The man's got the heart of a droid and the mind of a Muun. And I hate him for it!
If life were a game, I would have won a long time ago.
—Dan Eardornn
Dan Eardornn, nicknamed the Human Droid by Aanor, was a military commander who fought in the Clone Wars, the Jedi War and later the Galactic Civil War. Famous for his brutality and colorful collection of clone and stormtrooper battle armor, which he commonly wore instead of his officer's uniform, Eardornn became one of the most feared warriors in the Galaxy. He was also known for his anti-Jedi philosophies and his willingness to go above and beyond Order 66, so that he could track down and kill dozens of Jedi Knights.
Eardornn was born into a poor Coruscanti family and lived on the streets. However, his military genius and fighting skills would serve him well. Moreover he become one the most powerful men in the universe. His death finally did come, during the Trelmark Mutiny. Though betrayed and disgraced he would be remembered as great military leader.
In his lifetime, Dan would serve as a Vigo in the Black Sun, a commander in the Grand Army and a Moff. These achievements were microscopic compared to his desires. Eardornn married Cariea Nehu and fathered her child, Shonn Eardornn. He was not a loving father or husband, but he was respected by both Cariea and Shonn.
Dan, though few were aware of it, was a descendant of Mi Trelmark, the Supreme Chancellor during the Great Galactic Civil War, and his great-great grandmother was Lady Malgra. Because of Trelmark's shameful death at Sam Palpatine's hands, Dan's family had fallen into disgrace. Therefore they married into the family of a business man, named Jack Eardornn, but he too went bankrupt. Moreover, Dan was born into poverty.
Early life[]
Dan's life was marred by tragedy. He never knew his mother and was raised by a group of space gypsies that orbited Coruscant. However, when pirates killed the gypsies Eardornn was forced to dwell on the streets of the Galactic City. He learned how to defend himself and he was soon recruited by a local street gangs. In exchange for their protection, Dan preformed many tasks for the gang, including robbery and theft. After another member of the gang killed a security guard, the Jedi Order was instructed to keep the peace. A young Jedi Knight located Eardornn and some of his fellow gangsters. Rather than flee Dan opted to fight. Together the criminals wired the doors and killed the Jedi in the following explosion. However, this only caused the Jedi to retaliate with far greater ferocity. After another Jedi pursued him, Dan went into hiding.
Life with the Black Sun[]
Eardornn's wanderings finally led him to the Black Sun, which at the time was controlled by Clawdite senator Tuuk Wessling, who skillfully used his political power as cover. Seeing the great wealth of Wessling, Eardornn began to lust for that same power. At that time the Black Sun began to battle rival company Bethzla InterGalactic Inc., led by Hutt gangster Mux Bethzla. When Black Sun agents learned that Bethzla was making large amounts of weapons in a Centax-2 war factory, Wessling staged an attack. Eardornn was assigned to Luhum Vigo, Huzzeek, who would lead the attack on Bethzla's factory. Dan made sure that he was with Huzzeek when the attack began. He then went into dangerous waters, when he informed Bethzla Inc. that the Sun would be attacking the factory from the north. However, he only gave them a part of the attack plan. Indeed the main assault would be to the north, but to the south Huzzeek, Dan and five others were to sneak in and assassinate Bethzla.
As the Black Sun attackers were held back on the northern side of the factory, Huzzeek's men snuck through the back way. They stormed through Bathzla's office with little difficulty, for most the Hutt's men were repelling the main attack. Just as the Sun members were about the execute Bathlza Eardornn shot them all in the back. Bathlza was relieved and promised to reward Dan, however, Eardornn shot the crime lord in the chest, as he came to thank him.
Then, using codes he obtained the criminal's office, Eardornn order the Bethlza troops to retreat from the factory, winning the skirmish for the Black Sun. Instantly, Eardornn became a legend in the Underworld and when Wessling choose Huzzeek's replacement no one was too surprised to see Eardornn get the job.
As a Vigo, Dan Eardornn met Alexi Garyn, who took the young soldier under his wing. Later Garyn would tell Eardornn of his plans to betray and replace Wessling. Eardornn, always looking for a way to get ahead, agreed to participate in the mutiny.
In 35 BBY Wessling was traveling on his cruiser with those Eardornn had identified as loyalists. The ship exploded. Surprisingly Wessling survived but he was stripped of power. Eardornn, now unofficially second-in-command of the Black Sun, was planning on killing Garyn. However, Dan underestimated Alexi's slyness. Eardornn, like Wessling, was removed of his power and exiled.
New career[]
After being betrayed by the Black Sun, Eardornn worked as a bounty hunter under the alias Fisherman. Dan began his new career as a pupil the Mandalorian, Jake Trelcu.
Both an Eardornn and Trelcu would receive a lucky brake when they were contacted by Rune Haako. Haako's superior, Nute Gunray, was facing trial in the Supreme Court for war crimes. Gunray had managed to bribe many of the judges, however, the Neimoidian's rivals had offered an even larger some of money to three crucial swing votes. Trelcu and Eardornn were hired to kill the judge's backers. Dan knew that this job was an important to his future. Therefore he endeavored to bring himself into the spotlight. To prevent Jake from stealing his thunder, Dan murdered his former mentor.
Using Trelcu's uniform, Eardornn impersonated the Mandalorian. The next day slunk he into the mansion of Gunray's rival. Dan's first task was the shut down the power, thus eliminating the security systems. Moments later Dan had shot all of Nute Gunray's opponents. As the power was restored, the assassin fled the scene. When Dan received his pay it was quickly discovered that he was not Trelcu. However, with the job done Raako was not concerned with who he gave his money to.
Mission on Naboo[]
After his prior assignment went according to plan, "Fisherman" found that he now had won enough fame to come into the radar of a mysterious Human who contacted Eardornn. The man arranged a meeting with Dan at The Works where he gave him his mission, though few details were provided. Fisherman was to simply destroy a building on Naboo, making sure that everyone and everything was obliterated.
Though he was not happy with limited information given to him, Eardornn was eager to get the job done and therefore receive his pay. Moreover he traveled to Naboo and located to the building in question. Dan detonated the structure and destroyed it. What he did not know, was the house had a large archive and many files pertaining to his employer.
Working for Uhilm Sarin[]
At the unsettling time of the Separatist Crisis, Eardornn came under the pay role of Uhilm Sarin, the cousin of the infamous Darth Maul. Upon learning the fate of his Sith kinsman, Sarin was eager to enact revenge of Obi-Wan Kenobi. As a result Eardornn was hired to kill the Jedi Master. Dan set out to hunt Obi-Wan. He followed Kenobi to Kamino. Eardornn arrived too late to catch Obi-Wan, but he did discover the Grand Army being built. Eardornn realized that the clone army would soon become one of the greatest powers in the universe. He investigated the army as the Clone Wars came upon the the Galaxy. When Jedi Master Yoda summoned the troopers Eardornn disguised himself as a clone and went with the Grand Army to Geonosis.
Conflict on Kamino[]
An hour before the clone army departed, the Kaminoians discovered that one of the troopers was not a clone. Fearful that it might be a Confederate spy they ordered their soldiers to find and kill the non-clone. All troops were ordered to remove their helmets during the mission, in order to identify the spy. Eardornn, of course, kept his helmet on. He began wondering around the city, pretending to be looking for the "spy." When a clone officer demanded he remove his helmet, Dan shot him in the chest. He then hid in a storage yard.

