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Damen D'Sote was a Human male from Hullst who fought in the Imperial Army before defecting to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Imperial service[]
After graduating from the Hullst Educational Program, the only school on his homeworld, D'Sote joined the Imperial Army. He was stationed on Praesitlyn for one year before being transferred to Aurydomus in 4 BBY. There, he fought with distinction when the Ditoggu revolted. Later, he was transferred to Ord Mantell where he spent the remainder of his time in the Imperial service.
In 1 BBY he entered civilian life on Kubblasheth, obtaining work as a salesclerk for a Quint gun dealer named Janara Multh Tonijax. In 0 BBY the Empire attempted to arrest Tonijax for sedition but D'Sote, knowing the Quint was innocent, rescued her. He was able to bring her to her friend, Trent Bluesweep, who was a Rebel recruiter. Wanting nothing to do with the Rebellion, he himself fled to Erayyxa, a planet whose governor Eddie Zynish had a tendency to deflect mainline Imperial interest.
He found work in Yuuruxuu, the planet's capital, as a transport driver delivering supplies to the governor's palace. Within two weeks, he caught wind of a plot against governor Zynish's life and rushed to his defense when the plan was executed. But after saving the governor, he learned that the assassins had been sent from the Imperial Court. This was also the same time as the Destruction of Alderaan and D'Sote began experiencing doubts about the validity of the Empire. He learned the Empire had posted a bounty on his head when a bounty hunter named Zeed Venom attempted to capture him.
The event that pushed him to seek out the Rebellion occurred in 1 ABY. Having moved to Drooft, he arrived at the height of the infamous Drooft Massacres, when Imperial forces were killing Folpers by the hundreds. He attempted to convince the Folpers to rise up and defend themselves but only three joined him because the Empire had already taken hundreds of political prisoners to keep the planet in line. With his three allies, he attacked the Imperials in their own base and fought to the hangar where one of the Folpers was killed. They stole a gunship and used it to heavily damage the outpost before escaping the Drooft system to find the Rebellion.
The trio reached Ruhe where they were attacked by two bounty hunters, Fask Eelak and Furlag. A spacer named Kolsh Bonn-jee helped the escape. Learning they had a ship, he asked for a ride because his crew had left him on the planet following a fallout he had with the captain concerning his ties to the Rebel Alliance. They agreed on the condition that he would help them join the Rebels. They flew to Gerrard V and met with Duron Veertag an Alliance general who assigned each of them a position in the Rebellion. D'Sote was sent to the Alliance Army where Rebel Group MT50 recruited him after considering him against another soldier named Wezlodd Bemelek.
As D'Sote battled Imperials with the rest of MT50, he quickly learned that the group operated by its own set of rules, often ignoring the principles of Alliance High Command. While fighting they occasionally detoured from the main objective to accomplish missions of their own. On Estaph they interrogated an Imperial officer named Omrah Barada and then shot him in the head. D'Sote was ordered to claim in the debriefing that they accidentally killed the officer while he was trying to escape. The greatest violation of Alliance rules that D'Sote participated in happened in 3 ABY. Two Rebel Group MT50 companies had been sent to infiltrate and destroy an Imperial facility in the Questal system but the group's commander, Soflas Pulviir, diverted D'Sote and his group to Torpris to raid the headquarters of Jaax and Vumars, which was a pro-Imperial corporation affiliated with slavers, and steal as much information and prototype technology as they could. Since Jaax and Vumars was a civilian target, they disguised themselves as mercenaries for the attack and afterwards made a false report claiming to have intercepted an Imperial convoy in the Kvabja system.
Despite Rebel Group MT50's high casualty rates, D'Sote survived until 5 ABY. By then he was third in command of the unit and had broken so many rules that he had nearly been court-martialed twice. MT50 volunteered for yet another dangerous assignment. This time asking to lead the ground assault on Colla IV during the costly Battle of Colla. As the New Republic forces were landing, the shuttle D'Sote was in was destroyed by anti-aircraft fire.