Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

My name is Corporal Benkins, we are all that is left
—Dak Benkins to Revan on the Endar Spire

During the Jedi Civil War, Dak Benkins was a Human male who was born into the Corellia House Benkins on the planet Corellia, during his youth be became friends with Aidus Denlin from Denlin eventually studying in the School of Starship Engineering and was good friends with Denlin, and a Rodian male named Arod "Arrow" Renning and a Chadra-Fan male Vyrr Wezz, in 3958 BBY they graduated and Benkins and Denlin went to serve in the Republic under Captain Hugo Gurragann in 2nd Battalion Alpha by the time of the Jedi Civil War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire,

He had attached the rank of Corporal First Class with the Republic Army during the year 3956 BBY, Benkins was an soldier stationed on the Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire. When the ship was attacked and boarded by the Sith over the planet Taris, his friend Denlin was killed during the attack and 1st Lieutenant Lathe Maggnar the executive officer sacrificed himself for Benkins and few members of 2nd Battalion Alpha to live, he along with Captain Hugo Gurragann and Private J'aahn Lancoln managed to survive longer until Revan managed to help them and bring them safely to where Carth Onasi was at the escape pods. Benkins also went in the same escape pod as Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln, and they crashed on the planet's Upper City. Following the crash, both Revan and Lancoln were knocked unconscious, and only Onasi and Benkins were fine. They managed to bring their unconscious companions to a nearby apartment. They searched for Bastila Shan and also Benkins managed to survive Taris by escaping in the Ebon Hawk. Later, he would partake in the mission to find the Star Forge and the Star Maps, although Gurragann was really working with the Sith and costs the lives of so many of the Endar Spire crew. during the travels on Manaan he befriended Sith Junior Lieutenant Ellabelle Blenlin and also later during the Capture on the Leviathan they managed to kill Admiral Saul Karath and also when Ellabelle defected to the Republic helped them escape. on Korriban in the city of Dreshdae one night while outside Ellabelle confirmed her true feelings for Dak meaning she had a romantic relationship the whole time. Later during the Battle of Rakata Prime on the Star Forge, Benkins managed to kill Gurragann for betraying the Republic. Benkins survived the Star Forge and later became one of the heroes earning the Cross of Glory.

Later in the Dark Wars during the First Jedi Purge Benkins was promoted to Senior Corporal and transferred to Citadel Station orbiting Telos IV , he also partook in the Battle of Telos IV against Darth Nihilus. he survived the battle and eventually Citadel Station was free of the Sith at last. sometime after he married Ellabelle and they lived happily ever after even raising children eventually all went well for Dak and Ellabelle in the end having their first son Finley Benkins the first of their family and first son.


Early Life[]

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A young Benkins on Corellia.

Corellia SOF

Corellia was Dak's homeworld,

A Human Male named Dak Benkins was born on his homeworld of Corellia, a planet in the Corellian system, with his mother, Alis, and his father, Tad into House Benkins an Corellian noble family that was also in rivalry with House Bel Iblis on the planet Corellia.


Coronet City was where he was raised in the youth of House Benkins,

In the world he lived in a planet and birthplace for smuggler's Dak however lived in the capital Coronet City which the Benkins lived closest to his mother Alis Benkins owned The Coronet City Museum of Fine Art and she was also an artist around her time she would earn money she would also help earn millions of credits this making the Benkins the richest family on Corellia outsmarting their rivals the Bel Iblis family, his dad Tad Benkins worked for Coronet Shipping, Dak also went to School of Starship Engineering their he studied education by 3970 BBY, around his time he made friends with Aidus Denlin, and a Rodian Male named Arod "Arrow" Renning in school around his time, Renning also had a dream of becoming a Scoundrel, while Denlin wanted to become soldiers in the Republic, around Dak's time he eventually improved and later became friends with a Chadra-Fan male Vyrr Wezz apparently Dak, Aidus, Arod, and Vyrr together would always have lost of fun getting into trouble lots of times,

One occasion he was pleased to see that his friend Aidus got a girlfriend Tholothian female named Sapphire Shapris to be his date to the prom but although sadly enough Dak, Arod, and Vyrr never had dates, he would spy on their date when they later went out for dinner and they would crack jokes about him and Sapphire in a love relationship but Aidus knew they only where having fun with him,

Archival Square

Archival Square was where Dak Benkins and his friend, Aidus Denlin, and Arod "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz went to spend quiet time together after School,

Later around 3958 BBY he graduated along with his friends to start a new dream and that his parents wished him the best, Dak and Aidus enlisted into the Republic Army, while Arod and Vyrr became Scoundrels with a new ship a Dynamic-class freighter from the Republic they was able to buy the New Controller a Dynamic-class freighter that thought during the Mandalorian Wars,

Service in the Galactic Republic[]


The whole city of Coronet City which Benkins and his friends spent time visiting and exploring the town in their youth,

Eventually, Benkins joined the Republic Army, and was trained under at first for a time First Lieutenant Hugo Gurragann, and First Lieutenant Lathe Maggnar whom where veteran officers of the Mandalorian Wars and he and Aidus served in a unit commanded by Gurragann and the Executive Officer Maggnar, 2nd Battalion Alpha of the Republic Army, it had a couple of veterans and newcomers, in the unit consisted of Master Sergeant Rych Halley a veteran from the Mandalorian Wars and senior non-commissioned officer, a Staff Sergeant named Makassk Donnovich whom was new to the Mandalorian Wars when he served on Dxun a Dramassian whom was a tough soldier, Sergeant Zab-Nagelsa Manadd a Junior NCO, Ellen Lo a Corpsman from Coronet Medcenter enlisted as she had skills in healing, Xenda Billĭ a Specialist Technician, where the first members joined on the unit, along with Private's Dineas Kampenberger, Salitt Okee, where at the time the only members in the squad with Dak and Aidus,

Rep Logo

Dak Benkins and Aidus Denlin both went to serve in the Republic serving under 2nd Battalion Alpha.

They where trained on Corellia with Hugo Gurragann and while in training by that time however Dak and Aidus where promoted to Corporal as of later in 3958 BBY, and however onetime during a training course Dak almost fell off the obstacle course but Xenda Billĭ was able to save Dak and he thanked her for saving him, later during training in combat with swords onetime he challenged Makassk Donnovich but although Donnovich won in the challenge he told Dak that no matter what happens when he looses it's just a game, by 3957 BBY two new recruits joined in, Private's J'aahn Lancoln and Jakk Sambrizi where

Endarconcept (Colby James)

The Endar Spire would the Hammerhead-class cruiser both Corporal First Class's Dak Benkins and Aidus Denlin and 2nd Battalion Alpha under Captain Gurragann's and 1st Lieutenant Maggnar's command.

new recruits to 2nd Battalion Alpha, and J'aahn was from Hapes, and Sambrizi was from Chandrila, also that year Hugo Gurragann got promoted to Captain of the 2nd Battalion Alpha, later after Lancoln and Sambrizi where trained they where soon called out by General Stephen Knight to fight in the war of the Jedi Civil War during graduation however it was told they would be on the front lines that the training had to change for the two new recuits which was for Lancoln and Sambrizi meaning they had to go to war soon afterwards, before Dak and Aidus left to serve in the army they had to say goodbye to their parents which they did and they where lucky to say goodbye to Arod and Vyrr as well,

Jedi Civil War[]

Attack on the Endar Spire[]

As marksmen Corporal First Classes, Benkins and Denlin found themselves aboard the Endar Spire, a ship carrying Bastlia Shan, a Jedi whose abilities were vital to the success of the war effort.

Taris surf

The Endar Spire was shot by Sith Fighters over Taris.

However, the ship was attacked and boarded by Sith forces over the Outer Rim world of Taris. A boarding party led by Darth Bandon, Darth Malak's apprentice, attacked the Endar Spire in an attempt to capture Shan alive so that Malak could turn her to the dark side of The Force. Were Shan to turn to the dark side, she would willingly use her talent at Jedi battle meditation for the benefit of the Sith Empire to help coordinate Sith ships against those of the Republic in combat. However, as the ship came under attack by boarding parties, most of the Republic soldiers were killed. 2nd Battalion Alpha led by Captain Hugo Gurragann and First Lieutenant Lathe Maggnar with the platoon had Benkins and Denlin led squads of their own to try to eliminate the boarding parties and drive them back, the plan was unsuccessful and while trying to do so things went wrong during the battle because of explosions and firepower in the vessel and because of Sith Fighters firing on it made it go out of control, however the first members of 2nd Battalion Alpha began to fall,

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The ships interior which Benkins thought through,

During the battle Salitt Okee was the first member to fall on the Endar Spire which in the blast set him on fire and burned him alive in the blast, Okee was pulled from the flames alive but while Ellen Lo the Corpsman tried to save Okee she was unable to save Okee's life when he died of his wounds, however suddenly all was quiet but not for long when Sith Troopers began to surround them however Lo was stabbed by a sword in the chest killing her in the process, which soon started a huge battle, however they soon began to defend the ship and Denlin took his squad while Benkins with his squad, Benkins went with Captain Hugo Gurragann and also Manadd, Kampenberger, Halley, went with him, during that part of the battle they managed to defend the ship, which would help it did at first but when a Dark Jedi came on in it was when Halley threw his grenade and killed the Dark Jedi in the process, after delaying and pushing back one of the Sith forces, Benkins's squad regrouped with Denlin, but however while Lieutenant Maggnar and Specialist Billĭ scouted into one of the rooms they said all

Endar Spire below ship

The map indicates where Benkins and his team manages to survive the encounter with Sith Troopers only to cost the life of MSGT Halley.

was safe to cross, Eventually soon would prove fatal but in this part they began fighting in the battle against the Sith but a Sith Trooper Grenadier from out of know where when he as shot dead by Donnovich himself the blast on impact set off his own grenades and a huge explosion because the ammunition was on fire and when Benkins saw it but Manadd was too slow to react when suddenly Sergeant Manadd was caught in the blast radius and the explosion hurled him into a wall snapping his neck and killing Manadd instantly however Benkins rushed over to the dead body of Manadd but checked any vital signs but wasn't alive only to find his neck broken, next to fall but presumed dead was Dineas Kampenberger, however Kampenberger was screaming but Benkins tried

Endar Spire map

The map also indicates where Benkins regrouped with Maggnar, and managed to make a full hasty retreat, also managing to reach past the bridge, when surrounded by Sith Troops, Donnovich was killed seen to the line here near the blast door, and also his friend Denlin was killed in that spot.

to rush to his aid only to see him disappear and most likely presumed to have died, while in the attack however Sambrizi soon fell and in which doing so he was killed outright by more Sith Troopers when they where nearly surrounded, when the call was sent out from Carth Onasi he told Hugo to pull his troops back to the pods, but however during the battle though Lancoln the combat technician and rookie began panicking and was frightened of the horrors of war he was seeing around him, as Master Sergeant Halley was radioed by Lieutenant Maggnar to retreat back suddenly he couldn't hear from the noise around him but all to soon a Dark Jedi decapitated Halley's head, Benkins saw the Dark Jedi and reacted with Denlin throwing a grenade at the Dark Jedi that killed Halley, it was when however the command was given by Donnovich the last NCO standing gave the order to retreat to the pods and escape, all that was left was Benkins, Denlin, Donnovich, Billĭ and Lancoln where all left,

Endar Spire map

The map shows where Benkins and the survivors made their escape to the escape pods, the blue indicates Republic, the red indicates Sith, note the spot where Sith Trooper Sergeant Tynblade and Republic Officer 1st Lieutenant Maggnar duelled each other in a scrafice so Benkins and the three can make it to the pods, note near to the escape pods indicates where Spc Tech Billĭ was killed, the escape pods place was where only Benkins and Lancoln managed to regroup with Revan and Carth Onasi.

As they made a break escape to the pods they where being manoeuvred by Sith Troopers, however with the last remains of 2nd Battalion Alpha however joined up with Gurragann and Maggnar which Gurragann left Maggnar in charge of the unit while Gurragann stayed behind to delay the enemy, seemingly Gurragann survived and escaped to the pods with Bastila Shan, Maggnar and the unit began to retreat however though during the battle Donnovich manned his RH-35 Starforged assault cannon at the Sith Troopers but by delaying them, however though during the attack as they got close to a blast door Donnovich fell and was killed when an explosion damaged the blast door in the process when the blast heat burned part of Donnovich's face and also the explosion ripped out part of his face in the process killing him, Benkins and the rest where forced to leave Donnovich afterwards, eventually in the escape they where making a run all was going well but more Sith Forces arrived and this was a fight they had to battle against in this part of the battle Denlin was killed in the attack and was shot in the head after the death of Denlin this made Benkins feel very sad but he had to move on under orders from Maggnar himself,


The escape pod that Revan. Carth Onasi, Dak Benkins and J'aahn Lancoln escaped in to survive the destruction of the Endar Spire only to crash on Taris,

In the retreat however to the pods when Maggnar ordered the rest of the team to retreat what's left of it but however Maggnar swordfighted a Sith Trooper and sacrificed himself to save Benkins, Billĭ and Lancoln, Benkins and the three soldiers that were left managed to make it to the escape pods and they lingered up with Raze Abren a former Sith Lord who Benkins and the others didn't know. Upon making it to the escape pods where Carth Onasi was however it was too late but the Sith Troopers soon arrived and they shot dead Billĭ in the back she collapsed from her fatal wound as Benkins rushed to aid her and which he tried to save her with all his efforts but wasn't successful as she had already died earlier which Benkins was upset as well for the death of his close friend Billĭ but was forced to leave her behind, he, Revan, Carth, and Private J'aahn Lancoln retreated to the last pod. They fled to the planets surface. With Shan having escaped the ship, the Sith fleet destroyed the Endar Spire. Benkins felt very saddened by what happened, as the pod crashed on the planet below.



Taris was where Cpl Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln crashed on.

However, after the crash, both Revan and Lancoln were both injured. Onasi and Benkins, were not badly wounded and pulled Revan and Lancoln from the pod before a Sith inspection team came to retrieve it. While fleeing, Onasi and Benkins stumbled upon an abandoned apartment and secured it for safe refuge. While both Revan and Lancoln remained unconscious, Onasi and Benkins began to inspect the surroundings and gather some information. He learned that most of the pods had crashed into the Undercity and


The escape pod which Corporal Benkins, Revan, Commander Carth Onasi, and Private J'aahn Lancoln where in crashed in the Upper City they had to seek refuge and hide in the South Apartments thus to avoid being captured in the hands of the Sith. Benkins and Onasi helped an injured Revan and Lancoln to a secret hideout from the Sith.

speculated that since they had survived, a Jedi such as Bastila Shan could have survived as well. Onasi then surmised that it was imperative that they find her in order to continue helping the Republic war effort. Concurrently, Revan—who was unknowing of his true past identity of Sith Lord—experienced visions through the Force about the attack, led by Shan, aboard Revan's former flagship. Onasi and Benkins remarked that Revan had been thrashing about as he slept for a couple of days.

Sith patrol

Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln encountered the Sith while they where looking for Bastila Shan, this was the only time they thought against one patrol in the South Apartments.

Agreeing that the situation—being separated from Bastila Shan and marooned on Taris—demanded immediate action, Revan, Onasi, Benkins, and Lancoln set forth from their apartment, dressed as civilians to prevent being identified as Republic soldiers, to search for her. Immediately upon exiting their apartment into the main concourse of the complex, the pair encountered a Sith inspection team who where in an argument with Ixgil and another Duros who co—owned the property. However, Revan, Onasi, Benkins, and Lancoln's presence, coupled with Ixgil's remarks, caused a scuffle to ensue. During the fight, Ixgil was killed by blaster fire. Revan, Onasi, Benkins, and Lancoln then proceeded to defend the other Duros landlord, killing the inspection team. The leaser was grateful and said that he would hide the bodies before other Sith teams arrived. After the encounter with the Sith patrol, Onasi remarked that it would be the best to remain discreet and not draw any unnecessary attention to their presence since they were Republic personnel.


The Upper City on Taris where Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln went in search for Bastila Shan on the planet.

Continuing their search for more information, Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln checked the local cantina and other locations in the Upper City. Eventually, the group found an elevator to the Lower City that was guarded. The elevator guard informed them that only Sith were allowed to use the elevator and access the lower levels. Realizing the need for a disguise, Revan, Onasi, Benkins, and Lancoln continued their search through the Upper City. In the North Apartments of the Upper City, the four stumbled upon a Sith interrogation of an Aqualish Black Market dealer. A Sith Guard tried to usher Revan, Onasi, Benkins and Lancoln along, but the group stopped and tried to defend the unarmed dealer. The other Sith interrogators were none too pleased by this development, and another fight ensued. After Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln defended the Aqualish by defeating the Sith investigators, it came to light that the dealer had been in the process of acquiring Sith armor on behalf of the Hidden Beks, a Lower City swoop gang, so that the Beks could move between levels about without being stopped. The Aqualish was unable to provide Revan with armor, but encouraged him to steal from the bodies of the deceased inspectors. As the dealer fled the scene to go incognito, the group took the armor off four of the bodies. With Sith armor as a disguise, Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln were granted


Benkins, and the gang engaged the Black Vulkars while in the Lower City looking for Bastila Shan, prior to this he would witness several victims amongst them.

access to the Lower City via the guarded elevator.


Benkins travelled with Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln into the Lower City.

As Benkins and the others disguises worked, the elevator guard was convinced that Revan and the rest were Sith soldiers sent to patrol the Lower City. After taking the elevator down to the Lower City, the four were ambushed by members of the Black Vulkar gang. After they dispensed the attackers, Benkins and the rest made their way to Javyar's Cantina, a haven for a variety of individuals, including bounty hunters, pazaak players, gang members, entertainers, and other citizens. However, among the regular patrons that Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln encountered was Mission Vao, a Rutian Twi'lek and native of Taris, and her partner, the Wookiee Zaalbar. The bubbly Twi'lek viewed herself as Benkins's, Revan's, Onasi's, and Lancoln's "welcome party" to Taris, and proceeded to answer all of their questions. As the conversation wound to a close, Vao decided it was time to leave. As Zaalbar had not finished eating, Vao suggested they see what food they could at the Hidden Bek Base and departed. The team later followed suit and headed over to the base as well. Inside the Hidden Bek Base, Benkins and the small group approached Gadon Thek, the swoop gang leader. After being abruptly introduced to


Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln went to see Gadon Thek in the Hidden Bek Base on Taris.

the jumpy Twi'lek Zaerdra, Thek's bodyguard, Thek was willing to strike a deal to help the team in their pursuit of Bastila Shan. Thek revealed that she had been captured by Black Vulkars and had ben placed as the prize in the annual season-opening swoop race by their leader, Brejik. In an order to rescue Shan, Thek surmised Revan would have to win the swoop race and claim his prize. Thek offered Revan the chance to run in the race on behalf of, and sponsored by, the Hidden Beks, if he could retrieve a prototype accelerator that had been stolen by Vulkar gang members. Access to the Black Vulkar Base was restricted and the only way in was through the Undercity sewers. Thek also suggested that Mission Vao lead Revan and the team into the sewers, stating that she knew every inch of them better than anyone else. Vao and Zaalbar, however, had

Meeting Gadon

Benkins, with Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln helped Gadon Thek find the Prototype Accelerator for the Swoop Race in order to save Bastila Shan from the Black Vulkar Gang leader Brejik whom help her captive for the Tarisian Season Opener.

just recently left to do more exploring in the Undercity. Thek suggested that Revan, Benkins and the team catch up with them there. Access to the Undercity was restricted to all individuals unless they had the proper security papers. Unlike the guard in the Upper City, a simple disguise was not sufficient to gain them access. In an exchange, Thek gave Revan the proper security papers that had been swiped from a Sith patrol in exchange for the Sith armor that he used initially. With the proper security papers in hand, the team would proceed to the elevator that led to the Undercity. Upon exiting the elevator to the Undercity, now with security papers, Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln were approached by two men who demanded that they pay a five-credit toll for using the elevator. An Outcast woman named Shaleena, however, came rushing to the elevator to scatter the panhandlers. Shaleena informed the exploring pair of Gendar, the Outcasts' leader and suggested speaking with him. The Outcasts, according to Gendar, were the descendants of those who were exiled from the Upper City for crimes against the people. They were plagued by the rakghouls and other marauders such as swoop gang members from the Lower City who came


Benkins and the team went down into the Undercity in the Outcast Village.

through to scavenge remains. They were kept safe from the rakghouls by a large gate on the northeast side of their village. Revan asked Gendar if he knew of Mission Vao. He replied affirmatively but only that she usually went into the sewers to explore. He then pointed the pair into the direction of the sewer entrances.

Upon leaving the Outcast village through the main gate, they managed to save a man Outcast Villager by the name of Hendar. Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln were immediately attacked by rakghouls. They had to fend off numerous attacks as they approached the sewers. While working their way through the rakghoul-laden region, Mission Vao appeared, running toward the pair and pleading for help. Zaalbar had been captured by Gamorrean slavers, but Vao had escaped. Revan and the young Twi'lek came to an agreement that Vao would help the group get into the Black Vulkar base if Revan would help rescue Zaalbar. With his agreement, the team entered into the Lower City sewers.

Mission needs help

Benkins, Revan, Onasi, and Lancoln had to help Mission Vao rescue her Wookiee friend Zaalbar, and also had to help rescue a captive Captain Hugo Gurragann whom was also captured by the Gamorrean slavers. Mission helped them save the two hostages and would later join Revan into escaping Taris alive.

Immediately upon entering into the sewers, the team encountered a few Gamorrean raiders. The Gamorreans had patrols and warriors stationed throughout the sewers and as the team searched for Zaalbar, Onasi had ordered Benkins and Lancoln to go take out and kill the remaining Gamorrean raiders. Benkins and Lancoln proceeded in taking out all of the patrols killing them. However, he called Onasi as he found some evidence: one of the dead Outcasts with a journal. Along the way they ran into a door with Three Sith Troopers one of them being Commander Galthik Himki who didn't seem to care about Revan, Onasi, Benkins, Lancoln and Mission weather or not having Forged Papers, he threatened to bring them in for questioning unless they told what they where doing down in the sewers, as Revan lies about them papers not being forged and was on offical Sith Buisness, due to Himki's incompetence he was not buying it and believed they where Republic Spies in disguise, however Benkins killed Sergeant Arekson with his Blaster suffering a hit to his chest, Private Kain was also eliminated by Onasi, Himki was struck down by Onasi and Mission in the sword fight but Lancoln ultimately shot his leg and also Mission's sword severly wounded his stomach and chest, but seemingly Commander Himki had seemingly survived and held onto his wounds, They soon proceeded to rescue Zaalbar after killing the slavers guarding the area where Zaalbar was found. In the fight, Benkins managed to kill the Gamorrean chieftain instantly by shooting him in the nose, making him like minced pork. As they managed to free Zaalbar, the Wookiee pledged a life debt to Revan, one of the highest honors in the Wookiee culture. They also found Captain Gurragann among the captured. With Zaalbar promising to be at Revan's side, his Twi'lek companion also pledged her support to Revan, as well as agreeing to uphold her promise to help them get the team into the Black Vulkar Base. In order to lead them there, however, Vao had to open a force field that was blocking passage into the depths of the sewers.

Taris sewers

Benkins, Revan, Onasi, Lancoln, Mission, Zaalbar, Gurragann, also went through the sewers and did one job to locate Rukil's apprentices before carrying their objective to the Black Vulkar base later.

As Revan's party was led by Mission Vao into the depths of the sewers, the team continuously encountered more rakghouls and Gamorrean slavers. Gurragann gave Benkins and Lancoln the order to clear remaining rakghouls and Gamorrean slavers, and they did get towards some more evidence and found another journal of some sort. The team managed to get back to the surface because it might have had importance.

Back at the surface, they found the dead body of Malya who was Rukil's last apprentice. Benkins looked at the body and realized she couldn't have been so lucky. Afterwards, they also met a Sith Patrol led by Lieutenant Panes Porschk whom managed to save them, though not for their sakes but because they needed help but Porschk however claimed them to be a rescue party after seeing their papers, plus Porschk did advise Revan they should have given them an armed escort as it was nasty down their and one patrol was killed eariler led by Captain Barid Durgren all members of Durgren's squad where killed in action by rakghouls, they also mentioned rakghoul serum and also Porschk mentioned his squad had a lot of skirmishes from lower city Swoop Gangs although Porschk mentioned he rather be in the Upper City where he was in control and it was safer for him, Revan also advised to keep on high aleart but as he mentioned he never disobeyed orders he was only talking but nothing he ever mentioned to his commander nor it ever occured Porschk soon ordered his troops to search for one last time then they can get out alive along with his two survivors Corporal Zech Halos, Private Wedge 'DJ Limitless' Joshky, continued their search for any survivors, Dak Benkins was confused dispite the fact Porschk was a nice Sith Soldier unlike the rest of them because he was respectful to not only civilians but wanted to protect peoples lives, eventually they found the remains of a Sith

Crashed escape pod

They also found a crashed Escape Pod where only one Republic Soldier, Private Figrin Kalisch was one of the only survivors with rakghoul decease but was saved by Revan and Kalisch had to join the group thus in order to survive.

Trooper with rakghoul serum vital to an Upper City doctor, Zelka Forn. On the way, they found a crashed escape pod and a Republic Solider named Private Figrin 'Aria' Kalisch, who was the only survivor from the crash, as all of the soldiers with him died or were eaten by rakghouls. Revan managed to save Kalisch, and he was thankful. They asked where Bastila's escape pod went, but Kalisch sadi it was further away to the West. There was another rakghoul that attacked them, but Benkins saved Kalisch's life. They managed to try clearing the area from rakghoul's, but they encountered Canderous Ordo again while he was investigating the Undercity with four inexperienced men to salvage anything from Republic escape pods that had landed. Benkins and the team ran to them but while they were there they were attacked. Two mercenaries died in the attack, but Ordo and the other mercenary survived and was perhaps thankful, although he had to return to his boss. Benkins completed their goal and brought the three journals to the Outcast Villager elderly man named Rukil, who knew about them. After reading them and treating the infected Outcast Villagers, Rukil and the rest of the outcast villagers began to start a new life to find the location of the Promised Land. However, Shaleena joined the team to assist them. The village was left abandoned, and they went back into the sewers where they came from.

They fought their way to the entrance of the Black Vulkar base, which was blocked by a rancor that had taken lair in the sewers. Vao remarked that she had been able to sneak by it before using stealth techniques. However, in the process, the rancor saw them and began to attack. Benkins managed to aim at the rancor's eye and killed it. Then, they opened the entrance to the swoop gang's base. Inside the immediate entrance area were two Nikto guards whom Revan and Benkins defeated before entering the base.

Inside the Black Vulkar base, Benkins, Revan, and the party began to scope the location of the prototype accelerator. They managed to kill all the guards in the base. They freed a slave named Ada who promised to help them and a Twi'lek Vulkar who said that he did not like the new direction Brejik was taking the gang. They spiked into the computers, eliminating turrets around the base as well as battle patrol droids, and other gang members in any rooms with terminals. After taking out all of the Vulkar gangs, they searched for the prototype accelerator.

Later in the garage they went to, they attacked and destroyed the remaining Nikto guardsand Vulkar guards. They found the prototype accelerator which was heavily guarded by Vulkar enforcer Kandon Ark and three of his bodyguards. Ark initially taunted Benkins, Revan, Vao,

Meeting Kandon Ark

Benkins, Revan, Onasi, Gurragann, Lancoln, Kalisch, Mission, Zaalbar, and joined up with Shaleena and Ada both confronted Kandon Ark and killed him to gain the Prototype Accelerator.

Carth, Shaleena, Gurrgann, Lancoln, Kalisch, Zaalbar, and Ada, urging them to kill Gadon Thek and join the Black Vulkars. As further incentive to scheme against Thek, Ark promised that Revan could compete in the Season Opener and be awarded 500 credits. Revan refused and a skirmish ensued; Revan and his party eventually defeated Ark and his bodyguards, taking the prototype accelerator upon leaving. With the engine in hand, they returned to the Hidden Bek Base and returned the loot to Thek. After returning to the Hidden Bek Base, they gave Thek the prototype accelerator. Thek sponsored Revan in the race, and told him the engine was only a prototype and not entirely stable. On the one hand, if the engine


The Prototype Accelerator which they managed to recover and bring back to Gadon Thek, Revan partook in the Tarisian Season Opener but Benkins, Onasi, Gurragann, Lancoln, Kalisch, Mission, Zaalbar, Shaleena, and Ada did not partake in the event.

malfunctioned, the swoop would explode and kill the racer. On the other hand, the engine promised to increase the speed of the vessel during the race. With Revan as a participant, the gang leader decided to protect his regular races from possible injury and have Revan race with the prototype in his swoop bike. Benkins didn't go to the race because he returned to the South Apartment, but Revan won the swoop race and killed Brejik, saving Bastila as well. Back at the apartment, now joined by Bastila Shan, and now with a team of 11 of them, the team needed a viable plan for escaping Taris. Having only agreed to keep searching, the party left the apartment to look for a way off the planet. Upon leaving the apartment, Benkins and the team was approached by a Twi'lek

KotOR Screenshot Hideout

The hideout which Benkins and the team sought refuge in.

sent by Mandalorian Mercenary Canderous Ordo. Ordo requested that Revan meet him in Javyar's Cantina, for he had an offer that Revan "couldn't refuse". Benkins and the team traveled to the Lower City Cantina and met with the mercenary. Impressed with Revan's victory in the Season Opener and the ensuing skirmish, the Mandalorian thought the soldier was a perfect fit for his own goal of fleeing Taris. Ordo said that he could provide a ship to leave the planet if Revan could provide the blockade codes from the Sith Military Base. Due to the blockade of Taris, any vessel without the proper clearance codes would not be allowed to leave the Tarisian system. According to the mercenary, once the codes were brought to him, Revan and his team would be able to use the flagship of crime lord Davik Kang, the Ebon Hawk, as a means of escaping the

Lets see Canderous

The Twi'lek messenger arrived to tell Revan, Benkins and the team to meet Canderous Ordo.

planet. Further explaining the plans, Ordo mentioned that the Sith Base had a special security system that would require an astromech droid to unlock and open. The Mandalorian told Revan to speak to Janice Nall, a Twi'lek droid builder in the Upper City, and to say that Canderous Ordo had sent him. By mentioning Ordo's name, the mercenary assumed that Revan would be able to easily acquire the pre-ordered droid from Nall. This droid had originally been ordered by Kang and was available for pickup. Seeing no other alternative, Revan agreed to the scheme and departed the cantina.

