The Dar'aa Shap Halaat, which translates as Hunters who speak the Shap Halaat language, often called Dar or Hunters, were a sentient species hailing from a homeworld long since destroyed by the aggressive Daahk. In revenge for this misdeed, the Dar crafted weapons based on their own unique technology, and pledged themselves to destroy the Daahk.
This pledge resulted in a war which ended with the Daahk retreating to their homeworlds in the Unknown Regions. However, the Daahk would continue to plague the Galaxy—sending out large raiding parties frequently to try and eradicate other species—for the rest of time, and the only weapons effective against the materials they used to make armor were lightsabers and the Dar's. Thus, because the Dar would never share their technology with other species, they were the Galaxy's only guardians from the Daahk.
Luckily for the rest of the Galaxy, the Dar never stopped defending them from the vicious marauders, and could always call for Jedi for help if they needed it. Daahk raiding parties eventually became things to be hunted for sport in the Dar's eyes, and some even ventured into Daahk Space to try and destroy Daahk officials.
After many millennia, the Dar became the hunters, and the Galaxy was safe—at least from the Daahk.
Physical Description[]
The Dar'aa Shap Halaat were very supple and strong. They became tough during their adaptation to the various worlds which they settled on after their homeworld's destruction by the Daahk. They were roughly the same shape as humans, though several centimeters taller. They were protected by an exoskeleton, as they were insectoid in origin. Their heads were smooth and flat, with two eyes in around the same position as humans and a third centrally above the others. This third eye could be opened while sleeping, meaning Dar were never fully without a view of the area they were in, though they could still close it to get a more uninterrupted sleep. They had simple slits for mouths, and inside their mouth were twin walls of cartilage which could be lowered if the Dar wanted to hide its jaws. This was necessary for Dars to be able to speak any language except their own. Dar had four thin wings, similar to a dragonfly's, which were not protected by casing. Many Dar owned suits that covered their wings to protect them.
On their homeworld[]
The Dar homeworld is said to have been perfect for the Dar in every way. It was almost completely covered in rainforest or rolling grassy hills, and had no predators to the Dar whatsoever. The Dar apparently lived in harmony, never warring between each other or any other race. This description is probably not entirely true, as it probably arose from a Dar legend that put their homeland in a favorable light. The Dar discovered space travel early, but dismissed it as unnecessary after discovering no nearby planets better or equal to their own.
The Daahk arrive[]
However, after millennia of peace and solitude, the Dar were found by the Daahk, who colonized part of their homeland and secretly enslaved many Dar. The native Dar were a little uneasy about their new neighbors, but managed to get along peacefully for a short while. The aggressive Daahk attempted to take more Dar as slaves, but this time, the rest of the Dar found the slavers before they could take the Dar. The Dar decided to remove the Daahk from their native land, and declared war, starting the Dar-Daahk War.
The Dar-Daahk war[]
The war raged for about 100 years, before the Dar won and reclaimed their home. However, the Daahk decided to destroy the planet rather than lose it, so called in a Daahk De-planet ship. The planet was destroyed, and the Dar were forced to evacuate in their discarded space fleet. Some Dar were lucky enough to escape, and the species continued on the several planets that the survivors migrated to.
However, the war was far from over, and all of the Dar colonies had a meeting together. In this meeting, the Dar leaders and the ordinary Dar held discussions about what was to happen to them next. Though little could be agreed on by all of the Dar, it was unanimous among them that the Daahk invaders must be driven back before another planet suffered their fate. Soon, the Dar used their salvaged biotechnology, made from the unique material Mixclophane, to invent weapons. In their continued battle against the Daahk, these weapons, made from this material, proved to be the only ones (except lightsabers) capable of destroying the Daahk's own armor and weapons. The Dar sent out small groups of raiders to attack Daahk spacecraft, many of which easily took down groups at least three times the size of their own. In this way, the Dar drove back the impending danger from the marauding Daahk, and, albeit temporarily, kept them in their own area of space.
In Battlefront[]
Dar mercenaries serve as the snipers of the Droid Confederacy's army in a fanon battlefront game. The weapons they use are:
- Primary Weapons
- Dar Sniper Rifle
- Blaster Pistol
- Secondary Weapons
- Thermal Detonators
- Auto Turret
Dar are also the local species on Lucrehulk in the game. They can be played on hunt mode on Lucrehulk.
- Primary Weapons
- Dar Rifle
- Secondary Weapons
- None