Dan causes a conflict.
Unwilling to leave anything up to fate, Dan Eardornn snuck into the Kaminoian control room. He executed the control works and sent messages to the clone troopers. These messages stated that they were not to kill the non-clone, but to defend him from traitors among their ranks. However, due to Dan's lack of knowledge concerning the Kaminoian codes, the message did not get to all the clones causing a rift in the Grand Army. Eardornn revealed himself to a clone unit. However, another commander confronted Dan. These clones had not gotten Eardornn's message. When Eardornn identified himself the loyal clones open fired. The other clones, however, defended Dan. A skirmish followed. The two clone units attacked each other violently. As rain poured down from the sky, blood stained the white walls of Kamino. Eardornn's unit came out the victor. The commander told the Kaminoians that the mission had been accomplished. The Kaminoians, assuming that the spy had been killed, ordered the Grand Order to go to Geonosis.
Clone Wars[]
Battle of Geonosis[]

Eardornn (center right) on Geonosis.
Dan Eardornn was rushed into combat. As the droid army rained fire down on the clones, Eardornn went to work, securing his place in the war. He prevented aid from coming to his commanders, by knocking out Republic gun boats. After his officers were dead he helped defeat the Separatist forces, while his mates were stranded in the catacombs. For his bravery, Eardornn was given the rank of commander. When it was revealed that he was not a clone, he became a hero in the Republic, for they were thrilled to see human heroes in combat. This was what he needed to move his plans for power along. Eardornn stayed on the former CIS capital to keep the native peoples from fighting the Republic behind their back. He was placed in command of fifty clone troopers and order to keep the peace. Looking for action, Commander Eardornn lead his force to a small Geonosian village, which had surrendered to the Republic. Right before the attack, Dan had three HoloNet journalist executed for treason. He then marched into the village and killed two hundred men, women and larva. He then sent word to Coruscant that he had been victorious over a large force of rebels that had captured and murder the journalists. This upped him to full-fledged hero status.
Organic Lifeform Legion[]
A fearful man is man I can do without.
—Dan Eardornn