Benkins and Revan went to Janice Nall's droid shop and spoke to her about the astromech droid Ordo mentioned. Telling Nall that Ordo sent him, she agreed to sell the droid to him for 2000 credits. Revan purchased T3-M4 from Nall and proceeded to the military base.

T3-M4, the newly purchased astromech droid, used his skills against security systems and opened the main door to the military base. Revan told Shaleena and Ada to get supplies as part of the plan, while Benkins, Revan, Shan, Gurragann, Onasi, Vao, Zaalbar, T3-M4, Lancoln, and

Sith Base (Taris)

The Sith Base was where Revan, Benkins, and the reminder of the group with the exception of Shaleena and Ada raided the base with the help of a new party member T3-M4.

Kalisch infiltrated the Military Base. Revan and his team proceeded down the elevator to the main reception area. There, they were abruptly challenged by the receptionist at the front desk. She did not want to fight Revan and agreed to not hit the security alarm if she could freely escape. Revan permitted her request and continued deeper into the base. Throughout the base, Sentry Droids prowled the corridors and Sith soldiers filled the rooms. Benkins and Gurragan together went to infiltrate and take out the Sith soldiers and security while Lancoln and Kalisch took out the cameras. In one of the scuffles, Revan acquired a Sith ID passcard. A challenging obstacle, however, was stationed in the elevator entranceway: a security droid with a formidable shield. This droid had been recently repaired and was working at full capacity. Earlier that day, the transformer in the elevator was fixed by a technician, causing the glitches within the droid's shield to be eliminated. Nevertheless, Benkins, Revan, and his companions neutralized the repaired shield and destroyed the droid.

After defeating the droid, Revan used the passcard found in one of the rooms to open the elevator shaft. Stepping out of the elevator, the team stumbled upon the room of the Tarisian Sith Governor. The meditating governor was interrupted by Revan's entrance, but he was further shocked to find that Revan was Force-sensitive. Thinking this would be his chance to earn his lightsaber from his superiors, the dark side adept attacked Revan. Throughout the brawl, the governor used the dark side of the Force to gain an edge over the intruder. Benkins tried to shoot him down but was unable, due to the governor's armor plating. He was Force-thrown to the air with Lancoln and Kalisch. They hit a wall, knocking them unconscious. Revan overcame his combatant, however. Having defeated the governor, Benkins, Lancoln, and Kalisch recovered, and Revan grabbed the launch codes from within the governor's quarters and fled the base.


Davik's estate was where Revan, Benkins and the reminder of the team raided and killed all of Davik's bodyguards, eventually fighting their way to retain the Ebon Hawk.

Benkins, Revan, and his team fled the Sith base and traveled to Javyar's Cantina to meet up with Canderous Ordo, per the prearranged plan. Even before their arrival, word had already reached Ordo that the Sith base had been broken into and raided. Knowing this, he chided Revan upon his arrival, saying that he knew the codes were in Revan's possession. Ordo proposed that he bring Benkins, Revan, and his remaining companions to the estate of the Exchange crime lord Davik Kang as a potential recruit. He also reasoned that Kang would have Revan and the team stay on the estate grounds while background checks were conducted. During this period of waiting, Ordo suggested to Revan and the team that they would advance toward the Ebon Hawk and flee the planet. Bastila Shan was none-too-thrilled with the plan, for she did not trust Ordo. Acknowledging this, the mercenary responded that he did not like the idea of teaming with them either. Benkins told her that there was no other choice, as the Sith would capture them soon enough. Agreeing that no other alternative seemed viable, the uneasy alliance left the cantina and proceeded to Kang's estate. Inside Kang's estate, Davik Kang and bounty hunter Calo Nord met Ordo, Benkins, Revan, and the team. At first, Kang and Nord were surprised that Ordo had someone with him. Ordo suggested that Revan would be worthy recruit for the Exchange due to his exploits thus far: most notably, winning the Tarisian Season Opener. At Ordo's recommendation, Kang agreed to look into the prospect of bringing Revan into the fold of the Exchange. The crimelord then took Benkins, Revan, and his companions on a tour of the estate, showing them most prominently the Ebon Hawk

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The Ebon Hawk was the ship that Revan, Benkins and the party managed to steal from Davik Kang where in the Hanger they killed Crime Lord Davik Kang and Bounty Hunter Calo Nord was supposing killed by debris.

and what Kang referred to as its impregnable security systems. Lastly, they arrived upon a room that was set aside to be Revan's quarters while Kang performed background checks. Kang's instructions to Revan, Benkins, and the party was not to venture beyond the guest area or disturb the other guests. If he or his companions did, the guards would attack and attempt to subdue them. The slave quarters, however, were available if Revan sought food or other amenities. Once Kang departed, Canderous Ordo stated that Benkins and the team should begin looking for a way to disable the Ebon Hawk's security system and capture the ship. Advancing deep into the estate, they came upon guards and security droids who were stationed throughout the estate. Gurragann suggested taking out them stealthy would not alert the guards, so Lancoln with Kalisch went through the vents and from the rear of the computer room threw an electronic grenade and killed the guards and droids. As Benkins and Gurragann took out more guards at the base, they disabled and killed both


Prior to Taris's destruction. over Billions of Tarisians where killed in the destruction.

at the door, and Benkins strangled one to death. As the team went to down the hallway and proceeded to eliminate all guards around the base, Revan, however, still needed the launch codes to the Ebon Hawk. As the team proceeded and regrouped, they ran into a harmless mercenary, (the same man from the Undercity with Ordo) named Gez Ejai who didn't want to attack them. Revan, Ordo, and the rest met up, and Ordo understood that Ejai was the same mercenary he went with in the Undercity and he could help. Ejai agreed to help the team and joined the party. Later, in one of the rooms, two K-X12 probe droids tortured an imprisoned man. Benkins and the team destroyed the droids and freed the man, named Hudrow, who had been Davik Kang's pilot for the Ebon Hawk. As gratitude for saving him, Hudrow provided Revan with the launch codes for the ship, and Hudrow decided to help the team escape. With the launch codes in his datapad, Benkins, Revan, and the team—except for Ada and Shaleena who where scrambling for food still—managed to proceed to the hanger. At that moment, explosions were heard and the estate began to crumble. The Sith fleet had begun the process of bombarding the planet from orbit. While in the hanger, Kang and Nord spotted the pair trying to flee. In the ensuing shootout, Revan


The Ebon Hawk managed to flee Taris as Darth Malak bombarded the planet.

killed Kang. As Nord stated he would blow everyone to bits, part of the hanger collapsed onto him. Believing that both men had been defeated, they started boarding and loading supplies. Ada and Shaleena returned, having picked up a young female child named Marla. While making a run to the ship, Benkins managed to help the child into the Ebon Hawk, and everybody including Benkins and Revan's companions boarded the Ebon Hawk and took off. While the bombardment continued, they fled the planet surface with 17 total companions aboard the Ebon Hawk and escaped the destruction of Taris.

Attack on the Ebon Hawk[]


Benkins in the gunner seat aboard the Ebon Hawk,

After gathering all of Revan's companions aboard the Ebon Hawk, Carth Onasi and Hudrow piloted the ship off the planet and up out of its Gravity Well in spit of the sheets of destructive energy raining down upon the surface as the bombardment continued. Once above Taris, however, the fleeing vessel soon encountered elements of the Sith fleet. Even though a half-squadron of Sith fighters attacked the Hawk, it continued to flee the battle, as Onasi, Hudrow, and Shan picked up enemy fighters. Onasi ordered both Benkins and Revan to go man up the ship's dorsal-mounted Laser cannon turret, giving Onasi and Hudrow a window in which to make the jump to hyperspace. The Ebon Hawk and its crew, at Shan's urging, then fled to the Jedi Enclave on the grassy world of Dantooine. After their escape to hyperspace and in the attack, Benkins took a hit to the arm. It left a small direct burn, but he was bandaged and recovered. Aboard the vessel, he taunted and helped Shaleena from her sadness. She believe the Outcasts were dead, but Benkins assured her they were well alive underground. He also helped the young girl named Marla who was feeling saddened; she had lost her mother and father, as they where killed in the destruction of Taris. He helped her and looked after her very well. Benkins argued that she would be safe now; they would head to Dantooine, a temporarily safe place from the Sith.



Dantooine was the planet which Benkins and the survivors of Taris went there so Bastila can explain to the Jedi Council what Revan did in saving her.

Upon arriving on Dantooine, Shan asked the others to remain aboard the Hawk while she left to speak with the Jedi Council. When she returned, she conveyed the Council's request for a private audience, and Revan followed her to the Jedi Enclave. The next day, Onasi informed Benkins, Gurragann, and Revan that an anxious Shan had already left for the Council chambers, and she wanted Revan to come as well. Gurragann gave orders to Benkins to help collect supplies, guns, and ammunition clips they needed, including food and parts for the repairing the damage to


The Jedi Enclave was where Benkins and the rest of Revan's companions stayed at while Revan was being trained as a Jedi again.

the ship. He got both the soldiers, Lancoln and Kalisch, on their duties, including collecting a supply of parts for T3-M4 and a new Utility Droid for the ship. Benkins and Gurragann went to help collect food for the ship and medical supplies. Benkins and Gurragann stepped into Crattis Yurkals general store owned by a Czerka Corporation and ordered some clothing, medical supplies, weapons of interest, and grenades. Lancoln and Kalisch were doing their job at Karal Kaars shop. They bought spare parts from the Aratch Droids Inc, a new R-8009 utility droid named R9-009, and an IT-series utility droid known as IT-43 who made friends with T3-M4 and became very helpful to him. They also bought a GE-3-series protocol droid, C9-E9, mainly for translation of languages. When their jobs were completed, they also had the day off and went to a cantina to drink.

When Revan was made a Jedi, to Benkins' surprise he forgot to be jealous, but accepted it. Revan told Benkins and the soldiers that they would resume work while Revan was helping the citizens on Dantooine, including an angry settler whose daughter was killed by Mandalorians, and farmer named Gar and his wife Rilka. Revan fought the Mandalorians, found for a crystal cave, aided a woman named Elise Montagne who begged Revan to bring her droid companion C8-42-GE3 back, and also helped a Twi'lek Jedi named Bolook during a investigation into the death of Dantooine colonist Calder Nettic. He found a young Cathar Jedi named Juhani and told her that the council would forgive her in the end. Revan later told Benkins the whole story while doing exploring. He and Gurragann went together to talk. He took him to a Rodian merchant named Adum Larp who was very friendly and did sell his wares to Benkins. He purchased some of them for their travels. Gurragann and Benkins talked to each other while on Dantooine, and they went exploring.

When on their travels, they saw a beautiful view that they thought was excellent over a hill. Gurragann told Benkins that when his time came he would die and asked Benkins to take his place someday. Benkins agreed, but he wanted to stay a NCO since he never really wanted to become Commanding Officer. Gurragann understood him. On the way back to the Jedi Enclave, they came under attack by kath hounds. Benkins and Gurragann successfully killed them all as a Jedi Knight came to their aid to help them. He told them that it wasn't safe as such Kath Hounds would be in this area in large numbers. The two agreed and followed the Jedi Knight.

Back at the Enclave, Revan called for their assistance to help with the finding of a Sandral Family member Shen Matale, who went missing. Benkins, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch headed to the Sandral Estate to help Revan, Shan, Ordo, Zaalbar and Mission rescue Shen. They arrived at the Matale Estate, where Ahlan Matale told them where to find Shen Matale. However, they found the body of Casus Sandral on the eastern side of the Matale estate's grounds. He had been killed by kath hounds while investigating the nearby ruins.

After Revan delivered Casus's datapad to the Sandral Estate, he was let in by the Sandrals' droid and informed Casus's father, Nurik Sandral, of his son's death. However, Nurik Sandral refused to reconsider the feud even in light of his revelation, leading his daughter Rahasia to speak with Revan and inform him that her father was holding Shen Matale in their estate. Handing Revan a spare key to the side door, she begged Revan to free Shen as she had fallen in love with the youth. Benkins, to his surprise, understood this and promised to help her boyfriend. Benkins, Revan, Shan, and the other companions used the key to access the building's side door and fought through the family's security droids to locate Shen. He refused to leave without Rahasia, so Revan convinced the girl to meet them outside of the estate.

However, when Benkins and his companions brought Shen to Rahasia, the group was confronted by both Nurik Sandral and Ahlan Matale, who demanded that their children come back with their parents. Fortunately for the children, Revan, Shen, and Rahasia convinced Nurik and Ahlan to abandon their feud in light of their children's love for one another, and the two men agreed to purchase a house for their children to live together.

Benkins and the team were ordered back to the Hawk because they wouldn't be allowed to follow Revan into the ruins, which may have been frightening or not safe to enter. While in there, Revan found the remains of Jedi Nemo and defeated the building's tests. He found a Star Map that was incomplete, including Manaan, Korriban, Kashyyyk, and Tatooine, leading Revan to believe that there were similar maps on those other worlds. Benkins, at the Enclave with Gurragann, asked what they found. They told him that it mentioned a Star Map, which was unknown to Benkins and Gurragann, so they thought it was a joke.

At the cantina, he met a man named Samnt who asked him what Rebublic Soldiers were doing on Dantooine. He said that it was mostly because they were with the Ebon Hawk crew. To his surprise, Montagne was dating Samnt. Benkins said to them that they would take good care of them, and he went to see Shen and Rahasia, who told them to stay safe and always stay together. Revan, Shan, and his companions, including Juhani, would be joining them on the mission. They located Lur Arka's daughter Sasha on board, and they managed to bring the girl back to him. Before they went aboard the Ebon Hawk, Revan told to Benkins, Gurragann, and the rest of his companions they would be going on a mission for the Star Forge.

Benkins asked Revan what the Star Forge was, but he told him it was a secret. He got to know Juhani, and he told the young girl who survived Taris's Destruction, Marla, she would be ok if she wanted revenge for her homeworld. Benkins relaxed as they set off for their first destination, Tatooine.

Search for the Star Forge[]


As such, Benkins relaxed through the whole journey and he talked to Shaleena as well about how she could handle herself with a blaster, however Shaleena did kind of agree more and also thought how can she do it of course, since she never shot with a blaster before it would be her first time she will do it, also Marla was given a blaster by Gurragann but however Benkins taunted him and told a child shouldn't be using a blaster, this however caused an argument, but Revan told Benkins that however if the kid wants to use a blaster then she shall, Benkins apologized to Gurragann for being a fool but however secretly didn't take it back, only to fool him to accept it, Gurragann did however like Benkins and admired him and his skills, however he didn't like how he was talked to by him because well (as always Benkins is right no child should have a blaster which is dangerous to society since back on Corellia where he was first born on, he was told by his father Tad that it isn't ok to use a blaster when you are a child and could hurt someone, that is why he was taught these things to keep safety on blasters at all times like he did for Marla's blaster to stop from hurting anyone), Benkins however did get along with the droid R9-009 who befriended him, R9's likeness to Benkins meant that he was kinder and responsible, secretly R9 disliked Gurragann and because he thought he was weirder then ever, Benkins which understood R9 had a point,

As they started to approach Tatooine, and heading to city of Anchorhead, they passed the deserts dunes and Benkins spoke with Zaalbar and Mission about if she had a brother, she told Benkins that because she had a brother named Griff, Benkins however was surprised about her brother and he wished he could meet him too, as the Ebon Hawk arrived in Anchorhead, both Revan's companions went for a wonder around the city, Benkins with Lancoln together went for a wander as well down the city, unknown to them that also an Aqualish merchant mistakenly transferred Crate 42-B7 a shipment of Gizka to Revan and the Ebon Hawk and its crew at Docking Bay 32,

While walking through the city, a Twi'lek woman named Malare informed Shan that her mother Helena Shan was ill and attempting to locate Bastila, together he and Lancoln went to Anchorhead's Hunting Lodge, their however he and Lancoln encountered a woman named Sharina Fizark who struck a conversation with Benkins and he proceeded in buying a desert hulak wraid plate from her. Fizark explained that her husband had been killed recently, and that his last hunt had resulted in the wraid plate—but she lacked a hunter's license and therefore could not sell the plate. Benkins obliged Fizark, buying the plate from her, and he later sold the plate himself,

Later on he and the companions encountered Helena Shan, Bastila's mother, however though Bastila soon got into an argument about their relationship, though the Jedi was dismayed to learn that her father had died while searching for jrayt dragon pearls in the Eastern Dune Sea. Doubting that her mother was truly ill, Benkins understood and he did speak with her what krayt dragon was about, she told him about them much to his belief,

Entering Yuka Laka's shop, Revan learned that the Lthorian salesman was offering a HK-47, also Benkins and Gurragann looked around at droids, however Laka was unaware of most of the droid's functions, and the droid itself was rather uncooperative. Upon learning that it could speak the Sand People's language, Revan purchased the droid for 4,000 credits, but also T3-M4 began flirting with another droid who was very friendly, but Benkins explained to Laka if T3-M77 was on special offer, so however he did say it was distend for a Republic buyer, and Benkins told that he, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch where Republic, and Laka offered him to bring T3-M77 with them, so Gurragann brought T3-M77 with them as a second utility droid, and Benkins said "Thank You." kindly to Laka since he never did tell him that T3-M77 was for a republic buyer, and to that he was thankful now with more credits, now with two more droids, HK-47, and T3-M77 she got along with T3-M4 during their travels, The trio were stopped however by a Jawa while heading to the city gates. named Iziz who begged Revan to free his clan from the Sand People, and Revan agreed to aid the diminutive Jawa, also Iziz agreed to help them, also Revan showed his hunting license to the gate guard Billan who allowed Revan and his companions to leave the city and head out to the Dune Sea.

Not far out of Anchorhead, Benkins, Revan, Ordo, and HK-47 met a woman named Marlena Venn, who informed the group that she had set up a trap for her husband in the desert before she returned to the city, Further out, they came across the wraid hunter Tanis Venn who was unable to move, as he was surrounded by his four hunting droids, which had been sabotaged by Marlena who had grown disgusted with her husband's womanizing ways. Revan choose to repair Venn's K-X12 probe droids, which would explode if Venn moved, which they saved the man, on the way to a downed sandcrawler, with the group awaiting for the sandcrawler, it exploded, Benkins and the company managed to help recuse a mining team who was suddenly attacked by several successive waves, Benkins and the group managed to destroy lots of waves of Tusken Raiders, after destroying the sand people, a woman named Bria Hudson who was the (Captain of the Lady Luck), and also a first mate named Slugg, and the other two miners that survived the encounter, Hudson promised the team that another sandcrawler was on the way to get them to the next destination,

Later in the desert, Benkins and the remaining group where aboard the sandcrawler, and on their way to the next vantage point of The Dune Sea, later the remaining group dressed as Tusken Raiders in disguise to make it to the camp, they managed to get to the Sand People enclave without being attacked, as they got in the Sand People guard noticed them and almost prepared to attack before Revan ordered HK-47 to communicate with him, Through HK-47, Revan explained that he came in peace, and the confused Sand Person too the trio to his Chieftain. Revan however asked the Chieftain if they could come to a peaceful solution about the recent attacked on the miners, and the Chieftain begrudgingly informed Revan that he needed a show of good faith. He planned to move his tribe farther away from Anchorhead, but he needed to build up the tribe's stores of water, and so he asked Revan to bring him a pair of Moisture vaporators in exchange for the reduction in attacks.

Revan, Vao, and HK-47 were then escorted out of the enclave, and the trio returned to Anchorhead and purchased two vaporators from Greeta Holda at the Czerka office at the cost of 400 credits. later returning to the enclave, they handed the vaporators to the surprised chieftain, who had not expected them to return. Despite his surprise, the chieftain agreed to honor his bargain abou the attacks, giving Revan both his personal gaderfii weapon as a sign of his favor and a map to the Star Map in the cave of a krayt dragon in the Eastern Dune Sea. The chieftain also permitted Revan to take both Iziz's kinsmen and Griff, and speaking with the Jawas, Revan informed them that they were free to go. Benkins, Vao, Revan, and his HK-47 also encountered Griff, and Mission was dismayed to learn that Griff had in fact been the one to leave her behind on Taris, not Lena. She was further disgusted when her brother tried to persuade her for credits, and though Revan gave him a few, she stormed away in disgust. Before fleeing back to Anchorhead, Griff asked Revan to come see him at the Czerka office if he wanted to discuss another job.

Departing the enclave, Benkins, and his companions headed toward the Eastern Dune Sea, and when they approached the krayt dragon's cave, the trio encountered Komad Fortuna and witnessed another hunter be eaten by the enormous krayt dragon within the cave, Speaking with the Twi'lek hunter asked Revan to help him use mines and a heard of banthas—the food source of krayt dragons—to slay the great beast. Warning the Jedi that a tribe of Sand People in the area would likely attack if Revan approached their herd of banthas that was grazing nearby, Fortuna watched as Benkins, Revan and his companions lured the banthas toward the cave mouth, and the trio rushed back toward Fortuna and his speeder when the krayt dragon emerged. The enormous creature was killed by the mines that Fortuna had placed and the hunter insisted that Revan take the krayt dragon pearl as a spoil.

After Fortuna departed, Revan and his compatriots headed deep into the cave where Revan had seen the Star Map in his vision. As the Padawan approached the ancient device, it activated. Benkins, Revan and his friends recorded the map's contents on a datapad and emerged from the cave, only then to find Calo Nord and a number of thugs waiting for them. Nord who had survived Taris's destruction, had been hired by Darth Malak to hunt down Benkins, Revan, Shan, and their allies, and Benkins and the others were forced to battle the bounty hunter and his mercenaries until Nord and the thugs were all dead. before they returned however they acquired Shan's father's holocron from one of the bodies in the cave, and would soon be on their way back to Anchorhead.

They managed to return to Anchorhead Cantina and spoke with Helena. With some convincing from Revan, Bastila reconciled with her mother learning that Helena's disapproval of her husband's treasure hunting was had been out of a desire to protect her daughter, and Bastila gave both the holocron and 500 credits to her mother so that she could get treatment for her illness, Benkins, Revan and his companions met with Griff who asked the Jedi to help him acquire tach glands from the planet Kashyyyk so that he could recreate Tarisian ale and then sell the drink for huge profits. on the way back to the Hawk they where joined by Sharina Fizark who agreed to travel with them, Benkins agreed and gave her the plate back to her and which she volunteered to help, and they soon set off for Kashyyyk their next stop,

Yavin Station[]

During their travels, Benkins and the team visited Yavin Station an abandoned Republic station in the orbit of the gas giant Yavin Prime, as the coordinates of the station were in the Ebon Hawks navicomputer. Benkins, and the team met Suvam Tan, the Rodian merchant and inventor who lived on the station, and during one of his visits, Revan convinced a group of Trandoshan mercenaries who where threatening Tan to leave. On his next visit, Benkins, and his friends were forced to fight the Trandoshans to save Tan, defeating the mercenaries and rescuing the Rodian inventor.


As the group arrived at Kashyyyk, homeworld of the Wookiees Just as before, Shan and Revan received a vision of the Star Map deep on the forest floor. however as Benkins went to Zaalbar, he was not happy, and Revan came to him telling Benkins what was Zaalbar's problems, telling the truth it was mainly to do with Wookiee society and one that saw him labeled as a madclaw. and also his brother Chuundar had been making deals with Czerka's slavers and helping them acquire a foothold on Kashyyyk, Zaalbar once attacked Chuundar in a fierce rage and even unsheathed his claws,

As they soon exited the Hawk, Benkins and the trio met with a Ithorian Janos Wertka, Czerka's administrator of the planet the company called "Edean", and Revan however payed the docking fee. Benkins and the team encountered Komad Fortuna near the landing pad, as the hunter had come to test himself against the creatures of Kashyyyk. Heading further along the wooden bridges that were strung high in the wroshyr trees, Revan passed Eli Gand's kiosk and spoke with the merchant, learning that Gand was holding a man named Matton Dasol as an indentured servant so that he could pay off his debt. Gand claimed that Dasol's crew had left him on Kashyyyk after failing to pay his debt, leaving behind Dasol to deal with Gand. Heading further along the walkways, Revan and his companions defeated several kinrath spiders when the insectoids attacked, and Zaalbar was briefly overcome by the sights and sounds of his homeworld.

They soon came across a Czerka patrol led by Captain Dehno standing over a dead Wookiee, and Zaalbar became enraged when they learned that Dehno had killed the Wookiee when it had refused to follow orders. However, before violence broke out, Revan convinced Dehno to back down and request a transfer to another posting.

Fighting through more kinrath and several winged creatures named mykals, Benkins and his friends were stopped from heading down a side path by a Wookie warrior. The guard was outraged at Zaalbar's presence and refused to allow them access to the Shadowlands, the forest floor, without permission from the chieftain Chuundar. Despite Zaalbar's apprehension, the trio made their way towards his home village of Rwookrrorro, though they encountered a trio of Dark Jedi and defeated their attackers. Approaching the gates of the village, the team was stopped by Wookiee guards who were also disgusted with the presence of a madclaw, and the guards took the group to see Chuundar. The Wookiee chieftain decided to take his brother hostage in order to force Revan's cooperation: he wanted the Jedi and his companions to eliminate a madclaw who was interfering with Czerka's operations in the Shadowlands. Without another option, Revan had to agree to Chuundar's demands, and he left the chieftain's hall to explore Rwookrrorro. While in the village, Benkins met a nice Wookiee named, Woorwill, who told Revan about a missing Wookiee named Rorworr.

Departing the village, Benkins and his companions headed to the elevator to the Shadowlands, through they witnessed the Wookiee Chorrawl and several others fighting kinrath on the walkway. Chorrawl refused to speak with the Jedi even after they helped defeat the kinrath, and Revan, Benkins and the team continued on their way to the elevator, where the Wookiee, Gorwooken operated the basket to take the trio down to the forest floor,

On the forest floor, Mission mentioned why Zaalbar never talked about Kashyyyk much to Revan's words, Benkins listened to the story, fighting through several of the native katarn lizards in the Shadowlands, Benkins got important news to Revan and told them to his surprise that they was an older Jedi fighting off a quartet of katam. The Jedi, a man who was named Jolee Bindo, told Revan to follow him to his camp nearby when the Padawan started to question him. At Bindo's hut, Benkins and the team came their and the elder Jedi questioned Revan about the Shadowlands, though Bindo's answers were cryptic: he called the madclaw "crazed with grief", and Bindo told Revan that there were "walls" in the way that would prevent Revan from finding the Star Map.

However, Bindo offered a solution: if Revan ensured that the Czerka poachers nearby left the Shadowlands, he would join their group and remove the "walls" in their path. Exploring the area, Benkins came across the damaged droid D-A02 whose records showed it was from Matton Dasol's crew—and that Dasol's crew had been murdered by Eli Gand. Benkins also managed to find the body of a Wookiee whose datapad identified him as Rorworr—and the bowcaster bolt in Rorworr's body signified that he had been killed by a fellow Wookiee. Before doing so, Revan had to return to the landing pad and spoke to Matton Dasol, revealing the truth about his crew's fates by giving him D-A02's head: exposed, Eli Gand fled into the Shadowlands, and Dasol decided to take over Gand's business in order to gain enough credits for transportation off-planet.

Back in the Shadowlands, Heading north, Benkins encountered the Czerka poachers and their leader Commander Dern, from whom he learned that they were using sonic emitters to hold off the native wildlife. When he was unable to convince the commander to leave, Revan spoke with the other Czerka personnel around the caomp and convinced them to give him their passcodes so that he could shut off the emitters. Having succeeded doing so. Benkins and his companions withdrew as a terentake stormed through the now-unprotected camp and sent the Czerka employees running. as they got back with Czerka supplies to Bindo, and soon Bindo joined up with Revan and the team,

Bindo then led the others back through the Czerka camp and further into the Shadowlands where they came upom a shimmering repulsor field—one of the barriers that he had spoken of. Bindo was able to shut off the field temporarily, allowing the group to head even deeper into the Shadowlands. before they left, Revan ordered Carth to take Benkins and the others back to the surface for now since it wasn't a very good idea to stay together and that they should keep an eye out on Zaalbar, while Revan, Shan, Bindo, and Juhani went into the shadowlands and would find the real Wookiee chieftain Freyyr, and a Wookiee named Grrrwahrr, as well, and successfully did Revan manage to find the second Star Map in the end.

But however they where caught by Chorrawl, which they where on their way back to the village, when they saw Freyyr, which led them back route directly to the chieftain's hall where Chuundar and Freyyr were in a stand off.

As Benkins arrived, Chuundar refused to back down despite his father's possession of Bacca's blade, claiming that his position and his ownership of the blade's hilt meant that he was still chieftain. As the two began to argue, Zaalbar brought the conversation to a halt with a roar and begged his family to stop fighting, but to his dismay only Freyyr agreed and Chuundar ordered his Czerka allies to attack. In the battle that followed, Chuundar, his Wookiee guards, and the Czerka guards present in the room were killed by Freyyr, Zaalbar, Chorrawl, Jaarak, Woorwill, Benkins, Revan, and the Jedi companions. In the silence that followed, a saddened Freyyr thanked Revan, Benkins and his companions for his actions, and asked Zaalbar if he wished to stay on Kashyyyk. However, Zaalbar stated that he intended to follow his life-debt, and when his father asked what boon he could grant in reward, Zaalbar requested Bacca's Sword. Surprised, Freyyr was swayed by Zaalbar's promise to return with the blade when the time was right and he ordered the sword repaired.

