at Malachor proved both help and hindrance going forward, and contributed to the beginning of their emotional and sexual relationship.
Behind the Scenes[]
Darth Alecto was voted "Best Dark-side Character" in the Thirteenth Wiki Awards.
- "The Price of Knighthood" (First appearance)
- Shots Fired (First identified as Alecto)
- Twist of Fate
- Second Chance
- Who You Are in the Dark
- The Fog of War
- A Certain Point of View (Mentioned only)
- Abattoir
- Danse Macabre
- Desperate Times
- Desperate Measures
- A Flow'r, Once Fallen (Mentioned only)
- Igniting the Stars
- Grim Tidings (Mentioned only)
- Ascension
- Sins of the Father (Mentioned only)
- Moments of Truth (Mentioned only)
- Revenge of the Jedi (Mentioned only)
- Loyalty
- A Bittersweet Homecoming (Mentioned only)
- Taken at the Flood (Mentioned only)
- The Heirs of Mizra
- The Will of the Force (Vision)
- Vendetta I: The Tuk'ata's Den
- The Way of the Krayt Dragon (Mentioned only)
- Vendetta II: Felinx and Rodus
- Countdown to Destruction (Mentioned only)
- Behind Enemy Lines (Mentioned only)
- The First Cut (Mentioned only)
- Lightning and Fire
- The Hundredth Day (Mentioned only)
- Vendetta III: The Void
- Fault Lines (Mentioned only)
- Vulnerabilities
- A Moment of Weakness
- Shackled (Mentioned only)
- The Adventure of the Mysterious Mine (Mentioned only)
- Underworld