Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Golden Age of the Republic
We offered them peace, and they refused with blasters firing. Each one of those pirates deserves no mercy. None. And, I will make sure they get none. None at all.
—Anwis Eddicus on defending Taanab against the pirates

The Dalcretti Accords were open negotiations between representatives from the planet Taanab and the Norulac Freebooters, a pirate organization that operated from Norulac and controlled its local government. In 729 BBY, Anwis Eddicus, sector overseer for the Judicial Forces and resident of Taanab convinced two representatives from each party to meet on Dalcretti to discuss peace. The talks seemed to progress well until Norulac suddenly withdrew and responded with a surprise attack on Taanab. In its wake, Eddicus took control of the military in his sector and struck back. He later resigned in frustration. The failure of the Judicial Forces to defend Taanab also propagated the collapse of the Brasworth Agreement, which disarmed many smaller Inner Rim and Expansion Region planets.


The Norulac Freebooters were a pirate organization that was officially sanctioned by its self-imposed government on Norulac. They had launched annual raids on the nearby planet of Taanab that usually followed the late year harvest for generations. For many years, the raiders squared off against the local fledgling Taanab Militia, who was charged with defending the planet. Under High General Anwis Eddicus, Taanab was largely able to self-defend. Following the Brasworth Agreement, Taanab and other planets merged their military into the Judicial Forces. This, however, neither stopped the raids nor proved to be a positive defending strategy as losses continued to mount.

The Accords[]

The meeting was called in 729 BBY by then–Judicial Forces Sector Overseer Anwis Eddicus. He convinced two representatives from each party to meet on the nearby planet of Dalcretti to discuss peace. As the talks progressed, trade became an important factor in appeasing the pirates, who demanded to know any potential goods that could be bartered while revealing very little about themselves. Privately, however, Eddicus believed that the talks would fail and that the pirates were simply stalling for time or gathering information.

For three weeks, the two parties remained on Dalcretti, working details to forge an amicable truce that allowed Norulac to receive goods from Taanab at a discounted rate and a seventy-five percent disarmament of the pirating organization. As the talks continued, however, no Republic officials arrived and only a senatorial representative from Dalcretti, not even a full senator, arrived at the talks to facilitate discussions. As an agreement was reached between the parties, Norulac suddenly withdrew its delegation. All attempts at contact were not recognized and no transmission of any kind was sent from the planet whatsoever.

Two days later, and armed with information about key storehouses and manufacturing facilities, the pirates attacked the capital city of Taanab, killing twenty people. The Judicial Forces–led defenses across Taanab were caught unawares but were still able to destroy five marauding vessels. Eddicus—who even though he only oversaw the sector and had no real power to control the local military—took the collapsed peace talks and subsequent attack as an abject personal failure. Media coverage noted Eddicus's emotions and feared that a military response might have been imminent.


Even though it was the failure of the Republic and the Senate to put enough pressure on Norulac to forge an agreement, Eddicus honestly believes that he failed his people. While saddening, I just hope his anger does not translate into full-scale war in that part of the Inner Rim.
—HoloNet News Inner Rim edition editorial by Aodaf Ned a'Foben entitled What now for Taanab?

Outraged, Eddicus took the reins of the sector forces and led a devastating assault on the Freebooters, laying waste to whole communities on Norulac. The attack did provide a temporary reprieve from marauding for Taanab and made Eddicus even more of a local hero. Interplanetarily, however, Eddicus came under fire. He initially attempted to rebuff criticism leveled at him by prominent Core World officials, such as Senator Cos Peradhi of Corellia, but instead opted to withdraw and resigned from the Judicial Forces. Taanab, upset that the Republic had not upheld its end of the Brasworth Agreement, rescinded its involvement and reinstated its planetary militia.

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