A Rodian member of the Organic Lifeform Legion
Commander Eardornn returned to Republic space and organized the only non-clone legion of the war, the Organic Lifeform Legion. Dan spent the first year of the war training the Lifeforms, for he knew that if he was to be respected by the commander-in-chief his troops would have to be able to match the clones. When the troops were finally ready, he went with them on their first mission. The high command did not yet trust the Lifeforms, and therefore they were sent on, what was thought to be, an easy mission.
Battle of AKD-2387[]
They were to go to the lush moon of AKD-2387. The strategy was to show the Republic's force to the Twi'lek colony, to keep the neutral moon from joining the CIS. However, when the Lifeforms arrived they were met with Separatist battle droids. The Legion was separated in the surprise attack on their transport. Eardornn tried to keep his men under control, but the inexperienced troops fled to the Separatist laser fire. A missal destroyed the transport and Dan hid. Not ready to give up, Commander Eardornn ordered his men to meet him. He first threatened them by shooting two of the men for retreating and proclaimed that the same fate would meet al of them if they fled again. He then began working on a plan to take the CIS ocean fort. That night the Separatist commanders toasted their victory over the Republic. Meanwhile, the Organic Lifeform Legion, disguised as fishermen, crept closer to the fort. In a matter of seconds the droid sentries were destroyed and the Republic troops were storming the fortress, Eardornn at their head. Because the Confederates had laid down their guard, the battle was easily won. With AKD-2387 taken, Eardornn and the Lifeforms became legends in their own time. Eardornn was given a metal by Chancellor Palpatine and the Lifeforms were commended by the Senate and the High Jedi Council.
Battle of Luhuma[]
As the droid army moved the planet Luhuma, home planet of the Luhum, Dan Eardornn was sent to secure the oceanic world. With the help of Luhum militia the Republic forces fortified the cities and prepared for the attack. After a week with no sign of the CIS forces, Dan went to scout out the enemy. Using sea trooper gear, he trotted through the shallow oceans of Luhuma. His mission was relatively successful. He discovered the Confederate hideaway and found that they too seemed to be in a defensive mood.
The ocean troll attacks Dan.
On his way back, however, Dan was attack by a native ocean troll. He shot at the mad creature, but it only succeeded to further anger the animal. The beast charged at Dan, who ran for cover in an open cave, only partly submerged by the water. Now trapped in the cave, Eardornn fired several rounds at the troll. The beast was unscarred as it tried to bring down the cave. Commander Dan made a do or die charge. He drew a small, lightdagger he had acquired in his younger days, and jumped forward. He plunged the dagger into the ocean troll's throat. It batted Dan away. The Republic commander toppled into the water as the creature moaned, and then fell dead. Dan Eardornn then returned to base and reported his findings. He decided to attack the droid headquarters head on. He ordered the Luhum generals to give him command of their militia. The lord of Luhuma refused to do so, threatening to dismantle his army. Eardornn murdered the governor and told his people that he had been assassinated by CIS agents. The Luhum were then blood-thirsty and ready to fight. Moreover they agreed to march under Eardornn's colors. The Lifeforms and Luhum stormed Confederate base, eliminating the fortress completely. Commander Dan then drafted the Luhum militia, increasing the strength of the Organic Lifeform Legion.
It's a trap![]
I have a bad feeling about this
—Dan Eardornn
As the war steadily came to an end, and Palpatine's plans came about, the Chancellor became concerned the Lifeforms under Eardornn would not follow Order 66 and allow some Jedi to escape. To keep the legion from opposing him, he planned a trap.
Palpatine ordered Eardornn to attack the fortifications on Hoth, where he suspected Dooku might be hiding. In truth the fortress contained new B5 battle droids and droid bombers that would wipe out the Lifeforms before they even had a chance to fire back. Eardornn, unaware that his commander-in-chief had arranged for his death, flew the Lifeforms to Hoth, were he detected the fortress with surprising easy. The troops landed and surrounded the base. The plan was to isolate the CIS and take Dooku alive. But, as soon as they got with in a mile of the base the life sensors on the new battle droids detected them and fired on the Republic forces. Dan ordered his troops to return fire, but quickly discovered that they were out of range. The droids, however, were killing him men left and right. Commander Eardornn ordered a retreated. As they tried to run, droid star bombers rained explosives from the air, cutting off their escape routes. The Lifeforms were being slaughtered. Dan tried to flee the battlefield. The B5s were hard to fool and one fired on him. It missed, but barely. Snow piled over Dan. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the droids could no longer sense him. As his men were massacred, Eardornn stayed hidden in the snowy refuge. After the droids thought that all the Republic soldiers had been killed they atomically self-destructed. Only after this did Dan emerge from the snow. He marched five miles to his transport, nearly freezing to death. Only the heating units in his armor kept him alive. At long last he made it to his ship. He then returned to Coruscant in disgrace.
Second Battle of Coruscant[]
Dan Eardornn, defeated and criticized by the press, stayed in Coruscant, hoping to get lucky. His opportunity came when droid forces under General Grievous raided Coruscant and captured Palpatine. He first tried to rescue the chancellor while he was on the world's surface but, like many others, failed. Dan then commandeered a starfighter and followed the escaping Separatists. He tried to avoid combat, for he was not an exceptional pilot. He was forced to fight off several droid fighters and nearly died in the dog fight. Eardornn made it to the Invisible Hand after the two Jedi who been sent to recover the chancellor. He began searching for Palpatine and Grievous as the Battle of Coruscant raged. As he hunted for the captured politician he devised a risky strategy. He plotted to capture Grievous and the Hand, whereby returning to hero status. As Dan marched into the control room, he spotted Count Dooku, being guarded by two super battle droids and four B1 battle droids. Eardornn fired a round at the count, who blocked the bolts with his lightsaber. Dooku fled with the super battle droids as the standard units tried to keep Eardornn at bay. Dan easily defeated the battle droids, but they had given Dooku time to escape. The Sith Lord had shot up the elevator to challenge Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Dan used his jet back to fly up the elevator shaft. He then blasted a whole through the elevator and entered the place where Palpatine was being held only to find Dooku knocking Obi-Wan out and Anakin charging him. Wanting to take home the glory himself, Dan stunned Skywalker with his blaster. Dooku simply mocked the aggressor. The Sith said that he failed once and would fail again. Eardornn simply threw a detonator at Dooku, who tossed himself back. The detonator exploded. Neither Eardornn or Dooku were harmed, but the Sith's lightsaber would not ignite. Eardornn fired more lasers at Count Dooku. However, Dooku dodged each one. Palpatine, though Dan was not aware of it, used the Force to keep Dooku from dying. As Anakin slowly awoke, Dooku picked Dan up with the Force and threw him through a hidden ship-to-space door. Dan, however, used his jetpack and onboard breathing mechanisms to stay alive. But he was forced to rethink his strategy. He tried to blast his way into the control room, but the ship's shields kept him from it. He was about to return to the planet's surface when he saw his opportunity: General Grievous' escape pod.
Hunting Grievous[]
Dan Eardornn followed the escape pod to a Federation war frigate. He boarded the ship, as the shields were being lowered to allow a fighter to come in. Moments later the ship went into hyperspace. Dan was now floating through space on an enemy ship, with no way of contacting the Republic. He embraced the challenge and snuck through the ship. As Eardornn roamed the frigate he encountered a security droid. He quickly destroyed it, but only after it had sent a warning signal to his superiors. Grievous sent battle droids throughout the ship, searching for Eardornn, who hid himself in the cargo room. He hoped to take out a Grievous and then return to the Republic, with the droid general's head.
The CIS ship landed on the Separatist-friendly world of Cilwelli, before its final stop on Utapau. When Grievous went onto the world's surface Dan followed. As Eardornn alined up his scope with Grievous' head, he felt a blaster being placed on the back of his head. An anti-Republic Twi'lek ordered Dan to drop his gun and surrender. He had no other option but to comply. He was taken to Grievous and Cilwelli's Hutt king, Muggera. Grievous ordered Muggera to "terminate this scum." The general then boarded his ship and left.

Eardornn on Cilwelli
Muggera, unable to resist a creative death, took Dan to the capital where was he was going to feed him to several foul beasts in the arena. Dan was ordered by a Cerean Master of Arms to bow before Muggera. When Eardornn refused, he was informed that his sentence would be doubled.
Commander Eardornn was then taken to a great building where hundreds of people were gathered to watch him suffer. Dan was stripped of his armor and weaponry and tied to a long poll. Just out of reach was a lightspear placed there to mock him. A gate was opened at the far side of the arena. Five akk dogs came from the gate. They charged toward Eardornn, as he frantically tried to free himself. Using strength and teeth he was able to do so.
As the akk dogs launched at him, he grabbed he lightspear. However, when he plunged the spear into an attacking dog it only zapped the creature, making it all the more mad. As the dogs snapped at him, Eardornn batted them away with blunt end of the lightspear. Before long all the akk dogs were either dead or hiding in a corner of arena. Muggera was outraged. He sent Dan to his cell and put the Master of Arms in the arena instead. He was killed in a matter of moments.
Turn of Events[]
King Muggera then took Eardornn to the center of Cilwelli City. He chained him to a tree. After being beaten, he ordered the people to stone Dan to death. Rocks flew at Commander Eardornn. He would have died if it wasn't for a blaster of fire then killed Muggera and scattered the people. In the explosion Dan's bounds were loosed and he fled. As he ran, however, he found himself in the hands of yet another crime lord, the Cilwellian Olmus Cu. Cu was the leader of the Cilwelli Freedom Party and Muggera's biggest rival. Eardornn, seeing Cu as a way out, volunteered to join the Cilwelli native‘s army. However, the following day Muggera's troops surrounded Olmus Cu's camp, demanding that Cu give himself, and Eardornn up so that they may be punished. The Hutt's troops attacked, destroyed the Freedom Party. Eardornn was captured during the attack.
Order 66[]
The following day a Jedi Knight, named Huui Cvex, discovered Dan's location. Cvex and three clone troopers went to negotiate for Dan's life. Since his captors were far more greedy then loyal, the Jedi was able to buy Eardornn back. As the Order 66 swept throughout the Galaxy the clone troopers did as they were told and went to kill both Cvex and Eardornn, fearing the human would try to intervene.