Before departing the village with Zaalbar, Revan spoke with Woorwill and asked him if he recognized the bowcaster bolt casing that he had found on Rorworr's body. However, the elder Wookiee Jaarak interrupted Revan and begged him to speak only to him as Woorwill recognized the casing as Jaarak's. When Revan questioned whether or not he had killed Rorworr, Jaarak refused to speak further and told Revan to talk to Worrroznor, the Holder of the Laws. Worroznor summoned both Woorwill and Jaarak when Revan presented the evidence to the Holder of the Laws, and Revan chose to reveal that Rorworr was a slaver, thereby sparing Jaarak punishment.

In the battle that followed, Benkins fought alongside the young Wookiee, Woorwill, together they managed to help together kill the remaining Czerka guards, and Czerka was needed to be driven out. All over the entire planet, wherever Czerka was, Wookiees rebelled against the slavers. as Benkins, Woorwill, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch fought together with the Wookiees to drive the Czerka out, Czerka had no choice in the end but to pull out of Kashyyyk.

As all was back to normal they celebrated and Freyyr thanked the team for everything returning the village back to normal, they was a celebration party going on with Freyyr now back as Wookiee Chieftain, and Czerka now gone, all over Rwookrrorro, they cheered for Benkins, Revan and the remaining members of the team, also he got a chance to speak to Woorwill and he also gave him 100 credits as an award since he was a kind fellow he decided to however agree on being a friend to Benkins, and Woorwill promised to tell Freyyr if they will ever aid Revan and the team if they find what they are looking for which was the Star Forge, to that Freyyr would but not at the moment which they was still time, it was soon time for Benkins, Revan and his crew to head to Dantooine for a meeting,

Return to Dantooine[]

Back at the Jedi enclave on Dantooine, Benkins and the team where bringing more food supplies to the Hawk, Benkins however went and saw what both Samnt, and Montagne, at the cantina, and also he took a visit to Shen Matale and Rahasia Sandral and they where both pleased to see Benkins and his friend Lancoln, together they spoke for sometime and also told to take very good care for themselves,

While on Dantooine, Benkins managed to complete his tasks of delivering food supplies to the ship and new medical equipment to the Hawk and new parts as well acquired, now in a big force of up to 26 companions a huge total, Benkins managed to talk to the young mercenary Ejai, however Ejai was still wondering if he would still be able to survive the mission alive and if he would make it through alive, Benkins assured Ejai that he would because he was young and brave he would, Ejai also said about why Malak did murder to billions of people on Taris's destruction, but that however Benkins didn't know but to say that he confirmed Darth Malak was a murder and should be put in prison for crimes of murdering incident, Ejai liked how Benkins went through with words about Malak being wanted for the deaths of millions and a bounty should be placed on his head, so he asked Revan to tell the Jedi Council that Malak for killing incidents and have his head on the council, however it was agreed and the speech was called out all around the galaxy to warn people of Darth Malak's murder if he attacked a planet then people should flee to their ships alive make a run for it, the message got through, but if it was a Sith world then they wouldn't like that either,

But why Benkins was determined to pay the Sith out was for his friend Denlin a friend who had previously been killed on the Endar Spire and he wanted revenge for his friend and all those Sith that killed everybody aboard the Endar Spire in the first place, Benkins was still angry about Denlin's death but still needing answers, Bastila told him to let it all go from his mind, so he wouldn't have to think on murdering someone, although to blame for this would have to be Darth Bandon's who led the boarding parties in the first place,

While enjoying the relaxing scenery, T3-M4 and his girlfriend T3-M77 went for a beautiful scenery well that would be their date, Benkins advised T3-M77 to be carful and to take good care with T3-M4, and also later on Benkins and his friend Lancoln spoke together, Lancoln told him something about his past, listening to that Benkins understood the young boy's life where he came from, also he could understand Lancoln and his life on his homeworld Hapes and that he lived in the city of Ta'a Chume'Dan, with that, Benkins understood how Lancoln's mother and father where killed when he was young, Benkins also told that Lancoln was a greater friend than he had ever did have, soon however it was time for the rest of the team to move out, including T3-M4 and T3-M77 back from their date and also for Benkins and Lancoln as well, they where off to the next destination Manaan,


Departing Dantooine, Benkins and his crew then flew the Ebon Hawk to the water world of Manaan, where they landed at Docking Bay 26-C on the floating metropolis of Ahto City. Departing the Hawk with Revan, and the rest of the companions, Benkins, and Revan encountered a Sith soldier arguing with a Republic soldier, though their conversation ended when the Sith remined the Republic soldier that the Selkaths'l laws prevented any violence between the two governments on Manaan. Benkins surprised of this, he and Revan went to speak with the Republic soldier after the Sith soldier departed, Benkins learned of the tense political balance on Manaan. The Empire and the Republic were both forced to coexist peacefully on Manaan in order to maintain good relations with the native Selkath and thus continue to receive shipments of the healing kolto. Afterwards, the soldier gave Benkins directions to the Republic Embassy.

While in the spaceport, Benkins and Revan spoke with Selkath Nubassa who was a collector of exotic creatures, Despite Nubassa's reluctance, Revan convinced him to take the gizka on the Hawk, thereby removing the creatures from his starship.

Departing the spaceport, and after Revan paid the docking fee of 100 credits and began exploring the city, There, Benkins and the team where stopped by a frantic woman named Elora, who recognized Bindo and begged him to help her husband Sunry. An old friend of Bindo's, Sunry however was under arrest and was accused of murdering a woman named Elassa Huros Revan agreed to help Elora and proceed to the Ahot High Court nearby, where he witnessed a court trail about a fight between Sith and Republic soldiers.

Speaking to Judge Shelkar, Revan was permitted to become the {{sw}Arbiter}} of Sunry's trial. Speaking with Sunry in the Ahto jail, Benkins, and Revan learned that the elderly man had been arrested after Huros was murdered in the Ahto City visitor's hotel, and Sunry told Revan that the police had found his Hero's Cross in Huros's room in the Visitor's Hotel. Benkins and the others returned to Elora, who tearfully admitted to her belief that Sunry had been having an affair after Revan and Bindo pressed her.

Dak Benkins

Dak on Manaan during his travels on the Star Forge with Revan,

In the Ahto City cantina, Benkins and Canderous and Ejai also encountered his former comrade Ergeron. where they talked about their old days,

But later the Selkath Shaelas stopped Revan in the cantina and told them about the recent string of disappearances among the Selkath youth of Ahto City, and Benkins volunteered to help with Revan search for the missing youth members, From an Iridonianmercenary, Revan learned that the Selkath youth, including Shaelas's daughter Shasa, that the Sith were responsible and they had been lured to the Sith Embassy. Reporting the news to Shaelas, Benkins and the team agreed to help retrieve Shasa from the embassy of he could.

Benkins was approached by a Twi'lek named Senni Vek, who handed him a datapad and claimed that Revan dropped it. The datapad contained a cryptic message asking Revan to meet Hulas on Manaan. When Revan complied, he learned that the Rodian Hulas was a member of the shadowy GenoHaradan assassin guild, and turned down Hulas's offer of employment.

Entering the Ahto East Central district, Benkins witnessed a group of Republic and Sith soldiers arguing about the war and the destruction of Taris, though the Selkath laws of neutrality prevented any violence. At the Visitor's Hotel, Revan spoke with Ignus the owner, who told the him that Sunry had left after the shot had been fired and that he had been running remarkably fast for a cripple. Further questioning of Ignus led the hotel owner to reveal that Elassa had been renting a room every week for meetings with Sunry, and Ignus believed that the two had been having an affair. The pazaak player Firith Me was one of the hotel's residents, and Revan asked him to reveal that he had seen a lightsaber on Elassa's belt —she had been a Sith. Questioning the Rodian Gluupor, Benkins did learn that Gluupor had been hired by a Sith to plant Sunry's Hero Cross in Elassa's room shortly after her murder. When Benkins was leaving the hotel, a mysterious man halted him and told the Jedi that Sunry and Elassa had been "proxies" for their governments: he urged Revan to search for respective embassies to discover the truth.

Meeting up with Onasi and Shan, Revan made his way to the Republic Embassy and spoke with the Republic official Roland Wann. Wann hinted that he knew something about the Star Map, but before he would talk, he needed Revan to do something for him. The Sith had captured a damaged Republic submersible droid twelve hours earlier, and the information in the droids memory core was too valuable to allow the Sith to decrypt the core. When Revan had to agree, Wann offered three ways of gaining access to the Sith Embassy: interrogating a prisoner, reprogramming an access card, or retrieving one from Sith personnel at the docking bay.

While at the embassy, Benkins and Revan, convertly accessed the embassy's systems and recovered a recording of Sunry killing Elassa Huros. With this new evidence, Revan returned to Sunry and showed him the recording on his datapad. Sunry admitted to be working with Republic Intelligence and claimed to have killed Huros, but Revan was unsure of Sunry's reasons for doing so. The first witness in the trial was Ignus, who testified that Sunry had left the hotel after the shot. Next up was Firith Me, and Revan had to object to the Sith prosecutor's attempts to slander Me's reputation as a witness because he was a pazaak player. During his questioning of Me, Revan revealed that Me had seen Sunry leave but that he had not actually seen the murder, and Me also admitted that he knew Huros was a Dark Jedi.

The next witness was Gluupor, who Revan convinced to testify about planting the medal despite the prosecutor's attempts to intimidate the Rodian, When Elora came to the stand, Sunry's wife admitted that he was having an affair, but her husband had been about to end it when Huros was killed. Revan's closing arguments saw the Jedi remind the judges that no one had actually witnessed the murder of Huros, and he posited that the Sith had killed Huros when Sunry had ended the affair. With the evidence presented to them, the judges found Sunry innocent, and they also ordered that the Sith Empore would have to pay for a portion of the Republic's kolto exports for a year.

After all that, Benkins and his companions then used their card to access the embassy, but the receptionist recognized that the access card was out of date and called in a Sith officer and other guards. Then the trio were forced to fight the embassy's personnel, and they encountered and manage to defeat several Dark Jedi while exploring the complex.

While in the building, Benkins fought his way through with Onasi, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch, on their way to take out the computers where T3-M77 managed to deactivate the force fields, IT-43 went to disable the Sith droids, with Ordo, Ejai, Zaalbar, Mission, as well, while Revan, Shan, T3-M4 HK-47 went to take the codes, in the midst of the attack however IT-43 suffered a direct hit but he managed to survive the blast only to sustain a small minor damage to some of the body, and Ejai was hit to the arm, Ordo managed to help the young mercenary and placed a bandage to his wounded left arm, Benkins also helped him out and saved the young mercenary's life, Ejai was saved from a plasma burn in his arm hit from a blast, however in the attack a Dark Jedi swung it's lightsaber and only scared Benkins near towards the eye and knocked him unconscious, he didn't loose his eye, it just had a two scars away from his eye, after suffering that he recovered, however as Benkins and his comrades encountered yet more Sith troops, droids and Dark Jedi. Using the skills of his companions as well as his own and drawing upon the force as needed, the party overcame a number of obstacles. These included a malfunctioning series of flow control rooms and a corridor that was filled with blistering-hot steam that led to a computer access terminal. Using this terminal allowed the team to thin the odds even more in their favor by triggering the overloading of barracks electrical conduits and bypassing locked shield walls,

The trio eventually made their way to the training quarters, where Revan found Galas, a young Selkath, dying after being Template:Torture by the Sith and clutching a small pin. Desperate, the mortally-wounded being thrust the token upon the Jedi, beseeching him to inform Shasa who, along with a number of other Force-sensitive Selkath, was residing in a nearby dormitory. Led by Shasa, the Selkath at first wanted to alert their masters to the presence of intruders. However, Shasa declared that they could not always run to their masters for aid and another apprentice supposed that this must be a test of their abilities. Benkins saw that Revan showed Shasa the blood-smeared pin as he attempted to convince her and her friends that the Sith were evil and wished to conquer Manaan for its kolto. With the truth at last revealed to them, the youths left the Embassy, eager to report what was going on to the Ahto City authorities.

Benkins and his companions went on and they confronted the Dark Jedi who had been appointed the head of all Sith activity on Manaan. However, he was forced to slay two more Selkath apprentices, as well as the Master, in order to finish the mission and secure the needed data about the Sith Empire's plans to corrupt Manaan's youth by drawing them into the dark side. After the brief melee that followed, Revan broke into the Master's inner sanctum cleared out the mines that had been plaved there, and acquired the data. Their work finished, the trio of infiltrators then made their way back to the Embassy entrance, encountering and killing Grann, the commander of the Embassy base, along with the guard manning the security checkpoint and a quartet of war droids as they attempted to escape.

However unfortunate it was not the end of their troubles, and they where caught by a member of the Selkath official and several security droids. The Selkath proceeded to arrest Benkins and Revan and the rest of the companions, However thought all was not the end, Revan explained to his appointed Arbiter Bwa'lass was inexperienced, and he presented the Sith Master's datapad to the court as proof that the Sith were attempting to conquer Manaan. In gratitude, the court released Benkins, Revan and their companions, and instituted heavy sanctions against the Sith Empire.

After the trial and Benkins release, Benkins and his companions headed to the cantina, where they informed Shaelas of what happened to Shasa, and Revan did refused Shaelas's reward of 100 credits,

However thought before they would meet up with Wann, Benkins, was on his own and he was going to the cantina, but he bumped into a young Female Junior Sith Officer named Ellabelle Blenlin who actually admired the Republic Soldier and thought he was handsome, Blenlin was nice because she didn't seem that very dangerous, she liked Benkins and he and her decided to go talk in the cantina, while they went to the cantina, they did encounter some drunken Sith Officers, including Duan and Viglo who however Blenlin told to ignore them since they where stupid as silly for being heavy drinkers, but to that, Benkins and Blenlin talked about their lives how Benkins entered the army and was taught by his friend Denlin, and also Blenlin talked how she ended up in the Sith, it was said that her father brought her to it by accident, later on however in Benkins's communicator he was called to join Revan, and Gurragann, to help search in the secret Republic Station named Hrakert Station deep in the oceans, located at a place called the Hrakert Rift. Before Benkins left to rejoin them he said goodbye to his friend Blenlin and promised they will meet again someday if they have the chance,

However returning to the Republic Embassy, Benkins was late on arriving and Gurragann asked why, thought he was in the cantina asking a lady and talking about their lives, after Revan delivered the data to Roland Wann, and Republic Captain Seth Draze who fulfilled his promise and revealed the existence of a secret Republic research station named the Hrakert Station deep in the oceans, located at the place called the Hrakert Rift. The facility was in violation of the neutrality treaty on Manaan, but construction of the facility had come to a halt when the workers came across an artifact of ancient species, and communications from the station had since ceased. Draze advised to stay safe and alive, The Republic had been hiring a number of mercenaries in order to send them down and investigate, but none of them had returned, and Wann had prepared a submarine for Benkins, and Revan and their companions to take to the station. Descending to the facility, Revan had docked the submersible in the damaged hanger bay. but he and his companions were confronted by a terrified Twi'lek mercenary who begged them to help him escape.

The mercenary explained that the Selkath workers at the station had gone insane, attacking everyone and going rabid. When Revan refused to be dissuaded from his mission, the mercenary staunchly refused to help them any more and decided to stay in the hanger as Revan and his friends entered the Hrakert Station. Fighting through the damaged security droids and the insane Selkath within the damaged hallways of the station, Benkins fought his way through, Revan acquired both an environmental suit and several sonic emitters that the now-dead scientists had developed to counter the firaxan sharks that inhabited the waters outside the station, Benkins didn't go on the mission he did secretly return to the mercenary and explained that he will help him escape, he got both Ordo and Ejai to take the terrified mercenary to the surface, Benkins remained behind,

Later after Revan returned alone and did find a Star Map in the end, Ordo and Ejai did return back safely, and the team was able to head back to the surface, but before they could do so while heading back to the submersible, Benkins and his friends encountered two Dark Jedi and Darth Bandon, Malak's Sith apprentice and the same Sith who had killed Trask Ulgo on the Endar Spire. Bandon and his allies proceeded to attack Revan, Benkins and his companions, but in the process Revan cut off Bandon's head, and also managed to defeat the Sith Lords allies. after all that, Benkins and his companions managed to return back to the Republic Embassy via the submersible,

Returning to the Republic Embassy via the submersible, Benkins and his companions were met by Roland Wann, who was eager to learn of what happened at Hrakert Station. Wann was dismayed to learn that the harvester was destroyed, but he was relieved to know that the kolto had not been damaged and he let the trio leave without further questioning. an excited Draze was pleased with the trio for their actions, so with Benkins he was, However when Benkins and the others left the embassy, they were confronted by several Selkath who ordered them to come in for questioning: the explosions in the Rift had not gone unnoticed. When questioned by the High Court, Revan did explain the story about the Hrakert Station, the esistence of which some judges were aware of, the the way that the giant firaxan shark had driven everyone insane. The Selkath were astonished to learn of the shark —what they called the Progenitor—and were relieved to find out that Revan had chosen to destroy the harvester rather than kill the shark. Thanking the Jedi, the High Court allowed Revan and his companions to depart in peace.

As the Selkath claimed to be concerned friend of the Republic, Revan informed Nilko of the need to protect the Hrakert Rift facility, and a relieved Nilko promised to try and cover for the Republic if the issue came to light. before they left they were joined by Ergeron who decided to follow them and become a twenty-seventh member of the group wanting to fight like a soldier once more,

Capture on the Leviathan[]

Capture and survival[]

Their mission on Manaan concluded, Benkins and his companions returned to the Ebon Hawk and departed Manaan. However, as they set off for Korriban, the site of the fifth and final Star Map, the Ebon Hawk was pulled from hyperspace by a Sith Interdictor cruiser—a cruiser that Onasi recognized as the Leviathan, an old friend and mentor that turned on Carth many years ago, Admiral Saul Karath, caught by the Leviathan's tractor beam. the crew had to gather in the main cabin and Ejai thought it was the end of him, Benkins also feeling frightened as well with Lancoln and Kalisch thought it was very frightening, but Revan and Onasi urged not to do anything that would endanger the others, At Shan's suggestion, one of the crew members other than herself, Onasi and Revan was tasked with freeing the crew once they got aboard the enemy vessel. which they chose Mission since she was the best to hack and spike systems,

After selecting Mission to fulfill her role, the rest of the crew braced for imminent boarding offering no resistance to overwhelming numbers of Sith troopers.

Benkins however was captured on the Leviathan and the Hawk was quickly boarded and the crew captured, Benkins, Revan, Onasi, Shan, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch, were stripped of their equipment and placed in force cages. Admiral Karath soon arrived to oversee their torture, and he began by taunting Onasi, when the Republci officer became furious at Karath's presence. Turning to Shan and Revan, Benkins, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch, Karath began to question them, but his comments about Revan's loyalty were only met with confusion by the amnesiac Jedi, who refused to talk even when Karath began torturing Shan. Despite the pain he felt at Shan's torture. Revan refused to give up the location of the Jedi Enclave to claim it was on Alderaan, Benkins and the Jedi were dismayed to learn that the Dantooine Enclave had been destroyed by Malak only a few days earlier. Karath activated all seven force cages and sent his captives collapsing onto unconsciousness before he departed to prepare for Darth Malak's arrival, as the Sith was in another sector.

When Benkins finally regained consciousness, Revan, Onasi, Shan, Gurragann, Lancoln, and Kalisch were already awoke about discussing how they needed to escape. Shan thanked Revan for remaining strong, though she admitted to her friend that part of her had wanted him to give in just so that the pain would stop. Shan then informed the other six that she could sense Darth Malak's approaching presence, and the seven waited anxiously for their companion to rescue them. While Mission reached the brig and freed the entire crew, Onasi informed the group where to find their gear and where the tractor beam controls on the bridge would be. after placing their equipment on, Gurragann and Benkins ordered Kalisch to return to Ordo to help secure the Hawk in the hanger.

After being freed from the detention level of the Interdictor cruiser, Benkins, Shan, Onasi, Revan, Gurragann, and Lancoln, fought their way through the command deck toward the bridge, facing large numbers of Sith troops and Dark Jedi along the way. They eventually made it to the bridge access corridor. inly to find it sealed due to the intruder alert that had triggered by their escape. Forced to seek other means to entre the bridge, the trio found space suits and accessed an airlock that led to an alternate route via the ship's exterior. Once back inside, they renewed their assault.

The bridge itself, however, was far from empty. A phalanx of Sith troops and Dark Jedi stood guard alongside Admiral Karath, who offered the Jedi and Carth one last chance to surrender. When they refused, the Admiral ordered his guards to dispose of them: in the intense firefight that followed, Lancoln was wounded after being shot in the leg by a Sith soldier, and Benkins had to rescue Lancoln, and in the fighting, the Sith retinue was killed, and Karath lay dying of wounds suffered during the melee combat, Coughing and spluttering as he lay on the deck. he called Carth over to him and before dying, revealed that the one he traveled with was in fact the former Dark Lord of the Sith who had initiated the war against the Republic. with Revan, Enraged, Onasi accused Bastila of knowing of this all along: despite his anger, the Jedi was able to convince him to wait until their successful escape before revealing the details—to both of them. Making haste, they quickly opened the hanger bay doors and left to meet up with the others at the Hawk.

As Benkins and the rest even with a wounded Lancoln, managed to fight their way through the more Sith troopers and Dark Jedi on their way to the hanger, as Benkins, Bastila, Onasi, Revan, Gurragann, and Lancoln attempted to make good their escape, they were contacted once again by Ordo via comlink and informed that the Hawk which had been placed under heavy guard, had been secured and was ready to go. The party continued to rave through the hanger deck, encountering yet more Sith forces augmented by Dark Jedi. However, just as it seemed as though they had a clear run to their vessel and freedom, Benkins and the others were confronted by Malak himself in the Leviathan's access passageways, and Onasi's attempts to shoot the Sith Lord only saw the officer go flying backward. however as Malak was amused to finally have a "reunion" in such an unexpected fashion, and he revealed the truth of Raze Abren's identity to his former master. and with that learning the truth, Benkins, Gurragann, Onasi, and Lancoln where shocked, and at last revealed the truth, In the conversation that followed, Bastila confirmed what the Dark Lord was saying: both attempted to explain to Revan, with each adding their own point of view, what had happened during the trap that had been laid for the two Sith Lords by the Jedi and Republic, and the choice that the Jedi Council had made regarding him in the aftermath of Malak's betrayal. Believing that she was acting out of a selfless desire to bring him to redemption for his past crimes. Revan forgave Bastila, and a furious Malak faced his former Master in lightsaber combat.

The battle that followed was vicious, with both combatants drawing heavily upon the Force, as they fought among the blast tunnels, Benkins and Lancoln went together to reach the Hanger Bay by themselves as Gurragann told them to do so, Benkins carried a wounded Lancoln to the Hawk right through the passageways, but they came across the Junior Sith Officer Ellabelle Blenlin, who unfortunately didn't fire and recognized Dak who she met on Manaan, she promised to help them escape to the Ebon Hawk, and she helped with Benkins bring the wounded Lancoln to the Hawk too safely, however Ordo didn't look surprised to see the young female officer board the Hawk but Benkins told that she was helpful and also he met her on Manaan and was the same girl who liked him, Ordo and the other companions agreed, Benkins hurried back to help Revan,

With Malak close to killing Revan, immobilizing him with the same technique he used on them. With an exclamation, Benkins arrived in time to see Bastila fighting Malak in a duel, giving both Benkins, Onasi, Revan, and Gurragann time to make the final dash to the Ebon Hawk. as they made their way to the hanger bay, they successfully manage to board the Hawk and escape the Leviathan alive,

Flight of the Hawk[]

With the rest of the Sith forces aboard the flagship either dead or otherwise occupied, the crew of the Ebon Hawk was able to escape from the hanger bay itself despite a heavy fusillade of turbolaser fire from the Leviathan's main batteries. Before they could emerge from the mass shadow projected by the warship's interdiction field and make them jump to hyperspace, a half-squadron of Sith fighters bore down on them. however also the hyperdrive was down and Revan ordered T3-M4, and T3-M77 and IT-43 to go fix the hyperdrive, Revan ordered Benkins to head to the turrets along with Canderous, while T3-M4 and IT-43 would go on top of the roof, and T3-M77 was helping fix the inside on the hyperdrive,

In the attack that followed, Ordo gave orders to Benkins to fire upon the Sith Fighters, while doing so, Canderous shot lots, Benkins also shot about six fighters in the process, after defeating all the Sith Fighter squadron, T3-M4 and IT-43 began to board back inside before the ship made the jump to hyperspace, they managed to retreat,

Revan's true identity[]

While they were safely on their way, Revan and Onasi met with the rest of the crew in the main cabin and explained what had happened to Shan—though Onasi demanded that Revan tell the others the truth. Vao was astonished to learn of Revan's true identity but didn't care, as she trusted the friend she had made, and Zaalbar agreed with his Twi'lek friend. Bindo admitted to being already aware of the truth, and Ordo swore that he would follow Revan—the greatest warrior of his age—to the end, Benkins admitted that he will follow him wherever he goes to the very end, while HK-47 announced that his homing systems had activated upon being returned to his original master: Revan, Convinced by the others, Onasi came to realize that he could not hate Revan for what he had done as a Sith Lord, and he agreed to continue on their mission with the others. Benkins had to understand this and he did, now with only 27 now, with both Raze Abren A.K.A Revan, Carth Onasi, Dak Benkins, Hugo Gurragann, J'aahn Lancoln, Figrin Kalisch, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, Shaleena, Ada, Canderous Ordo, T3-M4, Gez Ejai, Hudrow, Marla, R9-009, IT-43, C9-E9, Juhani, HK-47, T3-M77, Sharina Fizark, Jolee Bindo, Ergeron, and the now joined Sook Xolb a Junior Crewmember Rodian Smuggler that was held prisoner aboard the Leviathan, after Malak broken the minds of his Captain, First Officer and Navigator, and a Republic Elite Soldier named Mietek had joined after he was held captive aboard the Leviathan after his squad was slaughted in a commando mission, Ellabelle Blenlin in their team, they would now have to trust Revan, Gurragann was unhappy that Blenlin was with them since she was Sith, and Republic were Sith, Gurragann thought he was a traitor and loved the Sith more then the Republic, but Lancoln and Kalisch at his side took it on Gurragann and he backed away from this,

Return to the Yavin Station[]

As they where on the way again, they went to Yavin Station to warn the Republic about Sith raiding and even get the message for Seth Draze now on Peragus and Logan began to contact him, and that he couldn't stay for much longer but he loved the republic and would die for it, and about the tragedy on Dantooine was sad,

Benkins did understand what war was like, why the ways of Sith could always be wrong, but what cost was like, he did however feel sad as why they attacked Dantooine next,

Dantooine Enclave Ruins[]

They went back to Dantooine to look what was left of the ruins, together, Benkins, Revan, T3-M4, and T3-M77 began to inspect what was left of it, they witnessed of what was left of its destruction, and how many dead bodies they where of hundreds of Jedi Masters and Padawans, Benkins was very sad, as well as Revan, and T3-M4 and T3-M77 was as well, Benkins went over to the remains to the temple to inspect what was left of it, among the dead as well where Karal Kaar, Sol'aa, Jon, Rickard Lusoff, and hundreds of dead people their, on the trail they searched and looked at the Sandral and Matale family's, both Nurik Sandral and Ahlan Matale where killed and murdered by Sith, and well they did go to Khoonda afterwards to check on the survivors,

What they did find out of the survivors where Zhar Lestin, Vrook Lamar, Vandar Tokare, Dorak, Dillan, Adum Larp, Lur Arka Sulas, Sasha, Crattis Yurkal, Belaya, Lena, Gar, Rilka, Gaeass Forta, Elise Montagne, C8-42-GE3, Bolook, Handon Guld, and his wife, Shen Matale, and Rahasia Sandral, Samnt, Deesra Luur Jada, Kaydon Kazo'tak, Aama Exibil Jade Mayweather and Cora Mayweather and 15 percent Jedi where the possible only survivors, from the fall of the enclave,

After the losses of Revan's master Lestin, Benkins with his girlfriend Ellabelle Blenlin together went to the cantina and talked about how which the losses of the Jedi Enclave came to be, although she stated she was truly sorry about the loss of it but how she was a former Junior Officer, Benkins understood and accepted her apologies because she was never harmful and also she couldn't hurt a Jedi, Benkins did understand her feelings that she was shy and young and hated Sith, also because that Malak did murder on Taris, and Dantooine at the enclave, Benkins took her advise and also she and him got along since they decided to be good friends together,

But however when it came to nighttime and on their last night, Benkins and Blenlin together went to the statue in Khoonda and their she and him together talked, but however Benkins understood her childhood and everything, but Benkins asked if she was sent out to kill the group, she told him she wasn't going to because she cared about the Republic and that they could save the galaxy. later on they left Dantooine the next day and set off maybe to look around the galaxy for Bastlia Shan,

Searching for Bastila[]

As they tried to search for Bastila Shan, they tried on a planet at a Sith Base prison but however they was no luck and no Jedi prisoners, as Revan killed everyone in the Sith Prison he ended up killing all of them,

Without learning that Shan was still on the Star Forge, Raze Abren once Revan had to try find the last Star Map then he could soon learn the truth where she is at and defeat Malak for good,

After they left the planet, Benkins began to understand from Revan's heart and he asked him how he once was in his past, thought he was a Sith to that Benkins couldn't believe that he was now a Jedi and is different now and then but Benkins had to respect Revan because if he can to the end then he would be able to survive if he follows him to the very end.


