Darth Acina, later known as Empress Acina, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who proclaimed herself Empress of the Sith in 3637 BBY after the fall of Dromund Kaas. She was chosen by the Emperor's Hand to be the new head of the Sphere of Technology after the death of Darth Karrid at Duro, and to watch over a warehouse of powerful technology known as the Arcanum. Recently, the rogue Dread Masters broke into Arcanum and stole the Seeds of Rage. Acina soon summoned an Imperial individual to assist in recovering the seeds.
After the forced hibernation of the Sith Emperor in 3641 BBY, the Empire came under the joint rule of the Dark Council, which included her. The Empire continued to suffer military defeats against the Galactic Republic during the ongoing Galactic War with the Emperor's disappearance. Finally, in 3637 BBY, the Republic attacked the Sith capital of Dromund Kaas. Darth Acina commanded part of the Imperial defense fleet, alongside Grand Admiral Yasorion Elakati. Ultimately the capital fell and the fleet retreated. Since many of the Dark Council members were killed in the battle, Darth Acina proclaimed herself "Empress of the Sith" and took up the mantle of ruling what remained of the Sith Empire as the head of a provisional government.