Dan betrays Cvex.
Dan, however, was able to kill the clones. Through his comlink he received the Order. Without hesitation he marched into the control center and murdered Huui Cvex. This act proved to the Emperor that he could follow orders just as well as the clones. After Dan returned to the Imperial Center (as it was now called) he was rewarded with a permission and a new legion of his own. Eardornn used the legion to win further favor from the Emperor by hunting down dozens of escaping Jedi Knights.
Jedi War[]
Dan Eardornn was on Coruscant when a joint attack by Jedi and Separatists forces on Mustafar began the crisis known as the Jedi War. General Eardornn was sent, once again, to the planet Luhuma. He was ordered to keep the rebels from invading the Mid Rim.
Fighting on Naboo[]
Eardornn sent scout ships all over the Galaxy, searching for the enemy. A probe droid located a Merraxen Redeemer stronghold on Naboo. The Redeemers were under the protection of the Naboo people and were being led by the merraxen Setra. The Naboo had overthrown the puppet monarchy and had placed a new queen in power. Dan led his troops to Naboo and surrounded the planet with star destroyers, ordering the queen to surrender. Naboo had already been spanked by the Empire, however, they believed that the Redeemers could help them defeat General Eardornn's army. Eardornn landed his army and announced that he would "flatten this flea in the Empire's hair." He first proclaimed HuMan rule by attacking the Gungan cities, killing many thousands. The Naboo did not take this act lightly. They rallied their forces for a counterattack.

The Naboo stand their ground.
A Merraxen-Naboo strike team launched a surprising move and attacked the Imperial camp. The stormtroopers were routed, but Dan kept his men from retreating. He held his ground as the attacking resistance forces stormed the camp. The Empire was able to hold out and they finally pushed the Naboo and Redeemers back to their capitol. The following day Eardornn marched his army to Theed. He renounced the queen and Setra as traitors and proclaimed that he would execute them for their crimes. The brave rebels refused to surrender. For the next hour Imperial laser canons rained fire on the Naboo capital, killing hundreds. After the defenses had been thinned out, Eardornn led his troops into battle. They slaughtered the merraxen and Naboo, leaving no survivors in the city. Soon only the palace remained free. The Empire quickly stormed it. Setra and the Naboo queen were captured. They were both lined up in front of a firing squad the following morn. For a time, Dan lost control of his victory-mad men. They raped and pillaged the city of Theed, destroying many irreplaceable artifacts. As the puppet monarchy was reestablished, Eardornn regained control. His men were punished, but not for the crimes, rather for not obeying him. When Aanor, the leader of the Redeemers, heard of Eardornn's violent victory he said that he had the heart of a droid. This comment would lead to Dan's nickname: the Human Droid.
Battle of Rodia[]
I hate this kind of warfare. Just show me my enemy and let me destroy them like the the dogs they are!
—Dan Eardornn to Sam Fellmen
The Human Droid was kept busy as the Jedi and Confederate forces continued to fight a guerilla war against the Empire. When the rebels raided the planet of Rodia Dan and another general, Sam Fellmen, were sent to keep the planet from enemy hands. The two Imperial armies set up defenses and searched for the enemy hideaways. While Eardornn ran the search from the world's surface Fellmen stayed in the safety of his super star destroyer with his commanders. General Eardornn was angered by Fellmen's cowardliness. He had his most trusted agents plant an ion bomb in the destroyer. The bomb exploded, resulting in the crashing of the ship and the death of all the people on board. The death was ruled an accident by Imperial investigators and Eardornn was given control of Fellmen's command. With the new power grand General Eardornn focused his strength to hunt down the enemy. He knew they were hiding on the planet but locating them proved challenging. After a Rodian city was attacked by the Jedi-droid militia he was able to limit his search. Native bounty hunters also searched the world at Eardornn's behast. The Empire was able to shrink their search to a sixty mile radius. At last a Rodian hunter sent in a tip that the resistance was hiding in small, anti-Empire casino town. The Empire surrounded the city and threatened to level it. When the townspeople heard that Dan Eardornn was in charge of the attack nearly ninety percent of the people surrendered. Eardornn determined to exterminate the remaining ten percent. He led his men into battle personally. After the battle nothing remained of the town. Everyone was killed. Every building was burned. The terror of Dan Eardornn spread. After the Battle of Rodia, Eardornn was given the title of Moff.
Operation Red Saber[]

