Star Wars Fanon

Darrhahn Naaz was a Zabrak male Mandalorian who served in the 20 Years War with the Republic in the Army, during the Battle of Dxun, Naaz confronted Mandalore the Destroyer and challenged him to a fight to the death, after several hours of fierce battle Darrhahn was able to defeat the Mandalore by snapping his neck, he took the title of Mandalore and declared victory for the Rpeublic and took the name Mandalore the Republican and founded the Republic Mandalorians, Mandaorians loyal to the Mandalore who serve the Republic. 7 years after becoming Mandalore, Darrhahn along with a small group of other Mandalorians would go to Dromund Kaas to investigate possible sith activity, where they snuck into a temple only to discover that a Jedi by the name of Trojjan Marr was secretly a Sith Lord, he and the other Mandalorians were killed before they can reveal the truth.