While arriving on Korriban, Benkins and Gurragann managed to disguise themselves as well as Lancoln and Kalisch to be civilians, as Revan got off in Korriban, in the city of Dreshdae, in Dreshdae because Benkins could not unfortunately Benkins was tasked to help bring supplies to the Ebon Hawk with Lancoln as well, after Revan went to seek out the Sith Master Yuthura Ban, and as a double agent hired by the Sith he would follow the training and teachings, Benkins however didn't go their because he and Lancoln didn't decide on doing so,

One night at the Sith Academy both he and Lancoln and Kalisch, where both tasked by Gurragann to sneak into the Academy and plant a trap so then Revan would escape alive, however Lancoln and Kalisch together made their plans as they where on the roof planting a detonator to explode if the Sith Guards stared coming and going, Benkins and the team completed their mission,

later at the Dreshdae cantina both Benkins and his friend Ellabelle together went to the cantina, along with Carth Onasi, Zaalbar and Mission, both in disguise so they wouldn't be found out in Republic uniform, Revan came to tell both he and Ellabelle to wait for their next role if the Sith find out about who Revan's true identity is, Benkins and Ellabelle together that night outside, Ellabelle told how much she cared about Benkins, but however Ellabelle told Benkins how much she cared about him and how she felt for him, however Benkins returned her feelings and her love for him that she loved him so much and cared about him, they shared a tender moment and kissed for the first time that night,

Even as so the next day as Revan was coming close towards the Star Map, however soon after Revan completed his search for the Star Map, Benkins was given the task with Lancoln to blow up the academy's roof when the fight would soon begin, with the death of Master Uthar Wynn, the attack on the academy began, Gurragann however gave the orders, Lancoln began to shoot and take out the guard at the entrance, and while the battle began, Benkins activated the detonator and exploded the roof, everyone in the academy was killed except for Revan, Aama Exibil, Jolee, HK-47, Dustil Onasi (son of Carth), Galon Lor, Kel Algwinn and Mekel, where killed, though Yuthura Ban (redeemed by Revan) left before the battle started, and Dak Vesser whom was Dreshdae at the time after he left because of Juhani (in reality he would rejoin the Jedi Order before Rakata Prime), Thalia May (who faked her death from Uthar Wynn had left with three Twi'lek companions to join the Light Side) they who sided with Revan went out of the academy and survived the attack, however Exibil, was to join in with the Republic along with Dak Vesser, Yuthura Ban and Thalia May, and Dustil met Carth, his father and decided to join the team in order to survive, Galon decided to help them as well as Mekel as well decided to help, Kel decided to join as he sided with the Jedi, so both Galon, Kel Algwinn, and Mekel became Jedi and joined the Hawk's crew, and also so did Dustil,

Fortunately for Benkins and the crew, Dreshdae had not learned of the events in the Academy, and they were able to get back to the Ebon Hawk without any problems.

The Battle of Rakata Prime[]

Crash on Lehon[]

At the Hawk, and after their coordinates for a new system was given to Onasi and Hudrow, and jumped into hyperspace now with 30 companions of the team now a big 30, as Benkins called it they set off to hyperspace, Benkins however was sleeping in his bed with Ellabelle and together they where kissing and making love, however secretly Gurragann was spying on them, however as they where alone and being quiet, Ellabelle told Benkins they're was a traitor in their midst among the Republic and could be either Gurragann, Lancoln, or Kalisch, Benkins understood this with Ellabelle and after telling the truth and who was feeding information about the resent attack above Taris that killed Trask Ulgo, Aidus Denlin, and a Jedi that accompanied Bastila, Kelia Brankobac and many others aboard the Endar Spire that got killed, to that Benkins now understood a traitor was feeding information about the destruction of Taris which was ordered by a double agent working with the Sith and that killed billions on Taris with only just the exception of 17 whom that escaped Taris alive, Malak's murder on Taris and also how Calo Nord and Darth Bandon to try capture Bastila and also kill Benkins was understood, the destruction on Dantooine Enclave might have also been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Jedi, and responsible for getting the Hawk and its crew captured as a big setup to be possibly killed by Malak or sold as slaves or POWs aboard the Leviathan so then maybe Bastila would turn to the dark side with her battle meditation that could cause Republic costs to loosing ships in battle, and the Sith could win the war, Benkins replied that he intended to tell Revan this,

However as they arrived in the Lehon system, the first thing to their eyes they saw was the Star Forge, an immense space station that hovered above the system's star. The Star Forge was drawing power from the sun and was surrounded by Sith fleet, and Revan and Onasi sent the coordinates of the Star Forge to Admiral Forn Dodonna of the Republic Navy. However the Ebon Hawk was detected by and Benkins however took the guns with Revan as Sith fighters pursued the freighter—but despite Benkins and Revan's expert shooting, the Hawk became caught in the disruptor field, forcing Onasi to land the Hawk on the surface of the planet—which unbeknownst to the group was actually Lehon. Meeting with the others in the cabin, Benkins soon learnt from Revan that the stabilizers where fried, and Juhani and Ordo suggested scavenging the parts from the nearby wrecked ships. Benkins, Lancoln and Kalisch thought it was the best solution to their answer and Kalisch saw a Republic ship not far from where they landed, Benkins before they left to scavenge parts told Revan, and Onasi that they was a traitor in their midst and could be one of the Republic soldiers acting a double agent according to Ellabelle, as Revan and Onasi began to understand from Ellabelle, they began to know why who might be responsible for the outcomes of all this, like the Endar Spire, Destruction on Taris, Duel with Calo Nord on Tatooine, or on Manaan, Duel with Darth Bandon, or captured on the Leviathan, and Revan maybe right with Benkins and Ellabelle, since one of the men maybe a double agent sending information to kill them all, however Revan would intend to find this out sooner enough,

The group also determined that the source of the disruptor field was a large temple to the east, and Benkins set out from the Hawk with several companions in order to gather the parts and disable the disruptor field. Making their way up to the beach, Benkins, Revan and the others were set upon by a group of black-robed Rakata, and after defeating the savage natives Benkins was greeted by two Duros. The two explained that they had crashed several weeks earlier, but their companions had been killed by Rakata and Mandalorians—a group of Mandalorians were using stealth technology to attack survivors near the temple. Though Revan did offer to let the Duros stay aboard the Hawk, the two instead chose to flee to one of the nearby islands and left after thanking Revan once more.

Heading southeast, Benkins and his group fought through more Rakata as they approached the Temple of the Ancients, and the group were also forced to fight several wild rancors that were in the area. They were soon set upon a group of Mandalorians who deactivated their stealth units, though Benkins, Revan and his allies overcame their attackers and defeated them. When they made their way to the south beach, However they made their way to the south beach, the group witnessed a Rakata running through the starship wreckage, but the Rakata was killed by a land mine, alerting the trio to the fact the area was unsafe. Bypassing the mines, Benkins and his companions recovered the parts they needed from the wreckage, and they continued towards the beach and approached a building nearby that was surrounded by a crackling defense field.

Benkins, and Revan where greeted by a hologram of a Rakata, and after identifying himself, he was asked to come inside the settlement. The soldier, Revan and his companions were greeted by the Elder Council, who expressed their belief that Revan betrayed them three years earlier when he had not destroyed the Star Forge as promised. Explaining about his memory, Revan however did make a deal to succeed this time, and also Revan asked how he could earn the Elder's trust once again, The Elders told Revan about how one of their scouts had been captured by the Black Rakata, and asked Benkins, Revan, and several of his companions to rescue the scout,

While in the Elder settlement, Revan spoke with Ll'awa, who asked Revan and Benkins and the small team to retrieve any information he could find on the Rakata's genetic code while in the Temple.

Heading back out to the beach, Benkins, Revan and his companions made their way to the north beach where the Black Rakata had made their settlement. However, a number of Black Rakata and their pet rancors attacked Benkins and Revan on sight, as they had seen the group leaving the Elder settlement. Benkins and the others proceeded to fight their way through the Black Rakata settlement, cutting down the hostile natives as they headed deeper into the complex, and when they came across the One, the Black Rakata leader unleashed several rancors and attacked the invaders with a host of Rakata warriors. Despite the enemy's superior numbers, Benkins, and his allies emerged victorious, and Benkins, freed the Elder scout from his imprisonment,

Benkins, Revan and his companions returned to the Elder settlement, where the Elders thanked him for his actions and retired to deliberate their course of actions in privacy, When they returned, the Elders agreed to help them, but informed Revan that they would conduct the ritual that would lower the Temple's defenses—Revan and the Rakata needed each other's help. However they informed Revan that he would have to enter alone, as he had broken their laws by entering with Malak the last time, and the Elders warned the Jedi that Dark Jedi now inhabited the Temple. this also means Benkins couldn't go in,

While most of the companions returned to the Ebon Hawk, but both Benkins, Bindo, Juhani, and Zaalbar, secretly went together, however they were interrupted by the arrival of them, who had experienced a premonition that Revan needed their help in the Temple and had come to his aid. however Revan told he and Zaalbar had to stand guard outside, while Bindo and Juhani would follow them into the temple, and Revan convinced the Rakatan guide to permit them to enter, and later Revan, Bindo and Juhani entered the temple, except for Zaalbar and Benkins to make shore no one like Sith in their could escape,

However even with Revan who found Shan now Darth Malak's new Sith apprentice, and Benkins and Zaalbar heard the socking news about her on the dark path, as Revan, Bindo, and Juhani had said to them,

Returning to the Elder settlement, Revan spoke to the Elders of his intention to board the Star Forge and defeat Malak, and he also delivered the research data to Ll'awa,

Returning to the Ebon Hawk, Benkins, Zaalbar, Juhani, Bindo, and Revan were greeted by the rest of their companions on the beach, and the others were dismayed to hear of Shan's corruption, However, Bindo urged Revan to remember their bond. because despite the way that the dark side on Lehon had corrupted Shan, the two were still linked by the Force and their feelings for one another. The rest of the crew where more then ready to follow Revan to the Star Forge, and the Ebon Hawk lifted off from Lehon and headed towards the station.

On the way they came into the battlefield and their however they managed to pass right through the space battle, which Sith Fighters flew past them, and also Republic starfighter's led by Captain Seth Draze, flew past the Ebon Hawk and Onasi contacted Admiral Dodonna and communicated to her that Shan was directing the Sith fleet with her battle meditation, urging the admiral to destroy the Star Forge at all costs. Dodonna and Master Tokare dispatched a team of Jedi Knights to board the Star Forge and a squadron of Republic Starfighter's to escort the Hawk to the Star Forge,

As the Ebon Hawk got close towards the Star Forge, everybody including Revan, Carth, Gurragann, Lancoln, Kalisch, Zaalbar, Mission, Shaleena, Ada, T3-M4, Canderous, Ejai, Hudrow, Marla, R9-009, IT-43, C9-E9, Juhani, T3-M77, Fizark, Jolee, Ergeron, Xolb, Mietek, Blenlin, Dustil, Galon, Algwinn, and Mekel, where both scared to fight on the Star Forge, Benkins was too, but his girlfriend Blenlin began to hold his hand to make shore everything would be ok for them,

Star Forge and Survival[]

As the Hawk docked into one of its hangars, and Aboard the Star Forge, Benkins, Revan where met by a number of Jedi Knights led by Master Forta, Kaydon Kazo'tak, as well, the team proceeded to the Jedi Knights, and Wookiees form Kashyyyk led by Freyyr, as Revan spoke with Sentry that several other Jedi went onto the otherside, they where also where reunited by Bria Hudson, Aama Exibil, and many other Jedi's too that Tokare had sent to help them locate Shan.

As Forta gave the speech to trust in the living force, Benkins began to listen to that, Benkins, and Lancoln however where excited to fight, and Benkins and Blenlin also promised to fight side by side with Benkins,

Numerous of groups slit, Kaydon with Revan to take Carth, Juhani and HK-47 as well, while Canderous, with Hudrow, Ergeron, Ejai, Bria, Dustil, IT-43, Shaleena, Ada, Marla, R9-009, Fizark, Galon, Algwinn, Mekel, Zaalbar, Jolee, Xolb, and Mission where in the squad, Benkins, Gurragann, Lancoln and Kalisch and Mietek would help the Republic Forces a squad consisting of Eureka Squad Zulu Squad and Beta Squad's as well to help plant bombs and kill remaining forces, but the first task was for Benkins was to bring both Gurragann, Lancoln and Kalisch, Mietek, Blenlin, and T3-M77 together and take out the remaining Sith forces to allow the republic squads led by their Captain's to lead the attack to hold off Sith Troopers and also to buy the Jedi Time enough to destory the Star Forge, while that of T3-M4 and C9-E9 went with the Jedi group led by Forta, and Exibil, which if they found either Bastila or Malak then capture Bastila, and also kill Malak if they have to quick, but it wouldn't really work since he was strong with the force, Benkins however knew that if he could find who was really the traitor he would intend to find the truth out,

However many of the Jedi Knights got killed in battle, even costing the life of Forta, and also Jedi Knight, Firzo Leewalker as well, and in the midst of the fighting, Benkins and the squad where ambushed, although the team survived, Benkins however could hardly believe their odds, even so he bumped Lancoln to the wall he asked if he was a traitor, and Lancoln told Benkins he never did work with the Sith neither did Kalisch, nor was Mietek or T3-M77 either, because they where both in league with the Republic, however to Benkins understanding Lancoln's heart would intend to find who it was, But couldn't say Revan or Carth was because they where both with them the whole time, neither was one of the members of the Ebon Hawks group so he didn't actually realize the real man was Gurragann, which he could soon find out,

As the battle went on, Gurragann led the forces to aid the commando forces of both Eureka, Zulu and Beta, as well, however when they got overpowered by hundreds of more Sith, Benkins saw the forces where in trouble, Gurragann said to not do this but Benkins had no opportunity and decided to go help them, however he, Lancoln, Kalisch, Mietek T3-M77, and Blenlin managed to help, Gurragann unfortunately however managed to run to them and give them their aid, but however as Gurragann saw a fallen dead soldier and a turret down he got on it and began to shoot the forces, but however suddenly he started to fire at the first two Republic Soldiers, however due to Gurragann's incompetence and dislike towards Benkins, Gurragann killed most of the Republic Commando team costing all of Beta force in the process, and most of Eureka as well, killing their team captains of both Beta including Captain Bertos Mekphen of Beta and Captain Mendes Eureka too, Benkins shouted the warning to run away from Gurragann and retreat because they where being overrun by him, Benkins, Lancoln, Kalisch, Mietek, T3-M77, and Blenlin, Captain Minzon of Zulu team and 2nd Lieutenant Harvey Gabbett second in command of Eureka Team and the remaining survivors of the Republic soldier survivors retreated away as Gurragann tried to kill them all,

However their escape was successful, and however they met up with Revan and Kaydon as well, Benkins however with Lancoln where out of breath and the Republic soldiers where in shock, Benkins told the truth that it was Gurragann who was the Double Agent and Sith Spy, as Carth made contact to Dodonna and Tokare, they told them that Gurragann has betrayed the Republic and working with the Sith, telling what he was responsible for in the past and the advents on Taris and Dantooine, with that Dodonna was shocked that Gurragann learnt out their every move they made, so however Benkins told Lancoln and Kalisch and Mietek that he will kill Gurragann himself,

But in jeopardy the battle cost the lives of Freyyr, Grrrwahrr, Worrorznor, Cora Mayweather, Exibil, Ada, Ulia Kigu and Brandon Blackson and almost all the Jedi where killed, furious of this, Benkins was very red in the face after their deaths, Benkins decided to kill Gurragann for this and avenge their deaths,

Benkins however succeeded and confronted Gurragann, who was wanted to see him surrender, however Benkins asked why he did it, but however Gurragann told Benkins he did it for credits and money, but however he was paid to do it to try get Bastila captured, with that Benkins now knew all along why he was in it from the very beginning, however a gun battle emerged and however they decided to brawl fight themselves, Benkins and Gurragann brawled their way through the Star Forge,

Although Raze Abren once Revan, now brought Bastila back to the Light, and Revan and Malak soon started to duel in the Star Forge,

In the midst of the fighting, Benkins began to feel anger in his heads and began to brawl down Gurragann, by dueling him and towards the gangways, however in the midst of the fighting, Benkins all to valuably remembers the death of his friend Denlin, Benkins however got very angry and pounced Gurragann in the eye and knocked and wrestled him down to the ground, and their Benkins aimed his Heavy Repeating Rifle down at Gurragann, and begins to shoot his head brutally and shooting out his head and face out killing Gurragann instantly, Benkins with all his anger and adrenaline killed Gurragann, and for betraying the Republic, Gurragann died in disgrace, however Blenlin came to see Benkins and however she saw why he did that which he might had saved everyone's life on the Star Forge if not for Benkins then everyone would have died,

Together both Benkins and Blenlin together managed to regroup with Kaydon and the remaining Republic troops their in the control room, even after Seth Draze sacrificed himself for Arrow Squadron and blew up the reactor, and Malak had been killed by Revan, everyone had to retreat off the Star Forge, the remaining Jedi Knight survivors managed to get to their dropships,

When they arrived at the Ebon Hawk they soon where confronted by Dark Jedi's, but Bastila managed to kill the two with her lightsaber throw, but although they didn't have a minute to spare, Revan ordered Canderous to get everybody on the Hawk to survive, everyone boarded the Ebon Hawk as theHawk's crew had to board before the Republic where about to target the Star Forge and Fleeing in the Ebon Hawk, as the Hawk started to fly out of the hanger Benkins began to hold Blenlin's hand, as the Hawk managed to escape the Star Forge right before it exploded,

The survivors both, Revan, Bastila, Benkins, Carth, Lancoln, Kalisch, Mietek, Mission, Zaalbar, Shaleena, T3-M4, Canderous, Ejai, Hudrow, Marla, R9-009, IT-43, C9-E9, Juhani, HK-47, T3-M77, Fizerk, Jolee Bindo, Ergeron, Blenlin, Dustil, Galon, Algwinn, Mekel, of the Ebon Hawk, along with Jedi, Bria Hudson, Kaydon, Jade Mayweather, Bolook, Belaya, Jada, and some Jedi and the remaining Republic Soldiers that survived and half the Wookiee team survived and escaped to the Hawk and survived, they were asked to meet Admiral Dodonna and Master Tokare at the Temple of the Ancients.

Hero of the Republic[]

All twenty-four of Revan's companions, Kaydon and the Jedi where accompanied to the steps of the temple, where a crowd of Republic soldiers had gathered, and Admiral Dodonna recognized the group's accomplishments and service by granting all of them the Cross of Glory, the Republic's highest honor. however for the two members of the Hawk would be remembered, and Gurragann would although known to have betrayed them and died in disgrace, Benkins was thanked by Dodonna for his heroism but he did say to her he wished Denlin had survived the war to see Benkins as otherwise would have been proud of him, Master Tokare himself stepped forward to recognize Revan's accomplishments, where he was granted the title of Jedi Knight and declaring him to be the Jedi's Prodigal Knight, Benkings was granted himself a republic hero, Benkins was also granted the savior of the Republic, as the Republic starfighters conducted victory runs over the temple, Benkins stood with his friends on the building's steps as the crowd cheered and Tokare reminded him that the galaxy would still need heroes,

The recovering Republic and the Investigation of Hugo Gurragann[]

Shortly after the Battle of Rakata Prime, Benkins however still fought in the Galactic Republic and still serving for many years as the new hero, however he still went on some missions with the Ebon Hawk's crew, and Benkins however later returned to Corellia and took to honor his friend Denlin,

When he arrived he met with Denlin's girlfriend Sapphire Shapris again whom this time was found out to be pregnant with Denlin's child, Dak however was amazed that his friend Aidus all this time died in promise of Sapphire's child to keep House of Denlin bloodline going on for years, when Dak told Sapphire all about what his friend had done for him and how Dak had managed to stay alive this entire time Sapphire was forgiveful to Benkins because all this wasn't his fault and though she had felt devastated for Aidus's loss, she would blame this on Captain Hugo Gurragann whom was responsible for sending a Sith Boarding Party to strike the Endar Spire in the very first place at the loss of her boyfriend but though not offically married Sapphire will now have the oppuituntiy to raise her only son of the family with Aidus's legacy living on, Dak and Ellabelle and also J'aahn Lancoln, and Figrin Kalisch, and Mietek, and T3-M77 met up with Dak's friends Arod 'Arrow' Renning and Vyrr Wezz and with them the brother of Aidus, Rick Denlin and the remainder of the Denlin house including their parents Edwanna and Rok went to their house to pay respect and condolences to Aidus, the legacy will live on with Rick and they also manage to pay enough money for a statue to be eredicated for Aidus in the House Denlin's courtyard,

Four Months later on Corellia, Dak, Arod, Vyrr, Sapphire, Ellabelle, J'aahn, Figrin, Mietek, T3-M77 and the Denlin family took theirtime to honour his death,

After his honor to his fallen friend Denlin, he would go onto Coruscant and during an investigation he was in the Office of Republic Justice High Court and from their spoke to the Admiral of the Fleet, he spoke directly to Dak over the court discussing the matter to Hugo Gurragann and had shown evidence that he was mentally ill during his reassignment to Corellia after the Mandalorian Wars it was shown in evidence of his service records he suffered PTSD known as 'Post Trumatic Stress Disorder' after he saw too much combat, Dak did state in the court he had known him or did as a friend but didn't come aware of his betrayal until later he states the obvious that he could not believe after the war he was sedused on a dark path like what happened to Saul Karath as Carth Onasi perdicted, tests shown in his Journals he wrote he was never annilised by Republic Mental Health units and as a result due to reassignment went on dark path and why he was hired by Malak in the very first place as a double agent, his best friend and survivor of the war ex-Staff Sergeant Cortee Raxx mentioned he known him along with Staff Sergeant's Ecklin Sers and Rarl McNarrik whom where both friends during the war he states that while they lived on Ralltiir they would have supposingly met and have reunions if the war ended and returned if they where back home, but after the Battle of Dxun resulted in their deaths, however Raxx did get effected by their fates but it was different, he also mentioned that Raxx did see Gurragann hold his girlfriend Sergeant Ti'llandra Gilder which might also have been 100% likely of his cause her death probably effected Gurragann and also causing him to go on a darker path to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the death of 2nd Lieutenant Tommkeys Pruhig was also mentioned as he was one of Hugo's friends, Raxx did mention that before he saw Pruhig and had to get him out before a airstrike came on in he knew if it was too late Gurragann would have died and been the end and Raxx had saved his life that day had it not been for him of course, Raxx also mentioned he had lost many good men such as Sergeant Mik "Graham" Liahsram whom he favoured was also killed and Raxx did state Sergeant Simmons "Simon" Zitt also had let it go after Dxun for a while until he actually moved on afterwards, they're was also mentions of several good men whom died, those that survived the war where present to discuss the whole situation of the story, Raxx however spoke the most to the Admiral of the Fleet,

While the court trail continued Simmons "Simon" Zitt spoke and mentioned his experience with Hugo Gurragann as well and the day he lost his friend Mik "Graham" Liahsram on Dxun, Sorensen a ex-Corporal First Class now a guard for the Fleet of Admiral's Office of Republic Justice High Court and now with the rank of Staff Sergeant also explains his story in the Mandalorian Wars he explains he was good friends with Hugo Gurragann, Cortee Raxx, Ecklin Sers, Rarl McNarrik, Tommkeys Pruhig, and also Ti'llandra Gilder, he also mentioned he used to know Hugo as a best friend but never had he seen what he become, and Sorensen was glad he never went down the dark path as well and his transfer into Guard Duty saved his life as he was free of no more combat, ex-Petty Officer Fransto Dormann a survivor of the Reliance after the Taris Siege of 3963 BBY he was present after his assignment under Gurragann under the command of Captain Pauley Chogan whom was Captain for the Reliance had actually transferred him to work under Gurragann in Gramma Squad as a Radio Operator Technician, his transfer saved him from the Reliance before the ship was destroyed and everyone on the Reliance was killed save for three surviving Navy Crewmembers from the Republic Navy, although Dormann told his story it was mentioned he also got on well with Gurragann in the Mandalorian Wars and also during the Battle of Dxun didn't bother him as he and a girl whom grew attached to him the new recruit Private Meelina Saphire decided together that they would fall in love and also after the war get married, Fransto and Meelina felt rather happier in their respects, but after Meelina told her experience to the High Court they where not satisifed but where amazed how they thaught Gurragann was a good officer back in the days, Damdar Allthump, Connie Wyndaru, Horatio Tsomcren, Frank Yakamoti, Kylety (now a 2nd Lieutenant for the Fleet of Admiral's Office of Republic Justice High Court), Jessa Vandergraff, Cyan Lund both Lund and Vandergraff are married, and Icarus Finwej spoke how he used to know him very well and Icarus's wife Ginovae DeMarakesh did on behalf as well, Calo Pavish told his stories and nearly some other comrades he knew did, oh behalf of the matter Dak was amazed at they're stories and however after all was told the Fleet of Admrial had belief that it was their fault as they should have just given Gurragann a retirement from service rather then just reassign him to Corellia in the very first place,

After that was found out the court investigation was closed and found on behalf Gurragann had indeed suffered PTSD, and also it was their fault as they should have been more careful at giving soldiers transfers in future.

The Mission to Ord Mantell and Engagement to Ellabelle Blenlin[]

Sometime in 3955 BBY on Coruscant, Dak Benkins went on a date with Ellabelle to Skysitter Restaurant located in the Ambassadorial Sector of the Senate District near the Nicandra Counterrevolutionary Signalmen's Memorial Building, it sat atop a 1,000 meter spire rising high above the cityscape, and it offered patrons and exance view of Galactic City, it also was able to rotate it's spire and allowed for a panoramic vista, as they arrived they would eat a lovely meal of Nuna drumsticks which however was Dak's favourite food and animal to eat, Dak also told Ellabelle he has known her for a year since his travels with Revan and he proposed a marriage, he gave a wedding ring for her he asked Ellabelle if he would propose to get married and have a good life on Corellia, Ellabelle agreed and said yes she would propose to be married to Dak also on behalf she also needed to make plans for the wedding on Coronet City on Corellia,

However when they returned to their appartment while on leave from the Republic, a message was encripted for Dak from his friends "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz who offered Dak to join them on a mission to Ord Mantell on the Mid Rim, Dak agreed to go with "Arrow" and Vyrr on the mission and take Ellabelle, when Dak arrived with Ellabelle to the New Controller a sister Dynamic-class freighter to Ebon Hawk of a same class, "Arrow" and Vyrr both introduced the crew of the New Controller to Dak, the newest crewmembers where recruited among them is a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Veteran named Rokis Zuhl from Clan Zuhl whom knew of Hugo Gurragann very well during the war whom was Dak's old traitorius Commanding Officer of 2nd Battalion Alpha, after telling him stories Dak was amazed but he came to respect Zuhl, among the crew was a Trandoshan by the name of Tshossork Augri he was a friendly Trandoshan to Humans, and a Nikto named Salsose Vec, and a Kel Dor named Tol Ban, and a Cerean named Ny-Mudurr-No Mosil, and one a Ugnaught mechanic Montru, four Humans where, Female Crewmember Yasmyn Starr, Ships Medical Officer, Lea Stryder, Silus Riou, and ex-Jedi Knight Beltok Koren, and also was a Rodian Female named Hii Zsa, and the Twi'lek Fawzijoz, where the 12 crewmembers of the New Controller that "Arrow" and Vyrr recruited, Dak asked why he was called when a wedding was interrupted but "Arrow" told him and explained that Jedi Knight Koren has a plan to travel to Ord Mantell and stop a Sith Threat on the planet and the reason "Arrow" recruited Dak he might be able to help out and maybe take a Republic Soldier squad to Worlport on a diplomate mission, Dak agreed and told he will take his best men of a new squad he is in charge of Squad Three, it consisted of four men in the unit, Private's Limhran Lowland, Dari Naayen, Nush Gunlan, Kyle Dukev, where hired for the mission with Dak Benkins,

When the team set out for Ord Mantell, Jedi Knight Koren would lead the mission and take Dak as his acting second-in-command for the mission, the intention is to land near the Oradam Peninsula east of the Oradam village on the island of Avilatan which the town was in danger of a Sith Thread, while on the journey to Ord Mantell, it took time for most of the crew to get used to the four men aboard, Koren decided to take Salsose Vec a Navigator and Ny-Mudurr-No Mosil whom was the Technican Radio Operator with them and Ellabelle Blenlin as part of the group to the Oradam village, prior to arrival at Ord Mantell, Dak, Koren, Ellabelle, Vec, Mosil, Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, and Dukev disimbarked and set off on the Island of Avilatan, while "Arrow" Renning and the remaining crew went into hiding on Ord Mantell and be called to help assist in the Sith threat,

As they set off they managed to hike across the terrian and the grounds towards the Ordam village at nightfall, Dak and his Commandos' set off towards a house and they found a Sith Commander whom which Naayen killed instantly, as they took out much of the Sith Soldiers, Dak took Gunlan and Dukev towards a factory nearby in which he managed to take out the Sith soldiers completely one by one, they managed to get through the night with no casualties and Dak and his team where sucessfully alright,

They spent the night at Ordam to call in the New Controllers Captain over the radio which explained they're needed on standby if a possible evacuation was needed, upon discovering the village Dari Naayen showed Dak a Sith Trooper whom was still alive after the attack and that Nush Gunlan was interrogating the prisoner to speak, the prisoner Sergeant Gin Forwlear told Dak of the Sith Commander in charge, General Covin Diggmatt and his troopers in command of a Derriphan battleship named the Interrogator and his troops, Admrial Wabum Solarflight also was in charge of the ship, Captain Weems was the man in charge of the Interrogator, while Forwlear told the information Dukev warned Dak of Sith Troops advancing and Dak and Naayen joined up with Dukev and they used their Binoculours to spy on the troops advancing into Ordam, Dak told this to Koren whom then alearted the civilians of the village of Oradam, civillans where asked to keep they're doors locked and remain indoors until the Sith Threat was dealt with, Dak, Koren, Ellabelle, Vec, Mosil, Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, and Dukev together went across the plains where the Sith Couterattack was set to begin in, the Sith Captain of the group Leo Whitesun ordered his troops to attack and Dak and the team began to take cover, Koren was eager to fight and ignited his lighsaber to draw the Sith Troops attention, Benkins, Mosil and Lowland together managed to create a diverson where Lowland would fire the LRRL-75 rocket launcher at a rock and it fell onto the Sith Troopers killing the entire first wave, Koren however engaged many of the Troops using his powers of Force drain and Force Destruction but these where not powers used by Jedi and was restricted and Koren had forced himself to use it killing over 80 troopers in battle, but because Koren was using his hate and anger to kill all 80 percent Soldiers, Dak could see him going insane and killing a number of Sith Troops he attempted to stop Koren but as Koren held a lightsaber towards Dak threatening him he warned him to stay out of his way when he deals with Whitesun, however Whitesun begged mercy and begged Koren to not kill him, Koren let go of his anger and realised what he had done that he killed 80 percent troopers with Dark Side powers a Jedi was never supposed to use in the first place seeing the damage was done, Koren apologised to Dak over his actions he remembers to be careful in future and Dak however understood Koren's mind,