Eardornn and other moffs plan Operation: Red saber.
After the rebel victory on Mandalore, the Empire realized that the war was not simply going to go away with strong offensive action. Moff Eardornn and many others, including Veers and Lord Vader, were summoned to the Imperial Center to create a new strategy. This plan, Operation Red saber, was broken down into two basic steps. First the Empire was to destroy the rebel strong holds of Mandalore, Geonosis and Bespin. Then they were to explore the Outer Rim, get aid from local leaders, and eliminate the remaining enemy clusters. The Human Droid wanted to lead the major attacks himself, however, he was ordered to stay on Coruscant after Darth Vader was given that honor. While dinning in one of his private restaurants, Eardornn was informed that the report from the battlefield was coming in. At once, Moff Eardornn went to headquarters. The HoloNet conference revealed that Lord Vader had completed his part of the mission. As the Empire tried to hunt down the hiding rebels Dan remembered Tuuk Wessling who, according to Eardorrn's intelligence, had become leader of the United Pirate Confederation. Wessling owned nearly a hundreds ships and had contacts all over the Outer Rim and Wild Space. Dan Eardornn threatened to have the Imperial fleet be loosed upon Wessling if he did not help him. In return the Moff gave Wessling a handsome sum for his efforts in finding rebel hideouts. Wessling's pirates proved most useful. They were able to destroy several rebel bases and hideouts. With in three mouths the rebels were completely and thoroughly destroyed. Eardornn then ordered Wessling to go to the Teta system.
Battle in the Empress Teta System[]
Moff Dan Eardornn feared that Wessling was holding a grudge against him for his treason in earlier years. Not wanting to take the risk, he assembled a fleet to attack the Pirates. However, thanks to inside information, the Pirates learned of Dan's treason. They plotted revenge. The Pirate fleet ambushed the Imperials. Dan asked Coruscant for more ships. Caught off guard, Eardornn started off the battle at the losing end. When it came to navel combat, Dan was not extremely skilled and he had trouble changing strategies from land to space. For this reason he relied heavily on his adviser and captain of his flagship the Trelmark. This man was named Anous Vung and was under Wessling's pay roll. Vung fed Eardornn ill advise, costing the Empire many ships and TIE fighters. Eardornn had Vung removed from his position and gave his rank to another. Things began to improve, but the Empire had lost too many ships. Eardornn was preparing to order the fleet to retreat, when more Imperial ships arrived from the capitol. With these new ships Moff Eardornn had the fleet attack Wessling's flagship. With flagship destroyed the Empire was able to pick off the Pirate ships one by one. The Empire fleet, though a fourth of size it was when it left Coruscant, was victorious. But Eardornn knew had been betrayed. He traced HoloNet records and discovered what he had suspected all along. Adous Vung was the traitor. As punishment he had Vung ejected from the Trelmark for all the fleet to watch.
Battle of Coruscant[]
When Eardornn returned to Coruscant he discovered that the Sith Order of Maul, which had helped the Empire in the Jedi War, had betrayed them and launched an attack on the Imperial Center. Using ion canons the Empire was able to shoot down several Maulist transports before they landed. But as the Sith attacked the surface, Eardornn led in the planet's defense. He was in his home at the time, but he assembled his army with no little hast.

Eardornn on Coruscant.
The Maul Sith were skilled lightsaber wielders and therefore hard to kill. Eardornn's men fired many rounds at a unit of Dark Jedi. Not even his best marksmen seemed to be able to kill many of the warriors. But as the dark foes advanced, Eardornn used detonators to destroy them. General Eardornn was warned of an attack on the Senate. He rushed his men into the heart of the Imperial Center. He barricaded his men inside the Senate. He was able to halt the attack and keep the enemy at bay. It was largely to Eardornn's credit that the Maulist attack failed miserably. This put Eardornn into the spotlight once more.
If you were any hotter I'd say you were a Twi'lek...sorry, I know I'm back at this stuff.
—Dan Eardornn to his future wife
Will you marry me? Oh, wait, that's your job...isn't it?
—Cariea Nehu, dropping a hint

Commander Cariea Nehu, soon to become Cariea Nehu Eardornn.
Like many Imperial officers, Dan had an eye on his security officer Cariea Nehu. Eardornn began dating the young lady thirteen years after the Clone Wars. This came of no surprise to the inner circle. Both Eardornn and Nehu were somewhat famous for their week long romances with various people of rank. It did come as a surprise, however, that they remained together nearly a month.
Despite this they were never seen as a couple. This was likely the reason that Juu Bespin, a professing Dark Jedi, asked for Nehu's hand in marriage. Cariea said that she would consider it, but everyone knew that such an answer was only a prolonged "yes."
Before Cariea could accept, however, Bespin was sent to assassinate an offworld crime lord. Eardornn used the mission to his advantage by informing the crime lord of Juu's attack. Lord Bespin was captured and his men killed.
Moff Eardornn then flew his army to the crime lord's world. The Human Droid killed the criminal and his organization. He then found Bespin, locked in a prison cell. Not sure if the public humiliation would be enough to turn Nehu against Bespin, Dan threatened to murdered the Dark Jedi.
Juu Bespin begged for his life. Eardornn finally agreed to let him live, but only if he sent a Holomessage to Cariea, calling off the wedding and then went into exile. Bespin agreed. Eardornn returned to Coruscant and asked Cariea Nehu to marry him. She agreed in less than a week. The wedding was large one, with thousands of guests, including the Emperor. Though their marriage was based on anything but love, Nehu would become Eardornn's right hand, spokeswoman and most trusted agent.
Slave Trade[]
As the Empire's rule began to flower so did Dan Eardornn's power. Eardornn was sent on many missions to enslave alien species. Eardornn enlisted human stormtroopers and hired bounty hunters to help in his attacks. Though his official mission was to gain new workers for the creation of the Death Star Dan hoped to make profit for himself as well.
Seeing the great need for slaves, Eardornn formed Eardornn Trade and Exports. He then assembled his forces to launch a series of raids to expand his power. Dan sent messages to slaver-buyers on Nal Hutta and Tatooine. He got funds from these potential buyers which allowed him to finance his operations.
A major target for Eardornn, and slavers in general, was the twi'lek planet of Ryloth. Dan bought out a local slaver guild and began his hunt for merchandise. His men captured entire villages and loaded them onto massive star destroyers. Though slavery was nothing new to the Twi'leks, Eardornn brought a new level to the industry. He became a hated figure among the Twi'lek people. With ETE rapidly expanding on Ryloth, Dan began to branch out. Soon he had bases on many worlds on with major emphasis on slavery.
Senate Election[]
Despite Dan Eardornn's maverick ways, Emperor Palpatine asked him to run for Senate. The idea was that Eardornn would keep an eye on the activity of the various senators believed to be disloyal by Imperial Propaganda Ministry. Eardornn readily accepted. The move was designed to increase his public image, rather than his power for at this time the Senate had very little. Aliens protested Eardornn's campaign, calling him a slaver and a brute (all true.) Eardornn merely scoffed the alien protesters. He used the mudslinging to his advantage, embracing the rebuke and proclaiming that he would fight for human rights in the Senate. This won the human population over to him and the boycott the aliens had threatened to cause never happened. He won with over 80 percent of the votes. Eardornn made Cariea his aid in the Senate, a move what she was grateful for. Cariea would become Dan's voice and he the eyes. While his wife and aid voted for him in the Senate meetings, he watched possible traitors. Eardornn would send weekly updates to Palpatine and Arcious Maw on those he suspected of treason. The information proved useful as the Rebel Alliance began to form.
Daddy Eardornn[]
A year before the Galactic Civil War Cariea gave birth to Dan's child. He named his son Shonn. Though he spent little time with his son, Dan was proud of him. He vowed to train him the arts of warfare and it give him his inheritance.
Galactic Civil War[]
As the Alliance began to demonstrate its resilience, it became clear that the Galactic Civil War would not be just another easily snuffed out rebellion as many in the inner circle first believed. Dan Eardornn made sure that he would get his bite of the action. He announced that Cariea would officially be taking over his Senate duties and that he was flying his command to Nubia. He hoped to use the planet as his base-of-operations during the war. Much to his dismay, Eardornn was ordered to lay low, while the Death Star was under construction. Moreover, Palpatine had Senator Eardornn return the Imperial Center saying he had an important assignment.
Under a New Command[]