Of the Prisoners both Whitesun and a Sith Trooper Commando named Laze Mogyun was left alive, Benkins had told to take both Whitesun and Mogyun in as a Prisoner and deliver them to Coruscant, so Koren ordered Dak Benkins and his Commando unit to Binders on them so they don't escape back to Sith Lines, they trecked all the way up Mount Avilatan in doing so they had to climb the steepest route to stay off road from the Sith as all Sith Units where on high aleart for a Commando unit and also on high aleart for Whitesun if he should ever escape, while they started to climb the team began to need a rest from all the climbing and Koren agreed to Dak that all the Commando Team needs a despirate rest, agreeing to that Benkins and his team sat down and had some food to eat, Ellabelle spoke to the Sith Commando who didn't speak until she said her name in which Mogyun confirmed he knew her back in the days of the Jedi Civil War and had known each other ever since, Dak Benkins was interested to know how Laze was an old friend of Ellabelle, both had known each other since they're childhood on Tanaab and they knew each other when they used to live in Pandath together, Dak understood but asked Laze if he ever wishes to join the Galactic Republic, but Laze declined the offer mainly because of what he had done to millions in the Galaxy and rather he face a trial in court on Courscant, Dak did ensure Laze that it's never truely the end and he knows Laze probably will regret what he did and change sides, Dak did also realise Laze was right to begin with and he would help Laze in these trying times,

Later the team eventually climbed Mount Avilatan all the way up the cliffs and in doing so Koren called New Controller to come collect the prisoners and possibly call in the Republic to come assist, "Arrow" Renning got the answer and agreed to fly towards their position at the top of the cliffs, however Captain Whitesun's chance had come he broke free form the binders and managed to grab out a blaster pistol from Vec and he managed to shoot Vec's leg before he ressisted in attacking him and shot the second leg instantly wounding Vec, one of Dak's comrades Lowland looked after Vec, Whitesun threatened everyone and that no one is to be harmed and he wants to go back to his lines, he threatenend Dak Benkins and also Beltok Koren and Ellabelle Blenlin and called Ellabelle nasty names saying "Your such a traitor to the Sith Empire Junior Lieutenant Blenlin I should have killed you on the Leviathan when I had the chance! I knew you loved that good for nothing Republic Boyfriend I should also have finished him on Manaan when I had that chance!" when Ellabelle got angry over Whitesun she remembered who Whitesun was her former Commander from the Leviathan all this time Whitesun wanted to kill Ellabelle for betrayal against the Sith Empire for a boy she loved threatening to kill her, her old friend Mogyun prevented this after he broke free and pointed a gun at Whitesun saying "I have joined the Republic now I am fed up with the Sith Empire I grown tired of your every commands Whitesun!" as Whitesun threatenend Koren to let him go Koren refused again Whitesun shot Vec in the stomach instantly wounding him and threatenend if he did it again he will also kill Vec, again Koren refused and he was just about to shoot Vec in the head but Koren used force push and forced him over the cliff and instantly he was clinging on for his life, Whitesun screamed when he was holding on and he swears mercy to turn himself over to the Republic, this time Koren agreed putting robes tied to both ends so he cannot escape, Benkins held his blaster pistol at Whitesun and threatenend him saying "Captain Whitesun if you ever do that again I am going to put a lazer through your brains." and Whitesun felt rather scared, New Controller arrived and Whitesun says "You haven't seen the last of me Ellabelle I will finish you someday! ONEDAY I WILL!" Whitesun cursed to Ellabelle stating he will kill her when he gets the chance (though he never does later), Whitesun is taken aboard the New Controller and Vic is taken aboard with Lowland looking after him, Vic is taken to the Medical Bay for treatment on his wounds, while Whitesun is taken into a force cell where he will be taken into questioning, Koren, Dak Benkins, Blenlin, Mosil, Mogyun, Naayen, Gunlan, and Dukev remained to complete their mission minus Vic and Lowland, Koren spoke to Mogyun on his trust explaining he did what he thaught was right upon siding for the Republic and Mogyun mentioned he grew tired of war and wanted to get away from what he did was wrong ever seeing Ellabelle again he wanted to change his ways in the end and side for the Republic to aid them in this dying war,

Later Dak and his team arrived into the Avilatan Badlands in doing so they treked into the warzone but at the last moment they where not alone and General Covin Diggmatt was soon to arrive with an entire squad of Sith Troopers, Koren ordered everyone to start getting into place into the rocks, and Dak with Naayen, and Gunlan, would create the diversion, while Dukev looked after Ellabelle, Mogyun and Mosil hid underneath a wreckage, Mosil raidoed the New Controller on their progress and told them they arrived onto a Republic Ship named the Testament a Hammerhead-class cruiser still commanded by the now Admiral Telettoh told them they captured Whitesun and the Testament is on it's way and on-board was Cathar Jedi Knight Ferroh who never followed Revan into the Jedi Civil War had promised to meet up with them and assist, the battle for Avilatan Badlands began, where Koren, Dak and the team engaged the Sith Forces, cuz of the large number of hundereds, they would be out-matched after killing at least 46 Sith Troopers and Benkins used his two Blaster Pistols and shot two Sith Officers and Troopers he stood and attacked numerous Sith Soldiers killing one by one, Naayen used his knife and hit a Sith Trooper, Gunlan threw grenade at one of them, and in the attack Dak realising he was going to be out-matched decided to surrender, General Diggmatt agreed to surrender but wasn't happy of Mogyun's betrayal to the Republic, realising it was pathetic that they're are a small Commando Unit, General Diggmatt would hereby kill the Prisoners and Execute them on his sight, before he was about to the New Controller engaged at Diggmatt's soldiers eliminating them one by one, Diggmatt was furious and attempted to flee, Dak attempted to proceed to stop him, Koren cut down fifty more troopers, and a Ministry-class orbital shuttle arrived to drop off 36 Republic Troopers led by Captain Hodjin Thunderghost arrived with his team of Republic Troops and engaged the enemy, however in the attack 10 of Thunderghost's men where killed and another five cut down, Thunderghost and two of his best men Private's Sogan Waverider and Jaster Alniyat attempted to take out the Sith Troops with Thunderghost leading the two trio managed to survive and cut down General Diggmatt's second-in-command's Major Thanas was killed when was too near to his speeder bike and instantly killed, Sith Trooper Corporal Ono and Private Loneozner both foolish Sith Troopers surrendered to the Republic and Thunderghost got Waverider and Alniyat to take them prisoner, however in the attack the Ministry-class shuttle was blown up by a LRRL-75 rocket launcher by a Sith Trooper named Master Sergeant Lorso and Private's Lightwatcher and Retrac but in the process Nayeen used the LRRL-75 and also blew up Lorso and both Lightwatcher and Retrac in revenge for the distruction of the shuttle, Benkins by himself shot two Sith Commando Guards with Diggmatt and Diggmatt attmepted to kill Benkins with his Sith Pistol but as Dak went for cover he told tried to torment him by saying his girlfriend will never love Dak and she never did as she used him to trick him from the begining when Dak refused to believe Diggmatt he angrily shot Diggmatt in the head for saying terrible things about his girlfriend he soon would marry on Corellia for lying about Lieutenant Ellabelle Blenlin like that, in the attack many Republic Troopers where cut down, namely 2nd Lieutenant Bibble and his troopers where killed by a trigger happy Senior Lieutenant named Huff Muphrid and two of his troopers, Private Diric Lanx and Private Zena Ata attempted to go for cover away from the crossfire, Muphrid, Lanx and Ata however began to flee the battle while watching all Sith Troopers be killed or captured as they attempted to flee Lanx was wounded in the crossfire and Ata came to assist him, Muphrid attempted to get aboard the G-Type light shuttle for his biggest escape, Muphrid, and Ata got towards the G-Type with a wounded Lanx in towe they got him on-board and Muphrid and Ata fled onto the G-Type away from Ord Mantell alive and prompting to go into hideing, after the battle Koren told Ferroh about the Derriphan ship Interrogator about it's planned escape, however Ferroh told Koren that the New Controller took care of it and destroyed it and everyone including Admiral Solarflight and Captain Weems where all killed and the entire crew was as well, it became a Republic Victory on Ord Mantell and the Republic would take Ord Mantell back for them and from up Fort Ganik on the Island on Avilatan, on-board the New Controller both Koren, Dak, Ellabelle, Mosil, Mogyun, Nayeen, Gunlan, and Dukev, and Tunderghost, Waverider, and Alniyat, and both prisoners including Ono and Loneozner went on-board all the way to Coruscant,

From their the prisoners where taken into custody and trialed and put into a cell on Coruscant, Koren and the crew went back onto the New Controller and proceeded to Corellia to plan for Dak and Ellabelle's wedding to take place in Coronet City,

Upon arrival in Coronet City on Corellia, Dak made preperations as did the crew of the New Controller and numerous Republic allies and friends or foes was arranged for them to come to Dak Benkins's traditional wedding in Coronet City, as House of Benkins tradition its' announced that Alis Benkins his mother and Tad Benkins his father will addent, Ellabelle's parents from Tanaab will also be joining, her parents, Dak's old friends including Revan will attend and everyone else from the Ebon Hawk are planned to come and vist to attened his wedding ceremy,

Dak Benkins would go visit the Governmental Sector along with his best men for his wedding that where chosen including "Arrow" Renning, and J'aahn Lancoln where helping assist as his two men chosen to accompany Dak through Coronet City to Government District in Coronet City, Dak, "Arrow" and J'aahn both went to meet up with the Corellian Council where he and his two guys where frighted at first but spoke to the Prime Minister of the Corellian Council Alrami Brentioch where Dak spoke on behalf of House Benkins that a Wedding for himself was to take place for his beloved girlfriend Ellabelle Blenlin of Tanaab, Brentioch agreed to make preperations for the wedding as did the Corellian Council on it's behalf, and the wedding is to take place in seven days schedule,

While in Coronet City that is Dak went to his house to meet up with his mother and father Alis and Tad and spoke to them on behalf even to their servant Spadent came on in to speak to both Benkins's parents they're is a guest that arrived someone named "Arrow" and Tshossork,, and Rokis where arriving into the mansion to speak to Tad Benkins the father of Dak in their mansion of House Benkins, as Tad gave them permission to let Spadent allow them through, "Arrow" Renning, Tshossork Augri, and Rokis Zuhl arrived on in after Tad's Royal House guard allowed them through, Captain of the Guard Sannis Cosmicflight and two of his guards Mirax Cubs and Mon Kaarz his two foolish guards both allowed them into the building, though Cubs and Kaarz where being negative over the Trandoshan thus Cubs was afriad of them probably because of them being cold-bloodied reptile killers from the planet Trandosha however Cubs was afraid that Tshossork would instantly kill everyone in the room, Dak however reassured his bodyguard Cubs that he was no threat to society and Tshossork wasn't a killer rather he did not as like others in the pack believe killing as well, Cubs was forced to stand down and allow Cubs to accept Tshossork as a friend and ally, when Dak apologised for the issue that Cubs was having, Tshossork told Dak that he understands this and also accepts Cubs as an ally but understands why he is not used to Trandoshans at all, with the meeting carrying on Dak told his family about his engagement to Ellabelle Blenlin his girlfriend he is due to marry in seven days, Alis was happy for her son and also wished him the best and plan so much things to do for the big day, Tad would also do exactly the same thing,

While at the Benkins Mansion Royal Estate, the trio where in long discussions regardless to the wedding for Ellabelle, after Dak made a contact to Ellabelle's family both Ebeda Blenlin whom was Ellabelle's mother, and Tovio Blenlin also Ellabelle's father both agreed to the contact and Dak introduced them to himself and on behalf of Benkins family of Alis and Tad, at first Ebeda and Tovio where thrilled to know of Dak's existence and also Ellabelle marrying a royal family, Tovio did ask how things had originally went with the Sith Empire with her, Dak told them she defected towards the end of the war as she felt it was the right decission to make, Tovio felt a bit unsure of the reaction that his daughter did but he agreed that Ellabelle made the right choice to act a defector along with Gareth Carplin another member who was on good terms with the Republic, Ebeda and Tovio promised to go meet up with House Benkins and set off to Corellia to see them but Ebeda was worried that Corellia was a smugglers world and she would get robbed, although Tovio told her he will look after her in this situation, as negotiations took place Dak had promised to take his girlfriend Ellabelle Blenlin, and both Dak's parents, and Ellabelle's parents to a family dinner, no royal house guards where needed and Alis and Tad agreed to Dak's choice,

For dinner Dak Benkins, his mother and father, and their servant Spadent and also Ellabelle Blenlin whom met up at the Coronet City Sky Resturant it was booked for both Benkins and Blenlin families, they where up above the highest building with a round dome on-top nearing the city itself, Dak was amazed and told his girlfriend that he is also amazed by the sight overlooking Coronet City of Dak's hometown, Ellabelle was amazed, as they awaited at the table for the Blenlin family,both Ebeda and Tovio arrived and where introduced to the Benkins' family servant Spadent himself who got them to sit and interract with Alis and Tad, and of course Dak himself, during a weathly happy dinner Dak explained where he met Ellabelle and was a year ago on Manaan, he told her how she defected from the Leviathan which was Darth Malak's command ship and also how she helped Dak to the very end with the help of Revan of course, Dak was also eager to know the culprit his traitorous Commanding Officer Captain Gurragann long ago and was at the trial to find clues of his causes when it later was confirmed, Alis and Tad where also happy as they interracted with Ebeda and Tovio they also got to know Alis and Tad they also told them of the rivalry they have over House Bel Iblis, and also Alis told how she worked for the Coronet City Museum of Fine Art and how she was an artist, and also Tad told how he worked fro Coronet Shipping, Ebeda and Tovio where pleased about it and thaught it was amazing that they also help earn a living and also Dak was working for the Republic in high hopes he can be made a Major General someday, Alis and Tad also told them of the sad news of the Denlin family's loss of Aidus a friend of Dak, they also felt happy to hear that Aidus was once a good man and they would murmer his loss, after a long negotiation Ebeda and Tovio came to an agreement for Dak and Ellabelle's wedding,

The next day in Coronet City Dak and Ellabelle began going to Green Gardens in Coronet City, Ellabelle was also delighted when Dak took her to a nearby tree and alone both the two had a great time even near the water fountain, Dak and Ellabelle also believed it could become a great alternative to have a Jedi Enclave here at Coronet City and he determained what the future could hold, at a bench they spoke about it and also a Jedi Master next to him on leave in Coruscant named Nejaa Treece told Dak she was looking at a possible intention for Coronet City to have a Jedi Enclave and name it the Green Jedi Enclave to name them Green Jedi, Dak wondered if that was a brillent idea for future creation on Coruscant but Nejaa thaught otherwise but it could be even longer in years until such a thaught gets put into mind and she told Dak she went here to look at possibilities of creating a future Jedi Enclave on the Green Gardens and visitors can watch Jedi in practise training, Dak thaught it was cool but he didnt' want to see Green Gardens gone from where he liked going, Nejaa told him that it wouldn't be gone and still be here just next to it, Dak asked Nejaa stories if she thaught in the Jedi Civil War or the Mandalorian Wars, to a reply it turned out Nejaa was a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars under the Revanchist she was also one who never fell to the Dark Side and out of nearly hundererds in the Revanchist's with Supreme Leader Revan, and also Malak once Alek his second in command, and also Meetra Surik now an exile for many years not returned yet or even heard off, Dak asked why Nejaa did not follow the dark path, she expalined out of 20 Jedi they did not fall to the dark side as Revan did, the only ones to not fall where Jedi Knight Cariaga Sin, Jedi Knight Nisotsa, Jedi Knight Talvon Esan and Jedi Knight Xaset Terep recruited by Malak did not fall to the Dark Side, as did Meetra Surik whom didn't fall as well, the others where Jedi Knight Cale Berkona, Ferroh, Duqua Dar, Zayne Carrick, Jedi Master Ti-Lk Spitch, Jedi Knight Berry D'Vorne, Jedi Knight Vekk Malrod, Jedi Knight Shen-Nava-Uln Jedi Knight Hansen Chaningklos, Jedi Padawan Sandra Kandos, and four others where ones not to fall to the Dark Side and follow Revan at all, Dak was also confused with all the info but was amazed how Nejaa did not turn to the Dark Side but she did face a trial for her crimes not an exile as Meetra had, instead she faced a punishment for her actions where she was forced to work on her Practice Honesty to redeem herself that punishment helped adn she made her honest truths and was transferred to rank of Master and given a new job to make up for her crimes as a Jedi Guardian with a duty as a Journalist and Agent of the Order, Nejaa did just that and her duty was to find a new site for a future Jedi Order which was her duty, Dak was impressed at her story she told him, later on Dak also spoke to "Arrow" to come collect them take them to his appartment in town which he did just that,

On the way to his appartment Dak asked "Arrow" about his friend Vyrr where was he all this time, "Arrow" Renning explained the whole story of Vyrr Wezz's outburst he went to the Card's Tapcaf on Blue Sky Boulevard he was actually their cuz he had met a girl previously while during his stay on Corellia and the roumer has it he is dating a girl named Lez Tosche whom was a beautiful Chadra-Fan female he met on the Beach in Coronet City while he had the day off, he and Ny-Mudurr-No Mosil where also impressing the ladies on the beach in Coronet City, Ny-Mudurr-No got his girl Bria whom also fell in love with Ny-Mudurr-No also did the same thing, they're was a lot of roumered romancing going on, Rokis Zuhl had had a girl he met in the Fel Swoop Cantina where a girl from a Swoop Gang named Chiken 'Flygirl' Airdasher whom was also a legendary Swoop Racer on Corellia found Rokis and decided he was the best type for her to go out with and she admired a tough Mandalorian and she wanted to go out with one mainly she had a hook up on him, Salsose Vec while he was in Coronet Hopital a nice nurse met him named Glair Do'feva a Bothan female doctor whom worked at Coronet City Hospital to help their paitents, as told Glair fell in love with Vec because she could see he did not feel 100% pain in his body but less stinging and thaught he was such a handsome Nikto for his kind, she chose simply to remain and look after him through the night and take care of the healing Vec in hospital she also had told Vec of how her parents both died when she was 10 and she misses them back on her homeworld she used to live on Bothawui and Glair was only 10 when she fled her way to Corellia to look for work she found work as a Doctor in Coronet City Hospital and after telling Vec on his recovery which will take four months Glair has promised to go out with Vec on a promised date, Tshossork would also find a nice beautiful girl whom was a Sarkhai female named Ste but not much was learned about it rather then Ste met Tshossork in the City Centre and also both caught up together and would keep in contact together and form a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, also Lea Stryder also met a nice guy named Rogan Alumuneed at the Coronet City Hospital as it's states Rogan Alumuneed was also a Doctor the same age as her and felt like promising the date for her in the first place, she and Lea both wanted to go out together and spend their lives together since Rogan wants a good Doctor to marry, Dak was also amazed because of their companions where mostly finding women which amazed him even more probably cuz on Corellia was a notorious place in the galaxy mostly to finding women alike and would be noted hundereds of boys find girlfriends, Dak didn't his childhood apart from his friend Aidus did with Sapphire, "Arrow" Renning met Hii Zsa on Rodia about 3957 BBY and fell in love with her, Dak proabably realised it was the begining of his friends finding future girlfriends in the galaxy or the start of their life,

At "Arrow" Renning's appartment Dak met up with Vyrr Wezz and Lez Tosche whom got back and from their on he introduced Dak to her and himself, Lez got to know Dak and understood his engagement for Ellabelle and Dak invited her to join the wedding as he promised Vyrr to come too, as Dak held a BBQ party at "Arrow"s appartment, all guests arrived form New Controller excluding Vec whom was still in recovery in hospital, for the special was Nuna Sausage's on "Arrow"s Barbeque just outside on the balcony, and Tshossork was the chef of the day, Dak however promised Tshossork he might make a good ships' cook aboard New Controller which Tshossork felt he liked the job he was doing, Ellabelle also turned up for the party, as did Revan whom joined along with Bastila, Carth, Juhani, Jolee, Mission, Zalbaar, and Canderous also joined the party even Candeous was pleased to see an old comrade of his from the Mandalorian Wars Rokis Zuhl from Clan Zuhl, also during the party T3-M4 and HK-47 and all other companions form Ebon Hawk attended the reunion and also planned to attend Dak Benkins's wedding, it would be some days before it was to begin, Revan decided to wish Dak the best of luck for his wedding, Carth Onasi became proud of him, J'aahn Lancoln became proud of Dak cuz he wanted his Military Friend to have a good engagement with Ellabelle, Figrin Kalisch felt like wishing Dak the best of luck and also Mietek did the same as well, Vec from the hospital would wish Dak the same too, and would Dak's military comrades Private's Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, and Dukev would wish Dak the best for his marriage,

At Archival Square in Axial Park in Coronet City everyone would attend Dak Benkins's marriage as it was the day for Dak to be engaged, about 150 people attended his wedding in Archival Square, the Denlin's, Renning's, Wezz, and everyone else that know Benkins and support them on behalf attended his wedding ceremony, Revan also attended as did all the Ebon Hawk crew veterans, Father Eris Stavlon helped be the speaker on behalf of Dak and Ellabelle's wedding, "Arrow" became one of Dak's best men for his wedding as did J'aahn Lancoln, and Figrin Kalisch, and also Meitek, as well as Vyrr, and all others from New Controller and Ebon Hawk and a few Republic Officers offered to assist for the House Benkins family wedding, Dak would be the first to come forward and await his bride Ellabelle in a beautiful Wedding Gown that was escorted by her father Tovio to Dak, as she came forward to Dak, Father Stavlon spoke to the crowd and mentioned in holy spirit of the Republic on their behalf that Dak will take and charish the hand of Ellabelle Blenlin and also look after her and Ellabelle be called Ellabelle Benkins, mentioning Dak and Ellabelle would become Mr and Mrs Benkins Stavlon asked if Dak or Ellabelle will take the hand of his beautiful wife which he annouced he does and she feels the same, after that said Dak's best man "Arrow" passed Dak his wedding ring to his bride to place onto Ellabelle, her mother and father where proud, Gareth Carplin, and Laze Mogyun where also happy for Ellabelle, as where her other childhood friends Falynn Busshe, Dormé Vobrot, Selonian Deg Bustohu, and Maximillian Maulhand, Mirialan Aciw Gamos, Kubaz Aldrern Luhro, also both attended it and they got to meet Dak in person later, after Dak kissed his bride Ellabelle, Dak and Ellabelle had their party where they met the people and had big introductions to all the people, Tovio promised Dak to take care of his daugther for him, and also "Arrow" promised to make anything right for Dak if he gets that chance, as did Vyrr and all the New Controller crew and Ebon Hawk crew, Mission Vao promised Dak the best as did Zaalbar, J'aahn also promised Dak the best, Revan did as well saying he is happy for him, everyone had the wedding cake enough for 150 people, the party began and everyone enjoyed a good time, after the wedding Dak took her home to his appartment for their first time as husband and daughter in many years.

Back on Courscant[]

After the wedding of Ellabelle Blenlin, Dak Benkins returned to the Republic Military Base Sector B-44 where it was not a training ground but for Troops to relax and await furture orders on assignments,

While on Coruscant, Dak contacted his girlfriend at his flat on his hologram projection pod telling her how he is managing at Sector B-44 and they're is no news regardless of what's recently to happen on Coruscant yet, however news came for him after Captain Avier Orik told them the news from Major General Anderosis Todrith has selected eight people including him to go on a night patrol around Coruscant including Master Sergeant Johsam Boar is coming along on the mission as Orik's second-in-command, Sergeant Dalen Vinkanne was selected from the barracks, as was Dak Benkins as they need one Corporal for the mission, Specialists Marcos Krexio, a Sephi named Eepon Arris, Private's Lukio Zaat a Mirialan, and a Sullustan Pay Sqantrun, where chosen for a nightpatrol,

Orik led the team into Coruscant underworld when a roumer spread about a recent killing in Rik's Cantina where a murderer got away killing a patreon, Orik took Dak with him as Dak was familiar with the area and knows much of the locals partially and can understand the languages he spoke to the bartender Redius if he knew anything about the killings, he did but told them he got away before he could catch upto him, Orik and Benkins asked few paterons that Redius had given by names, Lilesh whom they started off mentioned he was in the bathroom but stayed silent and didn't make a sound as the cycopath could have instantly killed Lilesh, Elapix a Balosar gambler told about the killers name being a Ranat named Gromorus had killed Ganyu a cantina pateron and got away after the story was told, Orik and his squad kept on high aleart for Gromorus,

They then carried on through the lower levels of Courscant and tracked where he went down into the lower levels after following Gromorus's tracks, Orik kept on searching for Gromorus they tracked him down into the Sewers of Coruscant, with no option but the stench down their the team continued into the swerers tough the tunnels however in doing so they would soon be attacked by a Dianoga unfortuantly one of the troopers Krexio was drowned to death by the Dianoga before Benkins and Orik and the team could save Krexio they killed it but where too late to save Krexio whom had drowned with no option but to leave Krexio behind, the team resumed on into the swerers for Gromorus, after carrying on through the tunnels, they found Gromorus's secret hideout into a secret base, they proceeded to raid the complex,

Benkins along wth Arris attempted to take out Gromorus but as they got to the main office however it turned out it was all part of the Exchange behind it from the entire begining, their Leader was a Kaleesh named Noataik Tassh however Benkins and Arris together held him at gunpoint and told him not to move or he will end up killing Tassh, after revealling that it was all a plot to kill a man named Ganyu as he was attempting to give out information on the exchange to the Republic on their attack stragedy all this time, Tassh attempted to try get away but Benkins and Arris proceeded to kill Tassh, Benkins as he was near Scoundrel and near Smuggler Soldier was able to kill Tassh with his pistol after he shot the Kaleesh in the head to begin with he took him out and Benkins and Arris dumped his body over the catwalk where some surviving Exchange Members was horrified by the death of Tassh, Benkins and Arris threw many grenades killing numerous Exchange Members and they all got shot by both Benkins and Arris, however Benkins contacted Orik that they found out Tassh has something to do for the killing of Ganyu all along, also Orik tells him that they're overrun by forces and both Vinkanne and Sqantrun where both killed during the skrimish in one of the corridors by one of Gromorus's henchman a Shistavanen Lieutenant named Duzav killed them as he was no match for him, Boar seemingly scraficed himself so Zaat could escape, however Zaat has escaped to get help from the Republic or Courscant Security Force, eventually Orik met up with Benkins and Arris the only other survivors left of the skirmish, they proceeded to stop Gromorus in the hanger but where too late as Gromorus, Duzav, and the Tarro Zamridin and the Ubese Vitobu where the only survivors of the Exchange to escape, they fled and got off world to flee to Nar Shaddaa, although Orik, Benkins and Arris where the only survivors, and Zaat went missing, Orik, Benkins and Arris where collected by a Republic Transport Ship and returned to Sector B-44,

Later Major General Todrith was not happy that Gromorus escaped Coruscant alive and the loss of an entire platoon, but they where not pleased that it led to their deaths at all and they will have to stop Gromorus again in the future,

Later Zaat found her way back to Sector B-44 and eventually was able to tell them of the Exchange what they intended to do to the Republic, Major General Todrith was amazed and passed the information onto the Govoneror General and the Office of Republic Justice High Court and the Admiral of the Fleet about it and ordered a Republic Team to track down Gromorus once and for all and bring him back to Coruscant for trial or kill him, Orik wasn't handpicked as he and Benkins, Arris, and Zaat had been give a long rest after the mission,

Transfer to Citadel Station[]

However he was transferred to Telos IV afterwards and helped the Telos Security Force on Citadel Station he was promoted to Senior Corporal and while working their he would often go to the Cantina and visit many off worlders,

However at some point in the Cantina weather Meetra Surik was their or not to see it, Dak gotten into a small disagreement with a Onderon Solider that had been tired of a war going on during the Onderon Civil War between General Vaklu, and Queen Talia Kira which Dak told the soldier it's not like Onderon has benefited from joining, but the soldier told how the Iziz city is stripped of the blood from their people, but Dak told the guy if it wasn't for the Republic they would all be speaking Mandalorian right now, but the Royal Guard explained to Dak they accepted the Republic's favour until Dak told him that it looks they turned Onderon into a prison compound, but the Soldier explained to Dak if only they're was a way to stop this war General Vaklu is having against Queen Talia,

Eventually however Dak Benkins had sometimes to get help with work from others, he did however during his stay befriend an Officer named Batu Rem, whom as well told him about the imposter whom took the identity of his name, also Rem told Benkins about how life is at Citadel Station on Telos IV, Rem also enjoyed talking much to Benkins while he was off duty to him about the war and Benkins told him about his travels he had with Revan, among his special off worlder friends, included the Onderon Royalist Guard staying on Telos IV, Betu Rem, and several other companions with the TSF, and a Czerka employee named Corrun Falt, also during his time at the Citadel Station managed to keep the station alive until the recent attack at Citadel Station.