Eardornn's new commander
After the 501st was transferred from the Death Star, due to a disgraceful prison brake, Eardornn was placed under the command of Grand Moff Tarkin and assigned to the defend the Emperor's new battlestation. Feeling his skills were too great to be wasted on a security job, Dan protested. But his pleas fell on deaf ears. Dan was in charge of security when Vader brought in Princess Leia for he involvement in stealing the Death Star's plans. The Sith Lord charged the Human Droid to keep the princess from escaping at all cost. Therefore when Eardornn was informed that a smuggling vessel had entered the battlestation, seemingly without any crew, he ordered the ship to be thoroughly searched. Within an hour Han Solo and Luke Skywalker had rescued the captured princess. As they tried to escape, Eardornn was able to order the ship's destruction, but Vader instructed him to let the Falcon flee.
Empire Strikes[]
Dan Eardornn was informed by Grand Moff Tarkin that the Rebels were hiding on Yavin IV. Eardornn was ordered to take a force and establish a foothold on the moon before the Death Star arrived. The Trelmark, disguised by a cloaking devise, snuck into the moon. They dodged Rebel fighters and landed without difficulty. The Empire moved on the Rebel outposts. As the Death Star neared, Eardornn's army set up a base and kept Tarkin well informed. That is, as well informed as they could afford, for they were constantly under attack. Twice the skirmishes were met with stalemate. When Imperial scouts informed Eardornn of yet another attempt by Rebellion to be rid of them, he order his men to hide in the a ruined temple and wait for the enemy. He then set up laser cannons on the high temple peaks. When the Rebels marched into the temple snipers hammered them from all angels. Meanwhile the laser cannon killed everything that was neither Imperial or invisible. This ended the Rebel attempts to drive Eardornn out for the time being. However, Dan had lost many men. Thus he could not attack the Rebel further.
The Rebels Retaliate[]
After the Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star, dozens of Imperial soldiers came to Yavin IV in escape pods. Dan Eardornn was able to rally these forces and prepare for a counterattack. But the Rebels, boosted by their resent victory, sent troops to destroy Eardornn's army. Not only did the Rebellion have numbers on their side, a rarity in the Civil War, but they also had the home field advantage and morale. Eardornn's mission was practically impossible. Though the Empire held their ground their mission was lost from the beginning. At last the Rebels overwhelmed him, killing all his men.
Eardornn's Escape[]
After his men were killed, Dan wondered the jungle, waiting for his opportunity to come. He began to device a plan when he killed a Rebel soldier and stole his comlink. Eardornn was able to make contact with his wife on Nubia. At her husband’s request Cariea brought the Trelmark near the Yavin system. As the Rebels celebrated their victory, Eardornn snuck into the docking bay. He could have easily escaped then, but he was too power-greedy to simply flee. He needed to turn the defeat into a victory. Using the stolen comlink, Dan summoned Princess Leia Organa to the docking bay. He said that he a secret message he was supposed to give to her alone. Leia marched into the bay, unaware of the danger. With moments, Organa was unconscious and tied to a poll in a pirated Corellian ship, called the Millennium Falcon. Dan made it to his flagship and was about to order the captain to go into lightspeed when Skywalker and Solo snuck in through the super star destroyer's garbage container. Moff Eardornn became aware of the two Rebels presence when they killed two of his stormtroopers. The Human Droid put all systems on alert, ordering Cariea to head up a search. He then marched to Leia's cell, knowing full well the Rebel's mission. As he approached the cell he saw that it was open and that Organa was gone. Pulling out his blaster, Eardornn tracked the Rebels. As he followed the trail of dead stormtroopers and blaster scores, his communications suddenly went dead. Dan hurried to the docking bay, where the Falcon was fleeing. He had failed to capture the princess, but he had escaped with his life.
Battle of Hoth[]
Like most of the Empire, Dan Eardornn was busy searching the Galaxy for the new Rebel base, when he heard the news of the Rebel fortifications on Hoth, where Dan had been humiliated years earlier. Dan rushed to the snow world so that he too could get in on the action. While General Veers was given the task of attacking Echo Base, Lord Vader agreed to let Eardornn attack one of Echo Base's where the Merraxen Redeemers were hiding. General Eardornn first prevented all escape routes from functioning by setting up lookouts around the outpost to stop Aanor's men from escaping. Using thermal detonators he collapsed all the tunnel exits, save one. With the Redeemers trapped inside Eardornn ordered his troops to storm the hideout. The battle was short but horrific. The trapped merraxen lasted only a few moments. However, Aanor and his wife, Nya Ming, managed to escape. With this latest victory, Eardornn felt he was in a good position to expand his power.
Cloud City Conflict[]
After the Battle of Hoth, Dan Eardornn sent agents all over the Galaxy, trying to locate the Rebels. When word reached him that Darth Vader had captured Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca and C-3PO Moff Eardornn did not want to be left out of the action.