Battle of Telos IV[]

After a recent happing that occurred when Darth Nihilus and his forces including the Centurion-class battlecruiser Ravanger attacked Telos IV with at least 4 Interdictor-class cruisers attacked Citadel Station, after a traitor whom was Kreia known as Darth Traya though told of the location and Nihilus and his forces attacked Citadel Station, Benkins, Lancoln and Kalisch partook in this battle fighting alongside TSF, Mandalorians from an old war hero Ordo which Benkins didn't know he was the Mandalore Preserver himself until telling him, and the Khoonda Milita, and Onderon Soldiers partook in the battle helping the Galactic Republic also helped in the battle, at some point with Meetra Surik, and their he managed to survive the attack led by Darth Nihilus, Benkins's role in the battle was he took a squad to take out the reaming Sith troopers, he fought alongside the Telos Security Forces and even the Mandalorians, he led a squad to try and save the remaining surviving civilians which he did, his squad managed to save them, also his longtime friends Lancoln and Kalisch managed to survive the assault, Benkins however survived the battle of Telos IV and the battle was won,

After the battle ended though he apparently spoke to Meetra Surik the Exile and told her that he once served with Revan and on the quest to the Star Forge back in 3956 BBY, Meetra was also pleased and Benkins told Meetra that Mandalore the Preserver is Canderous Ordo himself which amazed Meetra and also Benkins told her to promise to tell Revan to see him again someday and told her if he knows where to meet Benkins it is on his homeworld Corellia,

After the Dark Wars[]

After the end of the Dark Wars and Meetra Surik confronted Darth Traya on Malachor V and the Sith Triumvirate, and her future Lost Jedi, both being the new Disciples of Meetra Surik, Bao Dur a Mandalorian War veteran of Malachor V now a Jedi Guardian, Brianna a Echani fighter and illegitimate daughter of General Yusanis and Jedi Master Arren Kae former student of Atris now a Jedi Guardian, Visas Marr the sole surviving Miraluka from Katarr and former slave of Darth Nihilus and now a Jedi after becoming an apprentice of Meetra Surik, Mical an ex-Jedi Youngling who didn't get a Jedi Master prior to the start of the Mandalorian Wars and he considered the exile Surik to be his mentor, turned into a diplomat for the Galactic Republic and a historian for the Jedi, after being trainned by Meetra he is now a Jedi Consular, Mira an former Mandalorian Neo-Crusader slave and soldier of the Mandalorian Wars lost her family after the Battle of Malachor V after loosing her family in the Mass Shadow Generator, she became a Bounty Hunter on Nar Shadaa but after teaming up with Surik she was trained as a Jedi Sentinel, Atton "Jaq" Rand a pilot to Alderaan and also former Republic Soldier and later defected to Revan's side at the start of the Jedi Civil War had learned Echani combat methods and was part of an Elite Special Force who torchered Jedi after she awaked the force inside him to see life what he was doing to others though he killed her Atton fled from the Sith to the Refugee Sector on Nar Shadaa and later turned smuggler and also went to Peragus until he was found by Surik, during his travels he was trained as a Jedi Sentinel would help rebuild the Jedi Order most likely on Dantooine and Courscant, they where not only the last Jedi left though Bastila Shan a Jedi Padawan, Atris the Jedi Historian, and Deesra Luur Jada a Jedi Knight former student of Dorak survived, they're was several other survivors out of 500 Jedi of the Purge only 45 survived in hiding or was still missing on the list, Ood Bnar, Halbret, Celeste Morne was still in stasis, Vima Sunrider and Roni von Wasaki was also still in stasis, Jolee Bindo, and Juhani where missing and not confirmed on the list as Killed but Benkins would ask to go in search for them. Zayne Carrick had been in hiding with his lover Jarael on Nar Shaddaa although they where never revealled on the list by Meetra Surik in the first place, Belaya was missing, Lucien Draay was missing, Yrag Dlanod was revealled to be missing and Joshua Dnomyad however was revealled the only former ex-Jedi Covenant member feared left, Ferroh also was alive this entire time as he was aboard Telettoh's Hammerhead-class cruiser the Testament which survived the war after following with Admrial Onasi and his fleet, Berry D'Vorne and Sandra Kandos had survived, Cale Berkona survived in hiding on Tanaab, Yuthura Ban also survived in hiding on Coruscant after the war, Kaydon Kazo'tak survived, Jade Mayweather also did, Dustil Onasi a force sensitive son of Carth Onasi survived, Galon Lor, Kel Algwinn and Mekel and Dak Vesser and Thalia May where alive and well, Galon was on Mimban in hiding, Kel in hiding on Ryloth, Mekel was on Chandrila in hiding, Dak Vesser was feared missing, Thalia was on Christophsis in hiding, Beltok was always on New Controller this entire time, Nisotsa was alive on Bestine she met up with a nice guy named Mielo Kamanakei both fell in love together, Talvon was alive on Cortina, Xaset was also alive, Cariaga was found dead as she was not confrimed alive and was slaughted by Sion during the Purge, dispite a larger number of Jedi missing in action Captain Orik decided to ask Major General Todrith to go out on a expedition to look for any missing Jedi out and about, Todrith agreed to Orik's request and sent him along with Dak Benkins and a unit of 50 Republic Troopers to look for Jolee Bindo and Juhani and Belaya in hiding to return them back to Coruscant and also locate them in hiding after the Purge,

For this mission Orik recruited Dak Benkins as he chose and selected him for the mission as they would be travelling secretly aboard a Dynamic-class freighter to look the rest of the galaxy as they was a roumer that one of the people in Coruscant a human male by the name of Jaf J'rond told Orik about Jolee, Juhani and Belaya's last known location and that he knew them going into hiding on Muunilinst from Sion back at the start of the Jedi Purge how they escaped, Orik decided to take Jaf with him as their guide and also decided to recruit 50 men for the mission, taking 1st Lieutenant Mal Olreb, 2nd Lieutenant's Keyan Montag and Damian Farriman and a Navy Pilot Lieutenant Zerrak Banab for the mission, and Master Sergeant Tomas Malador as their instructor, J'aahn Lancoln, Meitek and Figrin Kalisch was recruited for the mission as was Limhran Lowland, Dari Naayen, Nush Gunlan and Kule Dukev, where both Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan and Dukev was introduced to Dak's friends Lancoln, Meitek and Kalisch both got on well just fine.

Misson to Muunilinst[]

After training 50 Republic Troopers for a mission by Captain Orik, 1st Lieutenant Olreb, 2nd Lieutenant's Montag and Farriman and Lieutenant Banab and Master Sergeant Malador they needed to find a small Dynamic-class frieghter as it's a stealth operation and preferred not to use a Hammerhead-class cruiser since it's a stealth rescue operation involving the rescue of Jolee Bindo, Juhani and Belaya, before they went Orik called in his comrade which was Dak Benkins himself and spoke if he knew anyone of course Benkins did mention he knew a friend that owns a Dynamic-class frieghter called the New Controller so Dak was assigned by Orik to go meet up with "Arrow" Renning and the crew, That evening Dak met up with "Arrow" and Vyrr his longtime friends at the Moshi Bar in the Coruscant Underworld, Benkins met a Bartender as one was a Volpai with multi-eyes and four arms his name was Heo Kris who owned the bar and Benkins went up but avoiding drunk patrons he spoke to Kris and asked for a Tarisian ale but Kris said to Dak that they don't sell them anymore since Taris's distruction, Dak on the otherhand asked Kris for Juma Juice instead and asked where he could find his two friends "Arrow" and Vyrr, Kris pointed to where they where and Dak had three cups of Juma which he gladly gave to his two friends in the corner but the cantina was so rough but Dak on the otherhand just managed to ignore it, he met "Arrow" and Vyrr and told him a bit about his actions in the Dark Wars in the Battle of Telos IV and how The Exile defeated Nihilus on the Ravanger, and stopped Kreia who was really Darth Traya and of course Darth Sion, "Arrow' was amazed at what Meetra did but Dak told him the last time he met her was before she went to Malachor V and only time will tell if she finds Revan or not, Dak however decided to ask his friends nicely for free if they can do Captain Orik a favour that they're going on a rescue mission to find three missing Jedi that Dak Benkins knows very well about and told them of Jolee Bindo and Juhani and Belaya in hiding, "Arrow" was amazed and decided to go ahead with the rescue of Jedi so he gladly gave his services to Dak Benkins, he and the crew would be glad to do that and Dak asked when they set out and "Arrow" told them by tommorow,

Next day after Dak Benkins told Captain Orik about the mission, all 50 men where waiting at a Docking Bay 74 in the Coruscant Spaceport everyone was met with the entire crew of the New Controller and all 50 men where invited aboard, notably they where good men Staff Sergeant Laurent Danakar, Sergeant's Alaki Afric, Feyador Tagge a noble weathly soldier belonging to House of Tagge on Tepasi, Ro-Than Jasha, Jeran Vassic, it also included Staff Corporal Bracic Ving, Corporal First Class Kazic Woobax and Rhel Ditsear, Corporal's Kiv Davout, Ronn-Tek Sheplin, Jabot Otlre, Anek Thatch, Loff Drakgen, and a number of other soldiers in the unit where travelling to Muunilinst on the New Controller,

As they began to depart Coruscant for Muunilinst in search for the missing three Jedi, ex-Jedi Knight Koren was granted back into the Jedi Order and took two Jedi with him to accompany Orik's squad to Muunilinst, they where a Zeltron female Jedi Knight Europa Zanedi a Jedi Guardian, and a Squib Female Jedi Padawan Steea Lezaal where recruited for the mission as Koren taken on a bond with Lezaal as his new Padawan to train and Koren was promoted to Jedi Watchman by the ressurected Jedi Council on Courscant begining to grow stronger again with Jedi once more, Steea Lezaal was only a surviving Padawan from the Jedi Civil War and was secretly trainned she was in need of a Master which the new head of the council gave Steea to Koren, on the way Dak Benkins met Europa and Steea the newest Jedi of the bunch he never even met before in his life, Steea was happy to meet Dak and his friends, Steea however grew an attachment towards Private Limhran Lowland for an unspecified reason she had a crush on him even though the Jedi law was no one was allowed to love in the Jedi Code with a few execptions, Lowland was unaware of the romance Steea had between him on the way to Munninlinst, Naayen spoke to Dak his Team Leader of Squad Three and asked him a kind request after the mission Naayen would like a reward he always wanted an rare ruby one that was called a large Nova ruby which was only found on Sarka, Dak agreed to Naayen's request that he would want a rare Nova ruby for himself to keep as a gift if they get back from the mission and Benkins agreed to Naayen's request and it was taken into considerdation.

On their way however Dak Benkins would interract with a young Republic Soldier named Jetok Otnk a young recruit whom was new to the Republic and this would be Otnk's first ever mission, Dak somewhat interracted with Otnk over the mission and promised he would make it out alive reassuring him that Otnk will probably live, Private Nuukmor whom was his friend helped look after Otnk and mentor him through the rest of the way before they would reach Muunilinst, Benkins asked "Arrow" how long they have and they would arrive in Muunilinst in Three Hours, Benkins was happy to be with at least his crew of the New Controller once more, while they where in the Security / Main Hold of the New Controller Dak played a game of Dejarik with his three best friends Rokis Zuhl and Tshossork Augri and Tol Ban where playing Dejarik to see who could win the game, though Dak never played Dejarik before not even on Ebon Hawk during his travels with Revan to the Star Forge as they was no game called Dejarik nor did Dak even play it when he lived on Corellia with his friends Aidus, "Arrow" and Vyrr in the first place, Dak Benkins asked his friends Rokis, Tshossork and Tol about Dejarik and gave him simple rules, Dak Benkins played the Mantellian Savrip, Rokis Zuhl played the Kintan strider, Tshossork Augril played the K'lor'slug while Tol Ban played the M'onnok during the game, however while playing Dak was shown how to do it by Rokis himself as Rokis used to play it with his friend Canderous Ordo during the Mandalorian Wars, Dak Benkins learned a lot more abotu Dejarik, however Tshossork bet both Rokis whom was always a champion at Dejarik and hated loosing, Dak was outmatched by Tshossork but thanked him for his efforts, and Tol was too but they both accepted Tshossork the champion of Dejarik for the New Controller, however Private Dukev wanted to challenge Tshossork into a game of Dejarik as Dukev wants to see how great he is, with that said Dukev and Tshossork accepted the challenge and both played Dejarik, however Tshossork bet Dukev but he suddenly cursed himself on Tshossork's defeat and Dukev was considered weak he considered to think Tshossork was a competitor and wanted to be better then anybody, Tshossork wants to see Dukev try again soon and rematch again to watch him fail as Tshossork loved to see Dukev fail and laughed in his face Dukev was in no mood for Tshossork's behaviour and wanted to beat him, it was a real hard time between Dukev and Tshossork and both where at different sides as a result in the game, when Dak Benkins asked Tshossork to speak to him in private in the Storage Compartment he said to Tshossork that he consideres that Dukev will try his best and someday you got to let Dukev win the game or he be considering an enemy, Tshossork only told his friend Dak he meant no harm to Kyle Dukev but Dak told him he already has started down a bad path, Tshossork understood and later in three days hopes to give Dukev another chance at the game and to let him win at some stage, Dak only told Tshossork that if it hadn't been for Benkins being their then Tshossork could have started a fight between Kyle and Dak did not want it to end this way on "Arrow"'s ship as Dak cared much about the New Controller's crew and every single one of them, Dak would spend some time to talk to Kyle Dukev and spoke to him but Kyle just wanted to be left alone and he refused to speak to Dak for the rest of the day until he cooled down.

As they began to arrive on Muunilinst to the capital city of Harnaidan which had anchient skyscraper marble built buildings and also 50 million inhabitants, they arrived into a Landing Platform where Dak and the troopers disembarked for the oughteth time Orik's sqauds both went up into a line of 50 and all the team and the New Controller crew and Jaf J'rond whom accompanied them and Jedi Watchman Koren, and his two Jedi, Europa Zanedi and Teea Lezaal both lined them up and in the spaceport they where in they began to move out for a military base, as they explored though town J'aahn Lancoln told Dak that it was unlike anything he ever seen when he was on Hapes, Kalisch was also pleased by the town himself, Meitek liked the look of the town, it was just different to Coruscant itself, as they proceeded to a Military Headquarters to allow the Republic Soldiers to stay for the night before they could continue for their mission to look for the three Jedi, they pitched barracks for a place to sleep in but Benkins on the other hand along with Lancoln, Kalisch, Meitek, Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, Dukev, snuck out with Dak Benkins's crew of the New Controller that did exactly the same to go out and explore the town but only on a six hour free time and after six hours they had to return back, Benkins on the otherhand too his friends to the sights of intrest, however after seeing world statues alike kept well intact, Dak and his friends went to a Cantina in Harnaidan to get a drink, however Gunlan on the otherhand saw a Keshiri girl named Caludia Reiina hom by her own was very nervous and shy when she came across Gunlan but she admired him, however Naayen whom always kept a good watch on him was worried because back before Gunlan joined the Republic he once did sexual assault on a Twi'lek on Coruscant to a Twi'lek dancer and abused her before however because of his bad behaviour Gunlan was sent to prison with a death penalty but was given a fair chance to join the Republic to serve a better purpose, Naayen's side of the law was different then Gunlan's as he once killed a man on the streets in cold blood and Naayen came from the roughest area on Coruscant with an evil background however both Naayen and Gunlan learned their lesson's in the Republic to not commit these terrible crimes again, but as Naayen saw what Gunlan was attempting to do to Caludia he tried to warn him to stop and he did not listen to Naayen's warnings, Dak Benkins seeing the whole ordeal of Gunlan what he thinks Naayen believes he is about to do to Caludia, Benkins had deep fear about Gunlan but soon where relieved that Gunlan only wanted to bond with Caludia by giving her his neckless, Caludia introduced herself but was nervous in front of Nush but she thaught he was so attractive but she had to secretly keep her feelings to herself and hidden for the meantime as she cannot rush relationships, as Dak spoke to Caludia she told him something strange is at heart and it's not Sith on Muunilinst it's something new and rotten came to haunt them,

Dak however understood Caludia and her loss of her family had been killed by ruthless GenoHaradan criminal organisation on Muunilinst, lead by Crime Lord Torkai'lan has been wrecking havoc on Muunilinst, Dak understood and prompted Gunlan to look after Caludia and take good care of her until further notice, as Dak told Captain Orik the news of what Caludia told them about Lord Torkai'lan's GenoHaradan gang, they are in for some serious trouble, after Benkins went to warn Orik of what Caludia told them about Torkai'lan and his gang soon to attack Harnaidan at somepoint Orik listend to Caludia's warnings and Orik ordered Dak to take a small squad, roughly Lancoln, Mietek, Kalisch, Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, Dukev, Skeeto Beren, Cassian Makzian-Antis, Gavenk Rawk, Elias Irex, Hendri Arnjard, Danni Maden, Alek Jimmon Mandor, where part of a team sent to scout ahead in Harnaidan for Torkai'lan,

Skirmish on Muunilinst[]

While they where scouting ahead Benkins warned his men that they maybe being watched however as they entered a shoping centre they was a huge market of goods being sold, Lowland however was obessive over a GenoHaradan Visor and also a Battle stimulant he purchased them very quickly but also Lowland however came across some food courts Lowland however obessivly paied 10 credits for a Tusken Special of bantha on a Kebab and Lowland unfortuantly purchased it for himself, Benkins called Lowland over to stop being distracted and so Lowland reluctently obeyed his orders, however they where not alone but a GenoHaradan Assassin approached them carrying a GenoHaradan Blaster he was about to kill Specialist Alek Jimmon Mandor whom was offering to try a Fried Nuna on a stick, but as Mandor was distracted the Assassin with his blaster was just about to shoot Mandor but thanks to his friend Danni Maden whom began to spot the Assassin managed to shoot with his CD-36 blaster rifle he shot the GenoHaradan Assassin in the chest mortally wounding him, however Mandor was thankful for Maden to come to his aid, Benkins approached and found the GenoHardan Assassin which he interrogated and held a knife to his throat asking him who his name was, the Assassin refused to speak and he attempted to commit suicide by blowing himself up and with Dak to bits, however Benkins managed to push Maden out of the way before he was caught in the blast the bomb went off and the GenoHardan Assassin was killed thanks to Benkins saving Mandor and Maden's lives, however this started a huge attack in the food court, unfortuantly a squad led by an Alzarian Raffigai the Captain and Second-in-Command to Torkai'lan was leading the attack on the food court, during the attack however Benkins adn his squad was surrounded and several Merchants and Civillians where killed or wounded in the attack, however one civillians a Human Male named Corwin Alin was pinned down during the attack and somehow hid underneath the skirted table but he witnessed over 40 percent Merchants and Civillians slaughtered in the onslaught, The Muunilinst Security Defence Force's arrived from the 10th Riot Division led by Captain Arko Damdrew arrived on the scene they managed to help but unfortuantly 10 of the 10th Riot Division was cut down during the attack and Benkins took Lowland and one of the 10th Riot Division Enlisted Officers Arresko Saaum with him to spot their leader which Lowland was able to get a holo recording of Raffigai and send back to the Republic to do some research on him, however during the attack Ro-Bak and Haulmi and Saal of the 10th Riot where slaughtered in the onslaught, Sam Ballard a Junior Sergeant was able to take cover during the assault, but a Kerestain civillian was able to thankfully save them and was a close-quarters combat expert great at using his knife blades he slaughtered 20 percent of the GenoHaradan Assassins, he went by the name of Ossune and he managed to save Naayen and Gunlan's lives, in doing so he offered to help them in return, eventually during the attack Benkins and Damdrew led their assault but it was at a cost in the market district however Raffigai got away being the only one to avoid death but all his GenoHaradan assassins where slaughtered in the battle, Benkins's men where lucky to be alive but 13 of the 10th Riot where killed, 40 Merchants and Civillians where killed, however Corwin, Ossune, approached them and however introduced themselves to Benkins, Dak offered to help Corwin and Ossune at what cost and pay them in return some credits,

After leaving the food court they where in trouble yet again and it turned into a huge battle Benkins and the team with the aid of Damdrew and his unit and also Corwin and Ossune's aid managed to head back safely to the Command Centre in doing so they arrived on the scene to find that over hundreds of GenoHaradan Assassins where attacking Captain Orik at the Military Base, Jedi Knight Zanedi helped save them at the last second thankfully came to their aid and in doing so she helped them approach the base in order to aid the Republic Troops fighting the GenoHaradan as they arrived to help Sergeant Jasha's squad in time they managed to take out a GenoHaradan Commander in charge of the team and it was Corporal First Class Woobax that took him out with a CD-34 blaster rifle which he shot to the head, Ditsear commented on Woobax skills with a CD-34 but Jasha told them they was no time to waist, after getting into the Main Hold of the base they however engaged numerous of the Geno-Haradan and also they managed to save Sergeant Tagge but however one of his men Lenz Motch was killed in his squad, the only men in his squad where Corporal Kiv Davout, Specialist Atali Atandu, Zeven Page, Dirk Taalon, Private First Class Windom Kyl, Naman Kuth, Zab Nardo, Private Nuukmor, and Otnk where part of Tagge's squad and both where rescued and managed to help secure the base and eliminate a number of GenoHardan's after killing hundreds they arrived to help Orik and his troops, unfortuantly with the assistance of Benkins that is they managed to help kill a number of the Hundreds of GenoHaradan's attacking them, however the battle was over but they lost another Republic Trooper Liam Aaglin was killed in the battle only 48 Republic Troops was left, Captain Damdrew's squad only had five left the rest had been cut down only Saaum, Ballard, Dav Whakno, Ajax Willks and Morts Zegret where the only survivors of Damdrew's unit left, the others where killed, with Corwin and Ossune with them at their aid they would join with Koren's group of the New Controller because they wanted to get away from the GenoHaradan and both Corwin and Ossune joined in Koren's party for the New Controller as did Caludia as she taken an intrest in Gunlan, Dandrew assigned Sergeant Ballard to Koren's party as they where investigating the three lost Jedi on Muunilinst and to travel with them to investigate the disappearance of both Jolee Bindo, Juhani and Belaya, Jaf J'rond suggested that Jedi Knight Zanedi take 2nd Lieutenant Montag's squad to search the highlands and everywhere on Muunilinst, Staff Sergeant Danakar and Sergeant Tagge, and a small number of Republic Troopers about 15 of them went to search for both Jolee, Juhani, and Belaya, with the help of Damdrew and a small squad of the 10th Riot Division with Whakno included in the team and Sergeant Kanan Torbs would be assigned with Montag's unit to help find the three Jedi,

While in the city of Harnaidan however Benkins did his search around the city to look for evidence along with the young Jedi Padawan Steea Lezaal and "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz and the New Controller crew did their search for clues, during their search in one of the west districts of Harnaidan, Dak and his team however stumbled across a apartment which they managed to come across a ex Jedi Knight Olin Marclonus a Jedi Purge survivor and survivor of the Attack on Dantooine during the Jedi Civil War, Marclonus lost his Master Jido Doofu during the attack, Olin was in hiding all this time and he spoke to Jedi Padawan Steea about why he was in hiding but Benkins reassured Olin the Purge was over, Olin realised the truth and was saved all this time but he wanted to know where he could find his girlfriend Jedi Knight Aulat Mrallalli anywhere however after Koren came on in he met Olin for the first time and he was excited to finally meet Olin and also spoke to him if he like to join them in the search for Jolee Bindo, Juhani, and Belaya, Olin agreed to join and take the offer, as they began to return to the Military Base however they met up with Captain Orik whom just called in and told Benkins about what happened to Zanedi's team, Dak was worried however and awaited for an answer from Zanedi when she got back, as "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz came towards them they told them that Tshossork had prepared them a meal if anybody needed it, however Dak told his friend "Arrow" to await for Zanedi's return as she would be back in just 30 minutes as they have a speeder that travels faster, Orik ordered Benkins to take Dukev with him which he obeyed the order,

As Benkins and Dukev together alone went for a strole around Harnidian, Dukev spoke to Dak about how he's like to beat Tshossork into the game of Dejarik, Benkins did tell Dukev he would get his chance soon enough but as Benkins apparoached a watch balcony in one of the appartments, Benkins knocked on the door into Room 312 of the Harnidian Hotel, they entered and the Brosly family agreed to let them entre so Dak Benkins could have Kyle Dukev on watch duty himself, Dukev set up his binoculars to watch over the balcony for Zanedi and her team to arrive back, Benkins met Staei Brosly and Lex Brosly and their son Temus Brosly who which Benkins kindly made peaceful talks with, Lex however spoke on behalf to Dak because he offered him credits in return for a fee if they entred their apartment, Dak assured that they're only on watch to look for Jedi Knight Zanedi, as Dukev spoke back however Benkins told him to stop his behaviour and focus on what he is doing but as Dak told Lex about why Private Dukev was having a hard time trying to beat Tshossork into a game of Dejarik, Lex did go over to Dukev and spoke to him he kindly gave him tips of advise how he could win against Tshossork in future, after a wait for 10 minutes Dukev called to Dak and which he willingly approached Dukev and showed him in the binoculars that Zanedi and Montag was in trouble and it looked like they was being chased by Sith Troops, ultimately they was in big trouble and Dak called Dukev to hurry on back to base before he lef the Brosly family he left them 500 credits in return hopefully they could get their son to safe refuge away from the Sith if they could,

As Benkins and Dukev arrived quickly back to base they where sucessful to aleart Orik and Koren of Zanedi's approach into base on her Swoop Speeder, as they began to approach Dukev aimed his VL-10 ST Rifle and fired rapidly at one of the Sith Troopers on a Speeder Bike and sucessfully Dukev killed the Trooper in the head, he proceeded to aim for the next but the hit rapidly only shot the bike veering it off course and the Trooper fell over and landed on his backside breaking his leg severly, as Zanedi and Montag and their squad returned only 10 Republic Troopers got out safely, 43 Republic Troopers was left, Captain Damdrew, Sergeant Torbs and Officer Whakno where not so fortuante they where killed along with 4 other 10th Riot troopers, 2 did survive but at a different place at the time whom where not where Zanedi was, when she returned she was in shock when she told them she encountered a Two Sith one whom survived the Dark Wars and was leading a Sith Armada, Darth Crich and his new apprentice Darth Suss had attacked Zanedi but killed five members of her Republic Troops in the process cutting them down, and Suss had slaughtered Damdrew and his unit, Koren ordered Orik to evacuate the Republic Troops from the town, and the 10th Riot to the bunkers with civillians, relutently Orik agreed as they where overpowered by Sith Troopers,

In the evacuation of Harnidian the New Controller crew began to evac Muunilinst, however a small squad attempted to stop the Sith at all costs but they where overrun despite the heavy number of Sith Troops, what was left of the small squad evacuated onto the New Controller but as squads came on into the landing platform the Benkins and some Republic Troopers held them off although in the attack few Republic Troops was killed and Benkins, Naayen and Gunlan where the only three left to board out of the remaining 43 only 38 was left and everyone including Dak evacuated, Koren starred his first look on the landing platform of Darth Crich for the first time with a glimps, as they evacuated and left the system, as they left some Sith Fighters followed them but Rokis Zuhl manned the guns of the New Controller destroying 10 Sith Fighters of an entire squad, as they left they went all the way into the Galaxy to get out of Sith Territory, during a meeting they spoke about the heavy losses and also Koren demanded to know why the Sith where still their after the Dark Wars, however the explination was that one survived the Dark Wars after Meetra Surik destroyed the Sith on Malachor V but one such as Darth Crich was the only Darth to survive the Dark Wars alive and he has taken on a new apprentice named Darth Suss, during the meeting however J'rond suggested that they know what they must do in a crisis like this, Orik suggested that they're on their own and cannot attempt to Contact the Republic as they might not believe them but Olreb suggested to contact the Republic Fleet, Orik agreed and made contact with Admiral Carth Onasi about the advent on Muunilinst and also that Darth Crich and the Sith where back, after Onasi believed it he ordered Orik to proceed a new operation called Operation: Extermination an operation to destroy Darth Crich once and for all and his Sith Fleet, Orik agreed and Operation: Extermination began,

Operation Extermination Crisis[]

As Orik spoke to "Arrow" Renning he asked Renning where he would like to go but they're was no explination and he didn't know where to go since "Arrow" was dragged into this war, Benkins apologises on behalf mentioning he never meant to with "Arrow" and it shouldn't have happened but now "Arrow" and his crew are in a war that they don't want to be apart of with little option left Senior Corporal Dak Benkins said that hopefully they can follow Orik to the very end and stop the Sith Lord Darth Crich and his armada once and for all, "Arrow" agreed to Benkins's decission but Orik was amazed how Dak could speak on words he never used when during a breifing and Dak never did before but it was his first time debrifing on the New Controller,

Benkins had Salsose Vec with him in the Communications Room to discuss stuff, Vec had a look on the computers to access history of Darth Crich, when Beltok Koren approached them he was able to speak to Dak Benkins and Salsose Vec about what they where doing and why are they looking for history records privately without Koren, Benkins told Koren that he was only doing this to help his Commanding General learn about the history of Darth Crich what he saw, as they looked into the history of the Sith Lord that Koren mentioned, the logs came up and Darth Crich in the records revealled himself it was also shown clearly his real name was Parobis but it did not reveal his first name in the records all was just a last name, Parobis was once a Jedi Knight during the Mandalorian Wars in the Revanchist's he fell to the Dark Side and was never heard during the Jedi Civil War by anyone but he had some participation in the Jedi Civil War and did not partake in the final battle at Rakata Prime, after the identity Koren was amazed because he learned a lot of Parobis and thaught he was missing in action since he did not follow Revan to war but remembered last seeing him before he went to war and after all them years he rememebered him as an old friend of his, Koren shared a bond on Parobis back in the days when he was a youngling and was like a friend to him, Dak Benkins on the otherhand felt sorry for his mate Koren and advised him hopefully they could stop the Sith once and for all again.