Moff Eardornn on Bespin
He rushed to Bespin and volunteered his aid to Lord Vader. The Sith Lord, however, assured him that he was not needed. He stayed at the Cloud City, saying that he wanted to keep the administrator in line. As Luke Skywalker rushed toward the Cloud City, Eardornn plotted a way to become a hero again. When he had been in the Black Sun, he had made friends with a human named Green who had become a Vigo under the new underlord. Eardornn hired Green to be his eyes in the criminal organization. Dan told Green to secretly inform the Rebels of their friends location. A Rebel force, led by Rebbela Snipir, rushed to Bespin to free their leaders. However, by this time Han had been frozen and the others had escaped. This mattered little to Eardornn, for he had the Rebel army was what he wanted. Snipir's team was surprised by the activity of Imperial troops. Green had told the Rebels that there was only a small number of stormtroopers and that they could easily be defeated. Snipir had ordered his troops to simply attack the Cloud City and to use their X-wings to keep them from escaping. Eardornn troops met the Rebels head on. Heavy fighting followed. The superior Imperial troops pushed the Rebels back. Snipir found herself trapped in the carbon freeing chambers. She fortified the chambers as Dan moved in. Eardornn ordered his troops to set their blasters to stun. He wanted Rebbela alive. The chamber doors exploded as the stormtroopers marched in. Blue stun rays covered the freezing chamber. Soon all the Rebels were stunned. Eardornn ordered the men to go through all the stunned Rebels. All but Snipir were killed. Eardornn then took control of the dog fights which had begun. X-wings and TIE fighters zoomed across the city. The Imperial Navy destroyed the enemy snubfighters. However, the battle caused a great amount of damage to the Cloud City. When Rebbela Snipir awoke, Eardornn talked with her. He deceived her into believing that he was secretly aiding the Alliance, but that only the highest ranking Rebels knew of his treason. He said that he would let her go, if she kept him updated on the Rebel's movements. She agreed.
Shadows of the Empire[]

Eardornn in 4 ABY
With contacts in both the Rebel Alliance and the Black Sun, Dan Eardornn believed he was in a good position. However, as always, he wanted more. He set his eyes on the Black Sun, the organization he come so close to ruling years prior. Eardornn plotted with Green. The plan was for Green to kill Prince Xizor and the other Vigo. Green would then become Dan's puppet leader of the Sun. For months Eardornn, Green and Cariea worked out the details of their plan. They first tested Xizor's security. Eardornn gave Rebbela Snipir information as to how to kill Xizor. That night, the Rebels raided the Falleen's palace. Though the attack failed, it gave Eardornn an idea of how the Black Sun security worked and it brought him into Rebbela's confidence. After they believed they were ready, Green snuck into Xizor's palace with a small blaster rifle. Eardornn watched from a secret holocam as the scene unfolded. However, Xizor had gotten wind of Eardornn and Green's plot and thus had Guri murder Green. Eardornn, worried that the Dark Prince might retaliate, had his agents look into the matter. They discovered that Xizor had caught Green talking with one of Eardornn's agents. Playing dumb, Eardornn sent word to the Falleen saying that he had discovered that one of this men was plotting against the Black Sun. He said that the had the traitor shot for treason. Though it did not easy Xizor's suspicion, it kept him at bay. Eardornn would nervously watch the Sun until Xizor's death at Vader's hand.
Operation Bantha Flubber[]
Operation Bantha Flubber soon became, well, bantha flubber
—Dan Eardornn to the press
Though Rebbela Snipir, Dan Eardornn learned that Rebel leaders such as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Chewbacca were plotting to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Dan saw this as an opportunity to capture high ranking Alliance officials. He first tried to barter with Jabba for the frozen Han Solo. But Jabba refused to give up his prize. Therefore Eardornn gathered his advisers and together they devised a plan, coined Operation Bantha Flubber. The strategy was to capture the Rebels once under Jabba's control. Cariea was to be their agent inside. Eardornn, through his dealings in the slave trade, had come to know Jabba as a business partner. Dan sold Cariea, who was operating under the name "Cezza", to the Hutt crime lord. Cariea appealed to Jabba, who eagerly bought her. Eardornn's army waited on Tatooine as Cariea danced before the Hutt. However revealing her garments were, Dan had managed to hide a blaster and homing device with his wife. Cariea was in Jabba's court when Leia, Chewbacca and Solo were captured. She signaled her husband. Through secret comlinks hidden in the palace. Eardornn ordered Cariea to find out what he could about Skywalker. Cariea discretely questioned Leia about her twin brother when they were alone getting Leia prepared to serve Jabba. Leia said that the young Jedi would be coming for her. When Luke Skywalker arrived, Eardornn kept a steady eye of things, but laid low. He did not wait to destroy Jabba, for he was a valuable business partner. However, after Jabba's rancor nearly killed Luke things began to get out of control. Things escalated when Cariea tried to prevent Skywalker from being killed prior to Eardornn's involvement. Jabba had Cariea beaten and cast into the dungeons. Knowing he couldn't wait any longer, Moff Eardornn ordered his troops to move in. Eardornn stormed the Palace as Jabba and his people tried to escape to the Pit of Carkoon. Soon the Hutt's guards were engaging the Imperials. Though Eardornn was able to secure the Palace and free his wife, Jabba had escaped with his prisoners. Knowing Dan would try to follow him, Jabba sent more mercenaries to engage him. The Empire repelled three assaults on the Palace. By that time Luke and his allies had escaped, ending Operation Bantha Flubber.