Arrival at Etti IV and a friend in need[]

Before they could venture out Dak Benkins suggested the group tavel to Etti IV as Dak Benkins and "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz have a contact that could help them on this world and also in search of their ally smuggler Tei Pettie-Sezi an Arpor-Lan on Etti IV whom "Arrow" knows of during his travels would help the group on Etti IV for vital information, As Dak Benkins and "Arrow" Renning made contact with Pettie-Sezi he was so glad to meet them and wanted to offer his services he promised to meet them in the Cantina where it was safe but on private information only and a few could only come along, before they're arrival to Etti IV, Koren selected six people to come along with him, Koren selected Dak Benkins, "Arrow" Renning, Limhran Lowland (as Lowland was born on Etti IV), Ny-Mudurr-No Mosil, Rokis Zuhl, and Zanedi decided to volunteer as the party to come along and explore Etti IV because the remaining group needs to stay with the ship for their sakes, as Benkins and Lowland got dressed into regular clothing maybe to avoid spies detecting their where Republic Soldiers, the ship arrived on Etti IV and docked onto the landing platform 13, the trio went out for a wonder around Etti IV and explore the surroundings, they explored both the surroundings and went inside to the Entertainment Promenade and turned right towards the corridor to the Bar they managed to see their friend and foe Tei Pettie-Sezi, awaiting for them as Koren, Zanedi, Benkins, Lowland, "Arrow" Renning, Mosil, Zuhl approached Pettie-Sezi he was gald to see them and sat down at the table to discuss stuff and vital information, Tei told them about the issue in the Refugee Quad section 10 kilometers up future in the city of Mondder, as Tei made some future introductions Lowland introduced himself to Tei because he was born on Etti IV and lived in Mondder, but Tei never came across the Lowland's living in Mondder before in his life ever but was glad to hear of them though he heard quite a lot about them, Limhran Lowland wanted to look in search for his father whom was the owner of the Crystal Factory on Etti IV, Lowland was allowed permission by himself to go look for his father, Dak Benkins and "Arrow" Renning, Rokis Zuhl and Ny-Mundurr-No Mosil would team up with Tei Pettie-Sezi to do his buisness and work, Koren and Zanedi would do their duty in the Refugee Sector for information,

While the trio was doing this Dak Benkins and his trio with Tei took them to his appartment where Tei's right-hand man a Weequay named Jam Ek let them into his appartmenet and began to talk about why they came to Etti IV and that they was in trouble with the Sith and a new threat, Tei told them it was they're fight not his and while debating over the Sith, Tei and Jam both had they're own doubts about the trouble they are in with the GenoHaradan right now that Tei has been wanted by them for days now and their leader H'arke was recently causing loads of chaos killing 20 people in the last 10 days ever since, the trio agreed to attack H'arke's compound and in doing so the infiltrated the building at nightfall and they took out all the GenoHaradan Ubese guards in doing so 50 of the guards was eliminated, H'arke however was in his office but as Tei hed him at gunpoint he ordered H'arke to surrender however H'arke did as he was told and uplifted the bounty on Tei's head, as he obeyed the orders Tei shot and killed H'arke instantly killing him and managed to return back to Benkins and "Arrow" and Zuhl and Mosil and the team made their escape before they was any inconveniance.

On the way they attempted to go meet up with Koren and Zanedi whom was recently in the Refugee Section dealing with a head of the Exchange, Benkins and the trio however arrived at the landing platform and opted to take a Airspeeder in order to travel all the way to the Refugee Sector to the Refugee Landing Pad, in doing so however a small team of GenoHaradan followers of Kannos attempted to shoot down the Airspeeder out of the sky, Ruscro a GenoHaradan Assassin Marksman Sniper shot their engine using a WL-29 sniper rifle, after the lazer hit the engine of the Airspeeder the Airspeeder unfortuantly veered out of contol and flew past the Refugee Landing Pad and smacked into the Storage Area and hit the Refugee Center where it crashed but Dak Benkins managed to hop out of the doomed Airspeeder with "Arrow" Renning, Tei Pettie-Sezi, Rokis Zuhl, Ny-Mundurr-No Mosil, and Jam Ek all hopped right out as the Airspeeder crashed and caught fire, numerous Refugees however was amazed at what they just saw but they attempted to hide them in the big crowd of Refugees, their leader of the bunch the old Gadis Hok helped the trio but it wasn't long until some Exchange gang started to attack with guns Benkins and the trio helped hold off the Exchange one mad man named Foramo attempted to leave behind his gang for dead where they was left defending Benkins and the trio, however Foramo's greed only got the better of him where Foramo was killed by Lowland for the murder of his father in the first place, Lowland put a lazer through Foramo's face as revenge for the murder of his father as a price of insurance, as Benkins killed the last remaining Exchange Thugs, one of the Thugs attempted to kill Tei but Lowland saved Tei's life just in time, Benkins was amazed that Lowland arrived back to save them but was eager to tell Dak the sad news of Lowland's fathers death on Etti IV, Dak felt sorry for his comrade in return, then as a GenoHaradan gang led by their Commander Res Kalo arrived he and 50 of the GenoHaradan Ubese Guards and Human Guards held them at gun point and promised to turn them in to Kannos for questioning and revenge for the death of H'arke, however as Kalo attempted to threaten a child if they didn't turn themselves in Benkins was about to but just in time Koren and Zanedi arrived on the scene and with the Force Powers they ultimately killed Kalo's GenoHaradan Guards eliminating many of them or cutting them down, as many attempted to kill the Jedi however numerous was skilled and so it made it difficult and some had GenoHaradan Poison Blade's during the attack however Benkins was about to get hit by a Poison Blade but Tei blocked his position and saved his life only to be sabbed, however "Arrow" with anger of rage killed the GenoHardan Agent in the Refugee Sector who stabbed Tei Pettie-Sezi in the process, as Dak held Tei in his arms "Arrow" approached him and looked at their best friend and ally whom was hurt and was posioned he only had an hour to live after "Arrow" pointed out Tei had been stabbed by a Poison Blade, Dak told "Arrow" if it hadn't been for him Dak would have been killed by the Posion Blade and he would be the next victim on the list, as they got up and attacked the GenoHaradan Guards, an Assassin joined them in the battle only came to their assistance he went by the name of Shadow and was a skilled Assassin he managed to save Benkins and the trio and Koren and Zanedi and he managed to eliminate Kalo by stabbing him with a sword by Meleeing him, Shadow then spared one of the men Ruscro and took him as their own prisoner, as the trio met Shadow whom real name was Otias Warlin, after he thankfully rescued the team he offered the option to help bring Tei to the New Controller to safety and take the captured Ruscro to the ship as evidence,

Both the group returned to the New Controller where the Ships Medical Officer Lea Stryder got some medical equipment to help try and save Tei Pettie-Sezi from dying, they started off with Antidote Kit to remove the poison and also some Advanced Medpac's, and some Life Support Pack's, and Lea began the surgury Dak Benkins and "Arrow" Renning feared the worse for Tei, they thaught he be dying but Lea would try the best for their friend,

War with the GenoHaradan and Exchange on Etti IV[]

But later this attracted the attention of the Exchange after the murder of the Exchange Represenative in the Refugee Sector a Falleen male named Zundabhar was killed by Koren and Zanedi after they hindered the crime organization's operations on the moon until Koren was invited to meet the Delphidian Crime Lord Kratch Baza at his appartment on Etti IV, While the Delphidian set a trap for Koren with his invitation, the bounty hunters began their attack on Koren and Kannos.

As Koren was leaving his companions to meet Kratch, Rokis Zuhl one of his associates decided to wait for him at the Refugee Landing Pad's cantina and was soon attacked by two bounty hunters, The Twin Tu's both Si Tu and Faf Tu, although after surviving the assault of the Gungan duo, Rokis rushed to warn the rest of Koren's companions including Zanedi, Lezaal, "Arrow" Renning, and the Captain Orik, 1st Lieutenant Olreb, 2nd Lieutenant's Montag, Farriman, and Lieutenant Banab, and Master Sergeant Malador, and Senior Corporal Dak Benkins and the Republic Soldiers on the landing pad of their starship, the New Controller, as Rokis told everyone of the situation at hand that the truce was off and it was to be a gang war, Orik could not believe what he heard as could Benkins as he realised Etti IV needs a proper law enforcement on the planet, they where soon threatened by a group of the Dredd Brothers a group of Huralok led by Rangos Dredd the leader of the gang, he took the opportunity to ambush the crew and Rangos decided to try to intimidate Dak and the New Controller's crew with threats stating that Koren was "a criminal" as was Tei Pettie-Sezi and ordering them to surrender him to them, as Koren's companions were not scared by their threats, and Rangos along with the two Dredd Brothers accompanying him were killed in the breif ensuring exchange of fire where Dak ultimately killed one of the Dredd Brothers by shooting him into the chest killing the Dredd Brother severly, Rangos was torn to pieces by Tshossork, after killing the three Bounty Hunters, the team proceeded to go save Koren's life,

However during the attack Dak took his team, Lancoln, Kalisch, Mietek, Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, Dukev, Beren, Makzian-Antis, Rawk, Irex, Arnjard, Maden, and Mandor along with some of Renning's crew including Vyrr, Tshossork, Riou, and Fawzijoz to the East Side of town centre to elimiante the remaining Bounty Hutners, the teams split into groups with Orik, Olreb, Montag, Farriman, Banab, Malador, taking their teams of squads to elimate the Bounty Hunters and Exchange and GenoHardan Assassins on their tail with the help of Steea having been put in charge of looking after the men, Europa Zanedi took Olin Marclonus, "Shadow" Warlin, Corwin Alin, Ossune, Ballard, and a few of Renning's crew, Yasmyn Starr, and Rokis Zuhl with them, while "Arrow" Renning led the rest of the crew including Tol Ban, Mosil, Montru, and Zsa and the new companion Caludia Reiina, with him to deal with the rest of the Bounty Hunters in the city of Mondder, however Lea Stryder and Jam Ek did not accompany them as they remained behind to look after the New Controller and to take care of their wounded paitent Tei Pettie-Sezi while tending to him. as Dak's group arrived in the East Quadrent of town they kept their guns loaded and eyes on their triggers and range to ensure they where not being watched and put their night vision on, as they went down into the East of town Dak Benkins all the same went inside the cantina but intervined the patrons only to try pass them and ignore them all the same Dak Benkins apologised for his actions before he left, after he went down into the ground level he was not alone or understood why they was in that place but only was doing their duty to try and rescue Koren at all stakes and also kill anything hostile, however one of the alien speices was a Faust named Doctor Pex Regini whom was quite friendly told Dak Benkins about how mad the Bounty Hunters and GenoHaradan where like as was the Exchange he told them that a Bounty Hunter did terrible things to a Twi'lek dancer in the cantina and also mentioned he was marked for death by the GenoHardan and Regini needed help, however the GenoHardan Assassin codenamed "Gauntlet" arrived to collect the bounty off Regini but before he could Tshossork battled him in a sword fight until "Gauntlet" was beaten only for Tshossork to take "Gauntlet"'s helmet off him to learn that it was a human before dying, Regini took Dak Benkins and the trio off the dangerous part of town into his appartment and explained all about that Koren was lured into a trap by Kratch and he doesn't care about Koren at all, Regini told that Kratch used Regini as his slave Doctor to create nasty terrible experiments and do terrible things to people during torcher which he did not like witnessing and with regret he felt like he wanted mercy for forgiveness, Dak Benkins agreed to spare the Faust and agree to protect him Benkins offered Regini to join the New Controller crew as a new crewmember of the team, and to do studying on warfare and experiments as they began to get him back to this ship they managed to somehow get out safely past the Bounty Hunters and GenoHaradan Assassins killing many of them in their path, Dak and his trio returned safely to the New Controller with Doctor Regini and safely brought him abaord since Dak returned he stationed Arnjard and Maden to look out for "Arrow" and Zanedi and Orik's teams if they return,

After a long wait however on the New Controller Tshossork began to feel bad for Dukev he simply apologised for being better then him and admitted Dukev would have been a better gamer then Tshossork and he mentioned he wasn't only just the best Rokis Zuhl had been at Dejarik before also Tshossork told Dukev that even though Dak, Tol and Rokis with Tshossork played Dejarik that meant they accepted who's opponent was better then the both of the crew, Dukev agreed and he and Tshossork agreed to play another game of Dejarik once more to make up for what they did since Muunilinst since neither had a rivalry or adversary in the game or been a rejectionist, Dak Benkins watching the whole thing was amazed at Private Kyle Dukev and Tshossork Augri making up for what they did and was pleased it didn't start as a rivalry at all, as Benkins went to check up the rest of the men he spoke to Private Nush Gunlan in the Port Dorimtory alone he was sitting on a bed just thinking about his past and also how he could tell if Caludia Reiina feels the same way as him and if she truely loves Gunlan for who he is, Dak however helped give him some tips of advise and told him about how he could do something nicer for Caludia he offered Nush a place in Coruscant to take his crush to and explained he could take her to Skysitter Restaurant if Nush feels that way for Caludia, Nush Gunlan loved the idea that he would take his crush to a new level, Dak also gave Gunlan some advise and also told him that Caludia does care but warned him to not rush feelings or she would take it seriously and also Dak asked Nush what was bothering him but he mentioned something else his past where he sexually assaulted a Twi'lek Dancer named Nawara Al'dira back on Coruscant he told Dak how he abused her and got away with his bad behaviour which Dak Benkins was sad to hear but understood how Nush got into trouble and was beaten by the Coruscant Security Force for causing Twi'lek assault on a dancer, Nush was only embarrassed but to tell Dak his story and accept he moved after he was recruited into the Galactic Republic to learn from his mistakes, Dak though did accept Nush as a trustworthy fellow as he learned his lessons not to do it again to any Twi'lek Dancer's or they would stab Nush like Nawara nearly did to Gunlan and Dak is okay that Gunlan has a girl that is a Keshiri but Dak knows more about Keshiri then anyone else that many still serve the Sith to this day, but where as Dak knows a lot of history that he studied on them back in school but he worried what if Caludia was a spy and could turn them in but it's safely revealled that Gunlan told Dak that part of her descendants served the Keshiri resistance on Kesh led by Adari Vaal her decendent was Himayain Reiina and he like many in the resistance including Vaal were exiled but the rest was killed, Dak was amazed by Gunlan's tale, after some thaught into the relationship with Caludia, Dak then went onto check the Garage at a workbench Naayen worked on his VL-10 ST Rifle and began to place in a Targeting scope Mark III to be upgraded for his weapon and also he eqipped it with a Rylith power cell and the Amplifying chamber Mark III was added while he was working on his Rifle for good range, as Benkins congradulated Naayen on upgrading his VL-10 ST Rifle, he did of course offer good addistance that he upgraded his rifle to work more sutiable, Dak also went to check on Lowland in the Turret Access area while he was on watch to shoot any hostiles that would approach, however while Dak Benkins asked Lowland if he was okay he told him he was fine and that being up in the Turrett Access was like being alone in a safe basket for a while away from the noise below, Benkins just laughed at Lowland's humour and took it seriously for granted he did advise him to keep a sharp look out for any GenoHaradan Assassin's or Exchange or Bounty Hunters in persuit, Lowland responded to Benkins's request. Dak also found Beren with Makzian-Antis, and Rawk in the Cargo Hold ensuring that they where placing supplies of food in the hold and other means, while Dak also ensured everyone was alright Fawzijoz and Riou checked the Engine Room and all was okay, Vyrr was at the cockpit and was at the seat making sure if all wasn't well they would fly out and depart if bounty hunters caught them, and if Vyrr was able to fly out it be the alternate means of their escape, as Mietek called Benkins to check up on Tei Pettie-Sezi he had a look up at Tei in the Medical Bay which Lea Stryder told Dak he is going to make a full recovery, as a radio communications went out Orik called Benkins on New Controller and wasn't happy over the mission hence he was supposed to do as he was told, Benkins actually told Orik about the newcommer Doctor Regini whom they needed to protect from a bounty on his head, Orik didn't like the idea but just agreed to the choice Benkins went with, when Zanedi contacted Vyrr Wezz and Benkins they learned Koren had been captured by the GenoHaradan and for now the Bounty Hunters and Exchange and GenoHaradan assassins where gone for now and Benkins called everyone to meet by the ship as Captain Orik would return, and as would "Arrow" Renning and also Zanedi and the gang,

As they met outside Orik returned first with his squad but as he approached towards Dak Benkins he was not very happy by his actions claming if he can't follow orders correctly then he shouldn't be a platoon leader, although Dak told Orik that he simply saved somebody as a bounty was on Doctor Regini's head he only did the logical to save a person's life whom had a bounty on his head, Orik was very thankful that he did just that but advised he needed Benkins to pay attention to what he is doing and also make sure he doesn't do that again by returning like a cowardless person did to the New Controller because runnining away from a conflict is wrong and also he abandoned Farriman and his squad alone before he could come to aid him, when the Olreb, Montag, Farriman and Banab and Malador's squads arrived and as did Zanedi she told Orik and everyone around Benkins that Koren had been captured onto the crime lord's yacht the Murder's Moon and unfortuantely Kannos kept himself from being a target of his criminal rivals and was dependent on the cover that his yacht provided with a stygium cloaking device. a recruit whom joined the team a young Mandalorian Female named Mibe offered to help as she knew a lot about the cloaking devise on the Murder's Moon with a deal they had to closely work with few good allies, Qarrguth the Hutt only had access to the codes to go in blind with no option the New Controller crew decided that they needed a Utility droid and had been in need of one for years now, so "Arrow" Renning and Dak Benkins together decided to go out alone to purchase one.

In doing so they where alone at least no Bounty Hunters was in their midst nor assassins for the time being, Dak and "Arrow" arrived at a droid shop in search of a Utility Droid owned by a company called Droids by Thatt a show owned by Thatt Sufdon a Neimodian who owned notably numerous of protocal droids and Utility Droids on sale, when Dak Benkins and his friend "Arrow" Renning approached them he introduced himself to Thatt whom was kind enough in return as he knew "Arrow" and Dak might be looking for a Utility in good condition, some where in repairs other where being built or not in good condition need overhauls, Dak looked at one T3-H6 whom by all was at a cheaper option of purchase, T3-H6 was brought for 50 credits as he was a bargin, Dak thanked Thatt in return and gave him an extra 20 credits to keep up the profits which he was pleased Dak was kind to donate for extra credits incase parts would be manufactured to replace old ones for old and new T3-series utility droids and before Dak left he mentioend that T3-A7 was old and needed new parts so the extra 20 credits was given so they could have a total of 300 credits pur part and T3-A7 had a history of surviving an accident in space or was wrecked in space only to survive an incident after when he was on a smuggler ship during the Dark Wars ended up being munted and needed a new memory for a new customer, Dak stayed for a bit with Thatt to help assist T3-A7 and find a new memory core which he did just that, "Arrow" took T3-H6 to the New Controller crew and was given the task of going into Qarrguth's wearhouse and receving the transponder codes for the New Controller while they could change their ID signature to that of one of Qarrguth's freighters to infiltrate Kannos's ship the Murder's Moon, eventually after Dak did some work on T3-A7, Thatt thanked Dak and promised he is welcomed anytime in his shop if he needed to bring his droid T3-M77 on visit, Dak returned to Zanedi and Orik and the New Controller crew working in a workshop the Sullustan Male named Anem Bibb agreed to help create a new ID for the New Controller,

Upon arrival on-board the Murder's Moon upon a rescue to free Koren from imprisonment with Kannos as he kept him away from involving himself in any events that affected the stability of the galaxy. after they boarded the Murder's Moon a Starscape-class yacht many of Orik's units began spliting into groups, and many of the New Controller crew did excatly the same under orders of Zanedi in charge of the mission, Benkins took his squad including Lancoln, Kalisch, Mietek, Lowland, Naayen, Gunlan, Dukev, Beren, Makzian-Antis, Rawk, Irex, Arnjard, Maden, Mandor, Vyrr, Rokis, Ballard, Olin, and Tol went together to free prisoners in the Starboard Holding Cells, while Staff Sergeant Danakar's squad took the Port Holding Cells, Orik's group took the Torture Room, Olreb ook the Bridge, where as Farriman took the Maintenace Room, Montag's squad took the Exterior Defense, Banab took the Central Command, Malador and Tagge's squads took the remainder of the ship, Zanedi's group Mibe and Ossune arrived in the Audience Chamber to free Koren from captivity, six prisoners was saved among them where a Bith named Dekri Rhosse, a Bivall female named Lucia Nodaffi, a Gados named Jappo, a Saheelindeeli named Yugilo, a Human named Willvic, and a Ukian named Osterbidge, where the only six captured as prisoners for Kannos as his priced pocessions, however whence these six was freed the Gados named Jappo owed Dak Benkins a life-debt and wanted to end up following him with no option avaliable Dak decided to have Jappo as his bonded companion and had no other option but to allow Jappo to join "Arrow"'s New Controller crew, upon their escape however after he deactivation of the ship's stygium cloaking device it gave several criminal rivals and bounty hunters the chance to attack the yacht that had always eluded them, however in the escape they where outmatched by several bounty hunters and the not so dead Twin Tu's began to fight Rokis Zuhl but he began to critcally injure both of the dumb bounty hunters only sparing Si and Faf but dislocating both their arm in the process their injures buyed the Twin Tu's time to head for an escape pod before the ship was destroyed, after fighting a number of bounty hunters Benkins was confronted by one of them a Dathomirian female named Thelsam Rozde she was way more skilled with blades but Benkins faught with his combat sword to deal with Rozde but ultimately she overpowered him and held a knife to Dak's throat threatening to kill him however she didn't dare to kill Dak before she got her chance because she knows Dak Benkins earned his life to live and Rozde chose Benkins to escape the doomed ship thus she chose to go down with the Murder's Moon instead despite her shame, Benkins quickly escaped before the Murder's Moon was destroyed by the Republic Fleet that came out of hyperspace thanks to Orleb who contacted them just in time, Benkins and his companions barely made it off the vessel before it was destroyed at the cost of the battle but at the cost of one Republic Trooper, only 37 Republic Troopers was left,

The outcome of the conflict would result in the destabilization of crime throughout the entire sector of the Corporate Sector affecting it's economy for years, With the Exchange and the GenoHardan in disarray, every refugees from the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War who had been stranded on the smuggler's moon were given a chance to prosper and grow. however Kannos who managed to escape the destruction of the ship by evacuating into an escape pod was later rescued by Darth Crich where he joined the Sith in hopes to destory Koren and his allies, Mibe and Jappo where welcomed into the New Controller crew as new party members. eventually they returned to Etti IV and arrived back in Mondder where Benkins and the New Controller crew would be in for a surprise to meet a surviving Jedi Knight but this was only for Koren and nobody else.

Meeting Jedi Master Zaka'orr[]

As Beltok Koren went off to have a secret meeting with Threeo Zaka'orr a surviving Zelosian Jedi Master from the Dark Wars survived in hiding on Etti IV along with few other Jedi whom hid on Etti IV but have since left. Zaka'orr met up with Koren who discussed him about the war and also other stuff in the galaxy going on he promised to come along with the New Controller crew as they had Olin Marclonus from Muunilinst they had just found alive, now with two rescued Jedi, Zaka'orr told them of Jolee Bindo, Juhani and Belaya and where to excatly find them, however it was revealled that Belaya was in hiding on Jendorn after Zaka'orr gave the new information after Belaya gave her last contact in 3953 BBY and had been hiding for nearly four years but however he was not aware of Jolee or Juhani's fates, but however as Europa Zanedi was doing investigations they found a map database that was somewhat found by Sergeant Tagge while on Murder's Moon he found of the surviving Jedi, it revealled the remaining in hiding or dead scrounged from Kannos's office, it revealled Juhani was in hiding on Carida, and Jolee Bindo was in hiding on Ord Varee, they then found out that 25 other Jedi where still alive after Koren learnt of this they decripted the message to the Republic Fleet where they would intend to search for surviving Jedi, but the New Controller will go for Belaya, Juhani, Jolee Bindo, and seven other Jedi in hiding, namely Jedi Knight Thion Sobusk on Lothal, Jedi Knight Gavals Dystra on Concord Dawn, on Lantillies Jedi Padawan Victor Gelsac, on JanFatal Jedi Master Greeku, on Ossus Female Jedi Knight Luann Minervan, on Wayland Jedi Master Kin-Wan Cooc, on Hapes Jedi Padawan Shiv Rynn'kji, on Tangrene the only surviving former Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council member Jedi Master Qual was on Tangrene in hiding according to Koren he maybe a possible candidate to help rebuild the Jedi Order and also become the next Grand Master on Coruscant, on Bastion a Female Jedi Padawan Zizzy Sallaros, on Agamar Jedi Knight Nakatha, on Brentaal IV Jedi Knight Cul-utaan Moth-Evon, on Chandrila Jedi Padawan Vaahl Tarkturus, are the twelth other Jedi that Koren and Zanedi and the crew intended to go find in the Galaxy,

Before they ventured out the Etti IV council thanked Koren and his team for saving Etti IV form the Exchange and GenoHaradan terriany they would welcome the Republic anytime on their planet if they wanted. before leaving Benkins was called to the meeting where everyone attended it and suggested that they go in search of the missing Jedi in hiding, on their first mission at hand they will go to Lothal to rescue Sobusk next as Lothal was the next destination for the New Controller crew.

Journey to Lothal[]

While they where in space on their journey to Lothal, Benkins and all the New Controller crew where called into the meeting by Koren, he told them they where going after the missing Jedi and the sole surviving former Dantooine Enclave Council Member included and of course the three other Jedi that they are looking for, after mentioning they will be quiet and safe and also calm and together they could do this but they cannot fail as the galaxy may depend upon them, after the meeting everyone went back to their usual stuff,

On-board however Tei Pettie-Sezi however awoke from his wounds and got up out of the medical bed and he managed to walk only after Stryder told him that he was not on Etti IV anymore, Tei was concerned why he was with the group but when Koren allowed Tei to join in their quest with no other option Tei was okay that he would like to help in the search for the missing Jedi and even though he was brought into it he felt it was okay that he could come along for the ride, while on-board everyone had dinner after it was cooked by Tshossork for everyone with the help of Dukev included, Benkins and the rest of the crew had Womp rat curry and although this made some of the Republic Soldiers concerned they was lots of reasons why they where having this type of meal although they just where not too concerned though for at least eating a creature that always attacked them.

After dinner many of the crew began to interract or have conversations thus some began to train hand-to-hand combat before they would go into combat, Benkins however spoke to Private Otnk again and this time about why Otnk is worried about dying although Benkins told the young rookie he would survive the mission and also despite that they was only 37 men left Benkins could only hope that reinforcements could come eventually, Otnk had the fear he wouldnt' survive this war but Benkins gave him hope that Otnk will survive eventually and return to Coruscant when all this is done because Benkins had hope in Otnk and he deeply cared for the young rookie, while aboard the New Controller Dak met up with Private Gunlan and Caludia somehow romanticly involved with their relationship and just had started, Benkins was left somewhat confused why Caludia did it for but he was happy for Nush Gunlan that Nush has not only found the love of his life but Caludia Reiina could help fix his life he is in and make him a true redeemed man of society, as J'aahn Lancoln came close to Benkins he spoke to Dak about something and J'aahn was concerned so as he spoke about his homeworld Hapes he was glad to go to Hapes but he did feel like he wanted to do something like go visit his mother and father's graves and Benkins agreed to J'aahn's request but advised he would only have 10 minutes then they must resume, J'aahn had someone he also wanted to visit that he known from Ta'a Chume'Dan and he was also in love with her but he didn't have that chance to tell her her name was Reki Ijaaz she also had been a romantic love intrest crush J'aahn had loved since his teenage years but he didn't tell her before he joined in the Republic but now could be his chance, Dak agreed to allow J'aahn to do something on Hapes he should have done a long time ago after Dak agreed he went around the Hawk to do stuff, Benkins met up with Lowland in the engine room whom Lowland was happy about the ships engine operating at full capacity he was amazed how the hyperdrive works at least Benkins did have concerns to Lowland but then he followed Dak with him for a while where he went to the Starboard Dorimtory in their he spoke with Lowland about how he's managing to forget his father's death he told him he forgot and will move on completly and also Lowland hopes to try move away from it, Benkins knew it was the stuff and Dak did tell Lowland he was well favoured by all comrades of his because he was the nicest man among the Squad Three Commando's and after they discussed about stuff in the galaxy later Benkins was about to go talk to "Arrow' but Steea Lezaal spoke to Dak Benkins she told him she was in love with Private Limhran Lowland because she adores how cute and handsome he is no matter what he looks to her, Benkins left confused asked why Lezaal loved Lowland after explaining the details she promised to tell Lowland about Lezaal's love for Lowland at a later time during their travels, as Dak then approached "Arrow" he sat next to him in the fourth seat since they was four seats in the cockpit, two for the pilots "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz, the thrid was for the Navigator Salsose Vec, the fourth was spare and Dak Benkins was welcomed to it as he spoke directly to his friends they told him how much the Parsec's where in space because Benkins wanted to understand light speed he got a lot of answers, Dak asked "Arrow" if he ever went to Lothal before although "Arrow" states he never did nor did Vyrr or the crew ever had done and neither had Dak Benkins nor Beltok Koren or anyone else aboard neither had a clue or knew about Lothal in their lives, non of the New Controller crew knew anything about Lothal to begin with though they was going to that world apart from they will be docking in Capital City spaceport,

After travelling into hyperspace they soon arrived into the Lothal Sector they where getting closer towards the Lothal system and as they approached Lothal in sight, it was new to the New Controller crew, "Arrow" Renning, Vyrr Wezz, Salsose Vec, and Dak Benkins in their seats of the cockpit where outsanded by the planet it was the first thing they ever saw with a land of Mountains, Prairies, Rock formations, Semi-arid savannah, and Marshes, and Shallow seas, before they would fly on in of course everyone got their first glimps of Lothal to themselves, however Captain Orik was amazed and so was his superiors Olreb, Montag, Farriman, Banab, and Malador, because (by that time Lothal wasn't in Galactic Republic Control by this time) and it would be the first place in years or the first occasion for a team of Republic Soldiers to investigate this world, prior to arrival in Capital City they landed in the spaceport as they got off the ship however an amazed Deck Officer was outstanded by Republic Soldiers that got off and also that it was the first occasion for the Republic to be seen for the first time on Lothal, Orik, Koren, and the remainder of the group including Benkins proceeded into Capital City and many crowds of people where amazed at the Galactic Republic they saw for the first time in years, as they approached a site (which would in 4000 years become the Imperial Security Bureau headquarters in Capital City on Lothal) at the time was the Lothal Militia headquarters where the Republic Soldiers where given barracks and subesquently a place to stay in, a small unit could go and investigate Lothal's surroundings,

Search for Jedi Knight Thion Sobusk[]