Dan behind his exploding shipyard.
Dan Eardornn did not partake in the Battle of Endor, because he remained on Tatooine after Operation Bantha Flubber, trying to salvage what he could from Jabba's fallen organization. Alternately he was unable to gain in major advancements from this. After word of the Empire's defeat on the forest moon, Eardornn gathered his command on the desert planet and prepared to launch a counterstrike. He knew that the Emperor's death would mean a struggle for power amongst the leading Imperial leaders. Dan wanted to get an edge by capturing the Outer Rim.
Bombing of Tattooine[]
Bothan spies learned of Eardornn's plan to engage them in the Outer Rim. The Rebel fleet flew to Tattooine intent on destroying Eardornn's command. Y-wings rained bombs down on the Imperial shipyard. Eardornn ordered his fleet into the air to prevent his complete destruction. In terms of naval strategy the Rebels were have superior. Dan found himself out gunned and out maneuvered. As the dog fights went in the Alliance's favor, the Y-wings were destroying the shipyard. Eardornn fled the shipyards as it burst into flames. He and Cariea took refuge in the Trelmark. In the secure star destroy they were able to weather the Rebel storm.
Hiring new Men[]
Dan and Cariea Eardornn traveled to Anchorhead, where they met with a native Imperial general. Eardornn demanded that the general give up his command to him. Pridefully the general refused to take orders from the Moff. Dan shot the general on the spot. Dan told the next in the chain of command that the general had been court marshaled for insubordination. The new commander willingly gave Eardornn his army. Eardornn boarded the Trelmark with new troops.
Trelmark Mutiny[]
It seems fitting. After betraying so many people, [Dan Eardornn] lost his life because of betrayal.
—New Republic commander
With the new general, Dan Eardornn planned to attack New Republic strongholds and take back the Galaxy for the Empire. However, as news from the front told of more and more New Republic victories, Eardornn felt the need to change his strategy. Dan had offworld agents bring Rebbela Snipir to the Trelmark. He told her that he was going to officially side with the New Republic. Rebbela was ordered to set up of a HoloNet conference with Republic leaders. Soon Mon Mothma was on the line. Mothma was skeptical of Eardornn's desire to join the New Republic, thinking was just another of his devilish schemes. Moff Eardornn agreed to prove himself, by attacking the Imperial base on Falleen.
When Dan gave the order his general, he was outraged and refused to obey. Eardornn had him shot in front of the men. Unfortunately Dan forgot to take into account that these men were loyal to the Empire not Eardornn. Soon the men had rallied against Dan Eardornn. They murdered Snipir and began ransacking the ship. Dan and Cariea tried to escape, but all the escape pods had been launched. They barricaded themselves inside Dan's office, but they both knew their time had come. The mutineers destroyed the blast doors and stormed the office.
According to legend Eardornn killed twenty rebels before finally taking a lethal blow the head.
After the Trelmark Mutiny Eardornn's image became blurred. Through his death he had been transformed from the Empire's greatest enforcer to a martyr of the Rebellion. Likewise the Imperial Remnant viewed Dan as a coward for betraying them at the war's end.
Personality and Traits[]
In his early years Dan Eardornn was resourceful and down-to-earth. He had a knack for building things, particularly weapons. He was known for not beating around the bush in conversations. As a military commander he was famous for his cruelty. Though that side of him stayed under the public radar for most the Clone War it was magnified during the Empire's rule. It was at the peak of his power when his status as a common man was removed. He began to enjoy the life of the upper class and the pleasures that came with it. Therefore he began to be seen on the field of battle less and less until it became unheard of.
Military Tactics[]
As a command Eardornn believed in motivating his men to fight for him. That was a large part of the reason he entered combat so many times. However, he was also a strict general. He required a lot out of his men and if the did not meet those requirements they were severely punished. He believed it making examples of a few, rather than punishing the entire group. This philosophy was carried over into his dealings with his foes. Especially during the Imperial era, Dan became famous for his cruelty.
When Dan ran for Senate he ran on a very orthodox Imperial platform. He earned a reputation as the biggest supporter of High Human Culture in the legislature. However, it is likely that it was all for show and designed merely to get him into office.
Possessions and vices[]
Eardornn had a large collection of uniforms which he wore both in battle and for ceremonial occasions. Many of his early uniforms were either self-made or stolen. However, as his power increased he began to order custom made suits of armor.
With the profits from his slave industry Dan Eardornn built a grand palace. The mansion included six bedrooms and multiple dining rooms. But the palace was famous for its combat simulation areas and shooting ranges. After Dan's betray the palace came under the local Moff.
Dan Eardornn became rich off the slave trade. Though most of his slaves were sold he did keep a few personal servants. Three Twi'lek slaves were dancers in his palace and he kept a Mon Calamari slave aboard the Trelmark to aid him in his space routes.
If knights slay dragons then fair maidens slay knights
Especially after the Jedi War, Eardornn became famous for having many mistresses. Though he did have one long lasting marriage to Cariea Nehu he was still viewed as a lustful bureaucrat. Because of the public's harsh eye, most of Dan's relationships were kept from the media. Eardornn would often have his agents usher in various women for a nightlong stay.
Sally Spell[]
One of Dan Eardornn's most famous mistresses was HoloNet actress Sally Spell. The two dated for one week, but the relationship drew the attention of the media and got Dan in the tabloids.
Rayne Walcume[]

Ms. Walcume
One of Dan Eardronn's most secret affairs was with Rayne Walcume. Because Eardornn had built his political career on the subject of Human supremacy, the fact that he had an alien lover could have potentially ruined him. Their relationship was successfully kept for nearly three Coruscanti months. However, they learned that had to be even more secretive when HoloNet journalist, Taylor Banks, began to grow suspicious. Eardornn hired Walcume as one his palace dancers and was thus able to explain his recurring appearances at his home. Rayne made clear she wanted something out of the affair. Because marriage was out of the question, she demanded something more. A week after Rayne Walcume became a dancer in the palace, Dan freed almost a dozen of his Twi'lek slaves, three of which were related to his mistress.
Banks, however, noticed the connection. He began hunting even more diligently for evidence. Taylor sliced into the palace security cameras and got an image of Dan and Rayne in the Palpatine bedroom. When the Human Droid became aware of Bank's find, he instructed Rayne to meet with the reported. Subsequently, both Banks and Walcume were found dead.

Jaal was Eardornn's first wife, though only briefly. She was in fact an agent of the Alien Combine sent to kill Dan for his involvement in the slave trade. Jaal first wanted to gain as much information about ETE as possible before assassinating her groom. Dan first met Jaal when he was tracking down a runaway slave. He was instantly attracted to her. However, unlike most women, she would not physically give into him, though she did tempt him with exotic dance she had learned when she was undercover. After a year of a strictly emotional relationship Eardornn asked Jaal to marry her. However, on their wedding night Jaal attempted to kill Dan. Though unsuspecting Eardornn was left with the diction of how to deal with his new wife. Despite her betray Dan Eardornn knew that the public would not look kindly of him if he were to have his wife executed. With the media down his throat, Dan had Jaal frozen in carbonite.
Cariea Nehu[]
Cariea Nehu was married to Dan Eardornn a couple years prior to the Galactic Civil War. It was Cariea who would carry Dan's child and ultimately die beside him in the Trelmark Mutiny.
Behind the scenes[]
The guy scares me.
—Red Head Rider
Dan Eardornn was created by Red Head Rider. Like all Rider articles not a single image was uploaded for the making of his article. Rather images were taken from various sources. Credit for the images goes to Jedi Master 76 and BobafettH23. Rider wishes you all the best. In early drafts, Dan didn't have a wife. However, Rider gave him a wife to explore his personal life.
- A Long Time Ago
- Death Trap
- Tales from the Clone Wars
- Star Wars: Fall on an Age (First appearance)
- Guide Book to the Galactic Empire
- Star Wars: Kill Zone (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Civil War
- Esp. #1
- Eps. #2
- Eps. #3
- Esp. #5 (Mentioned only)
- Esp. #9
- Star Wars: Battlefront: Fanon (Mentioned only)