Dak Benkins volunteered for the job taking his men on the mission Orik and Malador would come along in search of Jedi Knight Thion Sobusk on the planet, Koren, Zanedi, Mibe, and "Shadow" where selected for the job to look for Sobusk, Koren's team would investigate the highlands on transports to a nearby location, what they think is a Lothal Jedi Temple on the planet and they believe it's the location to find Sobusk, they set out into the outskirts of Capital City and they hiked across the lands of Lothal, Benkins and the team took a transport to the outskirts to the Lothal Jedi Temple, on the transport a Landcrawler X-20001 took the team aboard it to find the missing Jedi Knight, aboard Benkins interracted with his men and Lowland was on watch above and kept on a lookout for any mercenaries or Bounty Hunters of some sought, in doing so Benkins thought he'd assist, Benkins and Lowland had a brief discussion on stuff even such as how Lothal is like and also what if it made use for the Galactic Republic and what they could do for it's needs, Lowland simply did agree to Benkins's choice if Lothal could be allowed under Republic Control in future or in the next 4000 years, Reluctently Orik however transmitted the singal for the Republic and gave coordinates for Lothal,

Hours later they reached the Jedi Temple, Koren and the team investigated the Tomb, however Koren and Zanedi only went on inside and Orik and his men where ordered to remain outside, needless to say that Koren and Zanedi eventually found Jedi Knight Thion Sobusk, after locating him, a lance of Bounty Hunters emerged to try kill Koren led by Sleib engaged in a battle that cost the lives of all his Bounty Hunters and Sleib as well being cut down by Koren as he was no match for him, eventually they rushed back to Capital City with the Jedi Knight, and it was not only good but Mercenaries however began to attack in squads, the Mercenaries led by Seiodon Birkal the leader of the Mercenaries began to attack the Landcrawler coming from both directions, Orik ordered separate squads to engage the Mercenaries, Benkins took a few men, Naayen, Gunlan, and Makzian-Antis together into the starboard corridor, in doing so they engaged the Mercenaries killing six of them including Levek which Benkins knocked out of the landcrawler and Levek fell to his death below on the ground, all soldiers engaged the Mercenaries one-by-one killing them, with backup requested, Orleb, Montag, Farriman and Banab's squads arrived to save them, however many of the soldiers began to kill numerous of Mercenaries and non of the Republic Troops went down, Orleb however killed Seiodon Birkal, Benkins killed a Trandoshan Mercenary, and notably the Landcrawler was saved and with the assistance of New Controller led them back to Capital City,

Mission to Concord Dawn[]

After leaving Lothal and bidding fairwell to the Govenoror on Lothal, Benkins and the crew left Lothal and with Jedi Knight Sobusk in tow having joined the team in search of remaining Jedi Knights that may have survived the First Jedi Purge, Sobusk was delighted to join in search of them, After leaving Lothal, Koren and the team proceeded to Concord Dawn where Jedi Knight Gavals Dystra was on the moon of Concord Dawn and with Mandalorian Trouble, cuz of the Clans on the world with different wars the team needed to be extra careful on that world as Concord Dawn was linked to Mandalore another world next to the Outta Rim and nearest the Mid Rim it also was in the Mnadalorian Sector, Rokis Zuhl however warned them about being careful on Concord Dawn but he knew a friend and ally on Concord Dawn from Clan Rook and the allies, Iron Rook is whom Rokis is in close contact with and leader of Clan Rook was an ally of Clan Zuhl, Atank Rook one of Rokis's fellow friends from the Mandalorian Wars was a friend and ally of Rokis and had thought alongside with Canderous Ordo during the wars and during the Battle of Myrkr Atank was a rookie in the Neo-Crusaders at that time and was only new by then but perhaps after the Neo-Crusaders eliminated all Republic Soldiers but one of them survived injuries, Private Kylety was the sole survivor of Myrkr and was later reassinged into Gurragann's unit during the war, having been promoted many times and later to Staff Corporal, today Kylety is now a 2nd Lieutenant for the Fleet of Admiral's Office of Republic Justice High Court and has command of his own squad although like Dak would always say Kylety would never like to talk about Myrkr and neither would he like to meet face to face with Rokis, nor Atank nor Canderous or any Mandalorian as they killed all his friends that night and everyone around him something that haunts Kylety to this day as he hated Mandalorians for what they did on Myrkr, as they continued to talk they mentioned that Rokis knows Atank he is a good guy and he would like to see him again after all these years he had been waiting for so long, Benkins and "Arrow" agreed to allow Rokis Zuhl to see Atank Rook on Concord Dawn,

Upon arrival to Concord Dawn, the ship landed at the town of Darabaran but the town wasn't really that big only thus being a outpost of a recent estate for the Administrator of Darabaran, the head of the Government was Administrator Chugr Calangl, whom set up residence with a lot of people in the building included numerous range of residence, civilians, and a bounty hunter, needless to say they are a team of Mandalorian Mercenaries, in the Mercenaries included Captain Vak Bozlus, the leader of the Mercenaries under command of Colonel Bugourn of the Darabaran Milita, Bozlus's men where the two Kraiss Brothers, Trogg Kraiss and Mij Kraiss where the only survivors of the Kraiss Brothers after their clan was killed in the Mandalorian Wars, the Pilot of a Shaadlar-type troopship Meert Holirr, and additional where Vriotuumenn Skaut, Kabaen Vainkugh, Bon Goro, Rhung Qess, Ghedth Ceg, Riinn Fapirs, where the team of Mercenaries under command of Bozlus and where fighting the war with Governor Azlouwr and his Clan of Warriors where killing off numerous of people on Concord Dawn, after Koren spoke to Administrator Calangl about the recent events, Koren took Captain Bozlus and his mercenaries to track Jedi Knight Dystra who was missing, as Koren and Bozlus and his mercenaries continued to search for him, Dak Benkins and the team settled down in Darabaran to help interract with people or talk with comrades or friends, Benkins and Rokis Zuhl met up with the Mandalorian Atank Rook in his appartment he was in, Atank introduced himself to Benkins and was also pleased to catch up with his old comrade Rokis since the Mandalorian Wars and the final Battle at Malachor V and ever since Mandalore the Ultimate's defeat he remembered watching Revan defeat Mandalore the Ultimate in the fight to the death and the last battle of the war, Atank was able to talk to Rokis on the events that led to his retired life he told that he went into become a Mercenary and he unfortunatly told them of his father Iron was i'll and needed to be taken to hospital as he was dying of old age, Benkins decided to remain with Iron while Rokis and Atank would try find a cure for his dying illness in bed, Iron spoke to Benkins that he was amazed to fianlly see a Republic Soldier helping him and Benkins reassured him he never knew much about the Mandalorian Wars, Iron was able to tell his tale of the First Battle of Althir and mostly every tale that Benkins didn't know much when he was only in School at the time but was aware of Serroco's fall in 3963 BBY, he knew about Admiral Saul Karath and Former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and notably back then Lieutenant Carth Onasi at the time, and of course Commander Dallan Morvis as Benkins did meet Admrial Morvis sometimes off duty from the Diligence when he told him stories on Coruscant, Iron had to tell Benkins more about the war as he didn't know 100 percent about it but knew 50 percent about it, Benkins was also amazed about it, Benkins did have to tell about the story at Serroco and how he rememberd that Carth told him everything when Revan did not hear about it, he could remember how Karath, Onasi, Carrick, Morvis, and others including Hugo Gurragann at the time a Staff Sergeant at Serroco, along with Captain Isk Truvec, and of course Captain Zalif Harland, Senior Lieutenant Bob Tarknes, and Lieutenant Hal Brooks, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Bafor Lank and of course Ships Security Chief Viddarie, and others including Raxx, Sers, McNarrik, Fells, Dormann, Sreym and Putler, and "Simon" Zitt and "Graham" Liahsram and some fewer Republic Soldiers and crew, and Jedi Knight Berry D'Vrone and Padawan Sandra Kandos escaped the Courageous and later got involed at the Adasca Affair, which after meeting up with the crew of Arkanian Legacy, it was their first encounter with Mandalore the Ultimate that Dak Benkins remembered hearing in history lessons in School and was all over the news on Corellia and elsewhere in the Galaxy this was how Benkins began to know of the Mandalorian Wars and the story back when he was young, after Iron told Benkins about Malachor V, he was able to give Benkins all this history he needed now Benkins knew a lot about it if he wanted to become a high ranking Officer oneday he could tell this tale to soldiers alike in the Galactic Republic, when Rokis and Atank got back with a cure and a doctor they offered to try help save him from the old age illness but without little sucess, in the next 24 hours Iron Rook died of old age and passed away as it was too late and Atank was very sad of his Father's death,

Benkins, Rokis and Atank offered to bury Iron in the field and Atank said his last words to Iron that he would be strong and promise to carry his legacy of the Rook Family clan on. it would take 2 days for Atank to get over his father's death,

On the fourth day in Darabaran, Atank took time to reflect and he decided to pack his gear out his appartment and asked Dak Benkins and Rokis Zuhl if he like to travel the galaxy with them for a change, Rokis agreed to allow his old friend to come along and also promised to come meet Canderous Ordo in a reunion someday, as he got aboard the New Controller he contacted Canderous Ordo on Dxun and by doing so Canderous was amazed to see his old friend Atank Rook once again, Atank was also amazed he was now the new Mandalore now offically known as Mandalore the Preserver and he was told to be on good terms with the Galactic Republic and also helping Onderon after the Dark Wars and his encounter with Meetra Surik, Atank asked Canderous if he could be invited to a reunion in responce he agreed to come to the reunion and Atank also promised in return to join the Followers of Canderous Ordo on Dxun after this mission is done so he can be a true Mandalorian once more, Canderous also told he was sorry about his father's death Iron giving condolences to Atank's father Iron, after the session Atank spoke to "Arrow" Renning the Captain of New Controller and told him he is only joining on this mission and he also offered to tell him he wants to go to Dxun when this is all done, so far "Arrow" agreed,

While everyone was organising the evacuation of civillians to transports in a matter of four days about a thousand of the population of Concord Dawn was being evacuated from a city, however they're was only 100 left since all transports had left, but when Koren and Bozlus and his mercenaries returned they found Jedi Knight Dystra alive and after he was rescued from a captured Mandalorian Squad led by Governor Azlouwr and his gang a team that included Captain M'jaar Lumbee whom was killed by Koren after rescuing Dystra began a civil war on Concord Dawn, in six hours they would attack Darabaran and eliminate the remaining civilian population.

The Attack on Darabaran and retreat[]

As Benkins was on watch duty above the watch tower on a lookout for the Mandalorians that where coming, Koren unfortuantly along with Administrator Chugr Calangl and Jedi Knight Gavals Dystra which unfortuantly Dystra needed to protect a Jedi Holocron that otherwise if fell into the Mandalorians it would fall into the Sith's hands, in order to prevent Azlouwr from getting it, they awaited for long at the bank to get into the safe until it was unlocked when the time hit 12 and would mean they would get away with the Jedi artifact, fortuantly time was running out and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders led by Governor Azlouwr arrived five minutes before the safe unlocked, Benkins seeing them arrive after using Macrobinoculars was horrified to see the Mandalorians arrive on the scene, Benkins warned everyone to start the evacuation quickly, but called Captain Bozlus to assist in engaging with Azlouwr's troops, Colonel Bugourn and his Darabaran Milita helped in the assistment, and did Orik's Republic Troops, with a team of 20 Darabaran Militamen assisting, in the battle as well as Bozlus's Mercenaries, and also Orik's Republic Troops assisted Benkins was stationed behind the wall with Trogg Kraiss, and three Darabaran Militiamen which in the assistment other Militamen where on the ground led by Sergeant Rego Stantzor led the forces protecting the civilians, the others of Bozlus's mercenaries protected the rest,

As the attack began to get more deadly and brutal into a sever warfare, women and children and men where screaming wanting to get out alive away from the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader's led by the ruthless Azlouwr and his polotics, angry men from Azlouwr's forces came raining down on them, Jedi Knight Zanedi helped officially defeat a bunch and use force powers to help save as many as she could, Padawan Lezaal did the same with the forces by helping as many as possible or protect a number but that wasn't to be thus hundreds of Neo-Crusader's where pooring down on them into the positon as they where sitting ducks, Benkins with angry rage began angrily cursing the Mandalorian's and ordering the troops next to him to follow his commands and no mercy, Trogg next to him was manning a Mandalorian assualt rifle and he began to aim at a Neo-Crusader only with high regret in killing them he felt upset because he was only killing his own people that where Mandalorian even though he was one, Benkins next to him advised him to just forget it as they where in the middle of a war with no option Trogg had to agree but he feared he was going to be killed and wasnt' going to make it, Sergeant Stantzor was worried with fear but held on with troops next to him when numerous of Troops came raining down from the hills, and where coming in on Airspeeder Bikes, ambushing them into a warzone to handle off 500 hundred troops, Benkins, Trogg and the soldier next to him only regretfully killed two Neo-Crusaders at the same go, and more and as Captain Orik ordered to hit the deck, and as did Colonel Bugourn, they still engaged to buy Koren, Calangl, Dystra time in order to help them escape with the Jedi Holocron before they got back, however Riinn Fapirs whom pannics orders a full retreat but is rebluffed and rejected at this time, but worse mortar cannons rainned down on them and because they where being used to try and defeat the remaining men, however two of the Darabaran Militamen where killed by the blast of the mortars when Orik ordered some men to try head for cover, two others Darabaran Militamen with Assault Rifles, Private's Jandos and Theebo whom where behind the wall witnessed Militamen Private Orissin scream in agony of pain and shock from the battle, but the blast killed another Militamen, as Trogg saw Koren, Calangl, and Dystra running back everyone was ordered to evacuate, Benkins, and Trogg and one of the Militamen Private Ganchzes both retreated while three remained behind in the watchtower for cover to allow the remainder to escape, as Orik, Zanedi, Lezaal ran back into the building in order to get to the New Controller running like hell they engaged their lightsabers to slaughter some of the Neo-Crusasders attacking them, as Koren engaged his lightsaber as did Dystra do the same Koren used Force Power Lightsaber throw as he ordered Calangl to run for dear life while the lightsaber throw killed three Neo-Crusaders, as the remaining survivors ran the only Militamen from the battlefield Sergeant Stantzor, Corporal Kaz Iranos, Private's Jandos and Theebo with wounded Orissin ran, but the remaining on the ground where killed in the retreat for the New Controller, some quarter of the half of Darabaran Militamen where covering everyone as they made their run through the building to the landing platform where "Arrow" Renning was ready to start the ship up so everyone could escape,

In the escape however Ganchzes was killed when on the landing platform he was trying to protect the remaining hundred civilians and militamen and Bozlus's mercenaries to safety, Colonel Bugourn, Major Kekkan, Captain Wexxon, Lieutenant's Reggs, Didnoz, and Hollin where the only Officers of the Milita left, Sergeant Major Fowlinos got killed in the retreat when his team began to escape, only Sergeant Xezos was able to survive the outbreak while everyone else died around him, Colonel Bugourn however attempted to get into the freighter to the cockpit due to his incompetence he was trying to order "Arrow" Renning to fly off but in the escape however Koren ordered Administrator Calangl to get into the New Controller and also ordered Dystra to hop aboard the Controller as well, as the war zone they where in still kept firing on and on it would end in disaster, Calangl's wife was panicing and ordered him to go rescue her, as the remaining survivors a group led by Riinn about 85 of the last survivors had attempted to escape to the New Controller unfortuantly for some only 78 did not make it but seven was able to survive and retreat to New Controller however some of them other 78 where either killed in the blast or jumped on the landing platform, Riinn unfortuantly with the last 23 survivors had no option to accept surrender and death with Azlouwr's forces, as the remaining seven got aboard New Controller and after loosing Riinn Fapris to Governor Azlouwr's forces, the remaining survivors retreated onto the New Controller what was left of them, but as the ship began to fly out of rang or was close, however explosions began errupting and a blast hit one of the engines of New Controller, and also began to hit the Starboard Dorimtory instantly killing two civilians in it and injuring four others, an explosion in the Garage also killed New Controller crewmembers Montru and Silus Riou in the blast, as Benkins saw in horror and found Montru and Riou both dead he called Tshossork Augri and Tol Ban in to tell them of this incident, after both Montru and Riou where killed, Benkins attempted to check for any survivors, unfortuantly Colonel Bugourn was hit when the ship got blown in the hallway to the cockpit witnessed by Salsose Vec and one of the Militamen, found two Militamen where dead under command of Bugourn, after the ship experienced damage they left Concord Dawn and no one else where dead in the end,

Regrouping with the Conquest[]

After the daring bloody escape from Concord Dawn, the New Controller left the moon into hyperspace but was average damaged and one of the engine's critically damaged but was still able to hit hyperspace in lightspeed and get away though it still had fire burning on it, "Arrow" hopped to regroup with a Republic Ship in order to get most of the civilians away and off the ship in order to get many of them off as it was getting overcrowded, as Dak Benkins arrived on the bridge he found Colonel Bugourn dead while in the hallway to the cockpit, Vec told Benkins that he only wasn't surprised that Bugourn died as a result because of his over incompetence to try get the ship to take off, and thus two men with him the incompetent Corporal Quee Haddon and Private Jajji where killed as a result but Vec assumed he might have tried to knock out "Arrow" Renning and Vyrr Wezz but the explosion prevented him says Corporal Rejjik next to him, after discussing about it Benkins arrived to tell "Arrow" the devisating news in two of the New Controller crewmembers fates, mentioning that Montru and Silus Riou where both dead after an explosion in the Garage, "Arrow" had Vyrr take over controls while he went to go look at his dead crewmembers, "Arrow" Renning was devistated and his hit the wall of the ship in the New Controller angry with rage he kicked over the workbench while some of the people watched "Arrow" upset at the death of two of his crew, he was sad because Montru was a good mechanic and upset he was one of the best Ugnaughts on-board he met in 3958 BBY on Gentes from a junkyard and only then was the oldest crewmember of the bunch, Silus Riou he had met on Ambria along with Yasmyn Starr together was his closest to last crew members he had recruited and Riou and Starr where just young at the time after graduation when they attempted to look for work, Yasmyn Starr was upset at her best friend Silus's death despite this she had no other option but to move on, Tshossork Augri and Rokis Zuhl and Tol Ban and Ny-Mudurr-No Mosil, and Salsose Vec, and Lea Styder, and Beltok Koren, and Hii Zsa, and Fawzijoz looked with grief and as did everyone else knowing that the best option was to bury Montru and Riou in space by dumping the bodies away as a funeral to honor them,

After they jumped at the middle of space into a parsec Benkins was part of the memorial to honor his closest friends Montru and Riou and everyone else attended their memorial "Arrow" and Vyrr and everyone else stood still to honor them and say a few final words to Montru and Riou, after Benkins said his final fairwells to his bestest crewmember friends and grieved them, the bodies of Montru and Riou and also a fewer of the civilains from Concord Dawn where disposed in space and after the funeral the New Controller again jumped into hyperspace yet again to regroup with a Republic Ship,

They would regroup with a Interdictor-class cruiser known as the Conquest in the Larrin sector where the New Controller was contacted by "Arrow" Renning and told where to go to take the refugees to Coruscant away from the Mandalorian conflict led by Governor Azlouwr, the remains of the survivors from Darabaran would be sent to Coruscant to a new home including the Darabaran Milita on Coruscant seeing that the Darabaran Milita was no more now under command of Major Kekkan was all that was left after their Colonel was killed, While on their way to the Conquest Benkins was concerned why they're was another Mandalorian Conflict and hadn't been one since the end of the Mandalorian Wars after telling Captain Orik, but what Orik told Benkins was the Mandalorian Wars had been over for a decade since 3960 BBY after the final battle at Malachor V itself, however Captain Bozlus the leader of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Mercenaries told them they where not part of a second Mandalorian Civil War but instead working for the Sith explained Governor Azlouwr sided with Darth Crich and his followers as part of a building army, Bozlus askes Orik if he would join the New Controllers team in order to prevent a war in the Operation Extermination Crisis itself he agreed to allow Bozlus to assist,

After many hours in space they arrived at the Larrin sector in the Inner Rim where Conquest was waiting for them and they docked into their bay to allow wounded and others to be taken care of, a civlian named Tarr Lorni was also relieved to survive the outcome of Concord Dawn and would be glad to find a new home to a safe alternate location after everyone departed but the New Controllers crew and soldiers and party members whom where actually not returning to Coruscant instead the team of New Controller had to resume their mission to look for the remaining Jedi, Captain Orik and Jedi Watchman Beltok Koren and Jedi Knight Europa Zanedi would have a private meeting with the Admiral of the Conquest, upon the private meeting that Orik, Koren, and Zanedi where doing, they discussed about the occurances on Concord Dawn, and also they began to discuss about their journey to help locate the missing Jedi that survived the First Jedi Purge, they explained to Admiral Wan Crowbuck in charge of Conquest spoke that they would be glad to help assist if they wanted to, Koren had Admiral Crowbuck ask to take both Jedi Master Threeo Zaka'orr, Jedi Knight Thion Sobusk, Jedi Knight Gavals Dystra to Coruscant safely, After agreeing to send Zaka'orr, Sobusk and Dystra to Coruscant, Crowbuck sent a Commando Squad in a sister Dynamic-Class Freighter, Eye of Shiblizar a veteran Dynamic-class Freighter to have played a large role in the Mandalorian Wars in many space battles has seen use in the Republic on special missions, it's crew was led by Captain Cal Wickkers the pilot of the Eye of Shiblizar, on the mission a four-man Republic Commando Team led by Staff Sergeant Bynce Sullo the team had three Specialists, Marius Zem, Zaq Trugors, and Ress Chode in the unit Red Squad where off on another mission in the Galaxy to also search for another missing Jedi somewhere else by the name of Jedi Knight Aulat Mrallalli, the girlfriend of Jedi Knight Olin Marclonus,

After the meeting a discussion was being held about having some new replacement crewmembers to replace Montru and Riou, during the breifing "Arrow" Renning made a dicission on whom to pic, although that Tei Pettie-Sezi was volunteering to be a long life member of New Controllers crew manifest, Tei agreed to serve as the ships Cartographer and Teacher of New Controller to take place as one as he could help locate maps of missing links of planets, Jam Ek was wanting to be Tei Pettie-Sezi's chauffeur at his side but his position as a Systems designer, Corwin Alin and Ossune where Spacer's but they had need of a position on the New Controller, because Alin wasn't a mechanic he was too lazy to become one, Alin became instead a Scoundral but was offered the position as a Chief of Security, and Ossune became the Heavy Weapons Specialist, Otias "Shadow" Warlin agreed to join New Controller crew as their Assassin and Saboteur, however rather then use the term for Criminal occupation but the new term for the team of New Controller allies, Doctor Pex Regini decided to join as their Professor and Scientist, the new droid T3-H6 was their new Slicer for the crew after being recently the newest additon of the crew, Jappo is the new Mathscot for Benkins and "Arrow" on the Controller, Bozlus, and his mercenaries agreed to volunteer to help in the mission, Atank was a temperory until Dxun, Sam Ballard wasn't a member of the crew but sent on a diplomat mission under orders from his commanding officer on Muunilinst, however the choice as Sam's to make,

Eventually all was settled according to plan and the team decided to head out for Lantillies on their next mission, "Arrow" Renning decided to set a course to the Lantillies system on his Grid coordinates P-8 where he would head out to the big city of Lantillies as they could find their lost Jedi on that planet Jedi Padawan Victor Gelsac, Jedi Padawan Gelsac went into hiding on Lantillies during the First Jedi Purge he was an expert of laying low on the planet, though they need to search where Gelsac is hiding first as Koren was unaware of his location or home on the planet,

Mission to Lantillies[]

After departure from the Conquest they flew to Lantillies and by doing so the group began to interract with others around them how this war might end someday how they will put a stop to Darth Crich's Sith Fleet, Dak Benkins however was alone in the gunner's seat which he was contacting his wife Ellabelle on comlink what she was upto, recently Ellabelle told Dak she was safe at her apartment on Coruscant and with a protector keeping a close eye on her, she has had recent visits from Laze Mogyun, Gareth Carplin, Falynn Busshe, Dormé Vobrot, Deg Bustohu, Maximillian Maulhand, Aciw Gamos, and Aldrem Luhro, and her parents as Ellabelle told Dak she was pregenant with his son whom she could give birth too in six months, Benkins was happy he was going to have a child he asked Ellabelle what she plans to name him, she mentioned his son will be named Finley Benkins whom will be Dak's first son, Ellabelle asked Dak how many children for family do they want to have, two other children, one a boy and one a girl, they plan to name them Alec Benkins and Helina Benkins which will happen prior to a later date the plans are for Alec to be bred next year and the following year or if twins then changes Helina to be bred, Benkins however agreed to a 3 son and daughter family because it's all Benkins wants 3 kids and no less, or unless he can take an adopted family member, Benkins however was told by Ellabelle she would prefer that never happened having anyone adopted, Benkins reluctantly agreed she told him how was his adventures going like Dak told Ellabelle he has been going out rescuing Jedi Knights, Ellabelle was amazed how Dak would be selected to help Koren and the others out on a mission she expected to see Dak return after the mission in high hopes for him to meet the son of his life Finley,

Mission to Jendorn[]

Mission to Wayland[]

Mission to Hapes[]

Mission to Carida[]

Mission to Tangrene[]

Mission to Ord Varee[]

Rescue of Jolee Bindo[]

Mission to Bastion[]

Mission to Agamar[]

Mission to Brentaal IV[]

The Battle of Brentaal IV[]

Regrouping aboard the Reolution[]

The Corellian Run to Christophsis[]

Action on Huff Muphrid[]

Hunt for Gromorus[]

Final showdown with Gromorus on Ragoon VI[]

Mission to Anaxes[]

Mission to Alderaan[]

Mission to Dantooine[]

Investigation in Garang[]

First Meeting with Finon Dangon[]

Voyage to Coruscant[]

Finon Dangon's final showdown on Coruscant[]

Secession of 400100500260026[]

Liberation and reclamation of 400100500260026[]

Later Life[]

Sometime after the Secession of 400100500260026, Benkins retired from the army in 3941 BBY at the rank of Major General he lived together with his wife Ellabelle, and together they had their first child of the Benkins family, Finley Benkins, his son would which later become a Republic Soldier like he would later and meet a nice girl someday like Ellabelle, together he, Ellabelle, Finley and T3-M77 which lived on Corellia together for many years, after Fromund Kaas, T3-M4 was distruction on Fromund Kaas the Sith World T3-M77, his boyfriend droid whom she fell in love with back in the Jedi Civil War was devistated at the loss a droid, a memorial to remember the T3-M4 was held to honor his sacrifice to save Revan, T3-M77 took part to remember him,

Although it wasn't completely the end of the T3 unit that was destroyed, however they did manage to salvage the memory and it's data from T3-M4 and Benkins later managed to build the replica of T3-M4 back to it's normal self which pleased T3-M77 to see him back in action, although the original T3 was destroyed, Benkins only built the replica to help T3-M77 to not get upset,

For many years on Corellia, Benkins traveled the galaxy with his wife, his son, and T3-M77, and went often to see their old friends of the Ebon Hawk sometimes Benkins went for rides across the galaxy with them, like as such he would often travel to the Hapes system to the plant of Hapes to see his friend Lancoln and his wife, also he would often see Carth Onasi, Kalisch, HK-47, Juhani, Canderous, Bastila, Mission, Zaalbar, and all his friends off the Ebon Hawk,

Three centuries later, Benkins was featured in a holorecord of the Jedi Civil Wars that was created by the Kel Dor Jedi Master Gnost-Dural. however also a Holostatue of Benkins was erected in the Leisure Garden section of the Axial Park in the Coronet City on Corellia, along with the statues of Revan, and his other companions in memory of their deeds, his son, Finley later joined the Republic and later met a nice girl,

Personality and traits[]

I for one Lancoln understand your past, I can understand maybe a Republic Soldier isn't cracked out as it should be, but I for one understand your past on Hapes you where born to a warrior family,"
Yes Dak, I always wanted to meet a nice lovely girl who cares about me, but I must have been a warrior back on Hapes.

—Benkins and Lancoln[src]

Benkins was the acknowledged squad-leader of the Republic, a position he attained due to his reliable nature. A solider who believed in doing his job by the book, Benkins was kind and preferred calling his friends last names or first sometimes, His kind personality possibly came to that of his parents to which Alis Benkins, and Tad Benkins once taught him to be, Benkins was usually sometimes scared and always sad whenever things went wrong like when he lost his friend Denlin aboard the Endar Spire, which really he never did know that they was a traitor in the Republic who was Captain Gurragann in their midst to try end them, and he was usually wanting to stay alive as he is told to be the longest surviving of the three Republic soldiers from the Endar Spire, of course Benkins wanted revenge when the Sith destroyed the Spire and wanted to kill Gurragann on the Star Forge to avenge for the death of Corporal Aidus Denlin and the others killed aboard, because of his anger issues and his adrenalin anger he brutally killed Hugo Gurragann as revenge for Denlin and the others that he took it upon, of course he always had a crush on the Junior Sith Officer, Ellabelle Blenlin, who as well always returned his feelings,

Benkins is known to be good friends with Denlin, Lancoln, Ellabelle, and everybody aboard the Ebon Hawk, since he was very friendly and always was an eager trooper, and when he was given orders he followed them directly and readily obeyed every command,


Benkins was a young soldier and a brave one, able to efficiently and expertly handle a variety of weapons, but his Heavy Repeating Rifle was his main weapon and so was Blaster Pistols where his specialty, He was a quick draw and also skilled in dual weapon fighting.

However Hugo Gurragann described Benkins as "One of the Best soldiers" during his travels with Revan, Benkins proved his skills and techniques as he fought alongside Revan across the galaxy, However when he met Ellabelle Blenlin who liked him, Benkins couldn't overtake the hatred of Sith and liked the girl, only because she was nice and not all Sith soldiers where bad as Blenlin offered to help Benkins, Revan and the group to the Star Forge, Benkins also showed his revenge at Gurragann for the deaths of his friends on the Endar Spire including Denlin's as well, which made Benkins a true hero to the Republic,

Dak Benkin's blaster[]

Benkins carried a modified blaster pistol based on an Arkanian design, upgraded with more modern Republic technology. He also carried a second blaster pistol, like Carth Onasi was, Benkins did carry two modified Arkanian blaster pistols, and also a Heavy Repeating Rifle as well,


  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Episode I: A Familiar Path Template:First
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Episode II: Veil of the Dark Side
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Episode III: The Circle of Fate